Gonzi to meet Merkel in Berlin

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi will meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin later today.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel with Lawrence Gonzi at last month's European Council in Brussels.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel with Lawrence Gonzi at last month's European Council in Brussels.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has departed for Berlin, for a meeting later today with Chancellor Angela Merkel, which will be followed by a joint press conference.

The meeting, comes two days after the start of an electoral campaign, which has seen Labour media criticise Gonzi for attempting to seek "photo opportunities" with foreign leaders.

Speaking to reporters yesterday, Gonzi said that his meeting with Merkel was scheduled a long time ago, and that very important issues are to be discussed, among which the pending European Union financial framework.

"If Labour considers such important meetings as simple photo opportunities, then it is quite childish of them," Gonzi said.

The Prime Minister will return to Malta soon after his meeting and continue with his long campaign, tonight meeting supporters in Mellieha.

.... mela gonzipn mar jitghannaq ma' gaddafi u ha gost jiehu ritratt mieghu .... u wara xahrejn lil gaddafi gabruh minn go pipe tad-dranagg u helsu minnu .... u din id-darba gonzipn se jmur jitghannaq ma' angela merkel ..... u wara xahrejn il-poplu malti sejjer finalment jehles minnu u jpoggih fil-kuridur tal-memorji passati ......
Il-P.M. ma marx biex jiehu b'idejn Merkel. Issa li ghandu l-Simon mieghu u Ministru tal_Affarjiet Barranin gdid mar biex ikompli fiq li ghamel Simon u sa-elezzjoni jibghat xi 3000 immigrant gol-Germanja kif ftiehem Simon ma tal-Ewropa fil-burden sharing.
You should have told here,at the moment in EU everybody is liveing on borrowed money.
Stick to short leaders Sur Gonz. You looked like a foot stool posing with the the obama's. Remember - you are a politician of short stature.
Paul Sammut
Angela will be inviting Lawrence for a hand wrestling bout to settle once and for all the title of "Par Idejn Sodi."
This is truly the gimmick Gonzi was talking about yesterday. Probably it would be the last time the two of them met as leaders of their respective countries.
He is going to tell the chancellor that this is the last time that they are seeing each other because in a few weeks time he will be replaced by another young and vigorous politician by the name of Joseph Muscat.
Mhux ta' b'xejn ridt tibqa ggranfat mas-siggu, halli jkollok ic-cans tidher f'ritratt iehor ma Merkel. Nahseb b'dan ir-ritratt se tikkonvinci lin-nies !