PN committed to Gozo tunnel if studies confirm viability

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says PN committed to Gozo-Malta tunnel if studies confirm the financial viability of the project.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi addressing the press in Gozo.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi addressing the press in Gozo.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said the Nationalist Party is committed to build the tunnel connecting Malta to Gozo if the studies into the project confirm that the project is both feasible and financially viable.

Gonzi was speaking at the end of a tour around the heart of Victoria, where he met with several shopkeepers in small shops and Rabat's several retail malls.

During his address, Gonzi said that the PN's proposal to construct a tunnel between Malta and Gozo "remains a proposal that we are determined to carry forward. Once the studies confirm the preliminary analyses, we are committed to go ahead with the project."

He said that in the coming days, the final geological study will be concluded and published.

"This study will help us take the final decision. The Nationalist Government does not shy away from investing millions in this tunnel. On the other hand, Labour is proposing an energy plant that is a waste of time," Gonzi said, adding that the PL energy plan will lead to an increase in energy prices.

Pressed by the media to clarify whether the PN is committed to the project, or whether it hinges on the upcoming study, Gonzi said "the decision was made. We are committed to the tunnel, if the studies show that it is viable and financeable."

He said that so far, studies were positive, and reiterated that the last study will be published in the coming days, which deals in detail with the geology that separates the two islands.

"From there, we will be able to arrive to a position of implementation, along with the deadlines and a package that will explain the details of the project," the Prime Minister said.

Gonzi also emphasised the importance of small businesses to Gozo's economic backbone, saying that the party will be unveiling details and proposals aimed at incentivising the establishment of small businesses in Gozo that offer employment for its citizens.

Gonzi also said that a Nationalist government would be working to free up open spaces currently earmarked for large industry, for smaller industries, which include vocational trades such as carpentry, mechanics and the construction industry.

During an interview on Radio 101 less than an hour later, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi reiterated much of the Nationalist Party's criticism against the Labour Party and its recently-unveiled energy proposals.

He said that as the days wore on since the proposals were tabled, new "spectacular" flaws were being discovered daily, and insisted that more would be uncovered in the coming days.

He also repeated doubts regarding the way in which the Labour party determined its consisting, and questioned the credibility of its estimates regarding the cost of the investment the project would require.

Gonzi also said that Labour's decision to opt for ships as a source of gas means "that it is saying no to EU funding." Gonzi said that "the European Union will give us funding for an interconnector, but it will not give us funding for ships."

"The Labour party is denying you the EU funding that we will receive for building an interconnector," Gonzi told listeners. Gonzi also said that the way the PL as "undervalued" its estimates while "refusing EU funding" is "raising serious questions".

He went on to add that Gonzi that he middle-eastern country of Qatar has expressed interest in selling its gas to the rest of Europe through Malta, and despite saying that there were other similar proposals on the table, said that these would be discussed further at the opportune moment.

During the interview, Gonzi also spoke of the Nationalist administrations initiatives, schemes, and investment that benefited Gozitans.

He also reiterated earlier statements regarding the PN's commitment towards constructing the Gozo-Malta connector tunnel, and recounted his visit to Germany to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier this week.

Kieku dan il-gvern kellu jiddeċiedi li jħaffer din il-mina, l-ewwel ħaġa li jrid jgħamel hu li jibni uffiċċju tal-ETC minfejn ser tibda il-mina u ieħor tas-servizzi soċjali fejn tkun ser tinfed din il-famuza mina . Dan qed ngħidu għax billi kull proġett li għamel dan il-gvern dejjem ha it-tripplu taz-zmien meħtieġ biex isir , il probabbilta tkun li dawk il-ħaddiema li jiġu mpjegati halli jibdew iħaffru il-mina , x'ħin jaslu in-naħa l'oħra ikunu waslu għall-pensjoni .
Regghu b` tat tunnel!!! Hasbu li kullhadd mazzun ghandikun, din mhix gimmik allura? LOL!! Gonzipn hasbu li hadd ma jaf jghamel google search u ifittex informazzjoni fuq it- tunnels. Tunnel dak dik ix-xort jigi jiswa mal biljun ewro ta l-inqas, u lill gonz insaqsieh il- mistoqsija li dejjem isaqsi lill tal-pl meta johorgu b` xi proposta-MIN FEJN SER IGGIB IL-FLUS?
Bis-serjeta'..?! Kieku ghamlet din il-proposta l-AD naghtiha iktar kredibilita u nemmen iktar li tista ssir imma kif nista nemminha minn fomm dak li ghadu ghaddej bil-progett tal-mollijiet tal-vapuri ghall-erbatax-il sena shah u ghadhom mhux lesti..!! iktar tal-biki milli tad-dahk meta tisma proposta specjalment bhal din gejja minn gonzipn.! Waslet is-siegha u l-unika arma tal-Poplu.!!
Can Gonzi tell us , HOW, WHEN, BY HOW MUCH He is very prompt to ask Labour HOW, WHEN, BY HOW MUCH , now it is his turn to do so.
Dr Gonzi are you committed to give back the 500euro you took??? Dr Gonzi are you committed to give back the extra leave taken for public holidays which fall on Saturdays and Sundays. Dr Gonzi are you committed to be fair while not using the strong hands (il-par idejn sodi)on people who abuse with the lower class; eg people getting a low income, people who do not get paid extra for Sundays and Public Holidays, people who are working a 6 day week!!!! Dr Gonzi are you committed???? Be careful this time, save money and do not send letters by post as according to PBO labour is rich while Pn is not..
Possibbli li ghadek ma ndunajtx li l-poplu mhux jemmnek? Min se jemmnek li wara li ghamilt dan id-dejn kollu, wara li sallabt in-nies bil-kontijiet tad-dawl u ilna, wara li se tibqa mfakkar li ergajt poggejt familji shah fil-faqar li kien inqered kompletament minn Pajjizna, wara li domt 17-il sena biex bnejt sptar bid-diffikuoltajiet kollha li l-pazjenti qed ighaddu m innhom, issa se tibgni tunnel bejn Malta u Ghawdex? Ghadek ma ndunajtx li ma tistax tibqa tidhaq bin-nies akatar. Se j ibni tunnel IMMA.......! U dik l-imma hija kbira hafna. Hu l-kelma atieghi; HADD M'GHADU JEMMENK. IL-KREDIBBILTA TIEGHEK HIJA ZERO.
Sur Prim Ministru , Billi int u l-kabinett tiegħek għamiltu ħofra enormi ta' ħames biljuni tidher li għandkhom esperjenza bizzejjed biex x'hin trid tista tibda tħaffer , u kif tkunu fiz-zifna għamlulna pjaċir u ibqgħu hemm isfel .
Ah, quite an escape hatch, "If it is feasible and viable." That is legalese for Don't hold your breath. Desperation makes some behave quite incredibly and pathetically. It is becoming painful to watch Gonzi operate. His clutching at straws is quite embarrassing and pitiful.
Dan jahseb li n-nies bciecen, jemmnu li jrid jbellalhom hu. Issa rega qal li se jikxef aktar inezattezzi dwar il-proposta tal-PL. Xi kultant nistaqsi bejni u bejn ruhi ghala qed tkiddu daqshekk il-proposta? Forsi ghax hu qatt ma ghamel xejn, forsi ghax il-partit tieghu falla lill-Enemalta u ghabbieha b'aktar minn €800 miljun dejn?
Il-Labour x'qatt ghamel ghal Ghawdex? Tlett proposti OHRA mill-PN:
"new "spectacular" flaws" have been discovered by il-Gonz and the sloppy gang. I wonder if Gonzi, referring to Labour's energy plan, had the undersea geology in mind, and was confusing issues. Wakey wakey Gonz! At the rate your party concludes projects you will long be dead by completion date. Now if this were not an enormous below the belt (sea) gimmick, I don't know what is. Even if the PL is accepting these "studies", I would assign this project to wishful thinking and a simple case of politicking by both parties. <<>> Tonio Bone is living on another planet. How dare he suggest that the private sector will undertaken such a project from start to finish and actually run it. Hasn't Mr Bone ever heard of Transport Malta?
With Gonzi around, it'hard to fall into melancholy! This guy is a good joke! hahahaha...gozo tunnel! So, a well thought-out project with figures, calculations, assessments, and all by international consultants used by GonziPN too is a gimmick BUT taking people for a ride with such a stupid pipe-dream suggestion and nothing to show in hand is wisdom and we should take it seriously. JUST BECAUSE GRAN GONZI SAID IT! Mela dan hasibna cwiec bhal Tonio Fenech. L-anqas Eco Gozo ma kont kapaci iggib fi tmiem ahseb u ara mina. Gonzi, I'm sure you'll make it to Chief Clown Lol
This is a pipe dream, a gimmick and not financially viable. It is also extremely dangerous considering the fault lines between Malta and Gozo and risk of earth quakes. We have not finished the cirkewwa terminal and already thinking of a tunnel just to save a some time. Another white elephant when will the PN learn.
mela mela...... il moll ha 14 - il sena biex jitlesta u ghadu mhux lest u jrid ihaffer minna...... u hallina DR.Gonzi
So after a couple of months when Austin was himself doubtful on viability following much funfare, we have the PM promising the Gozitans a white elephant project in the form of a tunnel! Quite a vision for the Gozitans eh? A typical case of Partit Negattiv! To date we heard nothing new on the PN manifesto and realistic proposals Nothing except for Obsolete and tedious and PL diatribes. This is the best the spin doctors can do it seems! I cannot agree more with Tonio below vis a vis capital projects. Dak Futur fis sod!
Issa ahna l-Ghawdxin tghallimna u jekk tridu tibqghu titrattaw l-poplu qishu xi mbecilli forget it. Pero l-ewwel ta April wara l-elezzjoni gej.GIFA.
The main political concentration seems to be on Gozo and the Gozitans. First Joseph Muscat announces his candidacy for Gozo and that he will lower the cosst of utilities once elected and now the PM puts a priority on the Gozo/Malta tunnel if it is feasible. Pay very good attention to the word feasible. Maybe he knows something we don't know. I am waiting for the AD leadership to come out and promise to clean up the Dwejra Basin of shanties and illegal boathouses if they get elected. These all seem to be promises like a hot air balloon and they will soon pop after the election.
I do agree with Mr Tonio Bone. Hence please note that bridges also come with less maintance costs. Ask the Scottish who have harsh elements of nature espescially sea salt!!!
Can this project be done on the business model of the Mirrau Bridge in France (Google it!). That project cost almost Euro 500 million and the French Government did not spend 1 cent! An international tender was issued, and being financed by the private sector was done IN TIME AND ON BUDGET even though it was a feat of brilliant construction engineering! Furthermore, the tolls were agreed in advance and the bridge would be returned to the French public after 50 years! That is something we could have done with our mega expensive new hospital and something we should be doing on all major projects for which we definitely do not have the financial resources: not with Euro 5 billion in the red and counting!!!!!!
He is still DREAMING.We all have to wait till March hearing jokes.
For so many years in governmnet and a project which has already been mentioned again and again, I thought that the PM would have come with more details espescially with costs and time-frames. Can the PM tell us how much we will pay every time we travel throught the tunnel and if the Maltese we pay more than the Gozotins?
Luke Camilleri
NOW THAT'S A GIMMICK! :) Maybe they should try fixing the Mriehel By-pass tunnel first ! Its still leaking and covering it with perspex has not really solved the problem1 Just imagine Gonzi& Co taking up a project of an underwater tunnel..... they will go on to the next Millenium with their studies and consultancies!
Igor P. Shuvalov
So a proposal backed by a detailed exposition and endorsed by a well known international firm is called a 'gimmick' by the same person who without putting forward any details, any projection or any time-frame, just stated that his party is committed to build the Gozo tunnel.
Oh! Come ON! The tunnel thing again. So we have enough money to plunder and keep paying for unpaid debts for Enemalta since the late 1980s. Dr Gonzi, can you please advise before hand, how much will it cost, by how much we will overspend and how much will we pay to travel through the tunnel?Give us a break.
The Malta-Gozo tunnel is doable, says Gonzi. The Delimara extension proposed by LP is not, according to Gonzi! Who does this guy think he is fooling? While at it can Lawrence tell us, HOW, WHEN, BY HOW MUCH and, most important, can he guarantee that it will not leak. Oh yes, I almost forgot. I am sure he will find the contractors to the the job from the Yellow Pages.