[WATCH] Presenter's careless talk gets PN's dander up

One TV presenter dubs PN ‘Gestapo-KGB’ for wanting to know too much

And now, for something completely different.

The Nationalist Party's communication office has taken exception to throwaway comments by One TV presenter Jackie Mercieca, which likened the PN to a secret police for wanting to know just a little bit too much about Labour's energy plan.

It was one of those typical moments where a little bit of knowledge becomes a dangerous thing for those who don't exercise economy with words: at a point where former Orizzont editor Frans Ghirxi was questioning the PN's insistence on demanding more details on Labour's plan to cut energy bills by some 25%, Mercieca chipped in: "They want to know the dates, who they met... are they the Gestapo or KGB or what?"

The box-watchers down at the Pietà headquarters were quick to pounce on Mercieca: "All this mockery for just one question shows just one thing: that Labour are hiding its reports and when it's asked for an explanation, it's 'cheerio Malta tagħna' as everybody starts attacking and cursing each other."


Sometimes I just can not stop being amazed! New Labour's slogan is 'Malta Taghna'. Thank you Sir. Why is it always the same handful are on Super One TV., they become so powerful that they end up saying cucati, no wonder Mr. Fenech calls us 'cwiec'. Come one, lets mean what we say and give a chance to others if we really me mean 'Malta Taghna' Ex-PN.
Jiena kieku kont flok Jackie Mercieca ma kontx inxebbaħhom mal-Gestapo jew il-KGB izda max-xibka ta' spjunaġġ ta' PBO jew Pawlu Paprati . B'hekk kont tkun qed ixxebbaħhom tagħhom f'tagħhom .
Ta' GonziPN malajr jiehdu ghalihom ghax Jackie Mercieca ghaddiet kumment forma ta' mistoqsija. U min joqghod jispjuna, u jrid ikun jaf id-dettalji ta' kull min imur f'xi dipartiment tal-gvern jew ministeru, forsi mhux veru li affarijiet li kienu jaghmlu l- Gestapo u l-KGB ?
Paul Sammut
So what? If Ms Mercieca would have said MI5 or CIA would that have been O.K.? Give us a break.If this is the criticism that GonziPN clique can come up with, than it is true that it has shamefully led a once valid party up the bloody creek.