Yes vote falls by 6 points, No edges ahead

A MaltaToday survey shows the yes campaign trailing behind the no campaign for the first time in the past year, albeit by less than a percentage point.

MaltaToday reports that the difference between the two sides in the divorce referendum now falls within the survey’s margin of error, an indication that the referendum is now too close to call.


The survey also confirms that cost of living as the most pressing concern, while the Libyan crisis is now considered the least concern.


Yes vote: down 6 points since April, down 17 since March

No gains 1 point, undecided and undeclared voters increase by 5 points

Relative majority of women oppose divorce, men favour divorce

Yes vote suffers among 35-54 group losing 11 points, undecided increase by 8

No gain 4 points among 18-34 group

Among Labour voters, undecided increase by 4 points

71% of Yes voters sure of voting, compared to 66% of No voters

Cost of living, utility bills still a more pressing concern than divorce

58% of those who consider divorce a pressing concern “would vote no”

JOE MC jekk int veru favur id-divorzju haga wahda biss trid taghmel, tmur tivvota IVA. Ir-reklam ma fihmtux siehbi, mhux qed jirreferi ghat-tfal li ghamdek miz-zwieg, imma ghal dawk li jista' jkollok minn relazzjoni ohra. U iva, tinstema kerha, imma tfal barra z-zwieg hekk ikunu kif tikkunsidrahom il-ligi. Mela tpaxxix lill-Knisja, li ma trid xejn hlief li zzomm il-poter fuq l-imhuh, mur ivvota ghalik innifsek u xejn aktar. U hallik minn JPO, u l-ohrajn kollha, lili l-anqas ma jinpressjonanix JPO. Se mmur nivvota IVA ghax hekk jixraq lil minn ghandu zwieg li ma rrnexiex. U fil-futur nista' nigi bzonnu jien jew uliedi.
Le ghal bghula li insultani. jien separat u knot favur id divorzju imma mhux ser nivvota issa. JPO iblah,Deborah kattiva
id-divorzju huwa ghal min ghandhu bzonnu r-referendum huwa telf ta zmien ghax anke jeh tdhaddi L Iva, il parlament jivvota kontra. Ghal xejn nivvutaw, telf ta zmien Umoin meta it tfal tighej sara bghula, jien idecidejt li manivutrax, anzi forsi nivvota LE ghalwicc JPO
I said yes from the beginning and nobody will change my mind
@piccinino In Malta we have no direct divorce. Yet the no of couples separating reached the rate of 25%. That is for every 100 marriages these last years 25 apply for separation. The statistical trend is that separations in Malta are on the increase. As a learned person can you explain what wrong will divorce do to these people. Remember that only separated persons can apply for divorce.
Since marriage breakdowns are increasing exponentially-even though we have no divorce-when is the tipping moment for 'NO' movement, especially the ex -Oil company employee and the Malta Stock Exchange Chairman- to admit that breakdowns occur NOT because of divorce but because of the underlying changes in society which no body- not even the Church- can hold bacK?
During Christ's 3 years of teachings, thousands flocked to hear his words about salvation. More then 2K years after the church in Malta is loosing numbers by preaching damnation. Something is definitely wrong here. If one takes these threats seriously then one must also consider that ALL those millions of people who voted YES for divorce in all the other countries, before us, are damned for life..right? And they are not being administered sacraments and are being hurled away from the Church all the time..right? The Maltese church (which is a different kind of church, it seems) has to either come clean about the real reasons behind this crusade or else change this brainwashing attitude and grow up. It is failing Christ miserably!
Your surveys are bullshit James...just like your independent veiws. You are a person who would like change but cannot have it from the PN-CHURCH PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!! VOTE YES IN THIS REFERENDUM....& THEN VOTE LABOUR. That is how you get to change. Stop trying pathetically to manipulate the referendum outcome!!!!
It's all simple. The church have all the right to speak" but not running the country. it's all the goverment fault that is allowing all this. And the MLP is in the middle so not to say that they are in favour of divorce as a party, just individuality. and the surveys means nothing. weer the surveys doen to all the ppl whom are voting ? No . so the surveys are not realiable
What i can't understand is one simple thing - what makes this freaking island so holy as to impose on how people shouldthink and live and to stress on taking away the freedom of choice. If you don't need divorce good luck to you - but no one - especially those selfish holy freaks , have the right to impose their views on other people. Just give the right to freedom of choice. Freedom, liberty, secularism, separation of powers -, and love towards your neighbour at the end of the day should be what we strive for - not this lunacy of Machiavellian powerful church attitude. The church does not give a damn - it never did actually - about people's problems. All it wants is to destroy and impose. This selfish attitude of i'm fine and f*** you jack must stop - this is the attitude in Malta. The holy ones are just trying to impose their will on others through a curtain of selfishness, deceit, corruption and lies. Grow up Malta - the church only succeeded to divide and rule. And it's doing the same. Don't give the church that freedom. Think about the fact that giving money for charity is one of our main positive aspects- that's good but being selfish towards our neighbour by imposing our will on how they should live by taking away the freedom of choice show the Maltese holies as just the whited sepulchers they really are!!!
2011 * not 13 :) by that time marital breakdowns wil be more suppose in 10 years time say 2020
How blind can one be? what else do they need? canot you see how many people had marital breakdowns? and this is just 2013. Do we have divorce law here? No we have not! so how come we have thousands of marital breakdowns? komplu ghattu x-xemx bl-gharbiel. suppose in the coming years, its going to be a chaotic society. And it's unacceptable that the roman catholic church is running the country. Malta you have two choices "RESIST OR SERVE! " WE ARE IN THE EU? lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
fool! with divorce or not divorce your parenst still would have seperated, and everyone would have done what they had done. Even here it's the same, if a man wants to quit a woman he do it or vice versa. And this is just the begining. banning divorce does not stops marital breakdown. with divorce or not divorce marital breakdowns will still continue, so remember this ' banning umbrellas does not stops rain. Banning divorce does not stops marital breakdown
If I were in Poland had the ability to vote when I voted anti divorce. I am interesting as to vote today in other the divorces countries .
Mr.Piccinino, L-istatistika jkun jafha l-poplu malti fi snin li gejjin. Imqar 10 snin ohra, hemm hekk imbaghad hafna , jifhtu ghajnejhom , wara li jistenbhu b'xi hasda, Ghax heqq , meta jmiss lil tal-familja hemm hekk imbghad inhossu, ghax sakemm kollox sew f'xi haga no problem, pero hadd wara hadd tasal ta kulhadd, jekk ma jkunx huwa , jkunu uliedu jew ulied uliedu, Hadd ma ser ikun eskluz. BANNING UMBRELLAS DOES NOT STOPS RAIN. BANNING DIVORCE DOES NOT STOP MARITAL BREAKDOWN
Iva , Hekk huwa, imbilli ser iwaqqfu id-divorzju , IVA xorta z-zwigijiet ser ikomplu jitkissru. ghalekk : Banning umbrellas does not stop rain. banning Divorce does not stops marital breakdown. taf kemm tfisser dik hux? kellu bzonn il-poplu malti jiifimha sewwa dik. id-divorzju jkun hemm ghal min ikollu bzonnu biss-
id-divorzju huwa ghal min ghandhu bzonnu biss. Min ma jridux ma jiehdux. Ija t-tort tal gvern mela ta min, Min qed ihalli l-pajjiz jigi mmexxi mil-knisja ? ' dawn huma affarijiet redikoli. ovvja bhal kull haga ohra, jkun hemm l-abbuz, imma mhux f'kull haga ser issib min jabbuza? ma jezizti xejn li fih kollox tajjeb jew kollox hazin. Izda mhux l-isstess qed jigri u ser ikompli jigri , bi divorzju u minghajr divorzju? Ija ma nnizzilha qatt li l-pajjiz jigi mmexxi mil-knisja . ghax ma tantx nigu l-boghod mil Iran. Igri jghaddi r-referendum ghax tqazzizt mil-verita li harget , li l-knisja qed tmexxi l-pajjiz. xorta nivvota Iva fi referendum imma LE lil PN , . mhux bizejjed li kull kantuniera nica , kappella u knisja, ahjar tidhaq :) fl-ahhar mill-ahhar :)
Win or lose the referendum, the Church is the great loser here. Just imagine 'Malta Cattolicissima' voting 46% in favour of divorce. If that is the result, Malta won't even need a generation before the result is reversed. Well done to Malta for outgrowing this stupid religion that honours dirty old men in red vestments who protect pedophile priests.
@falzonsilvio falzonsilvo:"BANNING DIVORCE DOES NOT STOP MARITAL BREAKDOWN" ma waqqafhomx imma l-istatistika turi li d-divorzju iżżid it-tkissir fiż-żwiġijiet, ħafna jagżlu li jikkoabitaw... u din mhux kwistjoni ta' partiti. Intom li favur id-divorzju tippretenduwa ta' moħħkom miftuħ imma l-argumenti l-għandkom tat-tfal. Jekk tridu tikkonvinċu favur id-divorzju ġibu provi bħal statistika li fejn daħal id-divorzju għamel il-ġid.
Ili nghid minn mindu thabbar ir-referendum. Ha nivvota IVA imma mhux ser jghaddi. Ghax il-popolazzjoni Maltija injoranta u nofshom l-unika edukazzjoni li ghandhom hija 'grocer-jana'
Esteban Hernandez
proset firillu kbir hadli il kliem min halqi. l ewwel ihajruk biex tifirma il kuntrat imbad x hin jaqbduk u tkun trid tiranga dak l izbal jisolhuk haj biex iholuk. its all about MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kristu Iva - divorzju Le Il-kelma tqanqal L-ezempju jkaxkar Naghmlu bhalu Ma nizzewgux!!!!!
you know what it means, a , NO win? That means lawrence Gonzi would have won in the end, against the PL + JPO and Jesmond Mugliette . That will give him great sense of power, than you will see . I hope the majority will vote yes.. or lawrence gonzi will roll ver more than ever. Time will tell
JM is in favour of divorce. Lawrence gonzi is against divorce. MLP No stand PN ad the roman catholic church against divorce Only alternattiva demokratika in favour of divorce
The Rain will fall on all .So does the sun rises for all :) put your head in the sand. you can do that.... but sooner or later you have to get your head out ;-) BANNING UMBRELLAS DOES NOT STOP RAIN. BANNING DIVORCE DOES NOT STOP MARITAL BREAKDOWN.