Labour still enjoys eight-point lead

MaltaToday’s second survey this month shows Labour’s 12-point lead registered in October has been narrowed by four points.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Opposition leader Joseph Muscat.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Opposition leader Joseph Muscat.

The Labour party still enjoys a strong 8-point lead over the PN following last Monday's vote which saw the government losing its majority in the House, and the Prime Minister asking the President to dissolve parliament and call an election scheduled for 9 March.

MaltaToday's second survey this month shows Labour's 12-point lead registered in October has been narrowed by four points.

But the survey also shows Muscat widening his trust lead over Gonzi by two points over last week.

The swing from the PN to the PL has also increased slightly from 7 to 8 points over the past week but remains two points lower than in October.

This results from a survey conducted among 450 respondents contacted between Monday and Friday.

For the second consecutive week both leaders have seen a decrease in their trust ratings. This comes in the wake of a concerted attempt on Lawrence Gonzi's part to undermine Joseph Muscat's credibility by launching a scathing political attack on him during last Monday's budget speech.

Still this attempt to reduce the trust gap seems to have backfired as over the past week, with Muscat losing only a point while Gonzi has lost 3.5 points.  

The level of distrust in both leaders is highest in the 18-34 age cohort where 32% trust neither Gonzi nor Muscat.

min ottobru sa dicembru il pl naqqas 4 per cent.min jannar sa marzu jekk jerga inaqqas 4 per cent ohra jibqa allura 4 iffissru 12000 vot aktar minn gonzipn
@ briffy@maltanet you explained it perfectly. I do believe PN will be the winner by a slight margin IF Labour keeps on with the mess one after the other it is doing.
The closing of the gap was a foregone conclusion. Labour peaked early and have been trying for several months not to let the PN last the full term. They have been using the three PN rebels to cause damage to the party. However, the PN managed to last the full term. PN has now shed the ballast of the three rebels and are now free to act without looking over their shoulders. On the other hand, Labour is committing one gaffe after another and have going downhill and the run is gaining momentum by the week. Labour has promised to adopt the measures proposed in the Budget thereby admitting that it is a good budget. They have been accepting all the PN rejects in their fold and giving them airtime on their TV station, everytime ending up with eggs on their face; their inconsistencies in their pronouncement are now evident to any voter who analyses their statements, they just refuse to ditch the old guard, thinking that trying to hide him is enough. They are now realising that a week is too long in politics
The closing of the gap was a foregone conclusion. Labour peaked early and have been trying for several months not to let the PN last the full term. They have been using the three PN rebels to cause damage to the party. However, the PN managed to last the full term. PN has now shed the ballast of the three rebels and are now free to act without looking over their shoulders. On the other hand, Labour is committing one gaffe after another and have going downhill and the run is gaining momentum by the week. Labour has promised to adopt the measures proposed in the Budget thereby admitting that it is a good budget. They have been accepting all the PN rejects in their fold and giving them airtime on their TV station, everytime ending up with eggs on their face; their inconsistencies in their pronouncement are now evident to any voter who analyses their statements, they just refuse to ditch the old guard, thinking that trying to hide him is enough. They are now realising that a week is too long in politics
With KURT FARRUGIA & ANGLU FARRUGIA on the forefront any electorate worth his salt would come to the conclusion that the progressive & moderate movement has already started rolling down that slippery slop of political indecision and stupid actions at the detriment to the PL.
Att ABC356 Sew hafna qed tghid. Biex igib kollox kif jaqbel lilu, l-PN jahdem bil-maqlub. Nispjega. 2 + 2 = 4. Il-PN x'jaghmel? L-ewwel ihazzez l-answer imbaghad jilghab bil-formula kif jaqbel lilu. Il-PN ghandu habta jaghzel l-ingredjenti biex jghasal fejn irid. F'John Dalli? GHaliex? Il-PN huwa konxju li GONZIPN tnawwar u wahdu mhux se jkun kapaci. X'ghamlu? Tefaw salvawomo. Imma meta gew biex jitfghu lill Tonio Borg indunaw li dan kien immuffat! Mela riedu jibdlu lill Tonio ma' xi hadd. F'min waqa' mohhom? It goes without saying. F'Simon: il-maghzul ta' Gonzi. U b'Tonio x'se naghmlu? Tajba din. Mhux nitfawh x'imkien fl-Ewropa!! Minflok min? Dik ehfef. Minflok John Dalli. Dak laghbnieh darba u nergghu nilghabuh ohra!! Kif? Dak jaraw ta' l-Ewropa. Ahna nghidulhom kif irridu naslu u huma jaraw kif ihawwdu. Imma ghaliex nghid ihawwdu? Harsu lejn dak li qed "jiffrojixxi" fil-kaz u haddmu mohhkom. 2 + 2 = 4, 3 + 1 = 4, 104 - 100 = 4
@ ABC356 i am not stating my point from a political point of view mate but from a mathematical one. This survey is not telling us any assumptions and % errors. I assuming that such polls have the same margin of error as that in the US. I guess all of us would appreciate if these are included as they give a better picture of the situation. For instance how the trust lead is affecting the overall point levels. It has been evident that the PN's main objective was to extend the term as much as possible so as to reduce the lead as much as possible (and not for the national interest). IF PL have any hidden surprises its better that they are kept till the last week of the campaign so that the lead will be kept at around 4-5 points. Then it will be a sure win for PL. However take NOTHING for granted... the PN is not going down without a good fight.
Ma naqbilx ma skalda. Jista jkun li d-dewmien ikun kontra l-PN. Qed jigru tant affarijiet serji, li qed nisimghu bihom kuljum, li l-affarijiet imorru kontra l-PN. Niehdu l-kaz ta Dalli. X'jigri u xi jkunu l-konsegwenzi jekk johorgu certu dettalji? Jekk tohrog li Dalli kellu frame-up minn x;imkien? Bl-involviment ta xi whud f'Pajjizna? X;jigri jekk tkompli teskala l-kwestjoni tal-Ombudsman li dahal fejn ma kellux fil-kaz tal-Imhallfin u ma jidholx imbaghad fejn suppost li ghandu jidhol, bhal ma huma l-kazijiet elenkati fir-rapport tal-Awditur u l-kaz l-iehor ta N. Dimech vis-a-vis il-kunttatt tal-iskart lil GreenMT? X'se tkun il-konsegwenza jekk johorgu aktar dubbji dwar kif qed tagixxi l-Pulizija f'certu kazijiet? Nafu x'ghandu xi jghid, aktar milli diga qal, Franco Debono? KIf se jirrifletti l-agir tal-PBS u l-imparzjalita ta numru ta persuni mdahhla fil-PBS? Ghalhekk nghid jien, li d-dewmien tista tkun daqqa ta harta akbar lil PN. Jista jkun li PN telfa b'telfa, jiehu cans bid-dewmien billi juza l-power of incumbency.
Ma naqbilx ma skalda. Jista jkun li d-dewmien ikun kontra l-PN. Qed jigru tant affarijiet serji, li qed nisimghu bihom kuljum, li l-affarijiet imorru kontra l-PN. Niehdu l-kaz ta Dalli. X'jigri u xi jkunu l-konsegwenzi jekk johorgu certu dettalji? Jekk tohrog li Dalli kellu frame-up minn x;imkien? Bl-involviment ta xi whud f'Pajjizna? X;jigri jekk tkompli teskala l-kwestjoni tal-Ombudsman li dahal fejn ma kellux fil-kaz tal-Imhallfin u ma jidholx imbaghad fejn suppost li ghandu jidhol, bhal ma huma l-kazijiet elenkati fir-rapport tal-Awditur u l-kaz l-iehor ta N. Dimech vis-a-vis il-kunttatt tal-iskart lil GreenMT? X'se tkun il-konsegwenza jekk johorgu aktar dubbji dwar kif qed tagixxi l-Pulizija f'certu kazijiet? Nafu x'ghandu xi jghid, aktar milli diga qal, Franco Debono? KIf se jirrifletti l-agir tal-PBS u l-imparzjalita ta numru ta persuni mdahhla fil-PBS? Ghalhekk nghid jien, li d-dewmien tista tkun daqqa ta harta akbar lil PN. Jista jkun li PN telfa b'telfa, jiehu cans bid-dewmien billi juza l-power of incumbency.
I am not surprised by the margin going down. Can you imagine the deluge of illicit 'pjaciri' being dished out every day? Things like illegal tax amnesties, permits, jobs, etc? That's why the PN has been delaying the election all the time, because they know that every single day they delay, the more votes they win back through these illegal means. This is a party geared for this; they have systems and infrastructure to execute this, all funded by tax payer money and run within the corridors of government itself. It is how the election in 2008 was won. If you have access to a PN candidate and activist, do ask for 'pjaciri' as well; you have every right to; remember you are Maltese citizens as much as their people are. Anzi, do that. The more requests they have the more difficult it would be for them to deliver. In the end, do not worry; make sure that you go out to vote on 9th March. However diminished the gap would be by then, if the PL voters go out to vote on the day, PL will win the day. Just keep an eye out for all that's happening around you and if you notice illegal/corrupt practices report them to the PL. Is-sewwa se jirbah zgur.
By March this will go down to 3-4 points. The more months pass the less chance PL has a win while the more the PN will increase the chance.Counting in the margin of error which i guess is around +/- 3% will mean that by that time the PN has the possibility to win another term.