No votes for AD from hunters and their family members – FKNK

Hunting lobby hits at out electoral pledge by Green Party to tackle illegal trespassing and poaching.

Photo: Neil Carden.
Photo: Neil Carden.

Hunting lobby FKNK (Federation for Hunting and Conservation) have come down hard on pledge by Alternattiva Demokratika to tackle illegal poaching in its electoral manifesto, accusing the green party of being "intolerant" and not to expect any votes from hunters.

AD have called for hunting laws to fall under animal welfare legislation, and pledged a ban on spring hunting as mandated by the EU's Birds Directive. Malta currently opens the hunting season on a limited basis by derogation from the EU law.

In a reaction, FKNK secretary-general Lino Farrugia sent a casual reminder that with no votes from Malta's hunting community and their family members, AD was unable to make it parliament.

"As the saying goes, 'The world can't make a racehorse out of a donkey' and with such bright ideas and complete intolerance AD will never make it to parliament," Farrugia said. "Yet again, FKNK's thousands of adult members and their families will not be voting for AD in the forthcoming elections."

Farrugia accused AD of being intolerant and allowing no room for compromise. "AD only seems to sympathise with minority groups that fall within its limited list of 'favourites', and if for some reason one does not agree with them they will throw away their teddy bears and go all out to try to destroy opponents."

Farrugia said the FKNK would defend hunters' rights within the framework of EU legislation.

"One would have thought AD would have words of praise for Maltese and Gozitan hunters and trappers who have been fundamental for the maintenance of local habitats over centuries, whether on privately owned land or on land rented for the practice of their passions," Farrugia said, referring to AD's comments on illegal trespassing by hunters on third-party property.

"AD have not reinvented the wheel when they state that hunters should stay on their privately-owned or rented-out land, because this is precisely the way things have always been. AD are so confused that they say that hunters should not trespass, whereas, the way things stand today, it is exactly the opposite way round."

Hunters? What are these? Big macho men with big guns that go blasting little tiny birds out of the sky? Is this all that's left of the courage that saw Malta through WW2? Shame on anyone who takes pleasure out of destroying another creatures life! Their vote shouldn't count anyway. The REAL MEN of Malta are the ones trying to make the place better, and more civilsed!
Prosit FKNK komplu hamgu lil poplu Malti bil-hnizrijiet li qed twettqu. Ghajb ghal-MLP li rega gie jilghaqkom u l-PN li fetah l-istagun. Pajjiz qazzistuh bl-attitudni taghkom. U dan qed nghidu eks kaccatur. Verament nispera li tkompli tizviluppa t-teknoligija u ssir irhas halli jkompli jinkixfu l-hnizrijiet li taghmlu intkom.
Mhux ahjar jigi Lino Farrugia ibusli l-****
So now those who are against hunting should give their number 1 vote to Alternattiva Demokratika .
Hunters never voted for AD anyway and lately a vote for AD goes only to help or hinder some other party. I am not in favour in hunting but the FKNK should have told members not to vote for the party which took them for a ride all these years. But the courage fails them as the hunters come from both parties and they want to look apolitical. As for asking for law enforcement I don't blame AD. It should be shown in every aspect of every law.
Ghadek ma xbajtx taqa' ghan-nejk Sur Farrugia?? mela il-kaccaturi xi darba ivvutaw lil AD? Jien qatt ma tajthom il-vot, izda din id-darba ghalihom.
I will vote for the AD for the first time, I voted for both parties in the past, but they kept me disappointed, we went from bad to worst.
As if there was any doubt what the hunting lobby was after. Mr Micheal Falzon seems to have hit the right tone with his ‘a new Labour government would not tolerate "any of this nonsense" ('dan il-qziez jinqata') with reference to the ALE efforts to thwart illegal trapping. So basically this means that if anyone is against the trapping of finches and spring hunting one should avoid voting Labour. Did I get that right, Mr. Farrugia?
a) Very few hunters would have voted for AD anyway. b) Is FKNK formally declaring that it supports illegal hunting?
I think that FKNK are really fighting a lost battle against AD. Mr. Farrugia could not have quoted a better saying which goes, 'The world can't make a racehorse out of a donkey'. And really AD would not make it to parliament with the hunter's votes but surely would increase their share of votes from the ever increasing ambientalists. At least AD are honest with regards to hunters, not like the two major parties who try to get a ride on the hunters back when elections are near
X'kuraġġ qed juru tal-FKNK. Bl-aġir tagħhom se jtellfu l-gvern lill-Alternattiva Demokratika ! U ħalluna, sirtu bħal ma Mintoff kien għajjar lil ħaddiema tat-tarzna fl-1973 !!