ADPD complains to Broadcasting Authority over TV allocation
ADPD disappointed it has once again not been scheduled to debate the major parties

ADPD chairperson Carmel Cacopardo, in a letter to the Broadcasting Authority, has complained that the Green Party has not been scheduled to debate the major parties.
He said this was a lacuna that needed to be remedied with debates with both the PN and the PL.
“The political broadcast schedule for Election 2022 proposed by the Broadcasting Authority ignores the fact that the PN and the PL have their own radio and TV stations. This should be taken in consideration in the allocation of the broadcasts to ADPD. If this is not, then ADPD will continue to suffer from the imbalance in airtime allocated to ADPD even during the electoral campaign.”
Airtime allocated to ADPD is already very limited – the party is not represented in parliament.
ADPD called for number of measures to address the imbalance created by the fact that PLPN own their own stations.
“ADPD is therefore requesting the Broadcast Authority that any of the party’s spokesperson can represent it in these broadcasts; more flexibility in the use of the allocated airtime; increase in the airtime for advertising spots; more airtime on PBS; that ADPD advertising spots are broadcast on ONE and NET; that it also features in programmes on ONE and NET,” Cacopardo said.