Latest divorce poll confirms, the devil’s in the referendum question

A survey by the Sunday Times confirms findings last August by MaltaToday that majority favour divorce ‘after 4-year separation’

A new survey by the Sunday Times has confirmed the importance of giving citizens a carefully-worded and honest question on whether they would want Malta to introduce divorce or not.

The Sunday Times survey results show how 58 per cent would support a proposal to introduce divorce for people who have been separated for four years – if asked specifically whether they want such a divorce legislation.

However, 48 per cent said they favoured having a direct ‘yes’ or ‘no’ referendum question, as against those who favour certain circumstances to be outlined (46 per cent).

In a survey carried out by MaltaToday last month - after Labour proposed a motion to hold a referendum before a parliamentary debate on divorce law - a majority of 50.2% said they would vote yes to the question “Should divorce be introduced for persons who have lived apart from their partners for the past four years, how would you vote?”, which reflected the proposal tabled in parliament.

The figure showed a drop of 9.2 per cent from a similar survey carried out last August, when support for divorce reached an all time high of 59.4 per cent.

In that survey carried on 16 August, 2010, MaltaToday’s results contrasted with one produced by the Sunday Times a week earlier which had failed to account for people who favour divorce only in certain circumstances.

In that case the Sunday Times had asked respondents how they would vote in a generic referendum asking them whether divorce should be introduced or not, MaltaToday instead asked respondents how they would vote in a referendum based on Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s private member’s bill, which limits divorce to persons who have lived apart from their partner for at least four years in the last five.

The surveys now confirm this legislative proposal allays popular fears of a Las Vegas style divorce, which clearly does not enjoy popular support. It could also indicate that the electorate responds differently to different divorce proposals and that only a minority of respondents oppose divorce on ideological grounds.

This shows the importance of what kind of question is posed to the electorate if a referendum is held.

[To Martin Borg] I would like to comment on your commentary here below. According to Canon Law, the Church can only invalidate or disqualify a marriage by annulment. The Church can never declare that there was never a loving relationship between the couple or even more the marriage never existed. There are various reasons why the Church annuls a marriage due to witnesses, a invalid consecrated priest etc. Quoting Matthew 16:19 ("And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid[h] on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit[i] on earth will be permitted in heaven.”) and your interpretation is quite erroneous. Jesus did not give Apostle Peter and successive Popes authority to deny what Jesus commanded but to exercise authority of juridical nature, excommunication, policy setting etc.
Hbieb zball ikun miin jitfa il-htija fuq il-knisja li sa issa baqghet il-boghod mid-dibatitu dwar id-divorzju hlief xi zewgt botti mohbija fil-priedka tal-arcisqof ghar-Randan. Dwar il-firda bejna l-Maltin kienet issweiet bejn il-knisja u l-MLP biss dak li qed ingarbu llum hija firda migjuba minn EFA u baqghet tintuza minn ta' warajh. Qatt fiz-zmien l-interdett ma kien hemm l-gahjta ta' "Salbu Salbu" kontra Mintoff, l-ghajta li dwiet gewwa tas-Sliema waqt mass meeting nazzijonalista. In-nazzi minn dejjem ghogobhom jifirdu halli jsaltnu u jkun nuqqas minn naha taghna jekk nibqghu nghatuhom ir-rigni biex jghamlu dan. Dwar id-divorzju ftit huma l-argumenti religjuzi li qed jintuzaw u min jghid li dak li jaqqad Alla ma jhollux il-bniedem maghandux it-tifsira vera ta' x'hemm miktub, ghaliex Gesu taghhom is-seta li dak li jorbtu jintrabat fis-sema u dak li jhollu jinhal fis-sema u qatt ma qalhom li jistghu jannullaw la zwieg u lanqas dnub. Imkien ma hemm fil-bibja li jissemma l-annulament. La Kristu ta lil knisja is-seta li tholl u tghorbot iffisser li anke zwieg tista' tholl imma mhux tannullah. Fuq Austi Gatt m'hemmx lok li wiehed jahli l-bzieq iwwiegbu kull hadd jaf li hu bniedem arroganti u li kien ghalih kulhadd innizzel rasu ghar-rieda tieghu, biss kif jghid il-malti "Hadd wara Hadd tassal ta' Kulhadd"
Jeffrey Vella
Ahna l-Maltin biex indahhku n-nies bina nfusna. F'liema pajjizi moderni isir referendum biex jidhol dritt civili ? Anqas haqq l-ispejjez biex isir. U jghid x'jghid Austin Gatt,id-divorzju hu dritt civili.
qabel ma niftemu il maltin kolla li il knisja ma tindahalx qatt ma nitalmu nejxu. il knisja inkwiet biss taf u tilaba ta alla meta trid. il pqija nipqaw pajjiez ta tielet dinja.
Pauline Moran
Slivio, ahna poplu mifrud bejn ahmar u blu. Il firda il knisja u l-PN gabuha. Il Knisja gabitha fis sittinijiet bid dnub il mejjet u l-PN ghadha sal gunata tal llum tippridka li kulhadd l-istess u tipprattika l-inugwaljanza. Ghandek tkun taf Il pn u l-knisja kienu inaghqdu flimkien biex jaghmlu battalja kontra Mintoff sabiex ma jarawhx fil Gvern. Il PN ghamlu hekk biex jakkwistaw il poter u l-knisja sabiex izzom lil "fidili" taht il kappa taghha! Dan ghaliex Mintoff kien irid liz zghir jkollu l-istess drittijiet bhas sinjur. Pero il knisja ratu bhala theddidha lil Mintoff ghax rid jaghmel hekk. Huma riedu jzommu poplu fqir u njorant sabiex jibqaw jimmanipulawh u jzommuh minghajr drittijiet, halli l-knisja jkolla l-qawwa fuq in nies u tibqa tiddetta l-politika ipokrita taghha ghal skapitu taghha!! Qabel l-injorant kienu jbezzawh li jekk ma jhalliex gidu lil knisja kien jmur l-infern. Ara x'gid ghandha taht idejha llum il knisja u ara kemm ghamlu dnubiet niesu fuq it tfal innocenti u kulhadd kien jibqa sieket. Fl-ahhar issa kollox hiereg barra fil berah!! Issa fl 2011, ma jridux li jidhol id dritt civili tad Divorzju...u ghalfejn?!!!! Mhuiex minhabba dnub li tant jhobbu jsemmu. Izda habba haga hija l-flus li jdahhlu min kawza wara kawza ta separazzjoni tal knisja biex dawk il koppji mkissra jiehdu l-annulament. Dan huwa l-faccolizmu ta dawk li qed jippruvaw ibbelawa li jhobbu l-familja u l-valuri!!!...Gvern Giddieb + Knisja li tahdem bir rih = POPLU BLA SIEQ!
Obviously - Not just a yes or no. even when one is going to make an interview for a work, one must have to ask and asked , various questions. even if one goes to buy from a store , one will have to see ,what he is going to buy, checking materials etc... I Saviour Falzon from Qormi, will say this to all those who are proposing , that the referendum question wil be just a YES or NO! Stop ridicule the maltese people. you are not a moron to ask just a yes or no. would you do that when you your personal things in life? I am sure not. So stop this ridiculous things of asking just a YES or NO. Laugh till you can laugh, what goes up must come down. sooner or later, everyone will eat his words. this small beautiful little island deserves more respect. stop ridicule the maltese people. your time will come rest assured! I wish that your arrogance ,will turn into tears .... you deserve that . How disgusting you are *%$#@$^$$#@#$%%$$#@ RESIST OR SERVE! N.B. IF A JACKASS A LACKY OF YOU WILL WRITE HERE TO DEFEND YOU i SAY TO HIM RIGHT NOW "%^&* #@ ">