Finance minister questions cost of Labour’s proposal

Tonio Fenech says cost of generation importing natural gas is more expensive than gas pipeline project.

Konrad Mizzi (left) faced Tonio Fenech on Labour's proposal to cut prices.
Konrad Mizzi (left) faced Tonio Fenech on Labour's proposal to cut prices.

Finance minister Tonio Fenech has claimed the €370 million capital cost for Labour's energy plan for a conversion to gas fuel, was too costly to win any savings on efficiencies gained.

Fenech faced Labour candidate Konrad Mizzi on Bondiplus on TVM on Tuesday evening, in which he said Labour's timeframes to give 35% in reductions in electricity bills by 2014 were not realistic.

"How can utility bills be reduced by 2014 for households and by 2015 for industry, before all the infrastructure necessary for a gas storage terminal and gasification unit is completed? Issuing a tender and getting MEPA permits alone takes two years... the process altogether will take at least five years," Fenech said.

Mizzi, formerly chief information officer at Enemalta and Labour's key speaker on its utilities plan, said that Labour plans to build a new 200MW gas-fuel unit and gas supply infrastructure at Delimara, converting the BWSC turbine at Delimara to gas from heavy fuel oil, and build a liquefied natural gas terminal - all at a cost of €376 million.

Mizzi said that with the Malta-Sicily energy interconnector, energy will be generated at 9c6 per unit, and generate overall savings of €187 million a year which will be partly used for tariff reductions and for the repayment of Enemalta debt.

But Fenech claimed the entire project aims at improving efficiencies by running the Delimara plant at 95%, to produce 734 megawatts of energy when Malta currently consumes 434MW at peak periods.

Konrad Mizzi, who was quizzed on the details of the plan, said Malta's generation capacity is already at 691MW.

Mizzi also said he was not aware of whether Israeli firm Bateman - one of the unsuccessful bidders for the Delimara power turbine in 2010 - was interested in tendering for the gasification unit that Labour was proposing. Fenech claimed the project as proposed by Labour was based on Bateman's own combined-cycle technology that had been proposed for Delimara. Mizzi retorted, saying Bateman's combined-cycle technology was run-of-the-mill technology that was supplied by similar firms.

Fenech also said Labour's plan is likely to include some €40 million more in capital costs to strengthen the foundations of reclaimed land at Delimara, that would site the gasification unit.

The minister added that Labour's own plan shows that with a gas pipeline feeding the Delimara turbines in the future, energy can be produced at 8c4 per unit - far cheaper than the 9c6 per unit claimed by Labour, by using tankers to ship LNG into harbour.

However, the government itself plans to reduce the current generation cost of 15c per unit, to 11c in 2014 after the Malta-Sicily energy interconnector comes into operation.

On his part, Mizzi said Enemalta would still be losing money in 2015, citing management accounts that show €7 million losses in the year the interconnector is in full operation; and €51 million losses during 2014.

Fenech, who disagreed with the figures, said that Labour's plan would only utilise the interconnector at 20% of its capacity, and the new BWSC turbine at half of its capacity, while mainly employing the new gas plant. "It would be a waste of the capital investment we have placed in these projects... why should we invest in all this generation capacity seven years before we actually need this kind of energy?"

Mizzi also replied to claims that using tankers to transport LNG into harbour, was not secure due to supply concerns or adverse weather conditions.

"Apart from having an interconnector and a source of gas, we will retain Delimara Phase Two - whose turbines will be fired by gasoil and not HFO - which will guarantee us security of supply. If something happens, we can switch on the turbines; apart from having other renewable sources of energy."

On his part, the minister questioned the Labour claims that it could reach a 10-year price fixing agreement with the investors who had to invest in the new power station and gas facilities, due to wild fluctuations in international gas prices.

The same concern was raised by Alternattiva Demokratika spokesperson Arnold Cassola, who said tying an investor to a 10-year hedging agreement was questionable due to the fluctuation of prices on what was essentially a fossil fuel that risked rising in price due to lower supply.

Cassola however said AD had welcomed Labour's adoption of renewable energy as part of the generation mix for its energy plan.

ghal informazzjoni taghkom il kuntratt tal bwsc gie ipprezentat fil parlament u mghoti ukoll lill awditur generali.
Mizzi (labour candidatge) said that with the Malta-Sicily energy interconnector, energy will be generated at 9c6 per unit, and generate overall savings of €187 million a year which will be partly used for tariff reductions and for the repayment of Enemalta debt..... IL PROGETT TAL MALTA-SICILY INTERCONNECTOR BDIEH IL PN GHAX KELLU PJAN. U META JKUN LEST IS SENA ID DIEHLA JORHOS ID DAWL AWTOMATIKAMENT.
What amount would Tonio Fenech have willingly added to the national debt to have Conrad Mizzi in the PN's team???? Would people with inside knowledge opine that the main interest for this pack of lackeys is their overall annual "bank balance"?
jien ma nistax nifhem kif tonio fenek irid il karti meta hu stess qatt ma xkin fih il konratt tal bwsc .ma nisewx l ahwa li dan il konratt sar bill mohbi
One thing for sure, l-workings ta Tonio Fenech fuq l-BWSC ghadna qatt ma smajna bihom fuq Bondi+! Nahseb li se nkunu nafu 'l-beta u l-alfa' workings ta Konrad Mizzi bil-warts and all....imma l-workings tad-dizastru li halla warajh GonziPN, qatt ma smajna xejn dwarhom! Tghid Bondi+ (issa energy specialist ukoll) se isaqsi xi darba f'liema skip intefghu l-workings tal-progett disastruz tad-BWSC? Bilhaqq, meta se nkunu nafu l-workings ta kif l-WE dejjem jirbhu t-tenders biex fil-ghodu, f,nofsinhar fil-ghaxija u fil-programmi politici, dejjem jidhru huma biss fuq l-PBS? Dawn il-workings meta se ixxandarhom MrBondi?
Conrad Mizzi jidher persuna bravu hafna u l enegija hija il qasam tieghu.Ilbierah fuq il programm xoghol Tonio U xoghol Bondipn kien li jitfaw id dubji f mohh il poplu.Nahseb li konrad mizzi nehha id dubju minn mohh kulhadd.Kien kosistnenti fli kien qijed jghid.Tonio Fenech f hin minnom deher li qed jitlef l argumenti sa anke gholla il volum tijaw (Ghajjat)B mod gholi hafna u mhux mistenni.Deher ippanikjat wisq.
In yesterday's Bondi + we saw how a system where the presenter keeps asking questions, interrupting the speaker, and allowing Tonio FEnech to keep interrupting Konrad Mizzi so as not to allow Mr. Mizzi ti clearly explain the PL's project, is UNFAIR on televiewers who were interested in hearing both arguments made in a calm manner. Unfortunately Tonio Fenech just wanted to sow doubt in the mind of televiewers. At least during the BA's debates we will be able to listen to the arguments and not just watch a slanging match !
What amazed during this debate is the fact that the critic Minister of Finance forms part of a government that during the last 25 years has a track record in overspending on all major and minor projects in this country. It would have been a lot better if the Minister would have explained the PN policy about energy. Or there is no other policy expect that of the installation of interconnector with main land Europe?
Joseph Pellicano
forsi xi had kien qiad jistena li toni xaltur ha jaqbel mal proposta tal PL, li kinet xi safra pxejn fuq xi ajruplan privat kin jihu chance. hallina ton u ghahseb has sib job ma xi had mignun ghax hekk ir rid ikun min jinpjegak, ghax jekk tmexxilu il finnazi kif mexxejt tal pajjis zgur li gennu.
I don't know Konrad Mizzi, but he is convincing and I would like to trust him in a team that would run this country. On the contrary I don't trust Tonio Fenech, I worked for the Finance Ministry for more than 33 years in every department that falls under him. Thats enough said for the time being. The Best Finance Minister I worked under was John Dalli, a person that is not bias and disrispectful to the employees under his Ministry.
Would you have ever expected an objective, non-partisan criticism of the PL proposal from Tonio Fenech? Forget it. They are too blinkered for that. They are Mr. Know -it- all. And the funny thing is that today Enemalta is laden with over €800 debts, the result of the PN government's crass incompetence. Thumbs up for Konrad Mizzi. Despite being unceremoniously and continuously interrupted by Tonio Fenech he kept his cool and explained the proposal diligently. By the way, Lou Bondi did not seem impartial to me. He should have asked a couple of pungent questions to Minister Fenech on Enemalta €800 million debts. By the way, what are the PN's energy proposals?
Mhux ahjar Fenech jitfa fuq l-mejda l-accounts ta l-EneMalta biex inqablu 'like with like' mhux ilhom mohbija snin? Min meta l'hawn Fenech sar 'energy expert' bhal Dr Mizzi, ghax sa issa, min dak li rajna fil-BWSC, ma tantx ghandu biex jiftahar. U bil-haqq, dan il-pjan tal-PL ikkoppjat minn ta GonziPN jew hu gimmick? Iddeciedu please, mhux fi News tghidu haga u fiehor tghidu ohra!