Did you watch Anglu… or Franco?

Anglu Farrugia’s poor performance could snowball into Christmas’s party gossip but so could Franco Debono’ highly confrontational interview on TVHEMM. Will these TV moments change the dynamics of the electoral campaign?

Impartiality for the price of entertainment: Franco Debono faces down TVHEMM host Norman Vella.
Impartiality for the price of entertainment: Franco Debono faces down TVHEMM host Norman Vella.

The Christmas truce and the electoral time-table have gained a new significance after Anglu Farrugia's miserable performance in last Saturday's Xarabank debate.

There seems to be a clear logic in the timing of major political events so close to the Christmas break. The fall of the government on 10 December, after Franco Debono voted against the budget, made a Christmas truce agreed by both parties imperative. But that does not mean that people stop talking about politics in their social engagements in the coming days. Neither does the truce stop political comments on social network sites like Facebook.

Ironically Labour has played its part in ensuring that the debate between deputy leaders would be the most talked event at dinner tables during the Christmas festivities.

In fact last Friday's prank which saw the Labour party sending Franco Debono instead of its deputy leader to the Xarbank debate only served to increase interest in the debate held the following day, making it even more of a topic for popular conversation.

While Labour's prank did expose the continued relevance of Franco Debono and caught the national broadcaster and the WE production company wrong-footed, after Saturday it was Anglu Farrugia who took the centre stage.

Ironically this strategy has been partly foiled by another appearance by Franco Debono on Monday evening which saw the maverick MP giving both his best and his worst in a highly confrontational interview by Norman Vella which only served to catapult Debono back to national prominence thus giving people something else to talk about on the dinner tables apart from Anglu Farrugia.

It also stands as a reminder that the shabbier the media treatment accorded to Debono, the more prominent he becomes, even if most of his popularity is now limited to the Labour leaning segment of the electorate. For the association between the rebel Nationalist and Labour has been strengthened by the presence of PL communication mastermind Kurt Farrugia in the WE studios during last Friday's Xarabank showdown.

Yet the shabby treatment accorded to the MP on national TV also offends the sensitivities of middle of the road voters who are turned off by both Debono's grotesque antics and the blatant bias in the way interviews like that of last Monday are conducted.

Yet while Debono remains as relevant as ever either as folk hero for most Labourites or as a bizarre figure for most Nationalists, Farrugia's performance on Saturday (which strategically had a repeat on Monday night) was exactly what the PN has been yearning for.

It is unclear whether this was deliberate strategy, a stroke of luck or a mix of both, PN strategists must have realised that it was vital for their party's electoral fortuned to rekindle enthusiasm among its supporters before Christmas.

This is because the Christmas break offers a unique chance for people to socialise with colleagues, relatives and friends during staff parties, family dinners and parties. On the eve of an election it is highly probable that politics will feature in conversation around the dinner table or in between a round of drinks.

The debate between a savvy Simon Busuttil and an inept Anglu Farrugia right on the eve of the official Christmas truce ensures that this will be one of the main topics of political conversation. It is also highly probable that Christmas parties and dinners will see undecided voters interacting with those who have already decided for which party to vote for.

Busuttil's victory in last Saturday's debate ensures that PN voters will be more upbeat than they have been for the past four years, when their party was constantly facing internal dissent.

The dynamics of socialisation, which sees people from the same class background bonding together, could help the process of re-entrenchment on the Nationalist side. One major disadvantage the PN had before last weekend was the perception that the election was foreseen conclusion, with surveys showing Labour holding on to an insurmountable lead.

This served to demoralise PN supporters who were more likely to remain quiet while listening to criticism of the government. The dominant perception was not just that the PN was the underdog but that it was an underdog with no chance to win.

Surveys held after the budget and before Labour's prank on Friday and Saturday's debate did show the gap narrowing down from 12 to eight percentage points but not enough to dispel the notion that a Labour victory is inevitable.

But Anglu Farrugia's poor performance on Saturday coupled with Busuttil's ability in conveying the right sound bites, has rekindled a sense of enthusiasm among PN voters, which would seep in the festive atmosphere. Coupled to this is the government strong-arm tactics with regards to two judges, one accused of misconduct and the other of bribery.

What has changed is that PN supporters are now thinking that although their party starts as the underdog the party now has a fighting chance. 

In itself this could be simply a perception which is not yet rooted in reality. So far the debate might have been more effective in rekindling hope among Nationalist voters than in convincing those who have crossed sides to return back to the fold. What could be vital in the next days for the PN are the dynamics of socialisation, as people informally meet and discuss politics. In such circumstances peer pressure could come in to play in recomposing the traditional Nationalist leaning hegemonic block.

What was striking is that recent events have exposed the first cracks in the PL's previously faultless strategy. For at the end of the day nobody could understand why the party refused to participate on the same programme on Friday only to participate a day later.

Surprisingly even Labour's choice of Christmas truce billboards; a Santa Claus standing in the same mocking pose as Gonzi in the party's previous Brazil billboard, contrasts with the more dignified PN billboard showing a traditional crib.

Yet this re-entrenchment of tribal identity would not be enough for the PN to close the gap as so far it is simply recovering the loyalty of those who in the end of the day would have still voted for the PN.

What really counts in the end of the day is the impact of last weekend's events on new voters, which the PN needs to counterbalance the swing from its own ranks to Labour.

By going on record that he had voted for divorce and disagreed with the PM's voting against the result in parliament, Busuttil may well have scored points among disillusioned young voters. The social networks will also ensure that young voters will be given a taste of the debate even if they did not watch the whole thing on TV.

Still while ensuring that its supporters will be celebrating Christmas with a sense of renewed optimism, this sentiment may well prove to be ephemeral as Labour manages to get its act in order after the proper campaign starts.

As long as Labour manages to retain those past Nationalist voters now saying that they intend voting Labour while attracting a significant portion of new voters, its victory remains highly probable.

But the fact that the PN is now being perceived as having a fighting chance shows that Gonzi's political chess moves over the past month, which culminated in the election of Simon Busuttil as party deputy leader, are paying off even if he still has to contend with the unpredictability of Franco Debono.

Ironically Labour has played its part in ensuring that the debate between deputy leaders would be the most talked event at dinner tables during the Christmas festivities. Mela hsibt li l-hajja taghna hija daqshekk medjokri li noqoghdu nahlu l-hin taghna bhalek...
James, "Debono's grotesque antics", please explain? << >> "Busuttil's ability in conveying the right sound bites", The bites might sound sweet to unsophisticated, conservative, oldish people, but the content is still shallow; and as full of back door wind as a spinnaker in a gale, but as empty as the new lift in a brisk breeze.
Ghaziz James Kemm tista tkun patetiku u sbilancjat meta tigi tghid li Anglu farrugia kien fqir meta iffaccja lil Simon. Ghax ma tghidx li kull darba li Anglu ppresenta il-fatti Busuttil harab minnhom !! Dak politiku eh. Verament ghandu futur mal-klikka ta' gonzipn ghax he is a bird of the same feather. Busuttil wasal biex warrab sentenza tal-Qorti li tat ragun lill Anglu rigward corrupt practices fl-ahhar elezzjoni u Busuttil ta' genju (sic) li hu hlief beda jajjar lill Anglu hrigt ta' hmar meta bediex jghid. Verament dan Busuttil qed jigi minfuh minn gonzipn u verament ma fihx sustanza ta' xejn. U mela tikteb li qiesu gonzipn sab xi Messiah, xi Dom Mintoff. U hallina James u ikteb il-verita u thallix il-passjoni taghmik.Tant hu tajjeb li meta Franco ried jikkonfrontah, Busuttil baqa go l-aquarium tal-Where's everybody, li hi home ghalih ghax qiesa kazin tal-pn, imwerwer qiesu qed jibza minn xi xebgha. Dan hu l-eroj li int qed tipprova u titqanzah tonfoh dear james.
labour party is a team.If one player is not that good the others perform for him,just as Joseph did last Sunday.This James you did not mention on purpose.Y
Nixtieq inkun naf jekk qattx itella dibattitu fuq Xarabank bejn il-Vici Kapi tal Partiti ? Jekk iva jekk qattx kellu 3 repetizzjonijiet fuq l-istazzjon nazzjonzli? Nixtieq inkun naf jekk int James taqbilx ma l-ittri anonimi? Jekk taqbilx ukoll li sentenza ta konferma ta corrupt practice ghalik hiex hmerija? Nistaqsi jekk taqbilx li f'dawn iz-zminijiet tal milied in nies ghandhomx joghqodu jiggieldu ghand tal grocer u jekk taqbilx mal mod zbilancjat li qed jitmexxa il PBS? Nistaqsi wkoll jekk ghandekx xi kumment x'tghaddi rigward id-dibattitu li sar fuq l-RTK bejn Anglu u Simon fejn Simon ma kienx qed jighlab home?
it seems that james debono is another gatekeeper....and im not refering to this article only....unfortunately i couldnt comment on his article regarding water as a commodity. instead of taking a pair of tracking shoes and a binocerous and went after those huge bowsers that are kings of the road and discover where all that the water is pumped to, he acted like an armchair critic and brought the environmental question into the equation. it is surely not used for agricaltural purposes dear james. can you and any other expert tell us how much it is costing those that are extracting such water where it is being used and how much these users are paying and compere it to my exorbitant water bill pertaining to a family of two who use water only for the necessary hygenic facilities...come on grow up
Anglu Farrugia ma kienx 100% tajjeb ghax nahseb tawh instructions biex juri karrattru ta wiehed relaxed, u simpatiku billi qad il-hin kollu jitbissem, li finalment hadmet kontrih. Ma ifissierx li Anglu Farrugia ghamel xi dizastru mil programm. Simon Busuttil ma impresjona xejn gdid ghax dan huwa prudott riciklat ta GonziPn u daqsu kredibli.Saqsu lil kaccaturi u nassaba. Kuragg Dr. Anglu Farrugia u PL, kelkom fejn tixxalaw u armajtu opportunita biex turi il qerq bhal Smart City, Airmalta, Dockyards fairmont, Wind Farms fantzmi, weghdi foloz li Simon Busutiil kien il numru 1 li ftahar li ghamel il-programm eletorali ta 2008 ta GonziPn.
Anglu Farrugia ma kienx 100% tajjeb ghax nahseb tawh instructions biex juri karrattru ta wiehed relaxed, u simpatiku billi qad il-hin kollu jitbissem, li finalment hadmet kontrih. Ma ifissierx li Anglu Farrugia ghamel xi dizastru mil programm. Simon Busuttil ma impresjona xejn gdid ghax dan huwa prudott riciklat ta GonziPn u daqsu kredibli.Saqsu lil kaccaturi u nassaba. Kuragg Dr. Anglu Farrugia u PL, kelkom fejn tixxalaw u armajtu opportunita biex turi il qerq bhal Smart City, Airmalta, Dockyards fairmont, Wind Farms fantzmi, weghdi foloz li Simon Busutiil kien il numru 1 li ftahar li ghamel il-programm eletorali ta 2008 ta GonziPn.
Barak Obama lost the first confrontation with his rival but still won the presidency. So why all this halabaloo about the Farrugia / Busutill discussion programme. Is this a strategy to make peace with the PN after so many months of showing them for what they are.
Mark Fenech
James huwa wiehed minn dawk il-gurnalisti li jgħidulhom indipendenti li meta toqrob l-elezzjoni jinsa kemm ikun qal affarijiet kontra l-gonzipn u jipprova jxaqleb lejn il-gvern. Ma nafx kif fl-immaginazzjoni fertili tieghu sab lil Simon ahjar minn Anglu. Jekk trid l-opinjoni tieghi, nghidlek li ftit kien hemm sustanza bejniethom, imma jekk ikolli bilfors nghid minn mar l-ahjar allura nghidlek, li l-body language ta' Anglu kienet ferm aktar felici, minn ta' Simon li l-hin kollu kellu wiccu ta' veru bniedem irrabjat. X'qal Simon li jdawwarlek l-opinjoni tieghek biex tivvota lil gonzipn. Simon huwa maghruf hafna bhala minn mindu tfacca mal-MIC qabel ir-referendu tal-2003, ma qalx l-affarijiet kif suppost, wahda mil kbar hija fuq il-kacca u l-insib. Jiena la nhobb il-kacca u l-anqas l-insib, imma ma jfissierx li qatt kont sejjer nghid l-affarijiet li ma kienux minnhom biex nidhaq b'dawn id-delettanti. U mbaghad jekk kiteb l-programm elettorali ta' gonzipn ta' 2008, ghaliex halla dak il-gideb kollu, fuq it-tarzna, go, airmalta, seamalta, trasport pubbliku, u elf haga ohra. Kemm ikun bahnan minn jerga jafdah. Tidhaq biha darba huwa zball, imma jekk inhalliek tidhaq biha darba wara ohra, allura jiena nkun iċ-ċuċ. Kemm haseb li n-nies huma pinnuri James, imma nahseb il-bierah kien rih qawwi u ghalhekk haseb fil-pinnurri.
I watched franco and anglu and concludes by saying that Norman of PBS and Pbs itself shoild be ashamed of themselves and I was more convinced that Malta needs a change of government. Maybe Anglu is not the best of the PL speakers but surely Simon is no shinning politician anzi buzzieqa li infeqet hekk kif intefhet
Dear Mr. Debono with your contribution you are trying to climb a steep crystal mountain. Your anti-labour bias is no concern of mine. What vexes me is that you peddle yourself for an independent journal. My irritation stems from the fact that you think people like me are still wet behind the ears. The comments of the readers are exhaustive enough. There is really nothing to add. But I must say you hit your ludicrous low referring to the success of the PN billboard with the crib. It was pathetic. It has been since Lord Strickland’s times that the PN has used God and Religion as an expedient to scavenge votes. I bet the PN would give an arm and a leg to have the Bishops impose mortal sin on labour voters
James- disagree on the overall picture you give- anglu was anglu-anything but a debator and in reality a non entity since he will never be PM. Simon came across as swarmy and arrogant-a surprise to most, me included, and nw I have doubts about having him as a fture PM. He is obviousy a chip of the Gonzi clique block. A real let down and he made me squirm when I listened to his arrogant style- Peppi came across as a non independent journalist with more than a hint of collusion between him and his PN matey. You didnt emphasise the only winner in this interview-Carmel- a real feather in the cap for the AD. If they keep up this performance, many disgruntled PN, or floaters, can see his party as a viable option. Time will tell.
Il bierah fuq il One fil programm '' MHUX BILLI TGHID '', Godfrey Grima qal li f'dan il pajjiz il gurnalisti lanqas huma tajbien biss ghal TEA BOYS.Dan l'artiklu miktub minn JAMES DEBONO jikkonferma li qal GODFREY GRIMA.
Luke Camilleri
It's franco we want and in a DEBATE and Peppi keeping quiet as Franco's coffee boy! When will we have Franco on a debate - the choice is Peppi's from : Beppe Fenech Adami Austin Gatt Manwel delia Gejtu Vella SIMON BUSUTTIL LAWRENCE GONZI Franco is ready but is the Peppi / Loki Loo or the Oligarchy ready take up the challenge????
Artiklu iehor ta' James Debono rizultat ta' immaginazzjoni fertili ! Nahseb li n-nies se jinsew il-HNIZRIJIET li wettaq Gonzi u l-KLIKKA fuq kif mar Anglu Farrugia fid-dibattitu ma Simon "morru ghand il-grocer"Busuttil ! Simon will be shown as someone who is not ready to stand up to be counted on sensitive and controversial matters, as were divorce, IVF, ACTA etc.. Besides, he was responsiblle for the gross misinformation given to the Maltese people during the EU referendum campaign , such as what was written to Hunters and trappers by Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami, as prime minister. And by MIC itself !
all bullshit.lab our will win by 10000 votes
Sur edituri tal-maltatoday: jekk verament tahsbu li l-poplu se jivvota skont il-figura patetika li qatghu kemm anglu farrugia kif ukoll il-buzu ta' mannarinu fuq it-TV ... jekk verament tahsbu li l-poplu se joqghod jitkellem fuq dawn it-tnejn waqt l-ikliet u l-parties u c-celebrazzjonijiet tal-milied ... veru m'intomx qed thgixu f'dinja. Il-poplu se jivvota skont kif jara li tmexxa l-pajjiz f'dawn l-ahhar snin; skont jekk l-affarijiet tmexxewx sew jew b'mod korrott; jekk jekk jahsibx li kien hawn il-hela ta' flus, id-dizorganizzazzjoni, it-tahwid, it-tberbiq fl-amministrazzjoni pubbliku; skont jekk giex ittrattat tajjeb jew hazin minn min imexxi; ..... fuq dawn jiggudikaw in-nies mela fuq bicca diskussjoni fuq it-tv li spiccat biex dejjqet lil kulhadd .... bilkemm ma tahsibx li kienet xi debate bhal dik bejn obama u mitt romney, tarax .... u halluna tridux ....
Zelqa Ohra Mill Labour u ir Rebha terga tkun ghal PN, kif gara fit 2008
James although you picture yourself as an independent journalist your bias writing shows clearly that you are a good journalist but not an independent one. First of all I followed the debate and I saw Simon continually reading from his pad, I presume the messages from his bosses to instruct him what to say. Second, Anglu came prepared with proof in his hands and his comments were always backed by statistical information. Third and for me is the most important the comments following the debate on the Times of Malta were almost all in favor of Anglu and not Simon. Simon is a good guy but I can't imagine him as a prime minister. In this legislature Gonzi was always in the mercy of certain ministers, imagine what Simon would be!
Sewwa jghidu "fuq tlieta toqod il-Borma", Pepi Azzopardi, Lou Bondi u Norman Vella.
With all the respect James , from Anglu Farrugia one does not except much, but Simon surely is not the Promessed holy Guy !! Anglu was never pushed in that manner while Simon was, and honestly , with both performance , the country sliped 4 places downwords in the corruption chart!!!