[WATCH] PN government ‘always open’ to private investment in energy sector

A PN-led government was and will remain always open to private investment, says deputy leader Simon Busuttil, but warns, that decisions must be ‘responsible’.

PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil in Mellieha this evening
PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil in Mellieha this evening

The Nationalist Party in government was and will remain always open to private investment, and the interconnector project which is underway will be an "opportunity to explore."

Echoing comments given by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi in Berlin this evening, PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil said that nothing impedes governments plan for an eventual gas pipeline, to be co-financed by the EU, and also potentially by private investment.

Addressing supporters in Mellieha tonight, PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil said that voters must be cautious when voting on March 9 and not be duped by Labours proposals on energy, which are "based on a gimmick".

"Let us be realistic, serious, and speak honestly, when you reduce from one thing, you will have to make good for it from another place, unless you have a long term plan like we have, and Labour is trying to take the merit of plans which we have in hand," he said. "If possible, we will reduce the tariffs," he said to applause from the public.

Balanced budget

Simon Busuttil said that a new PN-led government is aiming to bring about a balanced budget, "and an eventual surplus."

Busuttil, who was the main speaker instead of Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi who earlier today met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin, stressed on government's successful track record in administering the economy.

He warned about the perils to the successes achieved so far: "Be cautious and take a responsible decision when you vote," Busuttil said, adding that a number of important and responsible decisions have cost the PN votes.

"We didn't think votes, but we thought responsibly to secure our economy, create jobs, but most especially safeguard jobs, without cutting expenditure on health and education," he stressed.

"We have heard it today from Angela Merkel, the leader of Europe's biggest and most powerful state, praising Malta, the smallest EU member for being successful in steering the economy in a formidable manner, despite times of difficulties," Busuttil said, garnering the applause of those present.

He said that contrary to Labour's pledges, the one and only real guarantee the country can be sure of is that should the PN be reconfirmed in government, it would immediately implement the Budget.

"It is only the PN who could implement the Budget, and not the Opposition who voted against it, said it was good, and is saying that it will implement it elected to power," Busuttil said.

He announced that the PN will be discussing and approving its electoral manifesto tomorrow.

Economist Lino Briguglio who participated in the talk, said that from his analysis, it was clear that despite the international economic crisis, the Maltese economy did rather well and weathered the storm.

"At the height of the international financial crisis, the economic policy was good, however, what I fear may be an issue to be scrutinise better, regards employment. Malta still has a low female participation rate, and whoever is elected after March 9, must address this problem," he said.

Briguglio said that Malta's economic success throughout the economic crisis was also the result of the people's trust in government.

"We can hold our head up high, that despite our deficit level, government worked hard to keep the situation under control, and the people oversubscribed every government bond issue."



"Let us be realistic, serious, and speak honestly" Simon Busuttil suggested. And may I ask since when, EXCEPT for those hugely profitable sectors that TRADITIONALLY USED TO subsidise Malta's energy generation, like local and bunkered (just refer to the monthly NSO's GDP figures) fuel supply and distribution, and LPG supply and fill operations, did Government release EneMalta's portfolio to the private sector? And just how much could one opine that Malta's citizens were assured of proper award of these licenses? The traditionally pro business party has been usurped by the traditionally anti business party. It certainly looks like roles have been reversed.
Really, that is not what I heard yesterday on Realta and this morning on TVAM! Labour's plans has got them running about like headless chickens. To be clear, I do not like this! I would much prefer seeing two decent potential power managers for Malta. That would be best for Malta's taxpayers. But the PN has not even managed a programme yet. Are they waiting for a full PL roll out so they may copy, as seems to be the case now with Energy?
I thought that you were one of those people with common sense. I know common sense is not so common, and you proved it by joining GonziPN. The one who preaches and never does what he so proudly preach like, democracy, family values, respect u flimkien. He did eeverything except waht he preached. took 600 euros while giving the family values 1.16 weekly, voted aginst the will of the majority while speaking of democracy. Allowed crulity against those who opposed him, and most of all wants others to obey laws but then what does he do ???????? I know it happened between 5 and 10 years.
Paul Sammut
"government ‘always open’ to private investment in energy sector" as long as the contractor is obtained from Yellow Pages.
Oh my,an other'midnight Christmas'sermon by Simon ? First they scr.w us with 25 years of running out of control deficits; add 5 billion of debt( uncollected taxes) 'biex taparsi qed joholqu l-gid'; and then tell us how serious you are because next year your are going to balance the deficit.? We should thank you for all this mess you are leaving behind? Finanzi fis-sod? Go and tell that to tal-Monti!
Sur busuttil kienet responsabli d-decizjoni li ha l-Gvern tieghek meta ddecieda li jaghmel Power Station tal-BWSC meta kellu ghazla bejn il-Heavy Fuel Oil u l-gass? Imma la l-PL qal li tal-gass l-ahjar il-Prim Ministru ghamel ta' rasu u qal le naghmlu tal-BWSC u mbaghad wara xi tliet snin naqilbha ghal gass bi spiza kbira ohra. Mela ghaliex issa jrid li jkollna power station tal-gass? mhux ovja li ghax Joseph Muscat ghandu din il-proposta konkreta u studjata u ppruvata u garantita li se trahhas l-ispiza biex niggeneraw l-eletriku u b'hekk il-kontijiet jorhsu. Ghid haga wahda biss Sur Busuttil li din il-proposta ta' Joseph Muscat gennitkom u hasditkom u ma tafux x'taqbdu tghidu u thawdu ghax intom dejjem hsibtu li Joseph Muscat paroli biss imma issa wera bic-car li huwa ghandu VIZJONI u PJANIJIET li mhux biss huma studjati bir-reqqa imma ppruvati wkoll. Kif nistghu ahna nergew nafdawkom Sur Busuttil meta intom hsibtu biss ghal ta' madwarkom u lilna li konna fil-merhla taghkom skartajtuna, konna hemm biex tahalbuna biss u issa ergajtu gejjin tigru warajna u tweghudna c-cejca. Le, le, u le din id-darba nafdaw biss lil Joseph Muscat ghax jidher li hu SINCIER u KREDIBLI hafna.
Haaahaaaaa kif ma tistħux titkelmu. Wara 25 sena fil-Gvern issa ndunajtu??!!!! Iddaħkux in-nies iżjed bikom.
Emmanuel Mallia
The PN does not say what is going to do, just a continuation of the past. And a campaign on the past MLP ! Austin Gatt has built the strongest PN in history, but he will be the one to destroy it, with his old rhetoric methods ! If he thinks that by inaugurating projects like the new parliament, people are going to be impressed, he is very very wrong ! And, where is the DIALOGUE of the Fenech Adami era ?? from a true nationalist, but not GONZIPN !
Bla Bla Bla Bla ... you are still a stooge Simon. Where is Gonzi ? Muscat is doing his own talking ... he does not need a stooge to talk for him. Bla bla bla bla!
If not mistaken, just yesterday PN speakers were saying that Labour's proposal was unrealistic as nobody from the private sector would invest in the energy sector. Can they make up their minds! As usual, Labour leads.........PN follows!
Isabelle Borg
Lies, lies and more lies. Unbelievable. Whom do they think they are kidding. Only themselves.
Briguglio:We can hold our head up high, that despite our deficit level, government worked hard to keep the situation under control, and the people oversubscribed every government bond issue." Bravu ghalhiek Professur ta l-ekonomijja li suppost int ezatt, meta tghid li kull bond tal Gvern oversuscribed imissek issemmi min hadhom 85% minnom ,il banek, nahseb bravu daqs bitravu, deficit ta €6.6biljun qieghed tghid li l-Gvern ghandu jkun kburi , mela kull sena jiddejjen ghal xi tejatru bla saqaf , parlament fejn ha ssir kif ghamluh dar tal hamiem, hela bla hniena bhalek tithallas biex tghid il hmerijiet. Mela taht kontroll zammu skont int id deficit. KIf tigi tghidli taht kontrol meta l-Ministru tal finanzi kull sena li jipprocetta deficit barra li hu hazin ghal ekonomijja terga jaqbzu b'darbtejn. Biex tara dan hu wiehed mil ekonomisti tal hbieb tal hbieb, li johrog b'dawn il hmerijiet.
With all due respect, 25 years in govt and now you come and tell us that a future PN govt will lower elec an water tariffs and that you are "open" to prviate sector for investment in energy sector? Do you expect me to take you seriously?
They only speak of private investment now because PL's proposal has convinced them that public-private partnership in the energy sector is doable and feasible. Too late. It would have saved Enemalta €800 million down the drain - a shining example of GonziPN crass incompetence.
Sur Thorny. Don't you wish you were such an agent? Why don't you start working to be the agent to sell the ships required for the gasification or maybe for the new power station. I am sure that you will be paid for agreeing to be their agent and then go to sleep.
PN = (PINOCHIO'S NOSE) LOOKS LIKE ITS GETTING BIGGER AND BIGGER ,sorry but the maltese have sense to see the truth.We are fed up with the usual gimmicks and u turns.
Ma nafx għandix nidhaq jew nibki. Imma dan bis-serjeta jitkellem hekk u jghid li porposta bhal dik studjata, awditjata minn esperti li anke tqabbdu mill-istess gvern hija Gimmick. Nahseb li Simon nesa li l-uniku u l-akbar Gimmick li ghandna bhalissa huwa hu innifsu ghaliex il-partit ghazlu biex jghatti l-frejjeg u d-dbazwir li ghamel Gonzi tul dawn l-ahhar hames snin. Tant hu Gimmick li ghadni kif ircivejt id-dar flyer ta' Jean Pierre Farrugia u hdejh mhux Gonzi jidher (biex lil dan nahbuh) imma Simon il-Gimmck tal PN. Nahseb il-Maltin ghandhom mohh u huma inteligenti bizzejjed biex jindunaw bil-veru Gimmicks u ma jhallux lil min jidhaq bihom kif ghamel hames snin ilu.
GonziPN qal li il-kontijiet ma jistawx jorħsu, imbgħad Simon ħareg jghid li il-pjan tal-PL gimmick tal-millenju, GonziPN imbghad hareġ jghid li il-pjan tal-gas kien f'mohhu filwaqt Tonio jghid li il pjan huwa tal-gimmicks. ISSA GONZI johrog jghid li ser irahhas il-kontijiet. Dan jaf xinhu jghid jew le? Mela ma ghadhiex gimmick? Mela jistghu jorhsu il-kontijiet issa?
Lawrence Covin
Oh, p*** off, Simon! You only have stale smelly fish to sell.
Luke Camilleri
ABOUT TIME TOO! tHEY WEREN'T SO OPEN WHEN THEY HAD THE CHANCE during the BWSC Powerstation Extention Contract with a record breaking € 4,000,000 commission paid to Agent for looking up a contractor in the Yellow Pages!