Labour's energy promises 'irresponsible' - Gonzi

Ignoring international price of oil is irresponsible Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says on Labour's vow to reduce utility bills.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi at the Playmobil factory, Hal-Far.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi at the Playmobil factory, Hal-Far.

Labour is being irresponsible by ignoring the volatile price of oil on the international market in its pledge to decrease utility bills, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said.

Speaking during a visit to the Playmobil manufacturing plant in Hal Far, the Prime Minister said: "We would be taking people for a ride if we did not factor in the effect of international oil price on the cost of providing energy."

He added that his administration addressed the issue by offering companies and industry a particular formula for energy consumption.

However, while acknowledging the effect of utility bills on industry, Gonzi said that companies "also have a part to play" by investing in energy efficiency.

"The government will not subsidise the waste of energy but is prepared to work hand in hand with industry to increase efficiency in power consumption." 

Playmobil CEO Matthias Faufer announced that the German toy factory is planning to invest €15 million in new machinery and an upgrading of facilities.

Admitting that Malta's utility rates are among the highest in Europe, Faufer said energy consumption is "a major cost for Playmobil" and noted that the company had prepared an industrial policy paper which it presented to Malta Enterprise.  He expressed hope that the policy paper will be discusses shortly.

Sour grapes. The PN never imagined that the PL would come up with such a comprehensive plan to tackle in a fundamental way the high cost of electricity generation, unbearable utility rates and the ENEMALTA economic black hole. They also never had the responsibility to tackle in a serious way the environment issues resulting from the pollution spewing plant and the negative effects that it is having on primary health and respiratory problems in our population especially in the south of our island.
Jekk dawn il-proposti dwar Pjan tal-Energija li jwasslu għall roħs fil-kontijiet huma irresponsabbli kemm hi akbar l-irrisposabbita tiegħek li qatt ma għamiltu pjan ta' xejn ? Tgħid għalhekk f'dak il-billboard qed tħarsu laġemba għax ma kellkhomx il-kuraġġ li tħarsu lejn il-poplu ?
But this Gonzi fellow is simply unbelievable. I beg you to get out, and get out fast, if you at least have some respect for the Maltese and their children. The age of bluff is OVER!!! You, well and truly, mucked up the Maltese economy; then proceeded to muck up your own party by eliminating the best elements whist retaining the chaff; then you make Parliament an irrelevant talk shop, and now you want to persist in your errant ways. Go back to light duties like soccer and smoking and leave us in peace.
X'wicc ghandu dan Gonzi izur dawn il-fabbriki meta qed jiccargjhom 16c il-unit li hu l-ghola rata fl-EU. Hemm pajjizi fl-EU fejn ir-rati lil industrija huma ta 5c9 fil Bulgarija. 9c fl-Ingilterra, l-Irlanda, Latvia, Olanda,Polonja, Portugal, Spanja, 7c5 fil-Fillandja, Franza ecc. GonziPN falliment totali fil-prezzijiet tad-dawl. Jistaw id-Di u Do Gonzi u Simon li skond l-ahhar billboard urewna li mohhom fl-arja jispjegawlna ghalhiex m'ghandhomx il-hila igibu prezzijiet tad-dawl ghal industrija bhal pajjizi ohra. Ta min ikun jaf ghalhiex.
Irresponsabli huma dawk li serqu Euro600 fil-gimgha zieda minn halq il-poplu Malti.
Tajjeb mela Lorry Gonzi gholla il-kontijiet tad-dawl u ta' l-ilma skond kif qal hu stess 'BIL-QALB', nahseb li aktar trid tkun bla qalb biex taghmel hekk. Brigulju tal-Hodor ma jridx li jorhsu il-kontijiet tad-dawl u ta' l-ilma, il-veru trid tkun ahdar biex tghid hekk. Joseph Muscat ghax saqajh ma l-art u qalbu mal-Maltin kollha habbel rasu u ghax bravu sab soluzzjoni kif se jrahhsilna il-kontijiet tad-dawl u ta' l-ilma minghajr ma jissusidjhom. Kif nista' ma nivvutalekx Joseph.
Joseph Pellicano
gonzi jelousey will get you nowhere,you better start saying something sensible.
Dan il-bniedem inkredibbli. Ma jigbax jghid hmerijiet. Anqas biss ghadhom gew mhabbra l-proposti u diga qed jghjjar lill-PL irresponsabbli. Biex taraw kemm hu bniedem pregudikat u minghajr sens ta' oggettivita`. U l-harqa hi li jrid jghallem lilek u lili x'inhi dicenza u demokrazija! Jibza mil-proposti ghax ghad irridu nkunu nafu kemm hallasna kontijiet minn imniehirna ghal inkompetenza tal-gvern tieghu!
Dan il-bniedem inkredibbli. Ma jigbax jghid hmerijiet. Anqas biss ghadhom gew mhabbra l-proposti u diga qed jghjjar lill-PL irresponsabbli. Biex taraw kemm hu bniedem pregudikat u minghajr sens ta' oggettivita`. U l-harqa hi li jrid jghallem lilek u lili x'inhi dicenza u demokrazija! Jibza mil-proposti ghax ghad irridu nkunu nafu kemm hallasna kontijiet minn imniehirna ghal inkompetenza tal-gvern tieghu!
hahaha the JOKER!! here he is again!! why is it that GONZI always visits a foreign based company in Malta? why? well that is because the Maltese companys are all down to there knees with high costs of electricity, tax fines, vat penalities, yes GONZI is trying his best with Simon to win the next election, but Honestly the truth lies with all the unemployed people,and the rate of poverty growing by the day!! Dont let this man make another 5 years in power because nothing will change or get better under his so called party. Malta today has been down graded over and over again under this priminister.As the saying goes he has managed to make the rich richer and the poor at its poorest, he has ignored the people who voted for him, and has pretended to produce work, Yes that is if you want to earn less than the minimum wage. whilist his party are enjoying high wages and extraodinary perks yes thousands of people are suffering in Malta. However good or bad the labour party is REMEMBER NO political party in power TODAY may do what they want as we are part of the E.U. and I believe that we should all consider change ....think !!!
You have been taking the country for a ride for the past three years. Sorry Dr Gonzi, but do not come and ask for my vote in the 7th District ! I was happy when you got elected PN leader, even though I am a labour supporter by today I have lost all confidence in you ! Sorry!
Iva l-proposta tal-PL hija rresponsabbli ghax jiena bhala PM irrid niehu l-500 Euro fil-gimgha u mhux imorru fil-but tan-nies!!
Kien ikun ahjar ghal kulhadd kieku Gonzi baqa' hemmehemm; jigifieri il-Playmobil... ghax hemm postu!
With all due respect, I think that it is the utmost contempt and irresponsibility, when a member of the Cabinet errs on Smart City,BWSC, and Arriva, and yet, you still dumb him on carry his blunders!
Gonzi qisek taf xi haga illi ahna ma nafux. Mela il-PL habbar il-pjan?? Nafu illi int pinocchio imma illi issa sirt il-Wizard of Oz ma konniex nafu..taqra il-futur ukoll???
SUR PRIMNINISTRU TAF XINHU IRRESPONSABLLI LI TIEHU 600 EURO ZIEDA FIL GIMGHA HU LIL HADDIEM ITTIEH 1.66 EURO ZIEDA . TAF XINHU IRRESPONSABLLI LI TENDER MINN MILJUN euro jigi jiswa 29 miljun Euro hu xi kuntratturi ghadhom ma thalsux ??? fejn marru dawn il flus ??? TAF XINHU IRRESPONSABLLI LI li iggib flotta antika second hand ta karozzi tal linja hu tohloq busillotta ikbar mill kelna TAF XINHU IRRESPONSABLLI LI li il power station ta delimara li giet tiswa 300 miljun ma tahdimx??? VERU HEMM MAGNI TAD DIESEL IMKISRIN ?? BARRA IT TURBINI IRRISPONDI TA SUR PM jew ibghat lil ABBATI TIEGHEK JIRRISPONDI DAWN IL MISTOQSIJIET !!! SUR Prim Ministu IL PL se ikun responsabbli ghal flus il poplu hu mis serq hu tberbiq li qedin taghmlu ikun bizzejjed biex il kontijiet tad dawl jorhsu MALTA TGHANA MHUX TA XI ERBGHA KUNTRATTURI LI HALLEJTHOM JIRVINAW LIL PAJJIZ
Playmobil's CEO was one of those three head of private companies who stated that Electricity rates in Malta were the highest in Europe. I wonder if Gonzi smiled when he was reminded of this on his today's visit. Accusing Joseph of taking the people for a ride comes so natural from Gonzi - he himself had taken half the population for a rough ride when he did not honour one single promise made solemnly before the 2008 elections. Shame!
Kif gej tghid li l-proposta tal-PL li jnaqqas il-kontijiet tad-dwl u l-ilma hija rresponsabbli meta l-istess PL ghadu ssr ixandar kif, b'kemm u meta ser irahhashom, nhar il-erba' li gej Sur Priministru Caretaker???? Gej issemmi il-prezz taz-zejt. Min qallek li l-PL bilfors ser juza iz-zejt biex jiggenera l-energija jekk jinaghta l-fiducja tal-poplu??? Oqghod hemm stenna u hu ftit pacenzja sakemm il-PL jurik xi tfisser energija nadifa u sostennibbli. Ara inti nvestejet f'power station ( li ilha aktar minn 20 sena u ghadha mhux mhallsa )u issa f'estenzjoni taghha, li tahdem bl-aktar zejt li jniggez il-heavy fuel oil. U dan kollu biex il-hbieb tal-hbieb tal-ministri li kellek jiffangaw u ipappu mill-commision li hadu u ahna c-cittadini nhallsu u nifgaw fl-arja mahmuga. Jmissek tisthi tiftah halqek fuq l-energija sur primininstru caretaker !!!!