Church to tell voters to put divorce decision to 'crucifix test'

New pamphlet by the Catholic Church tells voters to make solemn declaration to the crucifix to understand whether they are voting according to their conscience.

MaltaToday has seen the text of a new 10-point message the Maltese Church will be broadcasting to tell Catholics what it means "to vote according to their conscience" when they vote on divorce in the 28 May referendum.

The pamphlet specifically explains that the litmus test when voting according to one's conscience is if they are able to "go in front of a crucifix and say: 'Jesus, I've seen what you have said in the Gospels on this subject, I've seen what the Church teaches, I've seen what the common good is in the country's present situation and I've asked your help in deciding. After all this I am persuaded you agree with the way I'm going to vote'."

The Church then says: "As a Christian, to vote according to your conscience means telling Christ on the crucifix your decision."

The pamphlet marks a strengthening of the position previously adopted by theologians and approved by Archbishop Paul Cremona, which said Catholics were obliged to follow their conscience even if this leads them to believe there is no reason why to vote against divorce legislation.

Gozo bishop Mario Grech has also stated in a homily that there was "no compromise on a proper, true and sincere conscience” for Christians, and that the authority that guides their conscience Church’s ministry, and the Pope’s and his bishops’ teachings.”

The new pamphlet tells voters who feel they shouldn't deny divorce to others to consider whether the damage divorce brings to society is greater than the solution it offers to the few. "As a catholic you won't seek divorce, but you must care about society in general. Apart from this, when Jesus spoke against divorce he was not speaking only for Christians but for everybody."

The Church also will say the divorce law being proposed will grant divorce to spouses who spend four years separated even if only one party files for divorce against the other spouse's will. But this same condition also exists in Church annulments: respondents in ecclesiastical annulments can refuse to cooperate with the proceedings, but the annulment still proceeds because the respondent cannot prevent the case from being heard.

The pamphlet specifies that the marital bond exists even between separated couples who leave each other because they cannot live under the same roof. "But a marriage annulment given by the Church is a declaration that the marriage never exists because of an essential defect in the ability of spouses or in their consent to the marriage.

"These people can remarry... divorce dissolves what is a valid marriage. In countries where there is divorce, civil authorities dissolve the bond of a valid marriage."

The Church will also say that divorce encourages newlyweds to break up immediately on the first signs of trouble, and sows doubt in the mind of couples engaged to be married or even breaks up irremediably separated couples that could have been working towards reconciliation.

"The NSO shows we have over 130,000 married people and just over 13,000 separated people... for the 130,000 there lifelong marriage is not just an ideal but their daily practice. 90% of these people say they are happy."

The pamphlet also says studies confirm that children "suffer serious and long-alsting consequences" and emotional problems at school and with friends, and in their marriage later on in life.

duncan abela
There is only one test which rational persons should apply namely the "free will" test which means using your human mind to think in a way that lets you and your fellow humans enjoy happiness and fulfillment in your short span on this earth and leave a better world for future generations.
@tonfatso. Hekk hu habib. U jien nistaqsi: min jaf kemm skond huma baghtu nies l-infern ghax kienu jivvutaw ghall-partit laburista. U 'l dawk li difnu fil-mizbla. Skond huma dawn dritt l-infern nizlu !!. Imma jien nistaqsi : Meta ffirmajru l-ftehim mal-Partit Laburista f'April 1969 u ammettejtu li ghamiltu zball meta agixxejtu kif ghamiltu, allura dawk hutna zvinturati baqghu l-infern, jew bghattu xi e-mail lil Mulej u nfurmajtuh li hadtu zbalji biex itellaghhom il-Genna ?.Ghax intom kliem Gesu' ma taghtux kasu : Tiggudikawx biex ma tigux iggudikati . Le intom tippretendu li intom allat fuq din l-art. Intom m'intom xejn aqwa minn l-inqas fostna. Nehhu s-suppervja li ghandkom. Hemm xi moralista jew xi teologu jew xi ras kbira ohra, forsi Mons Said Pullicino, jispjegalna din, jekk joghgbu ?. Min hu 'l-hazina ?. Min ikkundannajtuh u hammigtuh anke f'mewtu jew intom , li fis-sakra li kellkom ghall-poter rajtu kif ghamiltu u kkundannajtu nies innocenti ?. Min mar u sejjer l-infern, dawk hutna msejkna jew intom li tilaghbuha tal-qaddisin mexjin fl-art ?. Ghalhekk jien inheggeg lil kulhadd biex ma toqoghdux fuq kulma jghidu dawn in-nies, ilpup libsin ta' hrief. Anke Gesu fethilna ghajnejna minnhom !!. Ma ninsewx. Il-limbu spicca. Il-purgatorju holquh huma biex jisolhu 'l-flus taparsi ghat-talb tal-erwieh biex mill-purgatorju jitilghu il-genna !!. U niccalingja 'l min irid biex isibli fl-iskrittura mqaddsa fejn insibu msemmi dan il-post . U jekk hemm infern inhalaq ghal min jinqeda b'Alla. Dawk l-oqbra mbajda, li Gesu' sawwat ghax ghamlulu t-tempju tieghU ghar tal-hallelin. Ghal dawk il-qassisin li qatluH . U jien nibza' li dawn li jigru madwarna joqtluH kuljum b'ghemilhom sottili u kultant bil-goff kif qed jaghmlu issa. Dawn jippretendu li jirrapprezentaw lil Alla u jien nghid li kull wiehed minna jaghmel dan, ghax Alla m'hu monopolju ta' HADD, u wisq inqas ta' min jinqeda biH. Alla mimli hniena. Dawn mimlijin bil-kburija, bix-xehha, b'ghira,, bil-korla. Ifakkrukom f'xi taghlim li konna nitghallmu meta konna zghar ?. Iva dawn kienu "L-irjus tad-dnubiet il-mejta" !!!. U min kien jipprova jwerwirna bihom illum qed jaghmilhom hu !!. Ara issa, m'ghadhomx isemmuhom !!. Ghaliex tghid ?. Attenti hbieb, ghax Gesu' kien fethilna ghajnejna mill-ilpup libsin ta' hrief. U dawn qed jippruvaw ibezzghu bil-babaw ghax ghandhom hafna x'jitilfu. Is-sliem .
@ Liberty - 'Liberty' for whom? True liberty should be for everyone to express his/her opinion and not for one side only. 'The church keeps putting more people far away from it.' - That is why only a BILLION care what the Catholic Church says. 'interference and bullying' - As I already said in other Blogs, the Church has the duty and right to inform its followers what is right and what is wrong. Those who are not part of the Catholic Church need not heed what it says, then the result will speak for itself. 'Church has a hidden adgenda.' - Everybody knows that the Church's agenda is to keep us informed what is against the will of God. MY APPEAL IS THAT THE CHURCH, GOES ON, KEEPING US WELL INFORMED.
@Toninu. Iva habib. Ghandek ragun. Imma xi intellettwali bravissimi moderni Maltin, biex forsi jibqghu imsemmijin ghal xi haga wara hajjithom, hargu b'din it-trovatura farseska u dehrilhom li hekk ghandu jkun.U veru ser jibqghu miftakra tafux !!. U taf ghaliex ?. Ghax qalulna lu t-tifsira tehodha mill-kuntest li tkun uzata fih !!. Issa jien nistaqsihom lil dawn il-bravi: Allura ghaliex ma niktbux mart flok mard u nwaqqghu il-kelma mard ?. U ghaliex ma niktbux fart flok fard, u nwaqqghu il-kelma fard ?. U Sit flok Sid , u nwaqqghu il-kelma sid ? U Kas flok Kaz, u nehilsu mill-kelma kaz ?. Bhal dawn hemm ohrajn, u nistenna twegiba mill-illustrissimi esperti tal-lingwa. Ghax anke hawn wiehed jiehu s-sens u t-tifsira tal-kelma skond il-kuntest li tkun uzata, skond huma !!. Insomma jien ser nibqa' nuza l-kliem kif tghallimtu minn ghalliema maghrufa Maltin ,u kif ghallimtu ghal 40 sena shah !!.
I am pleased to note that there is a discount on conscience. Mons. please note that a clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. Remember the 60's.
Banning Umbrellas Dos not stop rain. Banning divorce does Not stop marital Breakdown. Vote YES for divorce.
@ Fumarole. Int qatt rajt xi qassis jmut bil-guh jew m'ghandux x'jiekol ghax jaghmel skond kif qallu Kristu sabiex jhalli kollox u jmur warajh ? ZGUR LI LE. Daqs il-qassisin Buddisti huma iddedikati, ghax lanqas hemm paragun. Dawn kolla paxxuti, bil-karozza, safra wara ohra u niddubita jekk jhallsux taxxi. Lin-nanniet jwerwruhom bl'infern sabiex jhallulhom gidhom kollu wara mewthom. Jekk tivvota labour ma jqarbnukx u jitfawk fil-mizbla. U issa crucjata shiha kontra id-divorzju ghaz-zwigijiet CIVILI. Ma nistax nifhem kif dawn qed jindahlu f'haga li ma tolqothomx. Ovvjament m'ghandiex dubbju li hemm il-flus fin-nofs oltre li jridu jaghtu palata lill Gonzipn. Li fuq kollox jippermetti l-eluf ta' coabitazzjonijiet,annullamenti, separazzjonijiet u divorzji minn barra . Jekk se mai jridu jaghmlu crocjata jaghmluha kontra Gonzipn. IIbqa zgur li din mhiex se sehh ghax kulhadd jaf li dawn huma hbieb eterni. Mhux ta' b'xejn li dawk il-qabda qassisin li abbuzaw mit-tfal ghadhom scot free qiesu ma gara xejn. Dik id-differenza siinjuri tac-coqqa li intkom qed tindahlu f'affarijiet li ma jolqtukhomx u affarijiet importanti ohra sabiex titnaddfu jibqaw ghaddejjin mar-rih. Bhal Gonzipn ma jimportakhom minn xejn u minn hadd. L-aqwa li tibqghu tirrenjaw.
The church keeps putting more people far away from it. Does the EU allow such interference and bullying during what is supposed a democratic election.Like always the Church has a hidden adgenda.
Correct me if I am wrong. SKOND or SKONT. As far as I know SKONT means discount.
I suppose some one is going to stay behind the crucifix and wisper no. All of a sudden is a miracle so we will vote no. I agree with don.giovanni.
Can't wait for my pamphlet. I will place at the bottom of the birdcage where it's residents know what to do with it.
I was divorced and now very happily married, i have a great relationship with the children of my first marriage.I must be one of many of those 90% of happily married couples,why? because i had a divorce, I had another chance. God gives us all millions of chances, only the Maltese church is so vindictive.
Fis-snin sittin gewwa Ghawdex kienu tefghu l-Kurcifiss fl-art u qalulhom li jekk jivvutaw ghall-Labour l-ewwel ghandhom jirfsu fqu il-kurcifiss. Hekk ergajtu gibtu lill-Malta sinjuri qassisin ipokriti. Il-hsara fis-sittinijiet kient kbira. Issa se tkun enormi. Jekk tassew temmnu f'Alla u li ghad tridu taghti kont lilu ahsbu ftit fuq il-hsara li qed taghmlu.
Luke Camilleri
You are priests, not social or political leaders. Let us not be under the illusion that we are serving the Gospel through an exaggerated interest in the wide field of temporal problems. Pope John Paul II
@ Matrix. You are 100% right .What the church is doing is making people remember the sixties when because you were a PL supporter you are doomed and thrown in the Mizbla, I still remember my grandparents telling stories of when going to holy comunion the priest asks you if you are voting PL and if you say yes you will be skipped . Am I telling any lies here Silent Citizen ?
Naa Obinna
Insomma, ghandhom bzonn jibghatuh dan il-pamphlet fi djarna? U zgur li le bil-hdura w il-velenu kollu li hargu s'issa zgur li min ghandu mohhhu f'postu u forsi kien ghadu indeciz issa zgur ghamel l-ghazlu b'dal porkeriji kollha. Daqs tant iehor, min kien diga deciz jivvota favur issa jinsab iktar irrabhat minn qabel, u min kien fundamentalist kristjan, zgur li hekk ha jibqa. Tibzawx, forsi r-referendum ma jghaddix issa imma kulhadd jispicca quddiem il-Hallieq ghada pitghada u hemm isiru l-kontijiet. U din tal-partiti u organizzazzjonijiet Ewropej li qed juru thassib ma tinkwetakhomx? F'daqqa wahda poggewna fl-istess xkora ma pajjizi bhal Afghanistan, nofs l-Africa, etc. Insomma, niftakru x'kien qal certu membru parlamentari fuq jekk jidhol id-divorzju. Imma ma laqghax l-istedina ta hafna nies biex ihallsulu flight u jdabbar rasu!
I'm so glad that we have internet nowadays, so that all the world could see and read what's going on in this tiny island of ours!! I can't believe that we are in the EU, and we still have a RELIGIOUS INSTITUITION to impose on our civil rights.I'm sure that many European countries will change their opinion about Malta.And I really wonder if Malta is a secular state or A FUNDAMENTALIST ROMAN CATHOLIC STATE!! We're back to the 60's where the church dictated to all Maltese citizen which political party to vote!
When I receive that pamphlet I will go and dispose of it behind the Curia's door.
Bil-paroli kollu taghkom ghad ma tajtunix l-anqas prova li l-Knisja se tohrog dak il-pamphlet li semma l-Ediur. Jiena tant smajt u qrajt gideb li dak li nara nemmen biss. Ghidtuli li l-Knisja tbezzgha u tghedded taf. Kieku kellek tkun diehel. 'wrong way' fi triq 'one way' u jarak pulizija u jigbidlek l-attenzjoni li dik it triq hi 'one way', tghid li qed ibezzghek jew jgheddek jew li qed jghidlek dak li hu??? Jiena ma ggudikajt li hadd.
@ Silent Citizen Il knisja ma tibzax titkellem pero tbezza taf hux! the clergy are the ones who should take the crucifix test and ask for forgiveness not to abuse innocent children and stop bullying fidili and using all this scaremongering around this island to make sure they get their way and not lose the grip they have on this nation, and to really teach Christ teaching about kindness and tolerance and help the less fortunate .. but the church here in Malta is antichrist indeed cause it teaches nothing of the sort!! you say 'il knisja ghandha kull dritt bhalma ghandek int u jien' agree with you on that line.... but there is a difference here the church's one and only purpose should be to teach Christ teaching not to interfere in state matters and blackmail and force people to do what they want them to do for their financial can you and others like you not see that annulments and divorce are same in fact annulments are worse cause couple are never free to move on with their life's again and their children are called ba....rds cause the marriage is null and void ! at least divorce protects the family rights on both sides legally! the church has done sooo much damage now i doubt it will ever recover again after the referendum, and about time too!!
Zack Depasquale
Lura ghas-snin sittin xejn iktar u xejn inqas, kull ma jonqos il-meeting fuq il-fosos tal-Gunta. Jidher li l-knisja Maltija ma tghallmitx u talba tal-mahfra li darba ghamlet ma kienet xejn hlief dahq fil-wicc.
Ghaziz Silent qed tisfida lill-editur biex jippubblika dak li qed jirreferi ghalih, nista nghidlek li il-gimgha l-ohra il-kurja giet ikkwotata mill-istess Editur li waqt li qed tghid li min ha jivvota iva fir-referndum qisu ha jghamel xi stragi, fl-istess hin, matul l-istess pastorali mahruga lill-qassisin, kineet qisha qed tinghata l-approvazzjoni ta l-istess knisja lill-gvern fuq il-ligi tal-koabitazzjoni !! Jigifieri jien issa nista nitlaq lil marti, u mmur noqghod ma mara ohra bl-approvazzjoni tal-knisja. Ovvjament inti dan ma emmintux, ghax ma qrajtiec il-pastorali. Mela jekk int ragel u ghandek principji, u lest li zzomm mal-princpji insara tieghek, u li allura taf li l-koabitazzjoni ma hijiex skond dak li jrid sidna Gesu Kristu fl-iskrittura, aqra l-istess pastorali (fuq is-site tal-kurja stess) u vvota kif tghidlek il-kuxjenza wara li taqra il-hnizrijiet li rrefera tajjeb ghalihom l-istess editur li int qed tisfida hawn. Kieku ma kienx dan l-editur, ma konniex inkunu nafu li Alla il-gdid ta l-isqof Malti huwa Dr.Gonzi u mhux iktar Gesu Kristu, ghax biex tasal tghid pastazata bhal din, li Gesu ma jridx id-divorzju imma mbagahd tghati l-barka lill-gvern biex idahhal il-ligi tal-koabitazzjoni trid tkun vera Kristjan Moqziez u Tesserat tal-Partit Nazzjonalista !! Il-link qeghda hawn....
Where are those enlightened "wise men" in France, Germany, Spain, Poland, Russia, China, England ... who know better how it should look like family? Today, when Europe is depopulating but it may be true teachings of the church.
Joseph Sant
Sur Silent Citizen, nassumi li m'intix temmen lill-editur ghax l-anqas int, li minn kliemek in Kattoliku ferventi, ma tista' temmen li l-Knisja behsiebha taqa' daqshekk fil-baxx. Li kieku mhux hekk kieku kont taghti prosit lill-editur talli taghna assagg tal-gherf u s-sens ta' karita` li dalwaqt ser nircievu fi djarna. Jienu ukoll ghext is-sittinijiet u nassikurak illi ma nara l-ebda differenza bejn dak iz-zmien u llum. U trid tkun altru wiccek tost biex tghid li xi hadd qed jipprova jbezza' l-Knisja. Forsi xi hadd hlief il-Knisja qed jghid li gej fuqna dizastru jew ihawwad kwistjonijiet morali ma ligijiet purament civili sempliciment biex ihawwad l-imhuh u jbezza'. Forsi xi hadd hlief il-Knisja kkastiga persuna ghax stqarret fehmietha pubblikament u qatghalha hobzha. Nissuggerilek thares harsa sew u fil-fond madwarek qabel ma tipponta sebghek u takkuza.
here we go again ,deja vu,in 1962 some priests were at the polling stations with a crucifix worning voters that if they vote for the labor party ,it will be like stepping over Christ crucified!!!
chris caruana turner
@Silent Citizen int bhal San Tumas mela, jekk ma tarax ma temminx. It has been stated by more then one highly ranked member of the Clergy, including the Archbishops, that those voting for divorce will be condemned harshly and hell will be set loose upon them. You most probably are one of those that sits in the front seat and gulps everything and acts upon each and every command imparted to you from the altar. Including commands to despise those fellow citizens that do not share the Maltese Church's views. You are being told to judge others but then you should know better. Let me remind you of someone's words: "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” – Matthew 7:1-2.
Mark Fenech
Sidna Gesu' Kristu qalilna ċar u tond li huwa żewġ kmandamenti għamel - wieħed ħobb lil Alla u l-ieħor ħobb lil għajrek bħalek innifsek. Aħseb biss fuq dawk iż-żewġ kmandamenti u minn hemm imxi biex tivvota.
And we have not reached the limit yet! Bishops Cremona ans Grech. Peodophile priest who have been abusing children for long years. Do they go before the Crucifix and Christ if their actions are morally right? Yeah sure and pigs fly. You said you can annul marriages. Did God give you written guidlines. If yes I will vote against but if the criteria of annulment is done by people like you that I go for divorce as between annulment and divorce there is no difference.
Sur Editur, Nghidlek il-verita' minix nemmnek. Jekk tridna nemmnuk, li Knisja se tohrog dan il-pamphlet, (li int ghandek kopja tieghu) urina photocopy jew PDF u nemmnuk. Billi ssemmu s-sittinijiet mintomx se tbezzghu l-Knisja milli titkellem. Ghandha kull dritt bhalma ghandek int u jien. Li storja tas-sittinijiet kienet totalment differenti. Min jiftakarha (bhalma niftakarha jiena) jaf x'qed nghid.
I think i'm going to fail the test :)
Just post the pamphlet back into the parish priest's letter box: they'll soon get the message. Here is what one of our writers wrote about Santo Subito Tonio Mhux Cuc Malti Fenech.
dan l-ahhar smajt priedka tal Prof. Rev Emmanuel Aguis, fejn taghna lecture qawwi ta kif nifhmu l-kuxenza taghna. Dan qalilna li il kuxenza hija udjenza bejnek u l-Mulej. Din hija xi haga kbira u trid tgharaf INTI biss kif tifhem. Il kuxenza hija rigal min ghand il Mulej, ghax int wahdek trid tkelmu. Fl-ahhar tal priedka dan qalilna kif nifhmu l-kuxena kif ried il Prof. Hela ta hin. Issa qed naraw leaflet gdida ta kif inhadmu l-kuxenza. Dan huwa attakk ferm baxx min minn qed jiffinanza u jippreepara din il leaflet. HOW CHEAP. Ghadni kif qrajt li l-APS ghamel €8.5 profit. Ftakart meta l-MULEJ qallhom ghatu kollox u ejja waraja. Il-Mulej ghajjar lill Farizej Oqbra Mbajda. Nghidilkhom il verita inhobb hafna niftakar f'dawn il passaggi sbieh mill bibja li l-Prof. aguis u ohrajn ma tantx ihobbu jsemmu. Tghid se jghatu kollox u jmorru warajh? tghid hawn oqbra mbajda? Kieku tafu kemm qed tghamlu hsara lill knisja tal Mulej !!!!!!!!! Fis sittinijiet sacerdot ghadu maghna qalilna
Naa Obinna
Let me tell these idiots and their illusions and apparitions what MY Virgin Mary is worried about: The everyday struggle of good and law abiding citizen to make end meet and feed a family The pittance given to the non important hard workers of a few cents as opposed to €500 forwarded to the prime minister and his buddies. The poor neglected and abused children by pedophile priests who should have been there to do exactly the opposite The properties and monies left to the curia in the promise of eternal happiness The condemnation of people who dared vote against a certain bishop’s instructions The crippling electricity and water bills. The church annulments bringing in thousands and thousands of euros And on and on and on So please spare us more contempt for your ranting and dirty tricks . Save them for the few poor souls who still believe you. Do not throw any propaganda leaflets in my letter box because I will return the favour come to church and throw them right back.
chris caruana turner
Tqallajt u iddardart nara lil mexxejja tal knisja jkomplu jharbtu u jabbuzaw fil fidi tal kattolici Maltin. Nerga intenni, il knisja Maltija hija l ANTIKRIST. Jafu x'qed jaghamlu dawn in nies? Sejhilhom oqbra "imbajda ghax" min barra iridu jidru li qed jaghamlu it tajjeb imma min gewwa kollha irmied u mewt.
By the Gods, I've always reckoned that the catholic church is a pretty low life form, this just about proves it. Tyranny rules, OK?
Ergajna waqajna fil-krocjati tal-hmieg tas-Sittinijiet. Isthu ja qatta oqbra mbajjda! Jidher li l-Arcisqof qed jaghmel bhal ma kien ghamel iz-ziju Gonz meta fis-Sittinijiet ghamel daqshekk hsara u gerrex tant nies mill-knisja. Konna hsibna li fl-ahhar ghandna Arcisqof li jifhem u jaghder imma jidher li morna zball.
Dwar it-terremoti. Jien derhli l-Mulej u qalli li dawn qed jaghmilhom, ilu jaghmilhom u ser jibqa' jaghmilhom ghax ihossU ddizgustat bl-imgieba ta' dawk li suppost jirrapprezentawH f'din l-art. U jien ghedtlu, "Mulej ahfrilhom ghax ma jafux x'inhuma jaghmlu". U 'l-Mulej serrahli rasi, Sewwa taghmel ibni, ibqa' kellimni ghax hekk ghallimtek fil-Vangelu ta' Mattew, Kap 6 vers6: "imma int, meta titlob, idhol fil-kamra tieghek, aghalaq il-bieb u itlob 'il missierek, li qieghed fil-mohbi wkoll, u missierek, li jara mqar dak li hu mohbi, ihallsek". U jien hekk naghmel. U mela mmur il-knisja biex suppost nitlob u nitghallem u nigi nsulentat minn fuq l-altar?. U hemm tara minn kollox: u lanqas jilhqu johorgu fuq iz-zuntier li ma tismaghhomx itaqtqu fuq dik u l-iehor u x'ghandu dak u ma min marret dik u .....,.Nahseb kollha tafu intom li tmorru biex tisimghu il-kelma t'Alla xi jsir. Jien ma nhossnix komdu ma dik il-ggajta. Jien niddjaloga mal-Mulej kull hin tal-gurnata u nhossni kuntent u ferhan ghax Alla lili dejjem sema' talbi, ghax dejjem emmint li biex Alla jisimghek m'ghandekx bzonn twassallu talbek u n-nuqqasijiet tieghek bis-sensar li m'hu xejn ghajr bniedem midneb bhalek. U jien nhar il-Hadd fraht meta qrajt f'gazzetta bl-ingliz, artiklu ta' wiehed, ex-kappillan tal-Gzira, illum mizzewweg(!!!!), u dan hareg qatta bla habel FAVUR id- divorzju. Allura nghid jien, la ex-qassis (ghalkemm Sacerdos in Aeternum), ser jivvota u qieghed ihajjar lin-nisa l-izjed biex jivvotaw favur id-divorzju, ghaliex ghandi nagmel kontra ?. Mhux hekk, sur kappillan !!!. Dwar it-terremoti. Dawn isiru mijiet fis-sena madwarna u ma jinhassux ghajr xi ftit minnhom, imma issa komdu hafna ghall-ipokriti jinqdew anke b'dawn biex iwerwru lin-nies imsieken . Ghalhekk, hbieb, morru vvutaw IVA u serrhu l-kuxjenza taghkom, ghax il-knisja Maltija kulma trid mhux is-salvazzjoni ta' ruhkom, imma s-salvazzjoni ta' bwiethom. Isserhuhomx u ghalqulhom il-vitien tal-flus ghax hemm twegghuhom. DAK alla taghhom....IL-FLUS. Ghalxejn qalilhom Gesu', Hallu kollox warajkom u imxu warajja". Mela le !! Ma tarax, Mulej, il-flus ghalihom aqwa minneK. Il-paci tal-Mulej maghkom, u tibzghux minnhom dawn l-ipokriti.
I just talked to the Crucified Jesus as advised by our curia. You know what?. When I answered I will vote YES He said: Go ahead my son if you sincerely believe so. And I continued to converse with Jesus: Why is it only in the Maltese Bible ( Matthew 19:9 ) that we find an open-ended translation for the Greek word " PORNEIA" "...hlief ghal rabta hazina" when in the English Versions it is put down as "....except it be for fornication", and in Italian it is expressed as ".....eccetto in caso di adulterio" ?. After all RABTA HAZINA can be interpreted in many a way !!. And Jesus answered: "You are right. Maltese translators did not want to leave any openings in order to be keep stifling and control you. My son, obey your conscience and you are saved". Thank you Lord, I answered. And I feel happy inside because I know that I am in the right. The Lord is full of mercy, not like those Maltese hypocrites who believe they have a monopoly of Jesus' teachings and interpretations. But now let me take you to the "KATEKIZMU TAL-KNISJA KATTOLIKA", exactly at the top of page 555 : " JEKK DIVORZJU CIVILI BISS JISTA' JIZGURA CERTI DRITTIJIET LEGITTIMI, BHALMA HUMA L-KURA TAT-TFAL U L-HARSIEN TAL-GID, DAN JISTA' JIGI TOLLERAT MINGHAJR HTIJA TA' MORALI". Right from the horse's mouth !!!.U dik li taghmel il-mistoqsija li ser nivvotaw ghaliha: il-kura tat-tfal u l-harsien tal-gid . Issa dan mahrug minnhom stess. Qed igiddbilhom kliemhom stess !!. Allura jien nimxi fuq dan il-Katekizmu u fuq il-kuxjenza safja u ser nivvota IVA bil-qalb. U nistedinkom taghmlu bhali. Jien mizzewweg kuntent u ili hekk ghal 42 sena. Imma jien min jien biex insallab lil min mhux kuntent bhali ?. L-egoizmu nhallih ghall-qassisin u d-dojoq li ghandhom x'jitilfu !!. U min irid jifhem ha jifhem !!!. Jekk u meta jidhol, ghax anke Dr.Gonzi ammetta li ghad irid jidhol, id-divorzju mhu se jgieghel lil HADD jiddivorzja. Jiddispjacini, imma ER Pawlu Cremona qed jigi mmanipulat minn xi nofs tuzzana bazokki li ghadhom jahsbu li qed nghixu fi zmien l-inkwizizzjoni. Mahfra minghandkom ma rridhiex. Hemm ALLA li jahfer kollox u lil kulhadd. Pax vobiscum.
Joseph Sant
If this weren't so tragic it would really be funny. It sounds like some sort of branding exercise - "hey look, our brand of marriage termination is better than that of the state - get ours and live happily every after! We guarantee that your children will not suffer in any way through our brand of marriage termination. Err.. no, we can't guarantee that it will be cheaper or quicker, you know, fine things do cost eh."
Naa Obinna
I've just seen the "earthquake" video and don't know if I should laugh or bang my head against the wall. There are two points which immediately stick out like a very sore thumb: 1. The earthquake will affect the Valletta area. Well, there are two fairly large buildings in that location - one situated right at the top of the hill, the other very close to a public garden which is itself right next to a great big church. Hmmm, makes me wonder. Is this a reference to the cataclysmic effect the referendum result is going to have? 2. Secondly, if ever I had any doubts on what this angelik character says and his state of mind, then I can now safely say that he should be gagged and locked up for good. I hear you say. "Just ignore him!" Well, that's what I do but don't forget there are thousands of mentally challenged people out there - and I'm not referring to our dear brothers and sisters who need all the help we can give them, I'm referring to the legally sane ones with an IQ that would make an amoeba proud AND WHO HAVE EVERY LEGAL RIGHT TO VOTE IN NEXT MONTH'S REFERENDUM! Sorry, I got carried away ranting. My point is, I cannot believe these were our Lady's words. Why? Well, she mentioned all the bad things in life from porn to divorce to internet bla, bla, bla. But she missed out one VERY FUNDAMENTAL wrongdoing - PAEDOPHILIA!! Now why is that, I wonder? I won't elaborate for fear of being accused of ridiculing our Lady, which I certainly do not want to. Finally, to quote the church's advice and look to our conscience before voting, yes that is a sound suggestion which I will take them up on. But I will also be using my head and I pray to Jesus and God for all voters to do the same, whatever their decision may be.
Herbert Brincat
Soon you will not be able to vote without the presence of your parish priest next to you..
Rayman Jumbo
I clicked the LIKE button by mistake as I understood it will be shared on my facebook profile not becuase I like the Church's action towards this cause. On the contrary, I am appauled at the way the Church has stooped so low to get this referendum her own way. Instilling fear in voters by shielding Jesus is an absolute no go and I am ashamed by your actions dear Bishops.
Roman church is PRO Cohabitation and obviously ANTI divorce.... 2000yrs ago a census was carried out by the Romans in which we find a boy with an UNknown father... his mummy Maria pogguta with Guzeppi. History tells us the church based its roots foundations on these allegations!! So ahjar Poggut milli Divorzju!!! kif tista ma ccempilx!!!!!!
"These people can remarry... divorce dissolves what is a valid marriage. In countries where there is divorce, civil authorities dissolve the bond of a valid marriage." and by annulment you are of course preserving marriage.
what if those pedophile priests , were giving the communion, must had jesus in it that , and what if those priests celebrated a marriage, that was God than , all ridicolous.
The pamphlet also says studies confirm that children "suffer serious and long-alsting consequences" and emotional problems at school and with friends, and in their marriage later on in life. ************************ yes the thousands of sexaul abuses done on children in the world. while they were helping the priests , than they take them in their room, and do sexaul activities with children , than the priest will bless the child to go blessed to his parents, those suffered for sure, the thousands of children robbed their innocence by the priests
Jesus has always helped minorities. The Church has always help crush minorities. For more info on divorce log on to: [email protected]
The NSO shows we have over 130,000 married people and just over 13,000 separated people... for the 130,000 there lifelong marriage is not just an ideal but their daily practice. 90% of these people say they are happy." ************************* First glance at this * the word happily marriage can be or might not have been asked:) Second, if all these couples are happily married, so what might be the problem for them a divorce law? Doesn't make sense. So yes , it will eb theer for whom needs. its' all clear that answered the Church and the NO movement lies.