[WATCH] Falzon & Sammut’s campaign analysis

MaltaToday’s daily election comment from Michael Falzon and Carmen Sammut.

Every day, from Monday to Friday, MaltaToday columnist Michael Falzon and media expert Carmen Sammut talk on the progress of the Elections 2013 campaigns.

Watch their campaign analysis HERE

analizi li turi agenda wahda, dik imhaddna mil malta today
GL Calleja> I'm not that proud to be Maltese in fact sometimes it's embarassing to say the least !!!! We are a greedy lot,if there's an "eat all you can buffet"you can see them stuffing their faces until they feel sick,if it's free medicine those that are entitled have cupboards full of pills,when my dad was in the navy he used to say that if someone left a store room unlocked it would get looted by the Maltese in a couple of minutes !!!!and there are much more examples.Corruption (which boils done to greed) in Malta is not a perception it's a FACT....
It takes no genius to figure out what is going on. Before all this oil scandal started Malta was already high on the corrupt scandal list. Now this adds to it. It is not fair to assume that all Maltese are a corrupt people because the corruption if any runs in high places and that is why it is so visible. Everybody that has known or dealt with the Maltese people can tell you that we are one of the most kindest and one of the most friendliest people on this planet. The few higher ups are giving us a bad name and may they rot in hell for that. We might be a stubborn people but when you ask for help be sure that a Maltese will answer the call, in other words we are not all bad or even Cwiec. For sure we have our faults but again most of it reflects on our leaders and higher ups and shame on them. I am very proud to be Maltese and nobody can take that away from me.
Niehu gost nisma l-analizi li ssir kuljum mill-Perit M. Falzon u minn Carmen Sammut. Naghmel hilti biex ma nitilfux. Pero llum intqalu affarijiet minn M. Falzon li ma naqbel maghhom xejn. Kummenti li jmorru 'l hemm mill-istorja ta Pajjizna. M. Falzon qal li d-divizjonijiet saru fi zmien il-PL. Dan assolutament mhux minnu. Id-divizjonijiet fil-politika saru fi zmien Fenech Adami. M. Falzon nesa l-bombi li kienu jsiru; nesa l-famuz meeting tal-barrani u l-iskop li l-PN ta dak iz-zmien kien ghamel dak il-meeting? Kien minn wara dak il-meeting li bdew id-divizjonijiet politici fl-aqwa taghhom fil-Pajjiz. Nesa M. Falzon meta fl-1987 ezatt kif tela fil-poter il-PN, ghadd kbir ta laburisti gew trasferiti fl-irkejjen; uhud minnhom bla xoghol; ohrajn bla mejda u sahansitra bla siggu? Hawn bdiet il-firda veru u d-divizjonijiet veru fil-Pajjiz. Nesa M. Falzon kif kienu qed jinghaw il-promozzjonijiet fic-Civil u f'Awtoritajiet Pubblici li kienu taht il-kontroll tal-Gvern? Nesa kif kienu jinghataw l-impiegi li jekk ma tkunx partitarju tal-PN ma kienx ikollok cans? U kif kienu jinhatru l-Bordijiet; dejjem l-istess nies, musical chairs. Qabel l-1987 kien hawn pika kbira fis-sens politiku u dan minhabba l-issues nazzjonali li kien hemm dawk iz-zminijiet. Imma kulhadd jaf il-hbiberija intima u veru li kien hemm bejn iz-zewg pratoginisti ta dak iz-zmien, G.B.O. u Dom Mintoff. Il-PL taht A. Sant kien ipprova jeqred dik id-divizjoni li nibtet fl-1987 u wara, izda ma rnexxilux. U ma rnexxiloux mhux tort tieghu, imma tort ta min baqa jippriedka l-firda.