Labour’s energy plans ‘déjà vu’ of 1996 VAT fiasco, Gonzi warns

Prime Minister likens Labour’s plan to reduce energy bills to 1996 plan to remove VAT, but insists PN will not commit same errors.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

Malta's decision on 9 March will be shaping the island's future for the next five years, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi told supporters in Sliema tonight, saying the people's choice lay between his party's "safe pair of hands" or Labour's negative record in government and Opposition.

Summing up Labour's record in as one of instability and uncertainty, Gonzi reminded his audience of Labour's decision to freeze EU membership, remove VAT and cut stipends in the short-lived Alfred Sant administration of 1996-1998.

"Be careful, a wrong decision could imperil all we have achieved in the last five years. Let's not take that for granted," Gonzi said as he compared Malta's economic stability, to the troubles faced by other European countries during the international crisis.  

"Labour does not work. Labour only means unemployment, deficit and debt. On the other hand, we faced the toughest challenges in the last five years and yet we emerged victorious."

Gonzi also accused Labour of playing hide-and-seek with the electorate, warning that the party was resorting to the same gimmicks employed by the Sant-led party of 1996. Speaking of the previous Labour government's fiasco in removing VAT, Gonzi said Labour's plan to reduce utility rates were yet another "déjà-vu".

"How can you hold a press conference without backing up such a drastic decision, which will affect the country's energy policy for twenty, thirty years, with documents, figures and workings? What assurances do we have on stable gas prices? What assurances do we have over the feasibility of this project? A million questions crop up from Labour's proposal," Gonzi said.   

He also said it was always the government's plan to convert the Delimara plant to gas from heavy fuel oil and connect Malta to the European energy grid as part of its efforts to reduce energy costs. "In 1996 we learnt the hard way. This time we will not commit the same mistake," Gonzi reassured the party faithful.

It was the PN's first outdoors activity since the official start of the campaign, where a sizeable and enthusiastic crowd from the traditional stronghold of Sliema greeted the Nationalist leader.

Auguring for a serene electoral campaign, Gonzi expressed hope that the country will hold a discussion on ideas and who should govern the year for the next five years.

"Five years is a long time. Will we have a country that creates the same amount of jobs?" Gonzi asked as he quoted figures issued on Tuesday on the participation rate in the workforce which among others showed an 8% increase in female participation, which has now reached 44%.  

"9 March is all about a choice. We either choose to build on the successes we enjoyed in job creation and in the economy or else we choose the other side [Labour] which is out of tune and overtly negative," the PN leader said.

Dr Gonzi qatt ma jista jkun kredibli.Meta Huwa personali kellu ic cans ta mhux inqas minn disa snin biex jaghmel xi haga utli fl energija ta Malta.Minflok Ghamel Dinozawru go delimara.B liktar zejt mahmug, B konsegwenzi ambjentali kbar li zied il mard respiratorju u l mard tal kancer.Il Prim Ministru u il partit tieghu qijad just jikritika lil PL ghax huwa konxju li il poplu huwa imdejaq b din is sitwazzjoni li l PN stess tefaw fiha.U qijed jibza li jekk mhux ha jizra d dubji fil proposta tal partit laburista(Li jien Qed inhares lejha b mod pozitiv)Hemm cans kbir li ha jkompli jitlef mill popolarita li ga tilef hafna.Il PN kien jinsilwa li PL Huwa negattiv.Ma nahsibx li ghadu il kaz.
Dr Gonzi qatt ma jista jkun kredibli.Meta Huwa personali kellu ic cans ta mhux inqas minn disa snin biex jaghmel xi haga utli fl energija ta Malta.Minflok Ghamel Dinozawru go delimara.B liktar zejt mahmug, B konsegwenzi ambjentali kbar li zied il mard respiratorju u l mard tal kancer.Il Prim Ministru u il partit tieghu qijad just jikritika lil PL ghax huwa konxju li il poplu huwa imdejaq b din is sitwazzjoni li l PN stess tefaw fiha.U qijed jibza li jekk mhux ha jizra d dubji fil proposta tal partit laburista(Li jien Qed inhares lejha b mod pozitiv)Hemm cans kbir li ha jkompli jitlef mill popolarita li ga tilef hafna.Il PN kien jinsilwa li PL Huwa negattiv.Ma nahsibx li ghadu il kaz.
Gonzi & co. should hide their faces in shame. The incompetency of past Nationalist administrations have laden Enemalta with over €800 million debts, which by the way will have to be borne by the current taxpayer and our children. Secondly over a span of 25 yeras they were not capable of coming out with a single feasible energy plan for our country. Indeed they gave birth to a BWSC power station which, as we have come to know on at least two occasions, is beset with operating problems. Now they are panick striken and will do anything in their power to shoot down the PL energy proposals. They will harp on the same old tune of 2008 and spin the same scaremongering song to remain in power.
The real fiasco is the PN vision for the future. If they really had education at heart they would not have created the mixed ability schools that are having a detrimental effect on good students and hardworking teachers that have a miserable salary for the work they do. LG boasted of having invested in education. Ok it is true that numbers of graduates have increased drastically but the quality of certain degrees is rock bottom and certainly is no guarantee for sure future employment. Many degrees and titles are no more than paper based decorations! Labour's proposals seem to make much more sense and they seem to have a good strategy for the future. The PL also are building and improving on good things that already exist. I think PL are for sure showing a better future!
It is Gonzi's two administrations that have been a complete fiasco, for he has not managed to get one thing right. He has ruined a country and his own party. He has alienated all the good brains of EFA's time in favour of keeping his close circle of cronies. He is bloody hopeless. He is not only the worst Prime Minister that Malta has ever had, but even the worst politician, who tries to pose as a statesman. Statesman my foot! He's a bloody hopeless case and is on the way into the wastebag of history.
Scaremongering, because you and your party are not capable of creating but only destroying. This is now the time of the people to take their country back!
How the PM has nerve to pin the accusations on to Labour where all of them happened during his 'reign'.
First they bust EneMalta with 800 million of debt, then they regale us with a lame BWSC power station, and to top it all, these very same people are saying that its only them who is on the right track on power generation? Holy cow! This evening I even saw Bondi and Fenech debating against Konrad Mizzi; Bondi asks questions to Muscat and Fenech answers them! They did not give a chance to Dr Mizzi to explain what PL's power generation is all about!
Luke Camilleri
So the PN finally admits that it made errors BY Prime MinisterlAWRENCE GONZI "insists PN will not commit same errors." Who does Gonzi think he is kidding? What proposals does he have after twenty -five years except to copy -cut and paste ideas, logos, bill-boards ..... and maybe even speeches! ONE RECORD HE REFRAINS TO MENTION- €6 BILLION NATIONAL DEBT!
Maybe we should ask jesmond mulliet,jefrey pullicino orlando,franco debono,godfrey grima,john bundy,robert musumeci ,john dalli ,michael falzon and many more about who to trust and he is saying he has a safe pair of hands? please let us be ,people are fed up with these gimmicks and old tactics.
il poplu ta xejn tipprova tbezzaw ghax lilek daqek bl arroganza li kellek dawn il hames snin,bis 600 euro fil gimgha li hadtu min wara dar il poplu,bl ittri li baghat lil haddiema tal airmalta u hafna izjed,fairmouth,bwsc etc
Dr gonzi qal li se jikkonvertti il-BWSC plant al-gas. Dan ovjament jiswa investiment kapitali kbir. allura nid jien alfejn ma qabadx u xtraha mill-ewwel bil gas. se jkolna narma nofs impjant gdid fjament