[WATCH] PM says electoral manifesto is just the ‘framework’, looks ahead with ‘serenity’

President George Abela to sign writ on Monday morning that would officially kick-start the electoral campaign.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier.

The Nationalist Party will hold its first rally on Monday at its headquarters in Pieta' just hours after President George Abela will sign the writ in the morning to dissolve parliament.

Addressing the PN activists at a reception at the party's headquarters, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that it was the party's duty to "explain to the electorate" why the PN should be once again trusted with the leadership of the country.

"The aim of the coming weeks is to put the choices before the electorate. Calmly and serenely, these options should be explained. The whole issue will be explaining to the people our work, where we want this country to go in the coming months and years," he said.

Gonzi added that values will play a major part in the PN's campaign, on which their fundamentals will be based. He reiterated that the campaign should be met serenely but with commitment to explain the party's policies.

The PN's executive committee also yesterday discussed the electoral manifesto, which Gonzi described as the "framework of our principles which will be used to design the electoral programme which would then be announced in the opportune time".

"An electoral programme is built on principles and values, the two most important things for our people."

The PN leader went on to reiterate that the most important thing for the people were jobs that gave dignity to the people.

"But jobs are not created on their own," he warned.

He also reassured the activists that the PN will keep on working and prepare itself for "the coming battles which we want to face and win".

Fejnhom il-proposti ta' GonziPN? X'inhi l-politika taghhom ghal futur? Xi strategija ekonomika ghandhom meta fuq id-dinja ghad hemm l-ispettru ta' ricessjoni ohra? Fil-qasam tas-sahha se nibqaw nistennew snin fil-waiting list? Il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma se jkomplu jgholew? X'inhi il-politika tal-energija taghhom ghat-tlett snin li gejjin? Se nibqaw ghaddejjin b'power station li qed tnitten l-ambjent? Staqsuhom tal- Malta Today l-istess mistoqsija - x'inhuma l-proposti taghkom? - l-istess mistoqsija li dejjem staqsejtu ghal dawn l-ahhar sentejn lill-PL!
Are you referring to the principles of massive debt creation, and extravagance, mismanagement, lies, accountability, individual responsability, and hypocracy. Asking people to make the sacrifices and taking a 600 Euro rise behind everyone`s back, to make a single point.
Dear Prim ministru, Talk is cheap ................. to late all this nice words now .PAST IS HISTORY BUT IS THERE FOR REFERENCE..
Joseph Pellicano
salvu balzan u specialment il bravu james debono: The PN's executive committee also yesterday discussed the electoral manifesto, which Gonzi described as the "framework of our principles which will be used to design the electoral programme which would then be announced in the opportune time". Kemm ilkom tistaqsu fuq il proposti tal PL, lil dawn xser tajdulom?
Joseph Sant
Kif? jigifieri dan, jumejn qabel il-ftuh tal-kampanja elettorali ghad ghandu biss il-qafas? U l-kemm u l-kif u l-meta fejn huma? Ser jimpenjaw ruhhom Jurgen Balzan u James Debono biex jistaqsu lill-Lawrence Gonzi fejn hi c-canga - where's the beef? Nistennew u naraw.
In view of the party manifestos, you might be interested in listening to today's radio show on 'Ghandi x' Nghid'...this issue was brought up: http://andrewazzopardi.org/ghandi-x-nghid-radio-show/
I have a feeling that PN will be playing the same game as Labour; PN is going through the motions that they will first ask the people what they would like to have - in the same way JM did during the famous caucus last September; then give it some beef -like JM said Labour would be doing by asking for people's concensus before proposing any measure, to ensure that the greatest number of voters would be satisfied and finally, the manifesto would be published...probably in the last days of the run-up. PN are in the happy position that they have been in government for so many years that everyone knows what to expect from another PN administration. However the same cannot be said of Labour - the 22 month performance was mediocre at best, the 16 year stint was abysmal, and the actors are still there. So Labour has the unenviable onus of convincing the electorate that they have changed. In addition to their performance, PN has introduced the Budget 2013 which even PL considers excellent. So they can sit on the fence
Your time is UP. Pack up and disappear. We are going to give Joseph Muscat a chance. Is he is "an empty vessel that make most sound", like you have proven to be yourself Dr Lawrence Gonzi, then I will start a new movement which we are going to call "Malta Labour Worker's Party", I am sure that we won't have to do that since All Labour Leaders have kept their words like gentlemen.
"An electoral program is built on principles and values". Those are some strong words coming from Dr Gonzi after all the corruption charges brought about certain people under the PN flag, especially in the last few years. But then again, this is an election year and most politicians will say anything to get your vote. Why not either leader, promise to correct the wrongs and rid of the corruption status Malta finds itself in? Why not promise the people that our courts will be brought up to the standard of a Democratic Country and not be used as another corrupt political tool? Very plainly, stop the corruption and incompetence in our courts which have become the butt joke of the EU. Why doesn't Dr Gonzi promise to take out all the arrogant Ministers he carries in his Party which forms the GonziPN. Why doesn't Dr Gonzi promise to curtail the crime wave that has come over Malta in the last five years? Why doesn't Dr Gonzi promise that he will be putting the people before his party needs and start being transparent? Dr Gonzi you had five years to put in place a program built on principles and values. Why the change of heart now? As always, talk is very cheap.
Kieku paroli ghandna...valuri? x'valuri Prim? il 500E, il-gideb li gdibt lin nies tal-AM, Sea Malta, Kaccaturi, GO, l-infiq bl-addocc ta' progetti mhux prijorita`, tan numru rekord ta' zghazagh li jitilqu kmieni mill-iskola (36% ikkomparat ma 15% fl-EU skont in National Reform Programme) u mitt elf haga ohra biex ma nsemmux il-mod arroganti kif ivvutajt kontra l-ghazla tal-poplu bhal fil-kaz tad-divorzzju? Tridx thallina Prim...mela hsibt illi n-nies kollha ibatu bid-dementia jew???
Tghallem xi haga ohra minn ghand Dr. Muascat ! irrepeta dak li ilu jghid Joseph Muscat, li jhares il-quddiem b'serenita u kalma !
Ilhom ix-xhur jistaqsu x'fih il programm elettorali tal PL biex ISSA jumejn qamel ma tibda officjalment il kampanja elettorali jigi Gonzi PN u jghidilna li huma ghadhom ser jibdew jiddisinjaw il manifest taghhom u li ser jaghmluh publiku fil hin opportun. Fejhom tal WE u l-abbatini l-ohra biex jistaqsu meta, kif u kemm fuq il programm tal PN? Il probabilita hi li ser jistennew lil PL ihabbar il manifest imbaghad jikkupjawh u jaghmluh taghhom. Jien nippretendi li nhar it-tnejn il Prim ministru isejjah konferenza stampa u jghidlina x'fih il manifest elettorali tieghu jekk ma ghandux min xhiex jibza.