[Watch] Pullicino dubs Muscat’s energy proposals as ‘nothing new’

Muscat's renewable energy proposals are 'nothing new' for resources minister George Pullicino

George Pullicino addressing the media in Pembroke
George Pullicino addressing the media in Pembroke

Resources and rural affairs minister George Pullicino hit out at Opposition leader Joseph Muscat's renewable energy proposals, labelling them as 'gimmicks' because they have either been implemented, in the process or included in the Budget which Labour voted against.

Addressing the media from a rooftop in Swieqi, surrounded by solar panels installed on homes through government funded schemes, George Pullicino said that it was farcical of Muscat to say he was announcing renewable energy proposals, when the truth was they were either implemented, in the process, or proposed in the Budget, which Muscat voted against.

Pullicino also criticised Muscat's plan to develop solar farms to generate energy for households.

"I have recently visited a solar farm of the sort Muscat is dreaming to develop, and this one is in Seville, Spain. To supply 70,000 households with energy generated from a solar farm, you need a space 10 times the footprint of Valletta, and also have two towers reaching 120 metres," Pullicino said.

....Muscat's renewable energy proposals are 'nothing new' for resources minister George Pullicino.... But what did you do George about it??? Do di just nothing. All you did was helped those of your inner circle, rejected those who politically opposes you, adopted a dog and it had to have a BLUE colour also. What else ?? Since I am not vendictive I will also vote for you (The 1001 place) look for this number in the next general election.
Pullicino is a light weight in politics - they keep him around for entertainment mostly. Why even bother to report his opinion? And reading on the comments of my fellow bloggers .. when a certain pn-favorite company all of sudden put up a billboard saying it was now in the solar business, i made a wild guess that they would soon be getting a multi-million contract to deliver solar energy at 5 times the going rate in other countries. Lo and Behold, this came to pass!!
whats wrong with pullicino ? dosent he know how to go on a diet? dosent he realise the people are fed up of him, he should put a plug in his mouth and attach the other end to gonzi's mouth than the truth will come out
Nahseb ahjar jiddeciedu, Dawn il-proposti gimmick jew le ? George Pullicinoqed jghid li dawn il-proposti tal-Labour huma gimmicks u qed jghidilna ukoll li dawn kienu proposti imsemmija fl-ahhar budget li ma ghaddiex. Igiefieri Pullicino qed jghid li l-proposti tal-gvern fil-budget kienu kollha gimmicks. Qed jitfixklu f'saqajhom stess.
Luke Camilleri
Resources minister George Pullicino spoke to soon! Gonzi COPIED Dr. Joseph Muscat's proposals , which George Pullicino termed as gimmicks! BUSUttiLLOTTI & PNtomimes - what will they copy next?
You know what's a gimmick? starting with a contract of 1,000,000 euros and ending with one for 29,000,000 euros! why did'nt he show us the solar panels at San Lawrenz in Gozo, another success story in corruption under this regime.
Priscilla Darmenia
The Hon Pullicino is calling the PL’s proposal on energy savings as a gimmick. When one has no argument to counter attack a good proposal one tends to try to belittle the proposal. For sure it was not a gimmick when he and his clique got the €500 increase per week in salary.
Joseph Sant
Yes of course you need large tracts of land for solar farms. But if this plan is so implausible why was Lawrence Gonzi himself proposing it just a couple of months ago. Is a project good and beneficial if it is proposed but the PN but the same project becomes a gimmick and undoable when proposed by the PL? Pullicino thinks people have very short memories!
Could someone please tell him that PL is talking about Malta!
I wonder if this joking, jolly GonziPN Government Minister considers the Auditor General's reports, particularly on WasteServe, in the same light vein?