Voters in favour of divorce denied home blessings and absolution of sins

Independent on Sunday reports some priests refusing to give absolution of sins and home blessing of people who say they will vote for divorce.

The Malta Independent on Sunday reports today that a number of people were denied the absolution of sins in Lija and Birkirkara. One individual said they were told that a vote for divorce goes against the teachings of the Church, and that the intention alone of voting ‘yes’ is already a sin in itself.

The same newspaper received reports this week of families being denied the blessing of their home, adding to a story which emerged earlier this week when a woman from Fgura was refused Holy Communion by a priest because she is in favour of divorce.

The woman, who is house-bound, received an apology from the same priest and was told she will be visited for Holy Communion.

The yearly post-Easter home visits appear to be exploited by priests across Malta and Gozo to deliver the message of the Church against divorce.

It is not known whether or not the Curia has instructed priests with specific instructions to not bless homes of people who have said they will be voting ‘yes’.

attboff. The MIZBLA next. That's where they should bury those "priests" that have abused children all over the world. And not just transferring them to a new diocese where they can find pastures new, that is new preys.
The Church in Malta is a BIG JOKE...I'd love them to tell me they won't bless my house....good - they're just an annoying bunch of idiots!
What next??? Maybe improsonment
Fehmawvuci Whilst your researched article is very interesting, ultimately, we do not need to be very erudite to intuit the raving contradictions of the Roman Church. What you're saying - in a nutshell - is that over the centuries, generations of Maltese people have been kept in the dark about the true teachings of Jeshwa (later referred to as Jesus Christ). And that there have been some very serious twists and manipulations of Jeshwa's original teachings. Indeed the First council of Nicea was formed in AD 325 - centuries after Jeshwa's time on Earth. Some historians tell us that the council of Nicea (who ‘invented’ the famous or infamous Nicene creed) chose which scriptures to adopt and which ones to discard. Moreover, the chosen scriptures were 'doctored' to suit the authorities. Again we do not need historians to affirm this. Anyone who has seriously studied the permitted scripture keenly senses the gaps and their incompleteness. Clearly, there were political reasons for ‘cocking up’ (the scriptures ) - and excluding women - from this unholy and monstrous institution consisting of a hierarchy of single men who are expected to make unnatural vows and god-knows-what-else ... this enormous albeit shrinking institution is built upon secrecy - a stupendously horrendous tradition (nothing to do with Jeshwa) which rears its ugly head in the confessional. In brief secrecy and bad behaviour is rife within this very strange institution. The crest of the Vatican is 'a serpent-dragon', because that is exactly what the word ‘vatican’ apparently means. And the Bible in Revelation 12:9 refers to ‘the dragon, the old serpent called devil or satan...'. They forgot to edit that bit out! The hijacking of the original teachings also meant a takeover of people’s hearts and minds. The new system recruited more people (with their missions) and controlled them by introducing the concept of hell and damnation and even to take their hard earned money in the process. (Yes, I know some good stuff also bears the signature of the church – but that’s how people are captured!!) The original Christian teachings were meant to set people free from the controlling political forces which existed long before Jeshwa’s arrival, but a few centuries down the line the teachings were taken over by the political authorities who allowed some original bits to stay in order to appease the people. But the underlying agenda was to control the masses to serve the ecclesiastical agenda. I hope this goes some way in demonstrating why the marriage of state and the Roman church is VERY SERIOUSLY WRONG. For those of us who are just waking up to this revelation ... indeed these are the Days of Revelation as predicted in the Bible ... please forgive them ... Most of them do not know what they do. And forgive those who know what they do as well. Our own healing can only come about when we untie the knots that bind us to others who hurt us. And this can only be done by giving beforehand [forgiving] an absolution without insisting on punishment. Even so, WE MUST SPAEK OUR MINDS without necessarily engaging in pointless discussions with those whose hearts minds and souls are set in the opposite direction.
The reason this artivle has been pasted in full is to address how wrong the roman catholic church has been in it's assessments of important events in the world. Things that the church called heresy to protect it's interest have been verified to be true. Nothing is too long to read that can expose a religious order that has enslaved this small island for way too long and where the civil rights of it's citizens has been denied by the government to appease this collusion between the church and those that choose to twist Christ's teachings to their own benefits. Sorry if you feel you do not have the time to read all of this and discover how the church in Malta continues to prefer to keep tis followers ignorant of the real facts around the world.
Michael Cutajar
It was reported that the Archbishop is advising priests who are conducting themselves as reported above and/or similar behaviour. However it is in everybody's interest to name these persons who are using bellicose and crusader's attitudes. Thus they would not tarnish the whole church. Unfortunately, the Archbishop needs to start with a chat with noone other than his Media PR who as I reported some days ago vented his panic in a sermon in a school by referrring to Il-Glieda tal-Iskejjel tal-Knisja (Thus his mind frame...battalji, gwerra, rebha, maghna jew kontra taghna etc etc) and equating it with the referendum question. Another chat would be appropriate with the Haz Zebbug Parish Priest who is using internet and facebook to incite people. With posts such as," ghajruna Talibani, Nazi , Fundamentalisti.... u issa ukoll iridu johonqulna id-dritt tal-espressjoni!!!!!!!......" Not very Christian way, isn'it how to debate. Are we entering some kind of 60's battle again? God forbid. And Lija was mentioned in the report above. Sermons full of cynical comments are the order of the day in this parish. And you can't expect much better form a parish who just recently churned out a priest (recently ordained) obsessed with wearing the cassock and with turning back the clock by celebrating mass in Latin. BTW this was not the only priest with pre Vatican Council ideals to be ordained recently.
fehmawvuci can you make a summary of this? Too long to read!! Copy and paste from another article? Why?
WHAT EVERY MALTESE MUST READ BEFORE VOTING FOR THE REFERENDUM ON DIVORCE. Today we shall embark upon the time-honoured Quest for the Holy Grail. Some have called it the Ultimate Quest, but the Christian Church has condemned it as a heresy. A Christian heresy is described as 'an opinion which is contrary to the orthodox dogma of the Christian bishops' and, in this regard, those other quests which comprise much of today's scientific and medical research are equally heretical. The word 'heresy' is, in essence, nothing more than a derogatory label - a tag used by a fearful Church establishment that has long sought to maintain control of society through fear of the unknown. A heresy can therefore define those aspects of philosophy and research which quest into the realms of the unknown and which, from time to time, provide answers and solutions that are quite contrary to Church doctrine. In Christian terms, most of the world's population is heretical, because the Christian Church (which defines its own heresies) represents little more than a quarter of that population. As for the remaining three-quarters - the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and others - they are all, by definition, heretics and infidel. Only 365 years ago, the Italian scientist Galileo announced that the Earth was in motion around the sun (a discovery by the Polish astronomer, Copernicus) and for this the Church proclaimed him a heretic. As a result, Galileo was hauled before the Catholic Inquisition and kept under house arrest for ten years until he died. Soon afterwards, Isaac Newton pursued the concept of orbital force, but he too was condemned and it was not until recently, in 1992, that the Church finally admitted that the Earth was in solar orbit. Indeed, it was not until the summer of 1996 that the notion of Hell was abolished by the General Synod of the Anglican Church, and it was this very notion which had caused such problems for Galileo, Newton and others. The Catholic Church, on the other hand, maintains the notion of Hell - and so, in the eyes of Rome, the Anglican Protestants have now become heretics in this regard. Historically, as far as the Christian Church was concerned, the Earth was flat and at the centre of the Universe. Heaven was above the Earth and Hell was below. Consequently, the Earth had to be motionless and could not possibly be in orbital motion unless Heaven and Hell moved as well - which, it was maintained, they did not. 1996 was also the year when Pope John Paul formally acknowledged Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution - proclaiming it to be 'quite compatible' with the Christian faith. But, hitherto, all scientists and scholars who upheld the principles of evolution were classified as heretics. Additionally, the Vatican has now established a Miracles Council, consisting of scientists, medical men and theologians. Their brief is straightforward: to investigate ancient and modern miracles so as to determine what does and what does not fall into the category. If a plausible and acceptable reasoning can be found for a said miracle, then it is taken off the miracles list. If not, then it stays on the list until such time as a logical explanation is put forward by the Council. And so, one by one, yesterday's heresies (for which so many have been persecuted and executed) are being accepted by the Church's more rational members. But there is, nevertheless, a significant element that prefers to retain the old dogma - creating a modern schism in the very structure of the Church itself. As the years progress, it is evident that scientific and medical discovery must overturn much of the medieval religious dogma that has persisted to modern times. And, in this regard, some previously cited heresies are already being taken on board by a Church that has little option to do otherwise. But there are also other forms of heresy: heresies with an essentially spiritual base - the heresies which may be called pagan or occult and those which form the very roots of religions other than Christianity. Then there are the historical heresies: those which do not immediately fall within the realms of science, medicine or philosophy, but whose testing and questing fall mainly to historians, linguists and theologians. It is in this particular category that we find the Quest for the Holy Grail and, in pursuing the Quest, it becomes increasingly apparent why the Church pronounced Grail lore to be a heresy when society at large perceives the Grail to be a thoroughly Christian relic. Quests are, by their very nature, intriguing and historical research is enlightening, but the findings from neither are of any use whatever unless there are present-day applications which, like science and medicine, can sow the seeds of a better future. History is no more than recorded experience - generally the experience of its winners - and it is common sense to learn from the experience of yesterday. Indeed, it is that very experience which holds the moral, cultural, political and social keys of tomorrow - and it is in this context that the Holy Grail supports its own Messianic code. This is the code of social practice instituted by Jesus when he washed his apostles' feet at the Last Supper. It pertains to the obligations of giving and receiving 'service'. It determines that those in positions of elected authority and influence should always be aware of their duties as 'representatives' of society, obligated to Serve society, not to presume authority over society. The Grail Code is the essential key to democratic government. This is defined as government BY the people FOR the people. Without the implementation of the Code, we experience the only too familiar government OF the people. This is not democratic government. In the course of our journey, we shall discuss many items which are thoroughly familiar, but we shall be looking at them from a different perspective to that normally conveyed. In this regard it will appear that we are often treading wholly new ground, but it was, in fact, only the ground that existed before it was carpeted and concealed by those with otherwise vested interests. Only by rolling back this carpet of purposeful concealment can we succeed in our quest for the Holy Grail. Our quest will begin in the Holy Land of Judaea in the time of Jesus, and we shall spend a good while there so as to set the emergent scene. We shall then progress through 2000 years of history to the present day - travelling through the Dark Ages to spend some time in medieval Europe. The Grail mystery will then be followed into King Arthur's Britain and, eventually, even to the United States, where the American fathers were among the greatest exponents of the Grail Code. Eminent Americans such as George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Thompson and Thomas Jefferson were as much champions of the Holy Grail as were King Arthur, Sir Lancelot and Galahad. Bloodline of the Holy Grail has been described as The Book of Messianic Descent and it carries the subtitle The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed. This of course indicates that Jesus had children and, by implication therefore, that he was married. So was he married? Did he have children? If so, do we know what became of them? Are their descendants alive today? The answer to each of these questions is 'yes'. We shall be looking at the emergent family in some detail, following their story, century by century - the story of a resolute royal dynasty: the descendant heirs of Jesus, who struggled against all odds to preserve the Messianic initiative of the Holy Grail. Our story is one of conspiracy; of usurped crowns, persecutions, assassinations and the unwarranted concealment of information from the people of the Christian world. It is an account of good government and bad government; about how the patriarchal kingship of people was supplanted by dogmatic tyranny and the dictatorial lordship of lands. It is a compelling journey of discovery: a view of past ages, but with its eye firmly set upon the future. This is history as it was once written, but has never been told. Let us begin with the most obvious of all questions: What is the Holy Grail? How is the Holy Grail connected with the descendant heirs of Jesus? The fact that Jesus had descendants might come as a surprise to some, but it was widely known in Britain and Europe until the late Middle Ages. In medieval times, the line of Messianic descent was defined by the French word Sangréal - deriving from the two words Sang Réal, meaning 'Blood Royal'. This was the Blood Royal of Judah: the kingly line of David which progressed through Jesus and his heirs. In English translation, the definition Sangréal became 'San Graal' (as in San Francisco). When written more fully it was 'Saint Grail' - the word 'saint', of course, relating to 'holy'. Then, by a natural linguistic process, came the more romantically familiar term, 'Holy Grail'. From the Middle Ages there were a number of chivalric and military orders specifically attached to the Messianic Blood Royal in Britain and Europe. They included the Order of the Realm of Sion and the Order of the Sacred Sepulchre. But the most prestigious of all was the Sovereign Order of the Sangréal - the Knights of the Holy Grail. This was a dynastic Order of Scotland's Royal House of Stewart. In symbolic terms the Grail is often portrayed as a chalice that contains the blood of Jesus; alternatively as a vine of grapes. The product of grapes is wine, and it is the chalice and the wine of Grail tradition that sit at the very heart of the Holy Communion (the Eucharist). In this sacrament, the sacred chalice contains the wine that represents the perpetual blood of Jesus. It is quite apparent that, although maintaining the ancient Communion custom, the Christian Church has conveniently ignored and elected not to teach the true meaning and origin of the custom. Few people even think to enquire about the ultimate symbolism of the Chalice and Wine sacrament, believing that it comes simply from some Gospel entries relating to the Last Supper. What is the significance of the perpetual blood of Jesus? How is the blood of Jesus (or of anyone else for that matter) perpetuated? It is perpetuated through family and lineage. So why was it that the Church authorities elected to ignore the 'bloodline' significance of the Grail sacrament? Indeed, why was it that they went so far as to denounce Grail lore and Grail symbolism as heretical? The fact is that every Government and every Church teaches the form of history or dogma most conducive to its own vested interest. In this regard we are all conditioned to receiving a very selective form of teaching. We are taught what we are supposed to know, and we are told what we're supposed to believe. But, for the most part, we learn both political and religious history by way of national or clerical propaganda, and this often becomes absolute dogma: teachings which may not be challenged for fear of reprisals. With regard to the Church's attitude towards the chalice and the wine, it is blatantly apparent that the original symbolism had to be reinterpreted by the bishops because it denoted that Jesus had offspring and, therefore, that he must have united with a woman. But it was not only sacraments and customary ritual that were reinterpreted; the very Gospels themselves were corrupted to comply with the 'male-only' establishment of the Church of Rome - much like a modern film editor will adjust and select the takes to achieve the desired result. We are all familiar with the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - but what about the other Gospels: those of Philip, of Thomas, of Mary and of Mary Magdalene? What of all the numerous Gospels, Acts and Epistles that were not approved by the Church councils when the New Testament was compiled? Why were they excluded when the choices were made? There were actually two main criteria for selection, and these (from an earlier short-list prepared by Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria) were originally determined at the Council of Carthage in the year AD 397, to be finally ratified in the later Renaissance era. The first criterion was that the New Testament Gospels must be written in the names of Jesus's own apostles. Matthew was, of course, an apostle, as was John - but Mark was not an apostle of Jesus as far as we know; neither was Luke; they were both colleagues of the later St Paul. Thomas, on the other hand, was one of the original twelve, and yet the Gospel in his name was excluded. Not only that but, along with various other texts, it was sentenced to be destroyed. And so, throughout the Mediterranean world, numerous unapproved books were buried and hidden in the 5th century. Only in recent times have some of these early manuscripts been unearthed, with the greatest of all discoveries made (after 1500 years) in 1945 at Nag Hammadi in Egypt. Although these books were not rediscovered until this present century, they were used openly by the early Christians. Certain of them, including the Gospels mentioned, along with the Gospel of Truth, the Gospel of the Egyptians and others, were actually mentioned in the 2nd-century writings of early churchmen such as Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus of Lyon and Origen of Alexandria. So, why were these and other apostolic Gospels not selected? Because there was a second, far more important criterion to consider - the criterion by which, in truth, the Gospel selection was really made. It was, in fact, a wholly sexist regulation which precluded anything that upheld the status of women in Church or community society. Indeed, the Church's own Apostolic Constitutions were formulated on this basis. They state, 'We do not permit our women to teach in the Church, only to pray and to hear those who teach. Our master, when he sent us the twelve, did nowhere send out a woman; for the head of the woman is the man, and it is not reasonable that the body should govern the head'. This was an outrageous statement with no apparent foundation, but it was for this very reason that dozens of Gospels were not selected, because they made it quite clear that there were many active women in the ministry of Jesus: women such as Mary Magdalene, Martha, Helena-Salome, Mary-Jacob Cleophas and Joanna. These were not only ministering disciples, but priestesses in their own right, running exemplary schools of worship in the Nazarene tradition. In his Epistle to the Romans, St Paul makes specific mention of his own female helpers: Phoebe, for example, whom he called a 'sister of the Church' - along with Julia, and Priscilla who 'laid down her neck for the Cause'. Writings of the Gospel era are simply alive with women disciples, but the Church ignored them all. When the Precepts of Ecclesiastical Discipline were drawn up, they stated, 'It is not permitted for a woman to speak in Church, nor to claim for herself a share in any masculine function'. The Church of Rome was so frightened of women that it implemented a rule of celibacy for its priests - a rule that became a law in 1138: a rule that persists today. But this rule has never been quite what it appears on the surface, for it was never sexual activity as such that bothered the Church. The more specific problem was priestly intimacy with women. Why? Because women become wives and mothers - and the very nature of motherhood is a perpetuation of bloodlines. It was this that bothered the Church: a taboo subject which, at all costs, had to be separated from the necessary image of Jesus. However, it was not as if the Bible had said any such thing. In fact, quite the reverse was the case. St Paul had actually said in his first Epistle to Timothy that a bishop should be married to one wife and that he should have children, for a man with experience in his own family household is actually far better qualified to take care of the Church. But, even though the Roman Church authorities claimed to uphold the teaching of St Paul in particular, they chose completely to disregard this explicit directive to suit their own ends, so that Jesus's marital status could be strategically ignored. Notwithstanding this, the Church's celibate, unmarried image of Jesus was at variance with other writings of the Gospel era, and it was openly contradicted in the public domain until the perpetuation of the truth was proclaimed a punishable heresy (only 450 years ago) at the Italian Council of Trento in 1547 (the year that Henry VIII Tudor died in England). It is, however, not just the Christian New Testament which suffers from these sexist restrictions. A similar editing process was applied to the Hebrew Old Testament, making it conveniently suitable to be added to the Christian Bible. This is made particularly apparent by a couple of entries that bypassed the editors' scrutiny. The books of Joshua and 2-Samuel both refer to the importance of the more ancient book of Jasher. But where is this book? Like so many others of equal importance, it is not to be found in the Bible! Does the book of Jasher still exist? It certainly does. The nine-foot Hebrew scroll was a jewel of the Court of Emperor Charlemagne and the translation of the book of Jasher was the very reason that the University of Paris was founded in the year 800 - more than a century before the now familiar version of the Old Testament was compiled.
Tghidx kemm qed nibki - anqas se norqod jekk ma jitfalix naqra ilma. Dawk mhux al flus jigu??? Al xejn aktar. Hehehe nistennih bil-herqa nkun ha naghmillu t-tapit l-ahmar!!! Ara veru pajjiz tal-mickey mouse. Mela dawn il-qassisin ghadhom ma tghallmux li l-vot sigriet? Xi dritt ghandom jigu jistaqsu?? Pajjiz tal-mickey mouse!!! Dawn kienu l-istruzzjonijiet mill-kurja dekrepita u korrotta??????????? Issa jekk nghidilhom li se nivvota iva - x'jista jigri????? Ma jridx ibierek?????? Ma jbiereks - anqas se norqod jew niekol bl-inkwiet. A meno che m'ghandomx f'mohhom li jergaw jibdew jaghmlu uzu mill-palazz tal-inkwizitur!!!!!!!!
Joseph Sant
What we the readers of this online paper have to say, our reactions to the Church in general and some priests in particular are neither here nor there. They won't change anything. What angers me is that these are clear example of undue influence and corrupt pracrtices and no one, not the Electoral Commission nor the Police deign to investigate and take the necessary steps. Are members of the clergy above the law? It seems so. And if that is the case then remove the "undue influence£ clause in the General Elections Act. At least it would be one humiliation less. If this is a theocracy than let's all be men enough and admit it. Aritcles of law that are on the statute book merely for show do more harm than good.
Daqt jghidulna li ser jitfnuna fil-mizbla bhaz-zmien is-sittinijiet jekk nivotaw ghad-divorzju. Aqraw il-ktieb - Leli ta' Haz-zghir ha taraw il-knisja x'kapaci tamel. Biex il-knisja tkun kapaci taghti opinjoni, u opinjoni biss. Iridu jizzewgu il-qassisin, ghax il-bqija fiex jifmu, kull ma qraw xi ktieb ta' zmien zem zem, meta l-affarijiet u il-familji kienu ferm differenti mill-lum. Il-knisja diga qed tara nuqqas ta' nies jattendu nhar ta' hadd, u ser ikomplu inaqqsu jekk ha jindahlu u jamlu il-praspar li qed jaghmlu. Jien l-ewwel wiehed ma nersaqx l-hemm, mux ghax ma nemmenx f'Alla, imma ma nemmenx fil-qassisin, hekk jew b'hekk huma qatluh lil Kristu.
The Church in Malta can getaway with murder. Such episodes amount to corrupt practice which hinders the fair running of an election or referendum. It is unconstitutional. The Yes lobby should denounce it to the EU and stop the campaign. The Church has already infected the people's minds. At this point, divorce has no chance. Divorce can enter Malta if Joseph Muscat walks the walk and talks the talk.
Typical of the church to resort to blackmail- and the gullible, who believe in the fables and fantasies of this obsolete organisation, will fall for it in their droves. Do ME a favour and STAY AWAY!
I have alot of friends who are priests, and I discuss the issue of divorce with them. I understand and ACCEPT that they will never agree with divorce since it's against their instituiton. But the most disgusting thing is that some priests are starting to threat about this issue, which is UN ACCEPTABLE. I hope that the people who are recieving this type of threats from priests, will be strong and they go and vote YES for the introduction of divorce.I don't intend to try to convince any priest in favour of divorce, but I'm sure that no priest will ever say something and impresses me, and convince me to vote against divorce. Divorce is a civil right, and a sin is another thing! Some people are mixing civil rights with religious morality.This is completely wrong, and unacceptable.
I am voting yes for divorce because i love Jesus.
Extortion, blackmail, threats of hellfire... . by a church which claims it's in favour of separation between church and state, and which tells its flock to vote according to their conscience. . 1. the use of violence and THREATS TO INTIMIDATE OR COERCE, especially for political purposes. 2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization. 3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government. . Sound familiar?
hahhahah jemmnu lil qassisin (roman catholics) lil dawn ara : US Jesuits agree £103 million abuse payout By Greg Szymanski Mar 26, 2011 If you go back in my radio archives, you’ll find numerous interviews with Ken Bear Chief, the investigator for the Tamaki Law Firm, who was documenting genocide of Native Americans at the Jesuit Mission Schools. While CNN and CBS were covering for the Jesuits, I was busy telling you this was the biggest story to hit news stands, implicating the Jesuits and Vatican with US government complicity to genocide, torture and child abuse, using the front of education and Mission schools set up on Reservations. There has been a settlement in the case. Here is the story from The Telegraph in London and Ken Bear Chief will be on Monday’s radio program
When commenting on the Law of Moses, Jesus gave the answer “I desire mercy and not sacrifice” and Jesus argued “sometimes the Law of God is set aside, when the humanitarian circumstances of mercy demand such”. Jesus himself broke the Sabbath Law (the Fourth Commandment) for medical necessity without committing sin when he healed persons on a Sabbath. One could also break the Sabbath – the fourth commandment which though still valid is rarely observed – to save the life of a sheep without committing sin, how much more a man. A man lifting a donkey out of a pit on the Sabbath to save its life was in clear violation of the Law of Moses, but the MERCY OVER SACRIFICE law of God kicked in and excepted the man from sin. God’s LAW of respect for the life of animals came in direct conflict with the Sabbath Law and the Sabbath Law gave way to the higher law of MERCY OVER SACRIFICE. Divorce and remarriage is likely the hardest issue facing Christians today. If Scripture expressly allows only fornication and desertion as grounds for divorce (NOT ANNULMENT) and remarriage (Matt 5:32; 19:9; I Cor 7:12-16,27-28), then we have an opportunity to practice our principle. There will be cases short of adultery or desertion, but similar or worse in effect, where divorce is justified by this rule alone. Are you timid to apply this rule by faith? Not if you are like the man after God’s own hearth! Shake free from the unmerciful bondage of Pharisaism and find the liberty of Jesus Christ. God and everyone else wishes that marriage is until death do us part. However during Moses time God realising that this was not that possible, allowed Moses to introduce divorce. Our God is the same God that Moses had. So considering the higher law of God of MERCY OVER SACRIFICE, my conscience is clean to accept divorce.
During Christ's 3 years of teachings, thousands flocked to hear his words about salvation. More then 2K years after the church in Malta is loosing numbers by preaching damnation. Something is definitely wrong here. If one takes these threats seriously then one must also consider that ALL those millions of people who voted YES for divorce in all the other countries, before us, are damned for life..right? And they are not being administered sacraments and are being hurled away from the Church all the time..right? The Maltese church (which is a different kind of church, it seems) has to either come clean about the real reasons behind this crusade or else change this brainwashing attitude and grow up. It is failing Christ miserably!
The solution is easy - don't let them in the house to bless. How can child molesters bless your house anyways. Want to bless your house - pray directly to GOD - you don't need intermediation. He is OMNI-POTENT - i am sure he can hear you. Second - do the same for confessing your sins. Even better - confess your sins in a family setting. Now there is an idea for you!!! Get the church out of your life and Christ back into your heart!!
Esteban Hernandez
nixtiq inkun naf il kostituzjoni maltija xi tejd fuq dan il hmieg????? u hem fuq dak il fteim li kien ghamel mintof mal kurja fis 69?? u jek il le fir referendum ta 28 mejju jirbah u ftit zmien ihor tasal l ellezjoni il knisja hix ha terga tamel il hnizirijit li qeda taghmel bhalisa, bid diferenza li din id darba tkun kontra il pl?????????? hem bzon li il poplu jitalem mil izbalji li ghamel qabel u ma jhalix lil kurja tibqa tmexi lil malta bal ma gara ghal dawn l ahhar 23 sena. araw fl lima mizerja gabuh li pajiz!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zack Depasquale
L-ilma imbierek jista jzommuh, ghaliex jien iva sejjer nivotta.
Imma din mhix ovvja . X'qed jippretendu , li l-qassisin kattolici rumani, mhux ser jghidulhom hekk ? Ara jiena qed nistennieh halli nghidlu x'ibirikli lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll jekk jigi l'hawn :)
Same here Just Ray Guess why their home blessing only last until the following year? Because they come to collect their money the following year. My home can do without their blessing and they can do without my money. As far as their absolution of sins is concerned, you can pray directly to God without any of their interventions. The Church in Malta is only a Mammona Church some members of which think they can control our lives. They have lost that power in the 1960's and they are going to lose much more power now.
Dear Church, You can stay away from my house cos I'm voting YES no matter what you say. . It's my life and you have no right to interfere