Gas terminal fulfils shorter time-frames country needs – PL [video]

Muscat justifies need to go for gas terminal over and above gas pipeline.

Stay in school kids...
Stay in school kids...

Labour has opted to go for a natural gas terminal over a gas pipeline because the €360 million investment can be carried out within the time-frame the party says the country needs to see its energy bills level reduced.

Visiting a school in Isla, where Labour leader Joseph Muscat was greeted enthusiastically by parents from the working-class harbour town, Muscat said the LNG terminal did not exclude the construction of the gas pipeline - which requires EU funds to be constructed.

"The government's pre-application study for the pipeline also includes a terminal - the pipeline only substitutes the source of fuel. We structure our plan to include the pieline.

"We saw that when government pursued that option there were bureaucratic problems from Italy, a problem not caused by government."

Muscat also replied to claims that Labour's plan was offering an overcapacity of over 700MW, saying he was not forecasting a slowdown in the economy.

Reacting to finance minister Tonio Fenech's claims of a "gas" bomb - a reference to two gas tanks located by the planned regasification unit as projected by Labour - Muscat asked whether this meant that the same threat existed at the Qajjenza bottling plant. Muscat added he was however sure that the private company who owns the Qajjenza terminal had taken all necessary precautions.

Muscat today is expected to launch other proposals during the day, including issues related to precarious workers and the position of women in society.


Can you imagine waiting in eternity for GonziPn to build a pipeline between Malta and Sicily? How much do we have to wait: 10, 15, 20 years? Jilhaq jissaddad sakemm jitlesta u mimli bir-rieha tintenn tal- yellow pages! Bicca bypass fil-Mellieha-zewgt kilometers ilha sentejn biex issir u mhux lesta, ahseb u ara pipeline ta 60 kilometer taht il-bahar!
Labour has opted to go for a natural gas terminal over a gas pipeline because the €360 million investment can be carried out within the time-frame the party says the country needs to see its energy bills level reduced......qed tara x'ghaqal fit tmexxija. onfoq il miljuni fittex isa l-aqwa li il prezzijiet jorhsu u il pl jirbah l-elezzjoni. IL QAWL MALIT JGHID LI QATTUSA GHAGGELIJA FRIEH GHOMJA TAGHMEL.
lewwel net mux li tfal kinet ima al genituri ta tfal u billi jmur fejn tfal xfija ahjar tikocentraw fuq partit takhom u jadu xi proposta mux xejn bah ta
Waiting for GonzPN to build a pipline is like waiting for Godot!
MAN in the steert,''GOD FORBID ''something like that happenned, but Tonio Fenech said, ''What could happen!!'' There's a difference & a big chance it could happen!, I wouldn't live near Bottling gas tanks, not even if they give me a FREE VILLA!!
It is certainly an undeniable fact that a gas terminal allows us to covert to gas in a relatovely short period of 24 months contrary to a pipeline which will take at least 7 years to become operational. However an LNG terminal provides another benefit which is that we can find our own suppliers and not depend completely on Italian ones. It is well known that the price paid for gas can carry political or other considerations beyond market prices as was the case when Libya provided us with oil at an advantageous price. It is well known that Russia provides gas to a number of countries at a political price as does Algeria with Morocco and Saudi Arabia with a number of Arab countries. Who knows perhaps even we find a way of negotiating an advantageous price.
Unbeleavable; speaking to primary schoolchildren about politics! Bla rispett ta' xejn.
Maureen Attard
Anke hdejn l-iskejjel issa ser nibdew immorru? Halluhom lit-tfal u iddahluhomx fil-politika. Mela veraq qtajna qalbna. Din ledukazzjoni li ser intuhom lit-tfal ta' l-iskejjel? MEla qtajt qalbek li tirbah?
The Qajjenza bottling gas tanks have been there since the early 1980s. I live nearby and never heard a bomb since then. Tonio Fenech seems to be again having apparitions - or nightmares, this time.