Farrugia to attend Xarabank debate tonight, Franco Debono calls Busuttil ‘coward’

Labour accept to have Peppi Azzopardi host Xarabank edition after Friday cancellation.

Labour deputy leader for parliamentary affairs Anglu Farrugia.
Labour deputy leader for parliamentary affairs Anglu Farrugia.

Labour has accepted to have Xarabank presenter Peppi Azzopardi present a debate on Saturday evening (tonight) between deputy leader Anglu Farrugia and his Nationalist counterpart Simon Busuttil, after the party refused to participate in the programme yesterday.

Farrugia's encounter with the newly-elected deputy leader was scheduled two weeks ago but cancelled due to personal reasons for the Labour MP, and rescheduled to take place on Friday evening.

But Labour's communications coordinator Kurt Farrugia informed Azzopardi at the Where's Everybody studios in Qormi just prior to the start of the programme that Labour was giving up its participation to have rebel Nationalist MP Franco Debono air his gripes to Busuttil.

Franco Debono will be appearing on Bla Agenda on One TV this evening, which will be aired at the same time of Xarabank where he will respond to the debate on the state broadcaster in real-time.

It was pure pandemonium inside the studios as Debono demanded that he faces Busuttil and make his point over why he voted against the budget on Monday, a move that spelt the fall of Lawrence Gonzi's government and paved way for elections on 9 March 2013.

Labour said it had evaluated Franco Debono's demand to take up airtime, and that accepted his request to make way for him to face Busuttil - but it denied having sent the government MP to "represent" Labour.

After emerging from the green room, Busuttil said that Labour had "given certification that it is a cowardly party of gimmicks. It is unfortunate that this programme had to be cancelled for this reason. I am here, and I am waiting, and I am ready to debate the deputy leader. If this is the government that Joseph Muscat is promising, then we have much to be concerned about."

In comments he posted in his personal blog, Debono said 'GonziPN' "had a coward more" with Simon Busuttil.

"He is a huge step backwards. Simon the coward is different from Gonzi - he is a little worse! Simon, I am no Barbie - I am used to fighting cases in court defending people's liberties. You are just hollow and inflated - no substance. Not even a shred of pride... Karol Aquilina had to come to the rescue - what a bunch of miserable idiots all of you are."

Debono hit out at Xarabank presenter Peppi Azzopardi, deriding the presenter for inviting hypnotist Alan Bates twice in the last three months, but not an MP who was planning to vote against the budget.

"I am proud to have voted against the budget and against an oppressive public broadcaster - one of the reasons the budget did not pass is the state of Peppi Broadcasting Services."

Debono also described Busuttil as having "no substance, no spine and no character...   that is delicious material for the clique - he is manipulated, coached, he cannot improvise and today he was scared stiff."

Later on Friday evening, the main television stations exploited the incident with their own version of events: the PBS hosted Peppi Azzopardi complaining that Labour could not expect to send in replacement to face off Busuttil other than their deputy leader; on One TV, Labour spokesperson Kurt Farrugia said the party would only accept an impartial presenter other than Azzopardi and said Franco Debono had exposed the kind of collusion between Where's Everybody and the Nationalist government; while on Net TV, secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier said the incident had exposed the collusion between Debono and Labour.

Debono's reaction on One TV was to accused his own party of being cowards: "I have been waiting for ages to get some airtime on PBS to make my point, because I am never invited on PBS. If I am so irrelevant, why are they so scared of facing me?"

Debono was also heard complaining in the Where's Everybody studios saying that presenter Peppi Azzopardi had acted as a mediator between him and the Prime Minister, although he did not indicate when such a meeting had taken place.

It is an ironic twist of events: in the 2008 election, Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando 'gatecrashed' the PBS studios to face off Labour leader Alfred Sant in a debate, after he was issued with a fast-tracked press card to stand as a Nationalist party media journalist in a Broadcasting Authority event. Years later, Pullicino Orlando now alienated from his own party, revealed that Peppi Azzopardi had coached him for the momentous event.

Now it's Azzopardi who is once again being conjured up as a mediator of sorts for Franco Debono and the Prime Minister.

In comments on PBS on Friday, Azzopardi said the programme had been scheduled weeks ago after discussions had took place with the parties' respective communications coordinators. "If this had been a debate between the party leaders, nobody could have taken the place of any one of the leaders. So there was no way that somebody else could replace the Labour deputy leader.

"Had Anglu Farrugia come to Xarabank and instead of Simon Busuttil he found Labour MP Adrian Vassallo to rubbish Labour as some party of communists, you can imagine the kind of outrage there would be at a tactic like this."

The party also invited Busuttil to debate with Anglu Farrugia on the party's TV station's Bla Agenda talk-show on Saturday evening.

Labour's communications coordinator Kurt Farrugia has insisted that Simon Busuttil has refused to appear with Farrugia on the PBS talk-show TVAM and Realtà. "What should be discussed is PBS's unwillingness to allow Debono to air his views on state TV. He has already described PBS as a 'Nationalist party każin'. Farrugia on his part has already featured in a debate with Busuttil on on church radio RTK. PBS are part of a cover-up to deny Debono airtime."

In a statement, the Nationalist Party said that Labour had "hidden Anglu Farrugia because it fears pitting him in a debate with Simon Busuttil. This is the third time that labour has not sent its deputy leaders in a debate with Simon Busuttil. Labour is bereft of any arguments or policies. Muscat is using other people instead, and today he has come out as a coward."

The long-awaited debate between Busuttil and Farrugia on Xarabank was arguably an opportunity for the PN to deploy its new political 'weapon' against Labour's deputy leader on the stage of the popular Friday night talk show, which has one of the highest ratings on Maltese television.

Mela Simon Busuttil talab lin-nisa biex meta jisimgħu lill xi ħadd jitkellem kontra il-gvern għand tal-grocer ikunu pronti jirrisponduħ u hu meta kellu ic-cans jirrispondi lill Dr. Franco Debono Ħarab jiġri.
aktar ma il PL izzeffen li franco fin nofs aktar qed jitlef l-appogg. komplu sejrin hekk u il vantagg li kellu il PL min 12 nizel 9 u sa xahar iehor jinzel 6. aktar ma in nazzjonalisti jisimaw li franco johrog il hdura u il mibgheda lejn min avvanza aktar minnu fil partit aktar in nazzjonalisti jintlew bil hegga biex jergaw jivvutaw PN.
gheziez hbieb , sirna nafu mela lil PEPPI AZZOPARDI kien mar id dar ta franco debono jiprova jirrangalu mal Laurance Gonzi...... Kemm kont naghmlek INDIPENDENTI ....... hallina peppi
(1) mario delicata playing the unbiased voter miskin, and then contending aggressively that " Accusing PBS of impartiality is bold especially since in 14 years WHERE IS EVERYBODY have never been found guilty as such." Oh Yeah! <<<>>> (2) fenea "issa too-late anglu, il-hsara lil partit saret." How many have you had till now? You hit the wrong keys. anglu is spelt Simon.
issa too-late anglu, il-hsara lil partit saret.
Anton Attard, is-CEO tal-PBS (xandir tal-misthija) kien il-campaign manager ta' Gonzi. L-istess PBS ghandu xandara ex-NET. Mur ara kieku kien il-kontra, ikunu laburisti mur holl xaghrek u gib iz-zejt! Veru pajjiz uniku dan! Nisthi nghid li f'pajjizi jigru dawn l-affarijiet. Il-mostru tal-power of incumbency qed jgholli rasu bil-kbir. Ghandna id-demokrazija f'Malta f'periklu.
peppi azzopardi ghadu joe azzopardi il bniedem insapportabli u makakk li jghid li hadd ma jista jghid xejn fuqu. STAQSI LILL FRANCO DEBONO JOE AZZOPARDI?
... I can just see some other poor chap trying what Franco did would have spent the night in the chip !
My dear Simple Simon . I will dedicate you the song " The coward of the Country " , because yesterday you acted like a coward . Come on , are you afraid to face Dr. Franco Debono ? Are you a chicken ? Is this what you're made of ?
haj dum il PL jaqa an nejk, jekk anglu farrauga mux kapaci jew qiad jibza mi simon busutil il PL jibad lil xi hadihor floku.Ma nafx ghalfejn qedin jiddejqu min SB, ghax ma narax li fih xi sustanza izjed min hadihor. Lil Franco Debono haluh jigiled il glida hu mal PN, li kiku kien veru ragel u bil bajt FD, li ghamel fil buget immisu ghamlu 10 xughr ilu mux issa. Bli qiad jamel il PL voti qiad jitlef, meta ha titalmu.
@Mario delicata: 1: Inti zgur m'intix floater u allura ma tistax titkellem kif ihossuhom il-floaters. Pero jekk tahseb li l-floaters se jivvutaw fuq dak li gara f'Xarabank u mhux a bazi tal-hnizrijiet tul 8 snin ta' GonziPN mela certament li qieghed tissottovaluta lill-floaters. 2. Nahseb inti tghix x'imkien imwarrab ghaliex jidher illi ma smajtx bil-kazijiet fejn l-Awtorita` tax-Xandir sabet lil Lou Bondi (part and parcel tal-WE) fuq nuqqas ta' imparzjalita. U rigward Peppi hija tant ovvja li m'ghandekx bzonn ta' l-ebda provi (l-ahjar wahda kienet il-bierah fejn gie smaskerat dan l-impostur). Nassigurak illi l-Maltin ghandhom izjed minn 'open mind' milli jista' jkollok immaginazzjoni int. 3. Biex tigi tiddefendi lil Xarabank ghax it is seen by every level of society and has a good reputation...allura ikolli nikkonkludi li jew m'ghandekx television, jew m'ghandekx gosti jew wiehed minn dawk illi ma tantx gawdejt mis-successi edukattivi li jiftahar bihom il-kap tal-klikka GonziPN.
A WARNING TO JOSEPH MUSCAT. If you are really serious in becoming the youngest Prime Minister of Malta you cannot afford to be surrounded by people like Kurt Farrugia. If he can’t handle a simple task of a Deputy Leader debate, how is he going to handle Castille? It is still a mystery how someone who nearly caused the demise of Maltastar gets to be promoted to Communications Director of a moderate & progressive movement specifically the PL at a crucial time in their promotions. Remove this weakest link at your earliest convenience and find something more adaptable to his wits which are extremely lacking. Time and Time again every time there is something important within the media, Jurt Farrugia has proven to be unable to carry the load and be assured that GonziPN will take advantage of your miserable choice for Director of Communications. The PL executive ought to speak out and demand his removal.
@Mario delicata: 1: Inti zgur m'intix floater u allura ma tistax titkellem kif ihossuhom il-floaters. Pero jekk tahseb li l-floaters se jivvutaw fuq dak li gara f'Xarabank u mhux a bazi tal-hnizrijiet tul 8 snin ta' GonziPN mela certament li qieghed tissottovaluta lill-floaters. 2. Nahseb inti tghix x'imkien imwarrab ghaliex jidher illi ma smajtx bil-kazijiet fejn l-Awtorita` tax-Xandir sabet lil Lou Bondi (part and parcel tal-WE) fuq nuqqas ta' imparzjalita. U rigward Peppi hija tant ovvja li m'ghandekx bzonn ta' l-ebda provi (l-ahjar wahda kienet il-bierah fejn gie smaskerat dan l-impostur). Nassigurak illi l-Maltin ghandhom izjed minn 'open mind' milli jista' jkollok immaginazzjoni int. 3. Biex tigi tiddefendi lil Xarabank ghax it is seen by every level of society and has a good reputation...allura ikolli nikkonkludi li jew m'ghandekx television, jew m'ghandekx gosti jew wiehed minn dawk illi ma tantx gawdejt mis-successi edukattivi li jiftahar bihom il-kap tal-klikka GonziPN.
Issa nistenna li Peppi, dak li jghid li hu id-difensur tad-demokrazija, jistieden lil-Franco fuq Xarabank kif kien ghamel meta Mintoff waqqa il-gvern tal PL. Possibli Peppi ma jafx li dan hu kas simili... Tiskata kif ftit taz-zmien ilu, Peppi kien Coach ta JPO u Anton Attard kien Team Manager ta JPO biex dan jghamel Gate Crushing lil Afred Sant. Illumn it-tejn li huma Ghamlu min kollox biex jiccensuraw lil Franco....... Tal-Misthijja.....
Issa nistenna li Peppi, dak li jghid li hu id-difensur tad-demokrazija, jistieden lil-Franco fuq Xarabank kif kien ghamel meta Mintoff waqqa il-gvern tal PL. Possibli Peppi ma jafx li dan hu kas simili... Tinskata kif ftit taz-zmien ilu, Peppi kien Coach ta JPO u Anton Attard kien Team Manager ta JPO biex dan jghamel Gate Crushing lil Afred Sant. Illumn it-tejn li huma Ghamlu min kollox biex jiccensuraw lil Franco....... Tal-Misthijja.....
Why is the Public (not GonziPN) Broadcasting Service shutting down the voice of the Nationalist MP Franco Debono? Don't we have a right to listen to what Franco has to say? Why is Simon Busuttil afraid of debating with Franco a colleague? Is Simon afraid of reconciliation? Is Simon afraid that he will be kicked downstairs if he opens up for Franco? PBS has become -shamelessly- the mouth piece of GonziPN: when Gonzi talks PBS follows!
Cheap publicity stunt gone extermely bad. Kurt Farrugia is an idiot to commit such an error in such a crucial time. PL cannot afford such charades, maybe PL hardliners enjoyed such event, but for the floaters with an open mind still undecided whom to vote for it will be a point to think twice. Accusing PBS of unpartiality is bold especially since in 14 years WHERE IS EVERYBODY have never been found guilty as such. Xarrabank is seen by every sector of the society enjoys good reputation. Targeting Xarrabank is not a wise thing to do, and doing a u-TURN in accepting Peppi as a presentor, adds insult to injury !
The fact remains that Anglu Farrugia was the missing link that stopped the debate which proves that he knew before hand the end results of his party’s actions. Unfortunately the PL has a Director of Communications that could not be more unsuited for the job. Can you imagine a more witless person being in charge of communications at Castille? He might even have trouble to climb the stairs to the front door, never mind trying to anticipate and answer all inquiries about the government of Malta. One thing is for sure… his size is perfect for the circus he will create at castile if the PL are elected to govern this country.