‘Fenech’s had some apparition again’ – Muscat fobs off minister’s doubts [WATCH]

Labour leader fobs off doubts expressed by finance minister Tonio Fenech on lack of strong foundations at Delimara for gasification unit proposed by PL.

Joseph Muscat at Marsa
Joseph Muscat at Marsa

It's never a bad time to pick on the finance minister for his claim in parliament that the Virgin Mary was shedding tears for Malta voting in favour of divorce... but what does it have to do with Tonio Fenech's doubts on Labour's energy plan?

"I really don't know... I think he must have had another apparition from the Virgin Mary and told him that," Joseph Muscat quipped when asked by MaltaToday about Fenech's claims that Labour's gasification unit needs strong foundations at Delimara.

Labour are proposing that the gasification unit is built on the same area that the old turbines of the Delimara power station are sited.

But Tonio Fenech claims this proposal alone incurs another €40 million in capital costs, just to strengthen the foundations of reclaimed land at Delimara, that would site the gasification unit.

Muscat was busy meeting Enemalta workers at the old power house in Marsa - technically an 'illegal' power station, because Enemalta is paying MEPA a fine for keeping it in operation after it had to be decommissioned, as per EU requirements.

Muscat is pledging to shut down the old power station, as part of his plan to make a total conversion to gasoil and natural gas at the Delimara power station.

He will also turn the old power station area into a recreational and commercial project, to attract investment to the area.

"This power station will shut down as soon as possible and we will no longer depend on it. The standby will be Delimara Phase 2," he said, referring to that part of the Delimara power station that will run on gasoil.

Muscat also claims Enemalta, heavily in debt and running at a loss, will start making profits with Labour's plan.

"If we don't change, we will see a repeat of the dockyards at Enemalta by March," he said, warning of job losses for workers.

"We're duty bound to protect your jobs. If we don't do anything on energy, it will endanger your  jobs."

Muscat also said closing down Marsa would improve air quality, saying Eurostat surveys showed the Maltese in the highest areas of asthma incidence blamed the power station for the poor quality of air.

Accompanied by his wife Michelle, the PL leader also visited the Bezzina family - Roland, a 32-year-old nurse, his wife Ritianne and their 8-year-old daughter and a baby of 7 months - and held brief conversations with residents in Marsa.

Juan u tarxieniz1 . Meta Dr.Joseph Muscat semma il-madonna , zgur ma semmihiex b'disprezz izda biex juri kemm dawn in-nies kapaċi jinqdew b'kollox biex mingħalihom jimpressjonaw u jitwemmnu li dak li qed jgħidu hu il-verita' u xejn flief il-verita'. Għalhekk ma għandkhomx għalfejn titbegħdu mill-partit Laburista għas-sempliċi raġuni li Dr Muscat semma x'kien qal Tonio Fenech. Jekk kien hawn partit li inqeda bir-reliġjon għas-skopijiet tiegħu , dan ma kien hadd , hlief il-partit Nazzjonalista .
Sur Muscat please stick to politics and policies. I am not amused by your comment on other people's dear beliefs. You should be ashamed.
....‘Fenech’s had some apparition again’ ... I know what Our Lady told him "REPENT, REPENT, REPENT, beg for forgiveness from ALL the Maltese & Gozitan people for the sins committed aginst then , like deficts, debts those 600 euros you took while given the needy jus 1.16, and for the venditive transfers you allowed to occur by your staff against those who could do some good for the maltese but because they were Labour Supporters you humiliated them , made them and their families suffer hardships, like loss of overtime and never getting their due allowances, and after all this you allowed other to use them as trash.
Maureen Attard
Dr Muscat u ohrajn, halluha l-Madonna bi kwieta, tistu? B'daqshekk mintiex timpressjona, anzi qieghed aktar tieghedni mill-partit. Ejja nkunu aktar serji u nitkellmuahjar, milli nwegghu is-sentimenti ta' min jemmen f'Alla u l-qaddisin tieghu. Jekk int ma temminx halli l-haddiehor jemmen u twegghux bi kliemek.
Dr. Muscat ma naffordjawx nizolqu fin-niexef, fil kummenti taghna specjalment int li awgurajt li inkonna kampanja ta' elezzjoni civili. Jekk trid idahhal il-Madonna fin-nofs dahhalha billi titlob l-ghajnuna taghha ghax ghandna bzonn din it-tip ta' ghajnuna ahna lkoll. Jien il-vot naghtih lil lejber pero la int u lanqas haddiehor mil kamp taghna ma naghtih parir jitkellem b'dan il-mod: ghalkemm nifhem illi inti lil Tonio kont qed tikkritika mhux lil Madonna, izda ahna nafu tajjeb kemm huma tajbin tal PN biex ibezzghhu lin-nies meta nitkellmu fuq it-twemmin taghna li hafna Maltin ghadhom jghozzu. We cannot afford these kind of slips please!!!!!!!!
prosit Dr Muscat u Dr Mizzi. Lil ta Gonzipn gibtuhom jitkellmu wahedhom. Hadd mhu jemminhom aktar. Iktar ma Tonio Fenech jersaq il-quddiem biex jikkritika l-proposti tal-PL, in-nies aktar jissahhu fil-fehma taghhom li din hija proposta tajba... dan ghax kull ma jghid Tonio Fenech kollox isir bil maqlub... ezempji hemm kemm trid (1) wieghed surplus ghandna defict li ma bhalu (2) wieghed tnaqqis fl-income tax u ma zammx mal-weghda tieghu (3) fl-2008 kien iggarantixxa xoghol lil haddiema tal-MDD, GO, Airmalta etc. Tonio kellkom 25 cans - faqqartu lil Malta, fuq l-energija hallejtuna pajjiz tat-tielet dinja u issa tridu tikkumentaw xoghol professjonali li kien certifikat minn Kumpanija serja? Halluna ir-rekord taghkom jikxifkom!
Qalu l- madonna li ra Fenech f'apparizzjoni tieghu f'Borg In-Nadur, saret sewda bid-duhhan tal -heavy fuel oil!