Election satire | Franco’s year in 2012 [WATCH]

Maltese tribute to Italy’s satirical TV montage Blob returns with the man who made 2012 the political rollercoaster it was.

This man is not one's parrot... screen-grab from Bondiplus's fabled encounter with the indomitable MP.
This man is not one's parrot... screen-grab from Bondiplus's fabled encounter with the indomitable MP.

Formerly Divorzistan and the chief author of much digital mockery during the divorce referendum, Satiristan is so far one of the few sources of political irony and satire through the use of TV montage. Here is the latest installment of the much awaited guerilla production.

well said,amico
Prosit Franco, iben tassew tad-demokrazija.
One must admit that, if Franco did not exist, Malta would have been obliged to create him, virtues, warts and all. Franco demonstrated without great effort, Gonzi'S weaknesses as Leader, and exposed him for the blown up figurehead behind which the real powers manipulate the country's finances. Franco, albeit to a lower extent, is as much a proven son of Malta, as Mintoff, George Borg Oliver, EFA and Joseph Muscat has already proven to be. That St. Aloysius College's year must have been a fine vintage one. The future of a more centrist Malta beckons. A Malta where meritocracy and accountability are meaningful words. May I augur 2013 to be a watershed year for all your readers.