PN local councillor in pro divorce youth movement

A newly formed movement in favour of the introduction of divorce in Malta, StandUP, is calling on youths to vote ‘yes’ in the referendum of 28 May.

The movement has also the endorsement of a number of Maltese personalities. Chrysander Agius and Labour MP Owen Bonnici, Illum editor Julia Farrugia, TV presenters John Bundy and Pablo Micallef, former athlete Xandru Grech, DJs Joseph Armani and Gianni, and singers Wayne Micallef and Richard Edwards.

During a press conference at the Love monument in St Julian’s, the group’s spokespersons Nikita Alamango and PN local councillor Cyrus Engerer, explained that they will embark on an informative campaign and encourage the participation of youths.

Both said they would will run a positive campaign from their end, which campaign is

intended to explain the importance of the introduction of responsible divorce in Malta.

The group intends to organize several events ranging from debates to other social gatherings.

Alamango said it was disappointing that more than 2,800 young voters were denied the democratic right to vote and appealed to the House of Parliament to solve this matter.

Engerer said the group had chosen the slogan “It’s time to say Yes again!’’ to emphasise that Malta, like other EU member states, should also start to benefit from such rights which will enhance the minorities within our society.

Well done guys - it takes courage for a person like Cyrus Engerer to go against the powers that be. Hope that more youths will join in. Long may this attitude last in this sacred island - don't forget - today's youths are tomorrow's leaders. If there will be more youths like those in this group - there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!! Keep it up!!! Finally a breath of fresh air!!!
Cyrus Engerer is showing the kind of independence of mind that one expects from modern day politicians. Some issues are simply more important than party politics. I simply do not give a shit which party he belongs to. And I wonder whatever happened to Karl Gouder, I wonder! Does anyone know how he voted in parliament?
@Andre Vella. Only fools and horses never change their stand: an other cliche: you never cross the same river twice; however, it takes a lot of courage to cross the Rubicon: have you ever crossed yours?
@Andre Vella: Anzi let's go even more to the past: The PN in the 60s was in cahoots with the Church to retain the conservative dynasty of the Church in Malta. It then became the party of liberty and liberal values wanting us to join the it's back to its old self making Malta the first quasi theocracy in the EU...a double U turn! Now that is consistency!
You don't get me commenting favourably on anyone affiliated with the Maltese nazi party - so enjoy the moment.... The slogan really nails it. First they sold a pack of lies and false promises about joining the EU then once in the music change. We were no longer European - we were Maltese first so forget having equal rights with other Europeans. Oh and btw the church had special status in Malta because ignoring all the child abuse, corruption, pornography, gambling, drugs and arms smuggling that goes on in this country - we are such devout Christians god-fearing Christian that god has a special place in heaven for Maltese. The only right they fought for was the right of equal pay for half-wits they sent to the Brussels gravy train. The only thing EU membership has accomplished for sure in this country is to blind the population enough to stop us from stringing up the parliament from the new lampposts they so conveniently installed close by - like they did in all our neighboring countries.
Nikkoregi ruhi. Din l-ghaqda gdida favur id-divorzju.
Ups, tal PBS qabzitilhom waqt ir-rapurtagg taghhom ta din l-ghaqda gdida kontra d-divorzju li issemmu lil dan il kunsillier tal PN izda hadu hsieb li isemmu x'qalet Marie Louise Coleiro Preca deputata tal PL, kontra d-divorzju. Minn qal li l-PBS ixaqleb fuq naha wahda?
Krista Sullivan
jien haga nistaqsi qasis jew patri suppost jghidu li jkun ta'hajtu lill alla, bhal m jaghmlu zewg persuni fi zwieg jaghtu hajjitom ghal xulxin ALLURA NGHID JIEN QASSIS JEW PATRI LI JINHALL U JIZZEWWEG MHUX QISU HA DIVORZJU DAN ? ALLURA GHALIEX PERSUNA LE ? GHALIEX IL-KNISJA HIJA ALL OUT KONTRA DIVORZJU NIXTIEQ XI QASSIS JISPJEGALI
well done on this initiative. The youth should show that they are independent and that they are able to look forward, after all, it is their future that their grandparents will be deciding about when they go cast their vote... We should all bring this debate into the home and try and convince our parents not to go and vote, despite their beliefs, if only out of respect for our youth's future!!!
Micheal Bonanno
@ Andre Vella. It's no use. It has already been settled. The EU is here to stay. If you like to look to the past, why not look at how the PN regarded Neutrality then and how it is regarding it now?
Good on you youths of Malta .yes its time, time for a change.
The slogan "It's time to vote Yes again" makes a parallel with the previous referendum on EU accession. Aren't these the same youths (for MLP) who had campaigned for the NO in the EU referendum? Gotta love PL's consistency!
The PL has alreagy accepted other well know ex-PN councillors, such as Mario Farrugia Borg (ex-Qormi PN councillor). I'm sure that Cyrus will likewise very welcome. He just needs to find the courage to make the move.
Prosit li z-zaghzagh kollha tal-grupp StandUP ta' l-inizzjattiva li hadu. Iridu jkunu z-zaghzagh ta' Malta li jikkumbattu bis-sahha l-medjokrita', arroganza u ipokrezija tal-ftit konservattivi u fundamentalisti li fadal jigru mas-saqajn.
what is exactly Cyrus doing with the PN? He seems more comfortable with the PL than with the PN - just an observation