International experts’ panel to endorse Labour’s cheaper utilities plans

Labour to present plan for cheaper water and energy on Wednesday.

The Labour Party's plans to to reduce electricity and water tariffs are expected to be unveiled during a public business breakfast which will be held next Wednesday.

During that same business breakfast event, a panel of international experts is also expected to endorse the Opposition's plans, Labour sources said.

Labour sources however stopped short of revealing any details about the plans as yet.

At the same time, the sources insisted that the plans that will be unveiled in a few days' time are not based on the Sargas proposal; though they also said they would not rule out Sargas.

The international experts - who were not named - will be expected to confirm that the tariffs for both electricity and water will reduce within a reasonable time frame.

They are expected to be present at next Wednesday's public business seminar, which will be held at the Intercontinental in St  Julian's.

The revelation comes in the way of repeated pledges by the PL to reduce the utility tariffs if elected to government. 

The Nationalist Party has criticized Labour for not being forthcoming with clear proposals on how this can be done.

Ian Sammut
The Marsa Power Station was not built during the 25 years of PN government but in the 1960's. Yet Never Ending Story should know that building three Power stations is not something to be ashamed of but to be proud of. Because how could Malta cope without such grandiose projects? Was it possible to have so many millions of foreign and local investment in Malta without these power stations? Was it possible for Malta to reach international standards in almost all sectors? Was it possible for us citizens to enjoy the most of modern comodities in our homes? Was it possible for Malta to break records in tourists arrivals every year? What kind of reasoning 'Never Ending Story' is trying to make how stupid of him and his ilk.
25yrs of Pn governing = Three power staions.No1 Marsa which has served its life span and is now condemned by the EU ,No2 delimara power station which was built to supposedly phase out the marsa power station under fenech adami's rule which then turned out to be to small and which till today hasn’t even been paid for,No3 Our new and toxic heavy fuel power station which has very hazardous waste and has many technical faults and which is supposed to phase out the marsa power station ? And what do we have an old power station that still is in use and cannot be phased out because 25yrs of bad decisions and sleazy clean energy planning. We need cleaner energy for us and our families !
@still worried An excellent idea. We should be spending our scare and borrowed public funds on improving our infrastructure not on prestige projects. Besides reducing the need for expanding present power plants we also get the externality of less pollution and we would be maximizing one of Malta's resources, the sun. Surely a win-win situation.
If the Government used the 90 Million Euros being spent on the City Gate project to provide free photovaltaic panels to households which can accommodate them,I calculate that the free electricity generated would be around 13% of that currently being used by households. That would also help ease the load off Enemalta.