Lawrence Gonzi underlines PN’s inclusiveness

PN leader Lawrence Gonzi insists the party is determined to build on the successes achieved by his administration, stressing the PN’s inclusive policies.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

"While we know where we want to go, Labour has no idea where it wants to take the country," Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said as he urged PN supporters to keep faith in the party's chances of winning a third successive election.

Stressing the magnitude of his administration's success in steering the country clear of the predicament suffered by other countries during the last few years' international crisis, PN leader Lawrence Gonzi underlined his party's inclusive politics, saying that the party will not interfere in people's lives.

Explaining the significance of the PN's multi-coloured logo, Gonzi said: "We have to respect diversity. We must respect everyone. They could be disabled persons, they could be persons with a different skin colour, they could be migrants, they could have a different religion to Catholicism...this is the Nationalist Party, with open doors to all, where everyone should feel welcome."

Failing to mention gay persons or civil partnerships, Gonzi also did not make reference to the party's anti-divorce stand during the 2011 divorce referendum.

Pointing out that "Labour won't work," Gonzi said that Labour's experience in government in 1996 showed that it is only capable of introducing new taxes, rising unemployment and driving the country into a financial crisis.

Gonzi said Labour's proposal to reduce energy bills by 25% in the space of one year was littered with questionable plans, contradictions and raised more questions than it answered.

"If we trust them in government they will drive the country into a wall," Gonzi said as he warned that Labour's plan could result in economic disaster and unemployment.

He added that unlike Labour, the PN's electoral programme will be centred on job creation and policies which will bolster the country's solid economy. Gonzi said the country is not in a position to spend hundreds of millions on a needles power plant proposed by Labour.

"That money should instead be used on our health and education systems," Gonzi said.

In a one to one interview in St Venera, PN leader Lawrence Gonzi said that while doing a round of home visits he came across a family with a disabled daughter which reminded him of the importance of politics in improving people's quality of life.

Without taking away the merit of Church institutions and previous governments, Gonzi said that in the last 25 years the state has introduced endless measures in aid of disabled persons such as the integration of disabled children in mainstream education.

He went on to explain that Malta can boast of the highest rate of educational integration of disabled pupils in the whole of the EU.

"I am proud of being Maltese because we show solidarity with one another... I am proud of being part of the Nationalist Party because we have always respected the value of disabled persons and we have always put the human being at the centre of our policies," Gonzi said.

Introduced to the crowd as the country's motor, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's record in the social field was highlighted in a video spot, with particular emphasis on his efforts in the disabled persons' field.

Recounting how he became chairperson of the national commission for disabled persons in 1987, Gonzi said that living conditions for disabled persons improved significantly in the last 25 years thanks to legal and political reforms introduced by successive governments.

Pointing out that his experience working with disabled persons as one which shaped my political career, Gonzi said disabled persons thought him that "they are human like the rest of us all, with their joys and sorrows and their desire to succeed in life."

In a light-hearted jibe at Labour leader Joseph Muscat's inclination to wear blue ties, Gonzi said Muscat's biography which was launched this week should have been titled 'I have seen the tie change,' in reference to Herbert Ganado's celebrated work; 'Rajt Malta Tinbidel' [I saw Malta change].


Zack Depasquale
What inclusiveness is Gonzi talking about? Maybe the inclusiveness that because you dont support GonziPN and his cronies, you are considered a child of a lesser God, or maybe that inclusiveness where because you are Labour you get vendictive transfers and dont have a chance in hell for promotion? or maybe that inclusiveness of the one where in his speeches he is always talking about us & them (ahna u huma). This guy doesnt know the meaning of the word shame. He is totally cut of from the people.
I believe that Gonzi is still seeing an enacted environment. Deficit, for instance is spiraling up. We are saddled with a heavy fuel oil power station (who said health is a priority now?) and besides he says he is an inclusive party. Well say that to Franco Debono, JPO and others who deserved to be Cabinet Ministers as well as employees who are discriminated because of their political beliefs. Inclusivity... for the chosen few!
JPO, Jesmond Mugliette and Franco Debono disagree on the inclusiveness bit. Looks like you're only accepted if, as an elected MP, you do what you're told by an unelected party executive.
Lorry, niextiequ nghidulek li la Uncle Gonzi ma bezzghaniex billi mas kienx jibdlilna il-bullutin, ma kienx ibierkilna, ma kienx jaghtina l-assuluzzjoni, kien jidfinna fil-mizbla, taghna l-interdett, gheddidna bid-dnub il-mejjet jekk naqraw il-gurnali laburisti ma bzajniex minn zijuk li gab tant firda fost il-Maltin. Tahseb li se nibzghu mill-babaw tieghek faqqart lil Malta b 5 biljun euro dejn li xi darba irid jithallas. Gibt il-credit rating ta l-Enemalta kwazi junk. Il-credit rating ta Malta nizel darbtejn. Imma int wiccek qaghad u ma tafx tisthi. Issa anke Simon irridikolak. Mitlub informazzjoni dwar il-pipeline flok ma kkwota mir-rapporti bahh taghkom ikkwota minn dak ir-rapport tal-PL li ghidtilna biex nixxreddjawh.
Luke Camilleri
PN’s inclusiveness includes FRANCO DEBONO, JPO, JOHN DALLI, .....
PN's inclusiveness is a joke. We know what happens if you criticize the government...ask Franco Debono or JPO or Jesmond Mugliette. On the other hand, what do race or religion has to do with PN? So you are admitting that there are racial and religious discriminations in Malta?
It's good to see that Gonzi has not lost his sense of humour. He desperately needs it poor sod. He has very little left. Re inclusiveness, ask John Dalli. Ask JPO. Ask Franco Debono. Ask Jesmond Mugliett. Ask Schiavone. Ask the many ex-PN supporters who have deserted their party because the party marginalized them. Inclusiveness my foot!
The PN is open to everyone...but the 500E increase per week behind people's back is just for the oligarchy; the rest get 1.16E...Gonzi: you're a hypocrite of the highest order!
So Gonzi now portrays himself as 'inclusive' - yet he still cannot bring himself to mention gay people by name! So much for inclusiveness! Gonzi is a liar who cannot be trusted!!! He still has to explain why the cohabitation bill in his party's programme since 1998 still did not manage to be made into law! Until a plausible explanation is not given he has lost all credibility and cannot be trusted!