Xarabank hosts personality clash that leaves political debate wanting

Personality clash, political void: Busuttil’s condescending charisma versus a feckless Farrugia.

The two deputy leaders battling it out, aided with pie charts and graphs.
The two deputy leaders battling it out, aided with pie charts and graphs.

Judges' bribery and impeachments?

Forget the issues. Nationalist deputy leader Simon Busuttil's offensive ignored Xarabank presenter Peppi Azzopardi's question, and took Labour to task on its "gimmicky" stunt to pull out Anglu Farrugia and instead have Nationalist MP Franco Debono take up his airtime on Friday.

On Saturday evening's audience-less Xarabank, it seemed this would give the two deputy leaders some sort of controlled environment in which to discuss hot issues.

But little of this happened. Spin and counter-spin, tired soundbites, Farrugia's umpteenth reference to Busuttil "locking himself in the green room" (from Friday's gatecrashing incident), and the TVM audience was left bereft of real argumentation on ideas, policies, and issues.

The overall impression of this soon-to-be-forgotten encounter was that Anglu Farrugia's clunky improv could not stand up to Busuttil's condescending charisma and rhetoric.

The PN's deputy leader's air of confidence and pedantry cut a too patronising figure for his own good, sometimes glancing at Farrugia as if he were dealing with an invalid when the Labour MP found himself unable to explain what the living wage proposed by Muscat back in 2009 was.

Farrugia's one-upmanship failed to hit home, and lacked the necessary aggression to respond to his counterpart on strong, political issues. 20 minutes into the debate, he struggled to answer a question as to what taxes the PN had raised in 2008. He could not criticize tax cuts for the rich, because Labour will keep them if elected in 2013.

Busuttil came back with flawless delivery, save for the fact that he could not illustrate exactly why Labour is being contradictory in its position not to raise minimum wage, while pledging to remove the €60 income tax that single-computation minimum earners will be paying after the government's technical oversight in the last budget.

He also could not give Farrugia a satisfactory reply when he raised a court judgement on corrupt practices during the 2008 elections: but still, Farrugia was not strong enough in driving his point home.

There were grave own-goals. When asked about his opposition to EU membership, Farrugia asked Busuttil about his lack of participation in the divorce debate. The MEP defended himself saying he was passing through a "difficult personal situation", so he stepped away from the debate but voted in favour of divorce, and went further: "I would have voted in parliament in favour as well," the deputy leader said, distancing himself from the prime minister's unpopular position.

Then he turned back to Farrugia, taking him to task for voting against EU ratification even when the majority had voted in favour of EU membership.

Alternattiva Demokratika's deputy chairperson Carmel Cacopardo piped up from the 'third party sofa' (he was not given a lectern) criticizing the Prime Minister on his inconsistency when it comes to resignations. "When his finance minister broke the code of ethics by accepting a free holiday aboard a private jet to watch Arsenal play, he did not ask him to resign; nor did he ask him to resign when Tonio Fenech's private secretary was convicted of accepting bribes which allegedly financed his electoral campaign."

An hour into the debate, Cacopardo makes his second point to make his party's case to raise the minimum wage, citing the Caritas poverty report: "It doesn't make sense to reduce income tax when you cannot address the quality of life of these people... that's why this budget is socially regressive, and we cannot understand how Labour agrees with this budget."

Farrugia made a strong point on people living at risk of poverty having risen from 80,000 to 88,000 in five years, to counter Busuttil's praise of government programmes. But as he addressed Cacopardo to tell him that poverty was one of the reasons he will reduce electricity bills with a concrete plan, the AD deputy chairperson replied: "Will you reduce water bills?", giving Busuttil the cue to join in this curious question.

Farrugia doesn't confirm, answering the question with a question to Busuttil: "What guarantee do you give me that you won't increase utility rates as proposed by the European Commission?"

Peppi Azzopardi then asked Farrugia a hypothetical question: "If elected to power, and you find yet another financial hole, will you recant on your pledge to reduce utility bills?"

Instead of answering, Farrugia tells Azzopardi he should demand Busuttil to make good for his previous claim that the Nationalist government reduced 25 taxes. Cue free time for Busuttil to read out a list of tax reductions. "I'm running out of breath," Busuttil said.

Azzopardi turns back to Farrugia on utility rates. Farrugia wants to answer on minimum wage earners, and says Labour will raise the tax ceiling for single computation earners; Azzopardi says this will raise the tax ceiling for everyone; again Farrugia struggles: "we'll make a regulation to address this injustice."

So Farrugia is a hopeless orator. Busuttil is too patronising and clever by half, albeit the general victor in this clash of personalities. And the reflective Cacopardo, in his limited intervention, cut the more credible figure on the issues he raised, especially with Busuttil too eager to wrong him on every point he raised.

Would you buy any of these men a beer after this evening? The chances are that the memory of this non-debate won't survive your first bowel movement on Sunday morning.

Luke Camilleri
Peppi Azzopardi as usual at his best as JPO's ex-Coach, and Dr. Gonzi's Emmisary on the National Station which he has transformed into his own personel REGIM where only what he says , as his agenda DICTATES ,GOes..... with the Broadcasting Authority turning a blind eye, powerless to take any action on stand-by mode unless BIG BROTHER @ Kastilja gives the direction!
LABOUR DELIVERS......watching anglu labour had nothing to deliver.
Seeing Mr.Busuttil and Mr.Farrugia yesterday I wonder are these the type of people Iam willing to trust in running my country?
Programme would have been much better had we had only one man talking, that is C. Cacopardo. Poor AF he had not one opponent but two, (that guy Peppi) but he didn't even realise. What a fool!! My advice to PL: if you want people to appear on TV, make sure they can talk and debate and parry questions and not get flustered. Also change deputy leader ASAP> AND refuse to appear on biased TV, such as Xarabank, which should be rechristened Xarade.
Ha, Ha, absolutely right. It would have done Simon some good if at least he accepted some criticism for GonziPN's administrative failures. The way he came over was that if elected there would ensue more of the same corruptive black smoke, inefficiency and wanton waste. Does not augur well for a brilliant kick off. After all, he was not within the Ministerial circles during the last 5 years. Or was he???
Mhux ta' b'xejn ipposponew darbtejn l-MLP!!!
Mhux ta' b'xejn ipposponew darbtejn l-MLP!!!
Li skantajt jien kien il-fatt li Simon Busuttil anqas kien jaf li kien hemm is-sentenza tal-appell fir-rigward tal-corrupt pracices marbuta mal-Elezzjoni Generali tal-2008. Deher sorpriz meta semmiegha Anglu farrugia, anzi ghajjru li kien hareg ta' hmar biex imbaghad f'dan ir-rigward il-hmar spicca l-istess Busuttil. Iddizappuntatni l-arroganza tieghu. Nistqarr li kont naghmlu izjed umli. Tqarraqt bl-ikrah. Dan ma tantx jawgura tajjeb ghal mexxej prospettiv tal-PN.
First of all everyone judges last night's outcome from his own perspective, secondly what counts is the outcome of debates between Joseph and Gonzi which up till now we have seen was a total whitewash of Joseph on gonzi who could not hold a debate without lieing. The Brazilian affair was one of the lies after the one about the minimum wage which gonzi failed to mention on the occassion.
Paul Sammut
While one cannot make an orator of Angelo Farrugia however hard one tries on the other hand Simon Busuttil is coming out as a punctured stepney which however hard you pump up will always auto deflate.
Dibattitu mediokri ghall ahhar fejn tista tigi kkonfermata li ghawn Malta ma fadalx politici. Veru tal-biki tisma programm imqanzah minn kull anglu. Simon wisq xipli u mghandu l-ebda karizma u spirazzjoni li xi darba jkun kap ta' partit kbir bhal dak tal-PN u l-istess Anglu xejn ta sustanza nahseb li wasal iz-zmien li l-Partiti iridu jghamlu riforma biex isibu vici cap minn bartra l-politika. Apparti li kien hemm zbilanc ta' Peppi kif iwaqqaf id-diskussjoni bejn it-tnejn ftit ta' zmien lill Caccopardo li kien dirett u ezzatt fil-ftit hin li kellu u wera li hu biss ghamel sens. Hasra li tellfuli ikla mal-hbieb.
It is true intentions and political substance and not ephimeric performances that count.
Was the electoral campaign not due to start on 7 January so that everybody can enjoy Christmas? Have I got my calendar wrong? What a carnival of a nation!!
Carmel was far better than both deputy leaders. Angelo was seen too softy and looked like he did not have the correct answers. Yes Carmel should have been standing up with deputy leaders. Franco Debono could have made a better picture if he was there confronting Simon Busuttil. Nowadays I'm getting the feling that both parties PL/PN are just like the same, they promise lots of things,and after the elections who knows what happens, so both deputy leaders did not impressed me much.
Carmel was far better than both deputy leaders. Angelo was seen too softy and looked like he did not have the correct answers. Yes Carmel should have been standing up with deputy leaders. Franco Debono could have made a better picture if he was there confronting Simon Busuttil. Nowadays I'm getting the feling that both parties PL/PN are just like the same, they promise lots of things,and after the elections who knows what happens, so both deputy leaders did not impressed me much.
The three he men reminded me of The Pardoner's Tale.
The public can now understand why PL accepted to send Franco Debono instead of Angelo . They wanted to limit the damage as much as possible , Franco Debono would have not tarnished their image as much. I am surprised that Simon Busuttil did not say as much , keeping your cool is one thing but the constant jibe about locking oneself in a room needed a response for the sake of the labour supporters watching ..... someone was getting locked out of that room
Jien gejt fil konkluzjoni kelli naghmel assessment fuq dak li rajt u smajt il punti kont intihom hekk.. Simon 0 min 10 Anglu 0 min 10 Carmel 8 min 10 Pep? lil dan ta l-ahhar ahjar poggejtu bil wieqfa maghhom flok bil qeda fuq dak s sufan,u darb ohra atih hin daqshom u il programm kien ikun ahjar.
Looks to me that gonzi after the Brazilian and ARRIVA debacle on Xarabank with Joseph Muscat is trying to confront Joseph for the present hoping that all will be forgotten when he has to face him like it or not when the BA schedule is presented. Simon is being sacrificed, apparently is not totaly in tune to the local scene and is having poor coaching. His excuse of not facing Franco is the fact thamon knows Franco is very right in most of his objections and does not want to shoulder the gonzi's and his cabinetts sins.One example of his poor preparedness when talking about HFO he describes it within EU emissions parameters but does not mention the toxic waste that has to be disposed of, that HFO which was a major oil used by tug boats is being phased out even in this sector as it is expensive to filter and dispose of the toxic waste. I guess Simon has been duped to put on a pair of shoes that are tattered, uncomfortable and not his size he should have concentrated on being a MEP where he did make some success.
What is evident is that the PN or the PL alone in government, we will continue to be fed the same trash and gimmicks - whilst the ones with the fingers in the pie keep on having a field day. We need to foster integrity and responsibility into parliament and cabinet, so this can really have a chance to flow through all institutions. I have lost confidence in both the PN&PL, and believe that if even just one person with the integrity and nononesense attitude of Carmel Cacopardo can have an influence in parliament and better still Cabinet level, the crop of politicians we have been compelled to live with will have to start putting their house in order. One problem though....both the PN & PL have done their utmost to dilute the chances of any third voice to be represented in parliament - to the tune of some 15,000 votes required nationally to elect a third party representative. With such a cheek from the PNPL, I'll willingly vote for Carmel Cacopardo, and hope that all those voters who intend to refrain from voting, will over the next weeks change their mind, and vote for real CHANGE, and break the PNPL duopoly.
Simon Busuttil kollu retorika, qisu xi robot, hlief jimbotta lilu nnifsu bhala xi don kbir minn ‘al di la’ u li hu aqwa mill-Membri Parlamentari tal-PN ghax ma jipposjedux l-intelligenza tieghu, m’ghamilx. Jien u kollox jien, BusuttilPN!!!! Wara l-hafna qdusija aktar mill-Papa jew xi Guru tal-PN anke kif gie minfuh bhala xi MEP ‘sopra innaturale’, ghalija wera li ma jsarraf ghalxejn. L-istess pezza, gideb gideb u aktar gideb…….Dak li ghamel il-Kap tieghu Gonzi u l-klikka ghamilhom tieghu. Il-gideb tal-Kap tieghu issa saru tieghu wkoll. Mhux ta’ b’xejn il-Membri Parlamentari qaghdu lura milli jappoggawh. Ipprova jipprogetta ruhu ta’ xi Vici Kap kif jghidu t-taljani 'con i fiocchi' imma meta tfittex ma ssib xejn. Chris Said, Mario de Marco u Beppe Fenech Adami lesti li jaqbzu fuqu meta jintilef il-gvern taghhom.
Once again the main protagonist was Peppi Azzopardi trying to give a helping hand to the preacher Simon Busuttil-oh God he is a new face or voice? Repeating ad nausiem what Gonzi and his acolytes usually parrot on TV?
I didn't watch the programme as I knew what to expect from the debaters. Simon, calm, composed and articulate but not very familiar with the Maltese scenario as he spends a lot of time away. The other, not the best debater on this planet, most times incoherent and incapable of sticking to the point. Moreover, he was obviously more than aware that his party tried its best to hide him the previous day which, no doubt had its effect on him. But I gather from comments on the media that Simon won the day and that AF proved to be an embarrassment to Labour.
Please correct my previous comment to read 'to have' in place of 'for have'. I apologise for my error.
Advise PL to send Anglu Farrugia for have some oratory lessons from Caccopardo or the 'unbiased neutrality symbol of Malta', PeppiAzzopardi.
So the PL will make a regulation to address this injustice.(About the tax ceiling) And it looks like only the electricty bills will be lowered. what about the water bills Anglu?We were told both bills will be lowered. As a floating voter I want to know.
What a pathetic non-debate. It was clear that Angelo Farrugia was out of his depth in an unfriendly debating environment as hosted by the non neutral Peppi. Angelo Farrugia in the interest of the party should in future avoid face to face debating in non labour leaning TV stations. He should restrict himself to giving opinions on issues where he has time to think issues over for he lacks a quick repartee and retort and the ability to seize an opening to cut into his opponent's arguments. Simon Busuttil came across as a good debater with however a nasty streak of trying to humiliate his opponent and worse still showed that his groomed image of self-effacement is just a front behind which stands an arrogant character with an immature smart ass syndrome. It would have been more interesting if we had had a debate between Simon and Toni Abela whose sharp populist wit and intellect would have given back in kind as much as he received. My vote for the evening however goes to Carmel Caccopardo who in the handful of seconds allowed him raised and stuck to serious political issues which merited serious debate by the two main protagonists.
What an ugly debate! Busuttil is the better orator for sure but then I can't trust him that much because he seems continuously in collusion with Peppi who is all the time interrupting Anglu. He mentioned reduction in taxes etc. but personally I never benefited just from one while suffering tax hikes in gas electrcitiy, food etc.. Peppi is so biased against Labour that at the end you start supporting Anglu even if he is not that convincing. I remain undecided but I am not the person who likes gimmicks and Simon posturing. He tries to be everything for everyone and that is troublesome.
anglu farrugia TAL BIKI.
I think that the debate was not on the level that i expected. Anglu farrugia was not prepared enough to answer the hypotetical questions made my the nationalist presenter Peppi Azzopardi,so he lost precious minutes to justify what he said but without any concrete answer. Simon's Busutill mask is falling down. He is one of the same bunch of liars. Like when he was asked about the anonymous letter full of fear to the workers.Some days ago he said that he had nothing to do with it and didn't know about it,but yesterday he justified repeatedly the sending of that letter. So i suspect that it was HE who wrote it from behind the back of his colleges.I won't trust him with that fake angelic smile. As for Carmel Cacopardo he had very ,very limited time to make his say,but he used it very well.He should have been given more time cos the people want to know what's the proposals of the three parties for the future, but unfortunately we heard nothing of this sort. SubkultRevolt.
Of course it was a non-debate! Anglu Farrugia could not deliver any kind of quality discussion, and Simon Busuttil was like a Ferrari that could not run because it was simply not being driven.
Sorry, to inform you but neither have charisma, and peppi is as biased as ever.
What an absolute waste of time, watching a debate that had as much essence as a dirty sock. You had a moderator lost in translation by not knowing what to say so that he does not offend anybody with yesterday’s fiasco in mind. A freshly minted deputy Simon Busuttil looking very skittish, unsure and very remorseful at the previous nights harassment. Anglu farrugia as usual portraying someone who has absolutely no class at all. It was embarrassing trying to find the necessary papers to qualify what he was saying which in turn was nothing that made any sense. And the architect Caccopardo putting his digs at MEPA and quite appropriate being seated rather than standing so he could get lost in the set decorations. If this is the best Malta has to offer in the next election, then may God help us all.