Kate Gonzi tells mums at divorce activity why she disagrees with pre-marital sex

PM's and Labour leader's wives attend No camp's 'Mothers Day' where the unlikely subject of pre-marital sex crops up.

Kate Gonzi said that pre-marital sexual relations "never crossed her mind" and that such relations "create doubt over whether a man really wants a woman for marriage or for sex."

In a short address during a Mother's Day activity organised by the anti-divorce movement Zwieg Bla Divorzju, the prime minister's wife told an audience of her disagreement with pre-marital sexual relations. "Call me old fashioned but I don't agree with sex before marriage," she said during the speech.

Arriving 35 minutes late for the 10am activity at Villa Arrigo, in a brief mention Gonzi also said she feared that the introduction of divorce would undermine the stability of marriage.

In another address, this time from the wife of Labour leader Joseph Muscat, Michelle Muscat called for the need "to show more tolerance" on the introduction of divorce, in a short mention of the subject.

Elsewhere throughout the discussion, Muscat said that it was important to achieve a work-life balance especially in cases where husbands worked long hours.

But she also expressed 'concern' about "women who had high flying jobs and left the family responsibilities to nannies and other employees".

Labour has constantly sounded off critcism of the government's failed efforts in improving Malta's female labour participation rate, the lowest in the EU. "It is important to set an example for children as a woman who can manage all aspects of her life, from housework and shopping to going out to work and looking feminine," Muscat said.

However she also said that women should be encouraged to go out to work "for self-fulfillment", again expressing how balance is the most important factor.

She added that there should be support from the State to ensure that all families receive the correct support, from preparation before marriage and family counselling when times get tough. However, she said "divorce is necessary when families have broken down beyond repair."

Kate Gonzi addressed the largely female audience to stress the importance of women in society through the ages, especially in bringing up the children. "Women have an intuition that allows them to be in tune with the needs of their children even without the need for expressing those needs with words."

She said women’s role as part of the family was not one done through force or for financial reward but is done for love of the family. “It is a challenge for women to juggle the duties of work and motherhood, but with a series of family-friendly measures, like teleworking, flexitime and childcare centres, women can fulfill both roles,” she said.

She said that a woman’s primary role is to ensure the stability of the family and that children grow up with appropriate morals and values, including the respect of their mothers.

U hafna tfal 'bghula', jew father unkown ikunu ta xi ragel mizzewweg. U filkas tan-nisa li jkunu qed igorru l-baby tal-lover, jew ibellghuwa lir-ragel li jkun tieghu, jew imorru trip qasir sa sqallijja jew l-ingilterra u jehilsu minnu il 'baghal'. Umbghad biex jidru sbieh f'ghajn in-nies u f'ghajnejn xulxin, jivvutaw kontra id-divorzju. Nispera biss li kull min ha jivvota izomm f' mohhu li r-rizultat ta dan ir-referendum sejjer jaffettwa hafna nies li m'humiex kuntenti bis-sitwazzjoni taghhom u jixtiequ jerghu jizzewgu u forsi jibnu familja.
L-ewwel nett nixtieq nghid li vera iddizgustata bir-riklam kontra id-divorzju li jghid 'Pogguti bilfors u uliedna bghula'. Il-knisja u l-partit (Nazzjonalista) li jghid Le ghad-divorzju biss setghu johorgu biha stqarrijja bhal din! Nippreferi jkolli tarbija barra miz-zwieg milli noqod inzommu ghal pipi (nistenna li nizzewweg) u nibqa bla tfal!!! Dawk li qedin jghidu le ghax qedin komdi mizzewgin, imdejqin li jibqghu fiz-zwieg ghal xi raguni jew orha jew kornuti u kuntenti li joqghodu ghax ir-ragel ikollu paga tajba. U biex taraw kemm hawn min jizzewweg ghal kumdita, l-ghaziza ommi stess qaltli 'Jekk ma tkunx mizzewga, ma jkollokx pensjoni tar-romol'. Tizzewweg ghax tkun thobb lil dak li jkun u mhux biex tkun tista tghamel is-sess jew ghal-pensjoni tar-romol. Meta persuna wahda trid titlaq ir-relazjoni, iz-zwieg spicca. Dan ma jfissirx li l-mara jew ir-ragel ma jkununx jixtiequ li jsibu l-imhabba u ghaliex le, jizzewgu ukoll. In-nies mhux ha jieqfu jizzewgu minhabba id-divorzju u jekk iva, sinjal li ma kienux konvinti mir-relazjoni. Fil-pajjiz ghandna DIGA; Mizzewgin, Mizzewgin Adulteri, Separati, Kornuti, Pogguti (hafna drabi ghax ikun hemm impediment, bhal xi hadd isseparat) u bghula kemm trid, jekk tridu issejhulhom hekk. Xejn gdid!!! Qum mil-holma sinjura Kate u thallat naqa man nies forsi tiftah ghajnejk u fuq kollox mohhok!
@ JOE MC No Joe, it's the church that calls your children 'bastards', the IVA is only asking the question. Vote YES and show the church that your children are not bustards but human beings with great dignity!
No pre- marital sex please; we are GonziPN! Long Live the Liberal Party tal-blogger tal-Bidnija! Hilarious: only in Malta!
@ Dnub ma jorqodx Naqbel mall kumment li ghamilt 100% fil fatt diga ktibt fuqu malli harget din l-istqarrija tad Dahk li harget biha Kate .Ma tafx li llum kulhadd try it before you wear it . Trid tqis li ma din l persuna trid tqatta l kunplament ta hajtek .Veru li ma tridx tithanzer izda xi forma ta intimita nemmen bil qawwi li ghanda ssehh meta koppja jkunu f`relazzjoni bis serjeta
No-sex Kate! Only in Malta b'dawn il-hmerijiet.
Lil Dnub Ma Jorqodx, tajba din. Ghallinqas l-gharus taghha ma dahalx patri. Niftakar guvni gay jghidli li kien se jizzewweg ghax dan kien is-salib tieghu f'hajtu. Niskanta kif Kate ma baqghetx bla sess wara z-zwieg ukoll. Hekk kont naghmel jien kieku zzewwegt lil Gonzi! Kont nghidlu li dak kien zwieg Guzzeppin, kif suppost ghamlu Marija u Guzzeppi - ghalkemm xorta kellhom iben iehor - Tumas - li kiteb evangelu iehor!
At the end of the day - the issue is not about divorce. ITS ABOUT FREEDOM AND PRIVILEGES OF THE ELITE. Freedom because if divorce is allowed then those who do not agree are still free not to use it - yet they want to deny this choice to others for no other reason then to abuse power. Its about privileges because Fenech Adami's own children got dissolution from the church - how many of you would be that privileged? The wolf in sheep's clothing thinks he is better than you. And finally - stop putting words in Christ's mouth. The only thing that is clear is that NO-To-DIVORCE is the position of the church - not of Christ. If Christ was a such a firm believer in family and so against divorce - why did he not marry himself? I was told as a kid that Jesus suffered so much for us - more than any other human before him and since. Yet even in death he got away with only one day on the cross and still managed to die somehow, when crucification was a slow dead lasting seven days. Come to think of it - the 6 thousand crucifications carried out by the Romans after they defeated Spartacus did more in the fight for freedom that Christ did. Don't get me wrong. I think Christ was a super duper guy in my books. He preached tolerance, turning the other cheek and love. At the very least he was a genius - even the romans did not want him dead. He was killed by the priests of his own time. The same priest who now hide behind his teachings, all the while condoning child abuse, preaching holy crusades, in favour of monarchies and fascism and against communisms, socialism, freedom, family planning, science and progress. Here is some more food for thought? Why is it that all Roman Catholic countries are backwards compared to more secular or protestant countries? Did not Jesus say give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's? - is that not a clear statement in favour of secularism? Divorce would not force anyone into a choice - it would give a choice.
Jien naf habiba tieghi li ma kienetx taqbel mal-premarital sex, imma fi tlett snin is-suppost mahbub taghha qatt ma wasal hlief ghal bewsa hafifa, u platonika, fuq wicca! Meta marret ghand il-qassis u qanqlet xi dubji dwar din l-imgienba MHUX normali, dan 'adviced he'r li l-gharus taghha hu gojjel: ibza ghalih ghax jirrispettak! Imsomma, izzewgu u sabet li ir-rispett kien gej mill-fatt li hu kien gay! Mhux tord tieghu, ghax anqas hu ma kien kapaci jaghraf lilu innifsu! U issa.....imsallba b'annullament; ilha 5 snin....nefqet 10,000 euros...u fottiet hajjitha b'din it-trawma! Taghlima: is-sess hu bzonn fizjologiku, irrid ikun jesprimi xi forma ta relazzjoni: iftah il-pakkett qabel ma tixtrih u tismax mic-cwiec!
We should respect Mrs Gonzi personal opinion if she practiced it, but her believes should not be imposed on other individuals. Today in Malta we have 30% of the children born our of wedlock. There needs to be real education that that is not right and give them the protection they need not to get pregrant. Society does not want to support freeloaders.
Tiehux ghalik sinjura Kate. Dak li ma' tridx inti qed jaghmlu zewgek mal-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi kulljum. Kif? Nispjega. Lejn l-ahhar tax-xahar naqbad is-salarju. Dak inhar niftakar li jien mas-salarju hadt Eur 1.16 zieda fil-waqt li zewgek, baxx baxx gablek zieda ta' Eur500.00!! Norqod, u l-ghada, l-ewwel gurnata ta' xahar gdid insib li zewgek bamballi zokk ta' harruba ghax rega' gholla l-petrol. L-anqas tkun ghaddiet l-ewwel weggha ghax pront inhoss zokk tal-ward ghax iqumu tal-gas!! Wara jigi l-hobz u l-halib. U jekk nibqa' sejjer.....................ma' nieqaf qatt. U biex naghlaq mhux il-feriti tafx, imma din il-kitba. Darba kull xahrejn jidhol super tanker.......il-kont tad-dawl u l-ilma. Inselli ghalik Kate u ma' ninsa qatt il-pjacir li fih Dr Gonzi!!
I fully agree with Mrs Gonzi re abstention from premarital sex as first overriding consideration is responsibility. I completely agree with divorce in special circumstances as adultery, fornication and perversion. Matthew 19.9 quotes Jesus saying:'barra minn zwieg hazin'. This is referring to sexual abuse and extramarital relationship. Such sexual behaviiour directly undermines the sanctity of the marital bond and, consequently, the faithful union between man and woman, no longer two, but one body as Paul the Apostle likens the Church and Christ.
Ilum jqbillek tpoggi ghax kemm jekk ikun hawn id-divorzju u kemm jekk le xorta wahda se tghaddi minn martirju ta' l-inqas erba' (4) snin. Pero' jiena naf min allavolja m'hanwx divorzju li kien mizzewweg u ghandu tarbija u ghax xebgha jew what ever xi hadd mill-Kurja ta' Ghawdex gablu l-annulament fi zmien 6 xhur u ser jizzewweg dalwaqt jera u neturalmetn bil-knisja u dan ma jaqbilx li jkun hawn id-divorzju naturalment jien ma naghtihx tort ghax bl-annullament huwa iktar facli ghalih.
Patricia Marsh
'Absent-minded couple in embarrassing incident as car falls into sea in Ta' Xbiex'. That's why Kate said what it said! Well done Kate.
Godfrey Grech
Does a blow-job count as sex?
@ JoeMC. Yes indeed stay at home and dont vote. It will be a lost vote for the NEGATIVES.
Kate you are only jealous,that's what you get from a zombie.
Luke Camilleri
Kate favur it-tolleranza? Kate favur id-drittijiet tal-minoranzi? Kate favur illi l-Maltin ikollhom l-istess dritijiet bhal cittadini ta' pajjizi fl-Unjoni Ewropeja? Kate, li hi konta is-sess qabel iz-zwieg, hi kontra s-sess , bejn l-Adulti, anki jekk ma hemm intenzjoni ta' ghaqda fiz-zwieg... bil Malti bejn il-pogguti li sejjer jillegisla ir-Ragel taghha u l-Partit tieghu?
Joe MC. Il-knisja stess tistma lil uliedek ta' bghula ghax lanqas tghammidhom mal-kumplament tal-kommunita, izda wara l-altar u mhux waqt laqgha kommunitarja. Halli lill-Knisja tibqa tistmalek lil uliedek ta' bghula, u tivvotax IVA. Dan x'ragunar hu ta' bniedem suppost matur ?. Pinnuri galore.
Joe MC You were going to vote for divorce ? ha ha ha! I hope you stay at home as you say ZBD will lose a vote. I have respect for others who defend a position different from my own, but not one who pretends to be one thing and is effectively another.
Mhux ta' b'xejn ghanda Gvern tal-Mickey Mouse. Biex il-mara ta' Gonzipn tohrog b'wahda bhal din ma nafx jekk issibx ohra li ghada daqshekk lura. X'ghandu x'jaqsam iz-zwied mas-sess ? Is-sess hu zvog naturali li jsehh mil-bniedem mizzewweg u mhux. Tiskanta kemm huma qaddisin dawn ta' Gonzipn. Beati qabel il-mewt. Nixtieq xi tghid Kate fuq ir-ragel taghha Gonzipn li selah dawk is-600 euro fil-gimgha ghal tlett snin shah minn wara dahar il-poplu, u fl'istess hin jitlob bid-dritt ghas-sagrificcji u jaghti 1 euro 16 cent. Hallina kate tiridu tilabuha tal-qaddisin imma fattikon jikxfukhom.
Luke Camilleri
It is not about agreeing or disagreeing with pre-marital sex! Sex is here to stay Pre-marital or not! If you can't be good, just be careful - with FULL AWARNESS of the consequences of Sexually transmitted disease and unwanted pregnancies!
Couldn't agree more... if you have sex before getting married you'd risk being late at the church ceremony and keeping everybody waiting. Now did you say Kate was late for this activity?? !
So what is her say on the cohabitation law that her husband wants?
For Salgister Here's an extract from a RC curia document: "A church decree of nullity/dissolution of marriage does not affect the legitimacy of any children of the marriage. In Cannon law legitimacy stems from either a valid or putative marriage. A putative marriage is a marriage sincerely thought to be valid at the time of the contract by at least one of the parties to the marriage." I don't think the church quite covers its ass with this explanation. The Curia are good at cementing the gaps ...
@ Fellus ta Gahan Very good comment ..This is a comment that a friend of mine told me.... I rather live some time with my girlfriend and see how we go just in case I will find that instead of a she, she will be a He cause I am so unlucky. DO YOU BLAME HIM ?????
No pre-marital sex ? This is obviously addressed at the female part of the population. Some husbands might pale in comparison. Ignorance is bliss.
how dare anyone impose his opinion on others; by voting no for divorce people are depriving others from the right to a second chance; regarding premarital sex- can someone tell me when 2 consenting adults have sex- who is being hurt and what wrong is being done- once the adults are sincere with each other. we were brought up by the church that sex is wrong- i dont recall Jesus saying so.
Micheal Bonanno
@JMC. Do you think anyone is believing you here? In Maltese jargon that's what children (pity them) are called. And if it isn't said in your face, it's behind your back. The poster serves as shock treatment to tell you the real truth! Divorce makes your children legitimate again in society. Then what do you call those children whose parents' marriage was annulled by the church. For the church that marriage never existed! And since that marriage never existed, then what makes the children?
Jidher li dak li ma hallitux jaghmel Kate qabel iz-zwieg issa qed jaghmlu hu lil Malta u l-Maltin kull cans li jigieh.
I wonder what her comments were over the child abuse that happened by priests. Or maybe she does not think this is important enough to comment on - not when her husbands business partners are involved.
That's easy for her to say - look who she was dating!
Perhaps the poor dear is a bit bogged off because St Gonz didn't give her the chance of a bit of pre-nuptial nookie- and what she didn't get, she don't want others to get. Or, perhaps, she wants to be a saint as well.
Well done Kate, no one is imposing their views or beliefs on you. Pity your husband believes otherwise in respect to the right to divorce....
Ta' Gonzi kull ma jafu jitkellmu dan l-ahhar fuq is-sess...sess tiela u sess niezel! U jekk mhux fuq is-sess fuq iz-zwieg, fuq id-divorzzju, ful minn jikkoabita...u ejja. Ejja nitkellmu fuq iz-zidiet moqzieza li ha zewgek u shabu minn wara dahar il-poplu...minn dak jimportah il-poplu mela fuq il-hmerijiet li tghidu...qiskom xi orakli ta' delfi. Pajjiz li grazzi ghal Goni qieghed isir redikolu bil-minuta!
Oh no, harping on reparital sex again. It's just a waste of time, what percentage of married couples never have any sort of sexual behaviour before marriage? Malta is sounding like the 1960s all over again. Hopefully it will change on the 28th May.
No wonder Lawrence Gonzi has such an irresistible urge to screw all of Malta - he's still trying to work off the frustration.
Herbert Brincat
Why not introduce also the chastity belt to safeguard marriages? It would perfectly fit to the mentality of the majority of the people.
If Kate Gonzi dislikes pre marital sex - no one is forcing her to do it. It's way too late for her to reflect on that now. Not only are we not interested in her sex life but I ask, what kind of people are we if we think we can express our opinion about people's intimate affairs? Give me a break. Or is Kate unconsciously echoing how those cassocked men have conditioned the people of these islands? Yeah ... you got it ... sticking a pervy nose into other people's private and intimate affairs is crossing over personal spaces and boundaries BIG TIME. Clergy - we respect you because you too come from GOD ... but dearies keep off other people's sex life etc.... it's very, very perverse. Same goes for marriage ... just go and get married yourselves why don't you? ... and leave alone others who succeed or who fail in their marriage or partnerships. Be KIND to those who make mistakes and stop torturing people with your unholy investigations and inquisitions. Enough is enough ...!
Arriving 35 minutes late for the 10am activity at Villa Arrigo, in a brief mention Gonzi also said she feared that the introduction of divorce would undermine the stability of marriage. ************** oh , was concentrating more on other things she speaked: on this i comment only this: banning Umbrellas does not stops rain. Banning Divorce does not stops marital breakdowns. It will be there for whom needs it, that is solidarity, to other human beings. I know there wil be some abuses, There is nothing in this world, that has all good or all bad. So yes the divorce is a must , it will be there for whom needs it, Could happen to anyone children or grandChildren, stop and think, what IF, that will happen to my son or daughter or granddaughter? Don't be ilusiioned , that these social problem might never reach you.
well, from what i read here, I see nothing said wrong, about divorce. that's just her opinion, nothing wrong with that.
Divorce comes about because of : -lack of truthfulness (finanzi fis-sod) -dishonesty (I will reduce income tax to 25%) -grabbing too much (Eur500) + another Eur6,000pa announced today -giving far too little (Eur1.16) -excessive spending (buying trees for Eur5,300 each) -Mud throwing (Justyn said Yes or No) etc...
Lawrence kien vergni qabel iz-zwieg imbaghad wara h**a l-Malta
Bin-nieqes mela baqa' Gonzi qabel iz-zwieg!!! hehehe