Pastoral note warns of ‘irreparable consequences’ for Catholics who vote ‘Yes’

In a thinly veiled threat of excommunication and eternal damnation, Malta’s Catholic bishops have reminded the faithful that there will be ‘irreparable consequences’ to voting ‘Yes’ in the May 28 divorce referendum.

A pastoral note, issued to priests in March but recently made public on the website of the Archdiocese, makes it clear that all Christians who intend to vote ‘Yes’ in the referendum will be defying the will of God and the Magisterium of the Church.

“The Christian must take a decision to vote in favour or against divorce legislation in the light of his belief. For the Christian, a law that transforms marriage into something temporary runs counter to the will of Our Father. For this reason, the Christian who favours divorce will create a division between his beliefs and his intended decision: which decision will bear irreparable consequences.”

As ‘irreparable’ unequivocally means that no remedy will be possible, the Bishops’ warning places a Yes vote in the referendum firmly in the same category as a Mortal Sin: almost exactly half a century after the Church resorted to identical sanctions in its notorious 1961 altercation with the Labour Party.

The note goes on: “In our pastoral work, we priests have the duty to help the Christian make a proper judgement of marriage according to the word of God, in the light of the Magisterium of the Church, including her social teaching of about the real good of the individual and of society.

“When the Christian recognises that his judgement does not tally with the teachings of Christ, as communicated by the Church, he will not be free from guilt if he does not realign his judgement with that teaching – because when [a Christian] consciously and freely breaks the moral law, he will be breaking his relation with God, the father of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

However, the same pastoral note also gives an informal blessing to the government’s plans to regulate cohabitation at law: despite the fact that, like divorce, cohabitation also falls foul of God’s law.

“The State is in duty bound to regulate the rights and obligations between a man and a woman in a stable relationship, which stability is not officially confirmed at law. In this regard, legislators must take care not to create any legal status that touches upon the permanence of marriage; however, it is good that persons in stable relations which are not officially approved are given legal protection regarding certain civil consequences.”

"To Start with I don't think that there should have been a referendum in the first place!" "I am a Christian new born in the family of God, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, truly the Son of God and is God, I believe that Jesus has died for the sins of the world and that the Father has raised Him after 3 days Romans 10:9-10, The Head of my church is no one apart from the LORD Jesus Christ Ephesians 1:20-22, Ephesians 5:23, and my only Authority is His word the Holy Bible. God hates Divorce and so do I, I am not in agreement for Divorce for a Christian couple, if one falls into sin one should repent and get back with his/her husband/wife. Its true that God hates divorce, but He has tolerated it since the times of Moses because of the hardening of the hearts, because although nothing that God binds must be broken by men, men still breaks it because men (Human kind) is disobedient since the beginning of time, that is the reason that God has tolerated Divorce. Matthew 5:32 But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, EXCEPT on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.Matthew 19:8 He said to them, “Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. Deuteronomy 24:1-4 “When a man takes a wife and marries her, and it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some uncleanness in her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house, No true Christian will need a divorce, But who knows if a Christian couple although they are abiding to Jesus, one of them might get deceived by Satan and commits adultery against his/her partner, of course there is forgiveness, but what "IF" the other partner chooses to continue live in SIN, "Hardening of the heart" why should the other partner be left stranded Punished for all his/her life? .. when God has tolerated Divorce for this specific reason! ... what about if the other party cannot get back to work for some health issues? .... why not even the other party cannot fall in love with someone else and be married? .. what about the children? they loose all sense of security because there isn't a DAD figure at home!? For the Christian couple if they abide by the teachings of Jesus and stand firm by it , one knows that has to respect the wife and vice versa, one will be respecting and loving God doing so, but not all people has God in their lives, even catholics with all due respect if they are not born again their works are in vein therefore everyone might stand a second chance by divorce, many find God through their divorce, and be born again, then there are those who don't believe in God neither they do believe HIM, although they too stand a 2nd chance, those might use divorce over and over again. A healthy Christian couple does not need divorce, but if one leaves the path of the LORD and go into adultery the other one is stranded and is innocent, so the LORD has tolerated DIVORCE because of the adulterer that committed the sin and has chosen to remain in it because of the hardening of the heart, and the innocent party will be FREE that is what God wants! if the unbelievers wants to leave God will set the other FREE! 1 Corinthians 7:15 But if the unbeliever departs, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases. But God has called us to peace. "But if I don't need a divorce why stopping someone that is passing through Hell on earth from having one, and if God has tolerated it for this specific reason! , why should I be ARROGANT not to!? - who am I not to?" Those who are voting NO!, could it be that they don't have a healthy marriage maybe even committing an adultery against them but they are still comfortable of having a wife/husband at home because they are not ready for commitment in leaving their wife/ husband, for so many it could be just the trill and excitement of having a "bit on the side" so they are afraid of their partner divorcing them? For the once that are VOTING NO! first, and, with all due respect and love of Jesus Christ you must be a religious person and without God in your life, because if you do have God in your life you would know and understand what God's word has to say regarding Divorce..... The Sin of Cohabitation secondly you should also no that cohabitation is a sin according to God's eyes a couple living in without being married is a sin, since a couple must be married to sleep with, now the arch bishop of Malta had serous talks with the Maltese Government to fix the law of cohabitation which at the present time the law does not know couples that cohabit without a marraige certificate, by moving onto to this "new cohabitation Law" we are refuting God's tolerance towards divorce and creating a men made LAW that is making the SIN of Cohabitation Legal!........By this new Law none who their marriage has been destroyed can have a new life a second chance, they will have to cohabit together and according to God's eyes they are still married although they are separated, because if a marraige is recording by a certificate contract so must a divorce, (Deuteronomy 24:1) therefore those new cohabited couple are living an adulterous lives because they went to live with another person without they have been issued a certificate of Divorce! and the sin grows and grows, and who it is to say that it makes it even more easier now for the new cohabited couple to split again because they have nothing to keep them they sure have less hassle law and papers and money spent than those who have to be divorced according to the law of divorce! The Choice is Yours if you Vote YES you will be voting according to God's tolerance and give INNOCENT people a second chance, and Voting NO you will be ARROGANT and hardly careless about God's tolerance, and care about the opinion of men's rather than God's and you will be VOTING YES TOWARDS THE NEW LAW OF THE COHABITATION SIN! The Roman catholic church does not preach Jesus Gospel, but it teaches her own gospel, the Bible, which we as Christians believe that its the true word of God and we abide by it for our walk contradicts almost everything that the Roman church teaches, so it is hardly that I suggest that you should follow what the church is condemning you for VOTING YES in this referendum, nevertheless you should follow any of its teachings, because if you truly want God in your lives then you should believe His gospel, Repent and ask HIM to come and live in your hearts and apart from making Him your saviour of your soul you should also make HIM your LORD, which means you should obey anything the LORD orders you to do, because Only HIM knows what's good for you! SO, I AM VOTING YES WITH A CLEAR CONSCIOUS IN FRONT OF MEN AND IN FRONT OF GOD! (Oh and don't forget, if you have the cash $$$$$ you can go and divorce in an EU country)
Most comments about divorce are replete with hate for the Maltese church hierarchy. It seems to me that the authors of these comments are rabid Labourites who speak the way they do simply because Labour has pronounced itself in favour of the introduction of divorce. I am quite sure that if Labour had not adopted the stance, there wouldn't be so many comments couched in these terms. The authors betray their political leanings as they denigrate both the local church hierarchy and the nationalist party leader. I have a strong feeling that the comments are not motivated by any wish on the part of the writers to see people whose marriage has failed to be given a chance to remarry civilly through the introduction of divorce in Malta; they are simply prompted by political motives and are solely the result of Labour's stance in favour of the introduction of divorce.
Can someone please tell me whether the Church in Malta has broken away from Rome and set up its own sect with its own set of rules? I have always been and still am a practicing Catholic. Fourteen years ago I separated from my husband after a marriage of 30 years. When I approached my parish priest to discuss annulment I was advised that I should file for divorce as soon as possible because the Church will not issue an annulment if there was no legal divorce. My priest also told me that if I was divorced I will still be welcomed in the Church and that I will still be able to participate in The Holy Eucharist. Speaking from experience, more irreparable damage is done to children raised in dysfunctional and abusive two parent families than to children of divorce. Furthermore there are many devout and divorced Catholics worldwide. The Catholic Church, here in Canada, ministers to separated and divorced Catholics with compassion and love not condemnation. I did get divorced and eventually did get an annulment. I am not and have never been evil and the only evil in my life was when I was in a marriage that had no hope of repair. The God that I always believed in did not want that life for me. What is happening in Malta is nothing but disgusting behoviour on the part of the Church.
@Fumarole. well said well done i take my hat off to you.we need more people with your thinking to make Malta a better place. ( :
@Plato. Allahares Platun kien jahseb bhalek ghax kieku mhux infahhru l-intelligenza tieghu, imma nghadduh passata !. Dan x'ragunar hu tieghek li tghid li bid-divorzju ma johrog xejn tajjeb, li t-tfal jinfirdu u l-genituri jinfirdu?. Tista' tghidilna ISSA x'qieghed isir?. X'tajjeb qed isir ISSA bl-annullament u s-separazzjonijiet ?. X'qed isir mit-tfal ISSA ?. X'qed isir mill-genituri ISSA meta jinfirdu b'separazzjoni jew b'annullament ?. Tista' tispjegalna int jew xi ipokrita' iehor ?. Kieku ma jsir xejn minn dawn l-affarijiet ISSA, nghidlek ghandek ragun u nibda nistmak ta' Platun Malti . Imma ..... U ejja ma nghidux cucati. Jekk jidhol id-divorzju civili, ghax l-annullament ekklezjastiku huwa DIVORZJU Ekklezjastiku, mhu se jgieghel lil HADD biex jiddivorzja. Bhalma issa ghax hemm l-annullament mhu qieghed igieghel lil HADD jannulla z-zwieg. Anzi nghidlek li ahjar jidhol id-divorzju ghat-tfal, ghax bhalissa, bl-annullament tal-Knisja t-tfal m'huma protetti xejn, ghax il-knisja tghidlek li z-zwieg qatt ma sar !! U l-povri tfal lanqas biss jissemmew. Ara bid-divorzju, t-tfal se jkunu protetti bil-ligi. Dahhalha f'rasek li l-knisja kulma trid hu l-POTER MONDAN u xejn izjed. Trid tibqa' kkakkmata mal-poter ghax ghandha x'titlef. Minn dejjem hekk kienet. Kienet kontra li jidhol id-drenagg f'Malta, kontra t-taxxa tal-Income, kontra l-pensjonijiet, kontra l-vot tan-nisa..... Din hi l-knisja li tippretendi li ghandha xi monopolju fuq il-verita'u tahseb li Alla Hu xi propjeta esklussiva taghha. ALLA m'hu monopolju ta'HADD u wisq inqas tal-ipokriti kristjani. Jekk trid insemmu t-taghlim ta'Gesu' nibdew insemmu kollox u mhux fejn jaqblilna biss. Hemm l-ipokresija. Ara dwar ir-rikkezzi u l-flus, u l-pedofelija, fost ohrajn, ma jhobbux isemmuhom, ghax jehlu fil-bieb tal-Genna !!. Sur Platun, ahjar nieqaf hawn ghax ma nispicca qatt. Imma jekk trid erga ikteb u nerga'nirrispondik.
Chris Tanthi
@ Manuel mangani. I do not agree with your interpretation. The complete wording is "For this reason, the Christian who favours divorce will create a division between his beliefs and his intended decision: which decision will bear irreparable consequences.” It is crystal clear that the "irreparable consequences" referred to will apply to the individual and not to society. The article is right. It is a veiled threat of excommunication - de facto even if not de jure. @ Victor Laiviera "Irreparable consequences" cannot refer to excommunication. Firstly, any sort of Church-imposed sanction would fly in the face of the declaration signed by the 7 prominent priests and endorsed by the Archbishop himself. Secondly, excommunication is by no means "irreparable". Had the writer of this article checked elementary facts he would not have come out with such a howler.
I have read a couple of the comments on this Article. Many people have many opinions. I shall now post mine. I was raised as a Roman Catholic. My family loved the church, and listen to all it's teaching. True, some teachings are peaceful, but some are just ridiculous. After *Opening my eyes* I finally decided that I want to have nothing to do with the Church. All they want is power ; the power to run this country. The Church has no right in interfering in this vote, as if this vote is tallied on the bias opinion of the church, I will make sure the government, or church is sewed for racism. As they are not putting into consideration other religions. Because of the church, I am today : Agnostic.
What good comes out of a divorce? Nothing. Siblings are separated, parents go on their way bitter. Society looses with divorce. If spouses were unable to make a marriage work (even trying) due to negligence, immorality etc. For a marriage to work one must sacrifice and today nobody want to sacrifice anything. Divorce is like a child because he/she wants to indulge himself/herself instead the parents induce discipline, they give the child a large cake and make him/her eat it which in the end, the child will end up sick. If we let our society indulge itself whatever it likes then we might as well live like Sweden, the Netherlands where these nations have the highest rates of suicide, drug addicts etc. Divorce is one step towards the disintegration of the fundamental cell of society, the family. Now, if those who want to vote for divorce, that's fine vote for destruction but I have the right to vote against such destruction. The majority of those who opt for divorce want the easy way out.
Krista Sullivan
l ahwa anqas diskors u aktar fatti u risposta naghtuwa fil vot IVA u haluwhom jghidu u jiprovaw jintimidawna jien nerga nibda nemmen fil qassisin meta l knisja stess tibda tiehu passi kontra l qasisin li abbuzaw u ghadhom jabbuzaw mit tfal jigu ikastigati.........PLEASE ARCH. BISHOP NOTE THIS
Movement anti divorce is not politic. In my community, I heard about a case where the marriage after a divorce got married again and had difficulties but they were a family. The second case is: A woman took home for Christmas divorced her husband home. He was already sick. She took care of him. After the new year he died. It was the victory of Jesus Christ. It was his resurrection in their lives.
Where on earth is Fra Mark Montebello ? Has he been banned again from speaking on church issues ? A huge loss. He would have contributed well to this whole discussion
I can never understand the tolerance given to separations and cohabitation in this country but no tolerance to a civil divorce after being separated for five years.
@MartyB. Fir-rejalta` l-familji qed jitkissru minhabba l-progress u l-hajja mghagla li nghixu fiha, apparti li l-valuri naqsu, imma haga torbot m`ohra, u mhux ghax dahal id-divorzju. Fuq l-istess argument jien nista nghid li l-familja qed titkisser aktar f`dawn l-ahhar snin, hawn Malta, ghax il-Knisja qed tohrog aktar Annullamenti minn qatt qabel. Sirt naf li kien hawn min kien ilu s-snin jistenna l-annullament u issa f`daqqa wahda sejhulu l-Kurja biex ituhulu. Ara fejn waqajna issa. MartyB ara wahda din. Dawn ghamlu studju u ma jaqblux mieghek
Ian George Walker
MartyB Don't Imagine that you are the only one who has lived and worked abroad. The negative effects you mentioned are all true and all are already happening in Malta, with or without divorce legislation. They are the end result of a changing world and changing lifestyles. Nobody would deny that broken families are traumatic for the children - but divorce does not break up families - it simply recognizances the fact that a marriage has broken down and provides a structured regulated way out of an impossible situation. As such, it makes a bad scenario slightly more bearable.
Divorce 31 "It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.' 32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery. Matthew 5:31-32 Even I that am not a religious knows this :) i wonder all those catholics , how many of them have the bible and read it:)
@ MartyB: "Church annulments and divorce are two completely different things"? Yes that is true. One is obtained by the state the other by the church and that makes it sacrosanct or blessed or a lesser SIN?
also one can find this in the bible, so who can understand GOD? according to a story i once learned as a boy there was this human walking near the sea side, and saw a little boy with kinda a cup going to the sea , filing it with water and the water he puts in the whole in the sand, the man laughed at the boy, cause that could never be done:) so the boy kinda replied back telling him "Even you can never understand GOD, no one can" So, To all catholics ther is this phrase in the bible too, So yes Jesus allows divorce in certain circumstances, "It's all in this phrase": But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.
@PLato : as soon as i read your first few lines i knew what will follow! you are not expressing yourself you are imposing your beliefs on others !! well i don't happen to have your mentality i was once a devout catholic and was scared and bullied by mortal sin but i have seen clearly since then.obviously you have not! but to each his own! just don't pontificate to others what they could and should not do! quoting your words here "Well, you have to choose, either with God or with the way the world thinks." since the rest of the world have had divorce pass without a referendum and be accepted in their country's then are you saying lets ignore the rest of the world and stay as we are in Malta cause we are the chosen ones?? and can you please give me a clear definition of divorce and annulments ?? it means the same to me,and before you have a laugh at how the Maltese think take a long hard look at your comment cause the joke may be on you! Peace!
the church derives it's teachings from who? How wrong you are, you don't know what you are saying. I tell you why, if you just read you will know the answer by yourself. a little example, which is like the top of an iceberg. In Jesus teachings, dos he mention to kill, torture , burn alive or so? So why did the Church did those unforgetabble unforgiveable ? Well if people will read than they will think before they speak. It's evident worldwide, that the people still belief in God but not in the Church. the church is always in decline. if you mentioned Plato , than theer are others who says the opposite, also that all religions are just myths ;-)
@Monique You are forgetting one thing. Committed Christians are part of the Maltese society as everyone else therefore they are also entitled to voice their opinion against introduction of divorce if they feel it will endanger that same society which they and their families are part of. Church annulments and divorce are two completely different things.
@-PLato: The difference between "atheists, lapsed Catholics and the whole lot" who are pro-divorce and committed christians who vote against it is that we let you decide for yourself whereas you want to impose your beliefs onto others. If committed christians object to divorce..simply dont make use of it. But then again...there are the church annulments which are a bit of a lesser sin..innit?
One cannot say he is a Catholic Christian and accepts and votes in favour of divorce. The Catholic Church derives its teaching from Christ Himself and since Jesus said that divorce was never the plan of God for humanity, so at least we have to respect what Jesus said in the Gospels. Who believes in the sanctity of marriage does not believe in divorce. Since divorce has a religious and social aspect, the Christian has to know what does faith entails. The committed Christian who votes YES for divorce is contradicting his faith. Sometimes I laugh how the Maltese think - Maltese think that voting in favour for divorce and at the same time we do not wish to severe our relationship with God. Well, you have to choose, either with God or with the way the world thinks. That is why in the coming referendum, not only committed Catholics will vote but atheists, lapsed Catholics and the whole lot. Everybody will have a chance to express their opinion and faith. Committed Christians has the right to express their beliefs as well and cannot be ostracized in doing this. Last note: Aristotle used to say, "Divorce in a family as similiar to Civil War in a country". Min għandu widnejħ biex jisma' ħa jisma.
ahahhaaaa this oen made me laugh:) So divorce will do that? ok . So, the situation now is just seperation and cohabitation, ok. so, is it not the same , from one cohabitation to another for some? yes that is a fact. but not divorce, it's the people who misuse the law. "Every thing has good use and bad use" . I don't know of anything that exist that has good use only or bad use only. The law is a civil right, and it must be there,for whom needs it. Remember, the one who will vote NO, just remember this, don't be illusioned, that your children or grand children are immuned from these social situations. All things can happen to all, it's a fact of life. But i wish that the divorce law will be very strict, and who breaks the marriage must pay to the other part . Just remember the divorce law, will eb theer for whom needs it. who knows what one might need, Cab be our children or our grand children. Noone excluded.
Hi x'ihni l-opinjoni ta kull wiehed u wahda minnha, ma ghandniex ikunu isterici u nuraw kliem goff u mhux xieraq. Wara kollox wara li jkun ghadda r-referendum ikun x'ikun ir-rizultat ahna kollha ha nibqghu ahwa maltin. Ghalhekk naghmel appell ghal rispett lejn xulxin. Ir-raguni ghanda tirbah fuq il-passjoni kemm jekk favur u kemm jekk kontra.
@ mr laiviera & martin borg My opinion is based on my own personal experiences. Live, work, in the countries you mentioned, come continueously in contact with very many families and their children, PARTICULARLY their children, who had to experience repeatedly one divorce followed by one marriage after another and then come back here and tell me that I am lying. Yes, based on what I have witnessed myself I strongly continue to believe that divorce would definitely affect badly the heart of our society. You are of course not obliged to believe me but whether you like it or not that's how the situation is. My opinion is not in any way affected by religious beliefs, however, I must agree fully with the Bishops on this one.
Ma nafx din il knisja jien. Anki l madonna amlu bhal santa kontra d divorzju issa. Anzi kien hemm qassis qall li ma talmu xejn mis 60`s. Jien ha nivota iva bil qalb ghax inhosni iktar katolku min issa ghax bil vot tieghi ha niftah bieb iehor ghal dawk in nies li et ibatu.
@martyB Thanks for you eye opener, I finally realised that Malta without divorce is stronger than France,Germany, Italy,Holland, Denmark, UK, etc Get facts right and like you already have been asked please give us facts to to your theory.
Dear is-Sewwa, zkuzani imma int injorant mill-kbar u hamallu! Jien se nivvota IVA, imma nies bhalek jaghtu lil Moviment IVA isem hazin! Immissek tisthi tkun pastaz!
Ian George Walker
How about a few facts to back up your sweeping assertion, MartyB?
The usual hysteria and twisting and turning of words by the anti church - pro divorce lot. Church or no church, YES, divorce is very harmful to society. No matter how much you all try to convince yourselves otherwise. It is as simple as that.
Mons Cremona, Qedin biss tharsu lejn is-sahha li jtikom il-poter imma mhux lejn il-hsara li se taghmlu lill knisja Maltija. Il-knisja Maltija mhix dik il-knisja li waqqaf Kristu. Weghdna li : 1. min japplika ghall-Annullament tal-Knisja ma' jkollux ghalfejn ihallas centezmu halli ma' tibqax l-ingustizzja li hloqtu bejn min ghandu u min ma' ghandux flus, 2. Ma' tibqawx tigru f'karozzi lussuzi mhallsa minn but nies sabiex nibdew nemmnu fikhom daqs kemm nemmnu fi Kristu. Mur gib li Kristu jigi llum u jarakom f'dan il-lussu. Tghid ikollu ragun itikom bil-frosta? 3. Bieghu d-deheb li ncanajtu lit-tempji t'Alla biex taghtu ezempju haj ta' kif ghex Kristu, wara kollox. 4. Warrab lill dawk il-qassisin li mohhom sabiex jistanew fil-propjeta u ersqu lejn il-fqir bhal ma' ghamel Kristu tul hajtu KOLLHA. 5. Waqqaf lill dawk midlukin biz-zejt sagru milli jibdlu lill ambone fi truck politiku, ghomja biex jghajjru lill kull min ghandu sentimenti differenti minnhom. Meta tpoggi dawn il-punti fil-prattika, ahna, li nemmnu fil-knisja ta' Kristu imma bla wisq fiducja f'dik Maltija inkunu nistghu inserrhu rasna li intom TASSEW tirraprezentaw li Kristu GHEX U PPRATTIKA dak kollu li kien jippriedka.
In its frenzy to retain its dwindling control over the Maltese, the Church may manage to win this battle but it will eventually lose the war. SOONER or LATER divorce will be introduced. Should the NO camp 'win', the Church will soon realise that it was a very big mistake to try to stop the inevitable. In the medium to long term, the Church will be the BIGGEST loser, of course, together with its bed mate, the PN. I do not think that the YES vote will prevail. But this is a matter of time and divorce would be eventually introduced in five years' time, under PL administration.
illum dan l=Arcisqof jiskumnikak, u ghad jigi ta warajh u jitlob skuza, bhal ma ghamel ta' qablu fuq l-Interdett. Dawn kollha pezza wahda, bil-fardal.
"As ‘irreparable’ unequivocally means that no remedy will be possible, the Bishops’ warning places a Yes vote in the referendum firmly in the same category as a Mortal Sin: almost exactly half a century after the Church resorted to identical sanctions in its notorious 1961 altercation with the Labour Party." BIR-RISPETT KOLLU TA`.... Iddahhaquniex aktar Mons will you..!! Dan biex wara xi 10 snin ohra terga` tniggiskom il-kuxjenza u tigu titolbu `SKUZA..(!!!)` ghax mhux veru li ma `kien` dnub xejn li tivvota `iva`ghall-ligi tad-divorzhu...!! Bhall ma kien ghamel Mons Gonzi, biex JINHAFRULU DNUBIETU tal-hsarat kbar li kien holoq fost individwi, familji u l-istess Knisja u r-religjon taghha, ghax mhux veru li kien dnub li tivvota Labour....!!! Jiena naccetta li `l-Knisja, bhall kull istituzzjoni ohra f`dan il-miskin Pajjijz, ghandha d-dritt li ssemma lehinha fuq din il-ligi tad-divorzju, u mela le.... IMMA ZGUR MHUX BILLI `D-DAHHAL IL-LIXKA TAD-DNUB U TAL-BABAW..!!!
Dear archbishop, the more you tell use to vote NO ,the more you make me adamant to vote ''YES'' or maybe,just maybe, I vote No,when you ,& the church ,take action, agaisn;t those priests ,who abused children! AS IF YOU DO!!!!
chris caruana turner
@Mangani It seems that you are unaware of the two weights two measures adopted by the Church in Malta with its right hand not knowing what its left hand is doing. I have been a Christian all my life, but wrt the Church in Malta, I think that is behaving in total opposition to what it preaches. It is slowly, but surely, becoming an anti-christ.
Raphael Vassallo's opinion column in today's edition: brilliant as usual.. But i think something went missing on the posterboy's picture: " Kristu iva, divorzju le"...annullament iva
Phillip Martin Micallef
by the way.......................cremona immisu qatt ma dahal fija din il basal ghax divirce is just a CIVIL RIGHT........x ghanda x taqsam il knisja!!!????????????
A warning to all Labour supporters who, like Valerie Borg of Valletta, are going to vote No. A No vote in the referendum is a slur on the memory of your forefathers who were shamed and made to suffer so much under the sixties interdett. The forces of darkness represented by the Bishops and Lawrence Gonzi are again threatening you with similar things. How can you form part of a progressive party and then vote for the forces of darkness ? Remember, a No vote is a vote for the PN. Should you Labour supporters vote for the PN, forget the chance of ever getting elected. A win by the No lobby will mean that the fundamentalist Catholic politicians will further strangle freedom of speech in Malta. As Labou supporters used to sing in the sixties, to the refrain of The Beatles' Yellow Submarine _ We all live taht il-Gvern tal-qassisin, gvern tal-qassisin, gvern tal-qassisin !!!!!
Phillip Martin Micallef
what a shame................what a bunch of fu&*ers!!.......................................halluna nejxu jimporta sur cremona
Ghal darba ohra dawn hasbu li lahqu lill Alla Mbierek. L-ewwel darba meta iz-ziju ta' Gonzipn qal li kien jkun dnub mejjet li tivvota Labour u difen is-suldati tal-azzar fil-mizbla. Issa warra hamsin sena regaw hargu b'diin ic-cucata grossa u jridu jwerwru lin-nies. Huma ben jafu li Alla l-Imbierek biss jista jiggudikak u mhux huma ghax jilbsu ic-coqqa. Hasbu li se jibqaw jidominaw hajjiet haddiiehor.
What a LAUGH, or shall I say CRY ! Maybe I better say MONEY, and I would have said it all.
I hope you don't let the any religion rule your life. It will send you back hundreds of years. Years ago birth control was a sin, and everyone was breeding like rabbits.
In the meantime it seems the Pope doesn't mind meeting divorcees,contrary to what has been said.For anyone who cares to Google,they will see photos of the Pope getting on very well and enjoying the company of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles(she,by the way born and baptised a Catholic) both divorced and eventually married to each other. Good for some but not for others it seems. Yes,of course,Yes come the referendum
well:) Too many people are worried by the Great wh*re babylon the great:) Whya re you giving her attention? I belive that all citizens knows and have the right to live thier life according to their own conscious. just listen to your heart. be free from the church magisterium:) Free your mind ,from that brainwashing. don't feel caught in the middle of choosing. They are like serpents , decieving , trying to confuse your mind. Just Free your mind, empty it from the malice of the church teachings. well , theer wil eba lot who cannot do that, cause thye don't have thier will power to free thier minds, from angels or demons heaven or hell. But , at least try to be your own man or woman, Just listen with your heart, and you will get the right answer, The YES or NO. These priest who were those ridiculous clothes will keep squeezing yoru balls. So just ignore them . RESIST OR SERVE!
Ian George Walker
@ Manuel mangani. I do not agree with your interpretation. The complete wording is "For this reason, the Christian who favours divorce will create a division between his beliefs and his intended decision: which decision will bear irreparable consequences.” It is crystal clear that the "irreparable consequences" referred to will apply to the individual and not to society. The article is right. It is a veiled threat of excommunication - de facto even if not de jure.
@ Konstanty: it is time you face reality your parents did get divorced and no matter how you wished it otherwise it is time you face it and accept it and move on ... such is life you wont be the first or the last!! maybe the Catholic Church can help you in this with their advice they are experts in matters of marriage but it will come with a FEE attached!! one warning though i don't know if you are single married annulled or divorced if you seek the advice from the church and you have children keep them at home keep them safe as we all know they are experts when it comes to children as well. as for the MALTESE Catholic Church whatever the result of the referendum it will come down with a huge crash i cannot believe that Malta is still so backward and so docile and can be so easily blackmailed by these Hypocrites who are and always have used the name of god for their own means!!
Isabelle Borg
Why yes for annulments and no for divorce dear bishops? Let the people decide what's good for them and just put your house in order first.
Chris Tanthi
@ Victor Laiviera: It is amply clear from the context that the Church is speaking about irreparable consequences for society should divorce be introduced. @ Charles Sammut: The Church's right (and duty) to teach the principles of what is right and what is wrong is clearly endorsed by the Constitution of Malta. As to the history of the Church, along with some truly shameful behaviour (especially when viewed from today's perspective), there is an infinite amount of good which its detractors conveniently decide to ignore: its values have shaped Europe for 2000 years, its charity work is second to none and it has done more for the emancipation of humankind than all other institutions put together.
Anthony Galea
@ Manuel Mangani ". . . . .right to teach have the duty and the right to teach which principles are right and which are wrong." The Church does not have the right to teach what is right and what is wrong. What authority does it have to decide what constitutes right and wrong. The Church teaches what it believes in. Whether that is right or wrong is for the individual to decide. Given the Catholic Church's shameful history, it should be the last institution on Earth to pose as the purveyor of truth. But this has nothing to do with right or wrong or the common good but everything with maintaining the status quo where the Church pulls the strings of the puppet GonziPN government.
Ian George Walker
Manuel Mangani says, "There is no mention of excommunication in the note and nothing which even hints at it." So could he explain what "irreparable consequences" means?
I understand that the Archbishop's position is to protect the church, which is his institution.I am an ordinary citizen, and my life is made up of different issues, one of them being religion,but since I'm not a religious person,I'm not dealing 24 hours with religion, it's a part of my life.But I think the big mistake in this issue is that people are being mixed up about divorce. Divorce is going to deal only in civil marriage, which is state marriage, and not in the church's marriage. The church has annulment, and so why the state can't have divorce?I speak with alot of different people from different sections of Maltese life, and that's the major confusion around. Divorce has got nothing to do with church marriage, just as annulment has got nothing to do with state affairs. Sometimes I hear and read certain comments and I think that I'm living in Iran, and not in an EU country, that some people are so proud off!!!!
This man is as big a twit as his predecessors. So much for all the nonsense about a smiling archbishop! He is as bad as that otehr clown from Gozo.
dear Excellency, your duty is to ensure that the priests responsible for the prepartion of future families are give the true meaning of marriage and it s responsibilities and not discuss superfleous issues. with divorce being introduced (finally) am sure that this new social right( actually it should have been part and parcel with the constitution way back in the 70s) the Clergy will have to go back to their roots and wake up from their big sleep.
Dear Archbishop, what you are doing is what the clergy did in Italy during the referendum campaign in 1974 - nearly 40 years ago!!! Shame on you! Stop interfering with civil society! Who is Catholic is free to refrain from divorcing if he or she wishes, but you cannot impose your false hypocritical morality on those know that their marriage is long over. Children of parents who force themselves to stay together in the end suffer more harm than good. I am a happily (and civilly) married man with three children whom I love dearly, thanks to divorce legislation because when I divorced I was living abroad. This is like living in the Middle Ages. Shame, shame, shame. In any case, divorce will happen anyway, if not now in ten years time, as 3 out of 4 of the 18-26 age bracket are in favour of divorce legiislation.
Chris Tanthi
An article which seems intent on mud-stirring. There is no mention of excommunication in the note and nothing which even hints at it. Voting for divorce will not incur excommunication: how on earth could it when the document signed by the seven priests (which include Dun Anton Gouder) makes it abundantly clear that one may vote for divorce in good (albeit mistaken) conscience? For a Catholic, it is objectively sinful to facilitate the introduction of measures harmful to society and to humanity, but whether one ultimately sins or not is a matter between the individual and God. The phrase"irreparable harm" clearly refers to the effects of a "yes" vote (and consequent introduction of divorce legislation) on society, the responsibility for which rests squarely on the shoulders of those who bring it about, including voters who approve it. That much should be obvious too all: we all should bear responsibility for our behaviour, and should reflect deeply before taking action. Just reminding the faithful of this elementary fact is being construed by anti-Church quarters as interference in the political sphere. The comments below seem in part motivated by knee-jerk reactions rooted in the sort of rabid anti-clericalism which will not countenance even the Church's basic (and constitutional) right to teach have the duty and the right to teach which principles are right and which are wrong. We are expected to believe that the those who support divorce are doing so in the name of freedom and respect for rights.
Onestament dan l-Arcisqof, wiehed mil aktar isqfijiet li hu vicin il-poplu, jidhak u jitkellem ma kulhadd, nizel ghal livel tal-poplu, pero minn qalbi nghid, jiddispjacini li se jkun hu li se jdahhal lil Knisja Maltija fi sqaq. Jixraqqlu ahjar. Is-snin sittin ghaddew u l-poplu tghallem u ma baqax jibza minn nies tad-dinja imma jibza biss minn Alla. Din id-darba il-hsara lil Knisja se tkun ferm akbar.
Dear all NO to divorce: Whether you like it or not divorce has to be introduced if not in the coming months maybe a few months later. The reason being that people are FED UP having to pay a fortune to get an annulment when they can get a divorce. This is besides that most of the time they have to lie to get annulment so it makes no difference if it is divorce or not. While annulment is a most expensive experience for those who try to achieve it, divorce should be shouldered by the state as most of the time it is all because of the same state that marriages are broken! Today only the fools believe what the church has to say. If God is kind and forgiving he wouldn’t allow the same church to discourage followers and believers. The 60’s are gone and will never return, for this time it would be final as no one will ever believe in the church again.
Shocking - Exceptions of granting a church divorce (GOOGLE PETRINE & PAULINE PRIVILAGE) Petrine Privilege (Favor of the Faith) The implementation of this procedure is reserved to The Pope. It involves the circumstance where one of the parties in the marriage is unbaptized and the other is baptized. Either party wants to become Catholic or wants to marry a Catholic. This marriage can be dissolved, permitting the person to become Catholic or to marry a Catholic. Thus, the Pope may act in favor of the Christian faith. Another example may be that a Methodist lady who is married to an unbaptized man falls in love with a Catholic man. The Pope may dissolve the marriage of the Methodist to facilitate her marriage to the Catholic man This is done in favor of the faith of her Catholic fiancé. These cases require help from The Tribunal. Pauline Privilege The following Scripture passage from 1 Corinthians 7: 12-15 explains, "If any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever but is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. And if any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever but is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace." We interpret that as the basis for this process named after Saint Paul - The Pauline Privilege. The local bishop supervises this process. The circumstances are as follows: Two non-baptized persons marry. One chooses to become baptized. After the baptism, the unbaptized person finds he or she cannot live in harmony with the baptized person. The marriage can be dissolved when the baptized person enters into a marriage with another baptized person. A second instance when Pauline Privilege may be used involves once again the two unbaptised persons mentioned above. One chooses to become a Catholic through baptism. In this example, the new Catholic wants to live in a marriage with another Catholic. The marriage between the two Catholics is cause to dissolve the prior marriage through The Pauline Privilege. While not uncommon, this case will require assistance from The Tribunal for determination.
Why is the Church creating so much fuss?- the divorce referendum will only regulate civil marriage not religious marriage( where annulment(!) already exists). If the Church authorities are ready to threaten freedom of thought let us take the matter to the European Court and to the European Conference of Bishops - let them at least enjoy this Carnival with us. Nobody ever said that divorce is the ideal solution to marriage difficulties but when a marriage is dead this should be regulated by law. What is the difference in moral terms between a couple cohabiting and a couple living together in a second civil marriage? Who are the priests in Malta who can be as outspoken as Don Luigi Ciotti was yesterday at ottoemezzo on La7 when it comes to criticising the powerful of this Earth? I can only think of one and he was sent to Mexico! No wonder neither Don Ciotti nor Don Mazzi were ever invited to visit the island.
Anthony Galea
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I think I'll have a good laugh with Monty Python's "Spanish Inquisition" They look so similar to the guy in the photo above!
Correction: "...agreed NEVER to impose moral (not" civil" ) censorship. Sorry.
Malta is supposed to be a lay state. The church is part of the state but the state is not part of the church. The church MUST obey civil laws but the state is NOT bound by church laws. Mons, you stick to your kind of divorce. You call it annulment. But this is nothing but another form of divorce, an ecclesiastical divorce. We have a right, as civilians, to have access to civil divorce. Stop trying to impose your conscience on us. We are no morons. May I remind you that when your predecessors signed a peace agreement with the Labour Party, they promised and agreed NEVER to impose civil censorship ( mortal sin ) during elections. You have broken this agreement and you are not to be trusted any more. Your word has become worthless. You and your taliban fundamentalist cohorts have lost the last drop of credibility. Shame on you all and the day will come when you will regret your actions. You have a lot to answer for when your end comes. The irreparable damage you've already caused and the avalanche that is to engulf the church rest all on your shoulders. We are ALL equal before the Almighty. Your attire has no special value before HIM.
Kummissjoni Elettorali: Attenta. Qieghed isir, jekk mhux diga sar, ksur flagranti tal-ligi tar-Referenda u tal-ligi Elettorali ghall-fatt illi qedin jigu kommessi 'corrupt practises' u 'undue influence' mill-Knisja u l-allejati taghha fuq il-votanti. Dan qed nghidu ghaliex l-ewwel bdejna bl-omelija ta' Mons. Said Pullicino tat-Tribunal Ekklezjastiku iwissi lill-avukati u lill-Imhalfin illi min fosthom jivvota ghad-divorzju jikkometti dnub mejjet. Komplejna b' Mons. Gouder, spokesman tal-Kurjia, u il-bella kumpanija l-ohra tan-"No to Divorce Campaign" biex proprju llum il-votant Malti Kattoliku kellu t-theddida fina illi min jivvota favur id-divorzju ser ikollu isofri konsegwenzi irreparabbli. Jekk dan kollu mhux 'corrupt pracise' mela xinhu?
Kull poplu ħaqqu l-gvern u l-knisja li jixirqulu. Għal darb’oħra l-libertà tal-għażla u tal-ħsieb huma mhedda f’dal pajjiż miskin. Irridu nirbħu billi nintimidaw u nheddu lill-poplu. Il-Knisja, għalkemm mhijiex istutuzzjoni demokratika, suppost hija tolleranti. Tal-mistħija li l-kapijiet tagħha għadhom japprofittaw rwieħhom mill-injoranza u mill-biża’ tal-poplu. Din il-kwistjoni mhijiex dwar id-divorzju imma dwar il-libertà tal-ħsieb u tal-individwu, dwar l-imposizzjoni tar-rieda tal-knisja fuq il-poplu Malti u dwar is-setgħa assoluta li bħalissa l-Knisja għandha li tħoll żwiġijiet. Is-sinjali qegħdin kollha hemm. Kont naħseb li f’Malta hawn liġi li tipproteġina mit-theddid u mill-intimidazzjoni. Imma jekk tkun ġejja mill-Arċisqof nassumi li hija aċċettata.
@-Wenzu: the church system in itself is (and always was) a psychological torture device since it functions only through implanting feelings of guilt and stoking fears and imposing all sorts of punishment.
Corinne Fiorini
Yeah, till death do us part, right? My sibling was deceived into marrying a person who gave her a different impression about him before the marriage took place. Shortly after the marriage, her life became hell as the masks of her husband unfolded, a drunk, gambler, womanizer and a conman. She held onto the marriage vow, “till death do us part” for 12 years and decided to divorce him when things turned uglier. Got her divorce abroad and remarried. She is now one of the happiest women on earth with the 2nd chance that she found. The fanatics in her church, in-laws and some so called friends have "excommunicated" with her for “breaking the marriage vow” but God knows the truth. She and her family have stopped going to church as there too many hypocrites believe that they are the right-hand of God and have the rights to judge her and her new family.
Il-Knisja baqghet ma tghalmet xejn mill oxxenitajiet li ghamlet fis-snin sittin. Min hu separat ma jistax jizzewweg bil-Knisja. Allura jekk min hu separat igib id-divorzju x`differenza se jghamel ghal Knisja. Min ilu separat hames snin u l-mara pogguta ma wiehed u r-ragel poggut ma wahda, dak tibqa ssejjahlu zwieg. Ghal dan it-tip taz-zwieg, din il-Krucjata kollha? Ghad jigi zmien li l-Knisja jiddispjaciha, ghax aktar sa taghmel hsara lilha nnifisha milli gid.
The inquisition is STILL active, relying now on psychological torture instead of physical. Here is your "Good loves everybody" in action. Eternal damnation? there is no such thing. "Excommunication" bring it on. This deceitful church will only be losing more paying customers.
"All Christians who intend to vote ‘Yes’ in the referendum will be defying the will of God", he said. I SAY TO HIM "THE GOLDEN CRUCIFIX AROUND YOUR NECK DOES NOT DEFY THE WILL OF GOD PURCINELL KOLLOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Abdullah alhrbi
The irreparable consequence lies rather in granted 3 annulments to the same family whereby declaring that some Catholics are more equal than others. It seems the Maltese Church is a Church for the spiritually 'slick' those with a particular pedigree rather than an inclusive Church of sinners. It is disheartening that a Dominican Archbishop subscribes to such a view of his community.
The local Curia forgets nothing, forgives nobody and has learnt nothing! The ruthlessness is all there, although now masked behind smiles and fake concern. It looks likely that the 'No' vote will prevail: the local populace, submissive, gullible and superstitious as it is, will be easy prey to coercion and Machiavellian cunning. All this in the name of God!
It could be that the cardinal wrote the letter for the bishop. The PN wanted this as they see a window of opportunity to get some ignorant people to fear that if they vote yes or if the vote labour they will burn in hell. They will do anything to cling on to power. Back to the 60s.
Sur Editur - Ma nafx ghalfejn qed tghawweg kliem l-Isqfijiet taghna. Jekk li qed tghid hawn huwa minnu gibilna PDF tad-diskors kollu u mbaghad naraw. Ara ma tahsbux li b'dan it-tidwir taghkom se tbezzghu lil Knisja milli tghid dak li ghandha tghid.
X'dizappunt kbir mill-knisja Maltija! Se tergghu taghmlu bhas-sittinijiet u tbghedu n-nies mill-club esklussiv taghkom - imma din id-darba mhux Laburisti biss. Imisskom tisthu, ja qatta ipokriti u oqbra mbajjda! Fejn jaqblilkom tikwotaw il-Bibbja u fejn ma jaqblilkomx tigu titmellhu mit-taghlim ta' Kristu u l-Bibbja. Ezempju: "Hallu kollox u imxu warajja" qal S.G. Kristu. Imma kemm minnkom hallejtu kollox warajkom u mxejtu wara Kristu, ja ipokriti!
Zack Depasquale
Ghal informazzjoni tal-Arcisqof, jien sirt Katoliku minghajr ma kelli ghazla, t ghaxar t'ijiem haduni il-knisja u ghamduni, ta tmien snin regghu haduni il-knisja u ghamluli il-Grizma u issa jigi dan il-guvni liebes sutana, li jekk jiddejaq qasis jista jitlaq u jghid il bniedem mizzewweg li jrid jibqa fi zwieg imkisser sakemm ma jkolloux il-flus u jhallas ghal Qorti tal-Knisja biex taghtiegh annulament jew inkella jmur poggut. Zmien id-dnub il mejjet ilu li spicca u mhux sejjer jerga jbezza bih, b dan it-theddid iktar issahahli fehmti biex nivvota iva favur id-divorzju u kontra Knisja li ghadha tghix fil-medju Evu. B dan it-tip ta theddid ta dnub mejjet lilli mhux sejjer ibezghani. See You In Hell
the irony of it all is that we are being lectured by bachelors and spinsters who have no idea what living in wedlock is all about !!!!!!!! How rediculous can one get ?
Maureen Attard
Fellus ta' Gahan jekk jidhirlek li ghandek tivvota iva, ghamel int. Imma il-knisja ghandha kull dritt bhal ma ghandu kulhadd li taghllem lil dawk l-imghamdin taghha x'ghandu jun ir-rwol taghhom. Ara veru fellus ta' Gahan tafx.
Well it's time to tell my story what happed 2 and a half years ago in my church (Birzebbugia) I am not ashamed telling this , I was married and after a year my wife left me and i was still going to listen a mass every Sunday. 2 years later I was going out with my girlfriend and i used to go with her to listen a mass , once after the mass a priest called at our home and he wish to talk to me , honestly he was really confused to tell me but he told me this words that i can't forget them, Please go and listen a mass in Zejtun cause the people know that you was a married person , Church what you will say about this ? Now i have been annuled i don't need the divorce but still i am going to vote yes for it , not for me but for others
The reaction of the clergy was utterly predictable...reminding me of these grey rodents that attack you by jumping at your throat as a last resort. But then again..who gives a flying at the end of the day? More and more poeple do understand the true motivation of the RC institution
Why should we have to listen to an elderly bachelor in fancy dress telling us how married life should be lived?
CRUSADE CATHOLISIM...that is what our Church is all about!! Here we go again...They never learn. It seems that they're going down that road again. So be it. This time if they are ready, we are ready for them too! The PN/Church alliance has to stop, once and for all. We want our rights and our well deserved liberties. The more they say DONT...the more we will say WE DO!!!! Vote YES in the referendum. Vote Yes to say NO to these fake Catholics!!!!
This Pastoral Letter is as vague as it can be,and the only thing it definitely achieves, is a lot of confusion.Hope we are not back to the 60's, the effects of which are still felt by many catholics to-day.
xi haga ghar milli tahbi abbuz sesswali fuq it tfal ma hemmx. jigifieri bhala kattoliku nigi nitmellah x jghid xi hadd li heba l abbuzi sesswali fuq minorenni u ghadu ma hadimx biex issir gustizzja.
That makes it two. I was condemned as a kid, now I will be condemned a second time. Will they apologise again? I don't know and I don't care I'll be long gone by that time. Note that it is not Christ's teaching but Christ' teaching as THEY want us to learn. Sort of Christ's speaks to them and they explain to us 'Fidili' (as in simple minded.) They are ready to accept cohabitating couples, even a law that regulates such unions. But not divorce. What difference does it make to them? In other civilised countries this would be against the law as it is interfering with a voting process. But when Mintoff proposed this in the constitution of 1964, what he called corrupt practices during and election. Gonzi and Borg Olivier were against it and so the British obliged. Thus 50 years on the Church in Malta still calls the shots. So WELCOME TO THE CATHOLIC REPUBLIC OF MALTA. The only state in the European Union where legislation must first have the approval of the Church. I really hope the divorce bill will not pass so that people will have experienced to the full a Church PN regime. Unfortunately there won't the any Labour Party to pin one's hopes on. As this has become a Party united only by the graving for power. It has no soul,no kinding light and most all no passion I will make many happy and swear to you all that you will be rid of me. I shall never buy a newspaper or consult one on line. I don't care any more, I am retired, I am confortable, my children are better off than me. Why the heck should I bother about this bloody island that thrives bigotry and hypocrisy.
Luke Camilleri
‘irreparable consequences’ ? Like when the Church used the Interdect in the 60's...and later called for an apology? Some scars take long to heal and apparetntly there be wil new scars soon once this referendum is cast! One way or the other the result of the referendum will not be a win/ lose victory vote, but an eye-open to all concerned... with certainly ‘irreparable consequences’ to the local Church and it's alliances!
The church position has slowly drifted from 'a matter of conscience' to a hardline stance reminiscent of the 1960's. The only irreparable damage I see your excellency is that irrespective of the result, the church is accelerating it's own oblivion. As things stand irrespective of the referendum result, the church will have less supporters and far more enemies, who to date were not generally apolitical to her whims. As for this pastoral note, well I am happily married and consider myself more of a catholic than some 'holier than thou'. However my family will vote YES your Grace. No one blackmails me with
who said the Talibans are only in Afghanistan ???
what can i say see you all in hell. Thanks Gonzi and Paul
You have to keep in mind that His Excellency is speaking according to his conscience which is dominated by the 6% commission he receives as salary from the annulments that are processed in his diocese. And those who vote yes and according to His Excellency are damned to Hell, they will not be alone for if hell exists, it is full of Roman Catholics Clerics who swindled bank accounts, ordered the inquisitions and sexually abused children. Archbishop GONZI will be the welcoming host. Don't be surprised that if the NO vote wins the referendum, His Excellency will declare the victory as a miracle, intervened by Pope John Paul II. How else can they convince the faitful to donate and buy the church artifacts to generate money for their commissions and to pay the law suits around the world in defense of all those pedophile clerics charged with sexual abuse.
@ Konstanty: dream do not really think that your parents would have found a way of reconciliation, do you?? they would have headed for separation or simply a break-up if no divorce available. You must draw a line between what your wishes are and where reality begins. But poeple tend to believe what they WANT to believe and get a blurred vision on reality
Joe Borg
Church must distinguish between the religious marriage & state marriage. They are two different things. The best thing that the church can do is just state that if divorce is introduced in Malta, when a couple gets divorced, the same couple will still be considered as married in the eyes of the church. Church must not interfere or influence in state legislations - Live and let live. I am 100% against marriage breakups but as a catholic I cannot just ignore other people that are suffering because their marriage is a mess - Live and let live.
Allura nghid jien il-popli tad-dinja kollha ghajr ghal Fillipini u l-Vatikan kollha skomunikati u rasna dritt ghal infern? Ara biex jigbru flus il-kappilani ma qalux lil dawk li ser jivvutaw IVA biex ma jaghtux flus ghax flushom mishuta.
duncan abela
Divorce is one of the many civil rights which you deserve as a free individual with a free will. All those who believe in individual liberty and a truly free democratic society steeped in modern European enlightenment and values must vote yes. Liberate yourself from the clutches of outdated institutions who want to control your minds and life on this earth.
The Bishop is right. Divorce is horrible. My parents had divorced. If in Poland was such a law as in Malta, they would have to seek a way to overcome the difficulties. Family that was in its entirety. Marriage is a cross. Christ helps carry this cross. With each death Christ is able to deduce life. Today we celebrate it. It happens every day.
Priscilla Darmenia
I am a practicing Catholic and I am going to vote “Yes” in the referendum for these reasons. . Divorce is a civil law and it applies to all even to those who do not believe in God or follow another religion. As a Catholic I am aware that I cannot use it, but because I cannot use it myself does not mean that I must prevent others not to use it. . If I prevent others not to use it, I would be imposing my religious believes on others. Fundamentalists do this. Take for example countries where they want to introduce the Sharia Law. The Muslim fundamentalists want to do this, which is to impose the Muslim religious laws on the country. . I wonder what the Archbishop would say then, if the Muslim population in Malta would become a majority and they introduce the Sharia law. Would he threaten them with mortal sin? . What are the consequences the Archbishop has in mind? If I recall correctly, not even the Pope issued such threats to the Italians when they wanted to introduce divorce in Italy. . Il-babaw ma ghadux ibezza. We are in the 21st century now.
Something else coming to mind - you will the spies within the curia know who voted in favour of divorce so that we will have eternal damnation??? A question worth thinking about eh:))))))))))) Will the Vatican Spies be flown over with special flights with their spying paraphernalia so that like Big Brother in George Orwell's book - they will be watching us common mortals so that then they will carry out the execution inquisition style afterwards??? U morru ndifnu ja qabda frustrati!!!
Will i be doing irreparable damage to the Magesterium of the church??? Why because i'll be helping you in losing your precious funds from curia annulment cases? Then I will vote with much more enthusiasm a big YES FOR DIVORCE. Go to hell blackmailers from the curia!!! If according to your freaked out minds voting for divorce is so serious - blackmail is even worse. So just to let you know that blackmail is definitely backfiring on you - AGAIN WITH SATISFACTION I STATE THAT - I'LL VOTE A BIG YES FOR DIVORCE!!! Blackmail WON'T get you anywhere Mr. Inquisitors!!!
The original Maltese version is MORE threatening than the English translation published on the website: Id-deċiżjoni li jivvota favur jew kontra l-liġi tad-divorzju, in-Nisrani jrid jeħodha fid-dawl tat-twemmin tiegħu. Għan-Nisrani liġi li tagħmel iż-żwieġ mhux dejjiemi tmur kontra r-rieda tal-Missier. Għalhekk, in-Nisrani li hu favur id-divorzju joħloq firda bejn dak li jemmen u dak li ser jagħżel, liema għażla **se jkollha** konsegwenzi irreparabbli. The translator who penned the English version tried to soften it: ... Therefore, the Christian who is in favour of divorce is creating a dichotomy between that which he believes in and that which he is choosing. His choice **can have** irreparable consequences. WHY?
Igor P. Shuvalov
ILhom jghidulna li d-divorzju mhux soluzzjoni ghaz-zwigijiet imfarrka. Issa ghandna s-soluzzjoni.. mur u poggi.
The two super weapons of the Church: guilt and fear. Those who succumb to them are nothing else but free slaves..but slaves they remain. The real fear is borne by the Church as it will loose power over the marriage institution and power corrupts! It disgusts me to read this reminds of the 60s! Why don't they have a similar note for those priests who have abused of children or who have concubines? Don't they realize that this is NOT the Church of Christ, one built on love and mercy but they have transformed it into an institution of coercion and impotence of free will? Shame on them all!
Tony Borg
Excommunicated for voting in favour of a law (secular) that gives an individual choice? And what happens to those who eventually apply for divorce - get tortured before being excommunicated or as in the time of the inquisition get burnt at the stake? Worst of all is that the church takes this tack because it feels it can convince those who have blind faith in it and they calculate that these represent the majority. Its time to stand up to this abusing institution.
Makes me even more determined to do the right thing and vote'Yes'.I don't take kindly to threats.
I have been married for 30 years now, it was full of ups and downs but mostly downs. My wife and I have had our share of problems the worst being health ones that take years to overcome, despite all of this we consider ourselves happily married. But still I will vote YES for divorce and let God be my judge.
ONce again, this is another blow under the belt from the Church. We're going back to the 60's . How can ever the church be such a hypocrate. Where is tollerance and understanding?
Warns? The Church intended its message as a Threat - not a Warning. The referendum will be to STOP the church from COERCING people to obey through the power its yields via an immoral 'democratic' corrupt government.
FACOLIZMU ASSOLUT.... Tghid its bad for the business of granting annulments? So me a practising catholic now am in a dilemma whether to leave the church or "risk" being excommunicated?? Whatever the case I will still vote in favour of divorce. More so when the same church is threatening me..... The dark ages are over and am sure that in 50 years time the same church will ask for forgiveness for the sins it had committed like it has done in the past?......
Tony Borg
As usual this Church tries to impose via sacremongering - and this coupled with illogical arguments! A bunch of hypocrites and.......No wonder their credibility is in tatters
Belinda Huckson
The question of divorce is really serious as it alters the institution of the family as it has done in other places. Have pro divorce people considered why countries who had divorce for a long time are now worried about the great quantity of overlapping families and their consequences like the social welfare burden and rising taxes? And they are not Catholics! who said that the Church is not responsible for bad priests? s Does that alter any of the responsibility of good citizens who care about negative effects legislation can have on themselves and their children? Frivolity should not e the aim for legislation.
Pawl sakemm kont titkellem fuq id-divorzju kont nittollerak, ghalkemm int ma tittollerax lil min falliehu z-zwieg. Pero issa li qed titkellem b'dan il mod dwar il-koabitazzjoni ghalija ma tistax tinzel aktar fil-hama. Min m'ghandux argumenti kif se jghin lil min iz-zwieg tieghu miet idur ghat-twerwir ta' l-infern bla ma jghidilna fejn qieghed u x'fih dan l-infern ghax l-anqas hu ma jaf.
Patricia Marsh
Showing on Cenemas. The Film of the Centry. "Back to the 60s". Featuring main actors: Archibishop Cremona, Fr (knows it all) Gouder & Co. DON'T MISS IT!
maria aquilina
I did not read all the rubbish contained in the letter. However, if there was excomunication for phaedophile priest why should there be for others trying to sort out heir lives. Mela dan jahseb li ghadna nghix fil-medju evu imbilli joqghod iccarrat halqu u jikxef snienu1111111111
This God forsaken Island is so full of Hypocrites that it's no wonder we get so many traffic jams! :)
back to the 60s