Robert Abela says PN manifesto riddled with 'terms and conditions'
Labour leader Robert Abela pledges to extend energy benefits to ‘thousands of pensioners’

Prime Minister Robert Abela has slammed the Nationalist Party’s electoral manifesto, saying it is riddled “with terms and conditions”.
“On the other hand, with us you know what we are doing, when it will be done and how much it will cost,” Abela said at a political activity held in Zabbar on Tuesday evening.
He played down criticism on the party’s electoral proposals, saying they are all costed, and look to directly invest in people.
“Our political style is inspired from the will to help the people of this country,” the Labour leader told supporters.
In a speech largely aimed at pensioners, the PM referenced a number of electoral pledges the party has put forward.

He said a Labour government will extend an energy benefit to thousands of pensioners, saying the part-subsidies utility bills for low income earners will be widened to include more persons. Claimants will have to earn no more than €9,300 a year.
“The PL promises to increase that by at least €2,500. Those eligible for the scheme could have up to €314 a year reduced from their energy bills a year,” Abela said.
He also said senior citizens who receive a supplementary allowance will receive free internet.
“Together with other benefits, this means you pensioners will receive more than €1,600 in your pockets,” he said.
He also slammed the PN’s criticism on the tax rebate cheques, saying the party wants to deny Maltese people €24 million a year.
“They told us tax rebate cheques were ridiculous,” he said. “How ironic for someone who had to have his taxes paid by someone else when he contested the leadership, to say he will not give you tax rebates.”
Abela also slammed the PN proposal on housing rent subsidies for tenants with pre-1995 rental contracts.
“With Bernard Grech, you lose out on your benefits. The PN wants to leave over 10,000 families homeless,” the PL leader said.