Bernard Grech aides Chris Peregin and Ray Bezzina step down
Grech head of secretariat Ray Bezzina, and PN head of strategy Chris Peregin step down

PN leader Bernard Grech’s right-hand man Ray Bezzina has decided to step down from his role as his head of secretariat.
Bezzina will be working for an additional four weeks to assist with the transition process.
Bernard Grech wished him well and thanked Bezzina for his contribution throughout the past year and a half.
Bezzina said: “I have full faith in Bernard Grech and I applaud him for deciding to stay on as leader, while seeking a fresh mandate. The party has already undergone big changes with him as leader and I have no doubt that over the next years these changes will also result in positive electoral results.”
Meanwhile, Christian Peregin’s contract as campaign manager has come to an end automatically with the general election which took place last Saturday.
Peregin said: “I would like to thank the PN for the faith the party showed in me and I remain at the party’s disposal in any task Bernard Grech deems fit.”
Peregin is the owner of news portal Lovin Malta, having stepped down from company CEO on 31 July, 2021.
Peregin had said he had initiated the process to sell off his shareholding.
At the time of moving to the PN, Peregin gave his reasons for the move in a 1,555-word article in which he expressed concern over the wide gap in the polls between the government and Opposition.
Peregin described the PN as a party that “stopped being relevant after EU membership” and was now“a shadow of its former self”.
“But that’s where the opportunity lies. The party is ready to be rebuilt. It must be rebuilt. And it has a leader who is eager to welcome people back to help him rebuild it,” Peregin wrote.
The PN’s executive committee will meet after the full parliamentary group is elected. Prior to the executive committee a meeting of the Administrative Council will be held.