I have no faith in Anthony Tabone- Muscat
Labour leader Joseph Muscat said he has “no faith” in the newly elected Broadcasting Authority chairman Anthony Tabone, following a dispute he had with Tabone when he was chairman of PBS during the EU membership referendum.
“Anthony Tabone will be chairman of the Broadcasting Authority in an upcoming divorce referendum in May, during local council elections and the general elections,” Muscat said. “In order to chair the elections one has to show and be completely impartial.”
Muscat explained how in the run-up to the EU referendum, Tabone had refused to Labour party a number of TV slots “in a very delicate time”, and had taken the Broadcasting Authority to court over the matter.
“The Prime Minister and myself have agreed on the Ombudsman and he Auditor General, and I would have liked for there to be the same agreement for the chairman of the Broadcasting Authority.
“The PN is known to use the worst dirty tricks during election campaigns, and so will stop at nothing in the next elections to do the same. The chairman in this has a crucial role.
“I do not have confidence in Tabone; I hope he manages to win the party’s confidence,” Muscat said.
Muscat was today answering letters from the public on One radio with party journalist Melanie Magri. Amongst many topics, one person asked about the status of the Marsa power station in view of its implications on the health of Marsa residents.
Muscat said “Government’s request to the EU for a Marsa power station time extension reflects its incompetence, and questions how government could possibly be trusted on the Delimara power station extension.
This follows Finance minister Tonio Fenech’s statement last week that government will hold talks with the EU for an extension to the operation of the old Marsa power station. He said it was necessary because the interconnector to Sicily will not be complete on time.
“Enelmalta is a Pandora’s box; this failed company is drowning in debts reaching €500 million. Government had a quarter of a century to think about it, and the health of Marsa residents remains at risk. They have been promised that it will be closed down time and time again, and are leading an unacceptable sub standard, third-world quality of life.”
Muscat mentioned government’s decision to operate the Delimara extension with heavy fuel oil, “the most damaging fuel we could possibly use, to the detriment of people in the area. It’s also to the detriment of taxpayers pockets, because the price of oil is always changing. Gas would have been the best option for our pockets and health.”
Muscat ended the interview by sending his condolences to the victims of an earthquake and Tsunami in Japan. He praised the country for its handling of the situation and the strength and stability of its buildings.