[WATCH] ‘So Labour’… sceptics take shots at party campaign slogan and emblem

Erm… why does everyone have to be such a nit-picker?

‘Good slogan that ‘country for all’ thingamajig, Ed…’
‘Good slogan that ‘country for all’ thingamajig, Ed…’

You could see it coming... no sooner had Labour bombastically announced its new emblem and campaign slogan 'Malta Taghna Llkoll' - 'Everybody's Malta', 'Malta for all', 'It's our country too, you know...' - somebody pointed out the similarities between the Obama logo and the Labour logo.

Honestly, give the designers a break... in the meantime, here's the PN's 'Ariel washing powder' rainbow slogan (inclusiveness... geddit?)

Times columnist and part-time PN apologist Andrew Borg Cardona also noted on TVAM that 'Malta Taghna Lkoll' was just an 'ilkoll' away from the 'Malta Taghna' slogan used in the Labour 1987 campaign (yet to be confirmed). What's for sure is that Alfred Sant used this slogan in his 'anti-barons' campaign during 1996 - a reference to some hidden, dominant elite making the country theirs.

And finally... wot Ed Miliband said! A MaltaToday reader on Facebook kindly proffered the following video - slogans apart, any similarities?

joseph muscat xejn originali. kollox ikkuppjat anke id diskors li jghid. MALTA TAGHNA LKOLL?????staqsi li debono grech li qal il bieb taghna miftuh ghal laburisti biss.....staqsi lill jason micallef u lill gino cauchi u tkunu tafu jekk MALTA HUX SE TKUN TAGHNA LKOLL.
What's so strange about the Ed Milliband video? It is modern Labour's belief to bring the country together, wherever it militates. It is the Conservatives (especially GonziPN in Malta) who always preach divisiveness. And down to the grassroots, too. For example, Simon Busuttil's grocery joke.
There is a wonderful saying "GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE" - it so happens that the great minds of Dr Joseph Muscat and Ed Milliband are in tune over the singular concept of uniting their two respective countrymen into the absolute need for unity and the common good of our two great nations. What is wrong with that? We have been led a divisive and spiteful period of almost a quarter of a century where being Labour meant being put aside with no chances of promotions, no chances of fair play, no chances of jobs, no chances of being considered on level ground with PN diehards. As time developed over these last 25 years, even level headed PN supporters were put aside in sole favour of the restricted clique of GONZIPN. It is now finally our chance for all Maltese of good will to clean our Country, clean the webs of deceit and elect a Government with the promise of uniting our people and bringing justice in our Courts of Law, justice in our Administration, justice in our Energy tariffs and justice to our every day living.
Ma jimpressjonawni xejn il-logos. Li jinteressani hu ss-serjeta u l-kredibilta tal-Partiti u tal-Kandidati taghhom. Il-PL ghandu kandidatura ferm ahjar minn dik tal-PN. Pero ghandu xi whud - madwar 2 - li frl-opinjoni9 ta hafna ma kellhom qatt ikunu approvati. Ir-ragunijiet il-PL jafhom sewwa. Jidher li l-PL il-prijorita tieghu hija il-voti. Ghalija din mhux serjeta. U jekk dawn se jibqghu hemm, jiddispjacini pero jkolli nibqa d-dar.
Why did PN use the NBC logo for their campaign?
Why shouldn't the PL use the slogan " Malta taghna lkoll", just because someone else has used a more or less similar slogan in some other country ? Surely nobody has a monopoly for slogans.The slogan chosen by the PL shows the PL's determination to get rid of the clique which has hijacked the country for so many years !