Divorce lobby says children, religion being used in referendum campaign
Pro- and anti-divorce lobbies at loggerheads over using ‘children’ in divorce campaign.
The pro-divorce movement Iva ghad-Divorzju has lashed out at Zwieg bla Divorzju, which today announced its campaign slogan ‘Flimkien ghal-Uliedna’ (Together for our children), claiming that the no-divorce group was using children and religion in the referendum campaign.
“It’s clear that they are going to use children and religion instead of allowing a calm discussion based on reason,” Iva chairperson Deborah Schembri said.
Schembri said Zwieg bla Divorzju was omitting to mention the reality of children born out of wedlock in new relationships between separated spouses. “They claim their slogan is for voiceless children who will be affected by divorce. At the same time, they are campaigning to deny the right to these same children to benefit from the remarriage of their parents if divorce is allowed.”
Schembri said one-third of children born in Malta were born out of wedlock, amongst them children of people who could not remarry. “The longer it takes for divorce to be introduced, the greater the number of children born out of wedlock. Zwieg bla Divorzju wants to deny this right to children.”
Zwieg bla Divorzju today launched a new slogan ‘Fliemkien Ghal Uliedna’ as part of its campaign against divorce. Chairman Andre Camilleri said the logo and the slogan emphasise the need for society to work together to strengthen the family, with the main attention given to children most affected by divorce.
Camilleri said that since its inception in January the anti-divorce movement has been composed of people from different political backgrounds and different segments of society who are all in favour of strengthening the family and to ensure children do not face the negative effects of the proposed divorce law.
“No survey has ever been conducted to assess the impact of divorce on our society, and the patterns of marriage should not be changed before impact has been properly assessed,” Camilleri said.
Camilleri said divorce would lead to a lack of commitment between married couples, stating that a person wanting a divorce “without proper reason” will be imposing this choice on the other party.
On their part, Moviment IVA said no studies showed that what children experienced during divorce would be anything different or worse than what they experienced during parental separations or annulment. “Zwieg bla Divorzju is going to also use the Catholic Church to spread fear on divorce.
Already, a different climate is being felt from that augured by the bishops months ago when they said they did not want any crusades,” Schembri said.
“Paragraph 2383 of the Catholic Church’s cathecism states that ‘if civil divorce remains the only possible way of ensuring certain legal rights, the care of the children, or the protection of inheritance, it can be tolerated and does not constitute a moral offense’.”
Additional reporting by Rachel Zammit Cutajar