PN accuses Joseph Muscat of 'promising the moon'

In its latest billboard, the PN accuses Labour leader Joseph Muscat of promising the moon.

The latest PN billboard
The latest PN billboard

Barely an hour before the Opposition leader Jospeh Muscat addressed the nation in Parliament in his budget speech, the Nationalist Party said Muscat is promising everything to everyone in the most irresponsible manner.

The party held a press conference today to launch its latest, and most ingenious billboard so far, which depicts Muscat standing in front of the water fountain outside Parliament in St George's Square, holding an umbrella.

The PN's Executive president Marthese Portelli said Labour leader Joseph Muscat's only ambition is to gain power "but in reality he doesn't care about what's really of importance to you. Muscat makes populist choices while the PN makes responsible choices."

Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adam pointed out that Muscat is ready to promise the moon to everyone in order to win the forthcoming election.

"This emerges clearly when Muscat says he will reduce utility bills, yet he hasn't yet stated how, when and how he will compensate for the reductions," Fenech Adami said.

He noted that gas, which Muscat has been citing as the solution, is more expensive than the fuels currently used at the Delimara power plant.

The MP also hit out at Muscat for making wild promises in regards to planning permits while saying that he will protect the environment.

"While Muscat talks about meritocracy, his MPs talk about transfers," Fenech Adami said. He added that another instance which uncovers Muscat's opportunism is his attempts to depict himself as a convinced EU advocate, "despite his five-year crusade against Malta's EU accession."

Alluding to former Labour Prime Minister Alfred Sant's decision to contest European Parliament elections, the MP said: "At the same time he wants appease eurosceptics in his own parliamentary group and thinks he can reopen the negotiation agreement with the EU."

Fenech Adami added that Muscat is insisting on giving back the €50 million in regards to the car registration legal battle, even though the court might still give a negative ruling.

Tourism minister Mario de Marco pointed out that the country will soon go to the polls and the electorate will have to choose between "the PL who is promise everything without explaining the what and the how, and the PN, who has consistently achieved positive results."

He denied that the PN has sent a leaflet to civil service employees warning that a Labour government would carry out transfers and said he was unaware of the leaflet's existence.

Actually I think that Dr Gonzi is living on the moon; he is oblivious to the suffering he is inflicting on his people. You can run but you can't hide!
@xifajk....veru tad-dahk il-kumment tieghek. Veru dal-gvern qeridna imma kulhadd komdu. Kulhadd jixtri il-karozzi, l-affarijiet ghad-dar, supermarkets mimlijin bin-nies bit-trolleys mimlijin kull gurnata tax-xahar; qabel kien biss meta jaqbdu l-bonus jew tiftah it-Trade Fair meta n-nies jifthu idejhom. Il-lum spicca dan iz-zmien, jixtru ma tul is-sena kollha. Illum joghla diesel jew petrol u hadd ma junduna, karozzi godda u lussuzi fit-toroq kuljum, traffic jams kullimkien; dan sinjal ta' lussu. Hallina xifajk, iddahhakx.
The PN is trying to blame its shortcomings, that of promising so many things in 2008 and writing so many nice letters to Air Maltaworkers, bus owners, dockyard works, and to many more and thando exactly the opposite. When i go to a restaurant and have food poisining I will not eat there again and that is why I will be voting PL this time
The accusation cannot even be called 'the pot calling the kettle black' because while Gonzi's reputation is in tatters, that of Muscat is pristine! ... Either the PN is so unconnected with reality or it is simply putting one hopeless last-ditch effort - but the writing is on the wall: PN will lose the election, and in a big way! AND RIGHTLY SO! ... This government is corrupt, arrogant and does not keep its promises! It is time for the PN to realize that what it promises in its manifestos are not only words but that they need to be put into action - and their record on this is simply a big F! ... Get real PN you are simply FALLUT, simply milked dry lol. When you still need to hang on to ministers like Austin the Daustin (didn't the Gonz say he was resigning in January?! Didn't they say the cohabitation law will be passed?!) Talking of promises being broken ... Say goodbye PN and then we shall really uncover all the rot and corruption you have been doing in the last years!
constant results, Arriva non starter, power station non starter, bridge to no where, new parliment not needed, 500 euros in your pockets, you are the party who promised everything in 2008 paid for favours, got pullicino to cry for sympathy, and you talk about JM, Get real,
Hadd daqs il PN ma jista jghid riqward weghdi lil kullhadd. Staqsu lil dawk l-eluf li ircevew ittra personalizzata minghand Gonzi PN iweghdhom kollox lejlet l-ahhar elezzjoni u li baghqu b'xiber imnieher.
Luke Camilleri
And Joseph Muscat is believed because he has credibility! The same cannot be said for Dr. Lawrence Gonzi who has "0" Credibility and even "0" Credit! Even an ATM machine noted that Dr. Gonzi has "0" Credibility and "0" credit ...and did not give out one € to him and it's all on film..... and on record!
"Nationalist Party said Muscat is promising everything to everyone in the most irresponsible manner." Look who's talking!! What about the PN's electoral programme for the 2008 general election? By the way, it was written by the one and only Simon Busuttil.
Konna imweghdin hafna affarijiet fosthom li Malta kollha kienet ser taqqbad bid-dwal, tereq fl-ilma, demokrazzija, justizzja, xoghol u liberta. Il-pagi kellhom jigu bhal tal-ewropa, harifa gdida, nuqqas fit taxxi etc etc etc. Dak li naf huwa illi il-paga mhux isservini ghal xahar, jaqbduni imsarni meta nircievi il-kont tad-dawl, tlift ruhi imhabba l-arriva u ergajna morna fis-snin sittin faqar u djun.