Former Enemalta chairman questions Labour’s proposal for gas

Renewables entrepreneur who presided over choice for heavy fuel oil that gave birth to Delimara controversy speaks out on PL gas terminal proposal.

Former Enemalta chairman Alex Tranter.
Former Enemalta chairman Alex Tranter.

The man who presided over one of the most contentious energy projects in modern Maltese history has spoken out on Labour's proposal to establish a natural gas storage terminal and new power station.

Alex Tranter was chairman of Enemalta when in 2009 the corporation opted to purchase new turbines from BWSC that would run on heavy fuel oil, instead of gasoil; a controversy made only more uncomfortable for the energy entrepreneur due to his business relationship with the PN donor and magnate Nazzareno Vassallo: whose company was the agent for BWSC.

An engineer by profession, Tranter points out that Labour's proposal is fraught with questions: pricing of gas supply, under-utilisation of the 200MW cable, safety of the storage terminal. But first... some background.

Today Tranter is a director at renewables giant SunPower. In 2010 MaltaToday revealed that soon after stepping down from chairman at Enemalta, reportedly on finance minister Tonio Fenech's insistence, Tranter was taking up a position with renewables giant SunPower, which was already tendering for a €25 million government project for photovoltaic panels with Vassallo Builders Group.

Tranter was never directly responsible for the decision to go for HFO, and only because he absented himself from the meetings of the adjudication committees. Those decisions were left to Enemalta's chief executive David Spiteri Gingell, who - availing himself of the lack of any revolving doors policy - would later leave Enemalta to join Vassallo Builders Group.

So what does Tranter think of Labour's proposal? He writes in The Sunday Times saying that he welcomes the involvement of the private sector in Labour's plans, and that solar energy (the industry he is involved in) has been identified to play a key role in the renewable energy mix for Malta instead of wind. (Labour is keen on solar parks, just the kind of business SunPower does).

But what about the negatives?

Tranter believes that hedging a price on gas for 10 years, as Labour hopes to convince people of, is purely dependent on what the conditions of the energy market are at the time a hedge is made. The former chairman predicts high costs due to the various risk factors that will be taken into consideration.

He says that converting the HFO turbines to run on liquefied gas will take time, and Labour's 2014-2015 timeframe does not consider planning and environmental bureaucracy.

He also claims the risk of an explosion at the LNG storage terminal, albeit rare, would expose the island to catastrophe.

The alternative to the LNG terminal - first proposed in the draft national energy policy of 2006 - would be the gas pipeline, which remains eligible for EU funding under the EU energy strategy.

Tranter also questions the under-utilisation of the 200MW interconnector to Sicily - now imperilled by local community unrest in Ragusa - at just 20% of its capacity. "From an engineering point of view as well as from a financial point of view, the low utilisation factor of 20 per cent is an extremely inefficient use of such a vital and expensive energy interconnection asset. This will surely come as an additional cost to be borne by the consumer.

"It would be highly undesirable to envisage the scenario whereby, as a result of the long-term commitment to purchase electricity locally from the private sector, the use of the interconnector to the European grid will be restricted. There will undoubtedly be possibilities in the future, when imported electricity from abroad will be cheaper than the cost of local electricity generation. In such a case it should be better to expand the capacity of the interconnection link to the European grid by the laying of an additional cable between Malta and Sicily."

Mr.Tanter, you better gives us the brake down of Ene Malta's 800 millions debts.
Ikun qed jaghmel ingassa ma ghonqu jekk jghid li l-gas hu ahjar miz-zejt mahmug li hu wikkielna! Mhux Ovvju! Ghalhekk GonziPN qed jipprova jipperswadina biex inkomplu nibilghu l-arja velenuza u nixtru l-eletriku bil-gholi! F'hamest ijiem GonziPn diga ta hames verzjonijiet differenti ghala mhux se jammetti iz-zokk li bellalna, dak il-famuz Ministru li m'hawnx bhalu- hu tajjeb li inkomplu nibilghuh! Ivvota ghal GoniPN biex tkompli terdgha iz-zkuk!
Wara li falla l-Enemalta mar jahdem ma Zaren. Musmar iehor fit-tebut ta' GonziPN u Alice in Wonderland.
Gas is MUCH better than the Heavy Fuel Power Plant which was just installed and seems to be similar to this - Heavy Fuel Power Plants are bad news -
did you expect something different?? still working for Zarren Mr.Tranter?
Who the heck cares what Tranter thinks? We all know what Tranter is and why he have come out of hibernation to speak out against the LP's proposal. As if his credentials at Enemalta give him an iota of credibility. You simply have no shame Tranter! Let us not forget that this Tranter is the same one who was party in the adjudication of the BWSC contract, giving this country a power station that runs on HFO instead of gas. Also, coincidentally, after he resigned from Enemalta Chairman he was employed by Zaren Vassallo, who, coincidentally, is the local contractor on the BWSC project. Yes, the Zaren Vassallo whose company wqas found in the Yellow Pages! Why don't you go back in hibernation Tranter? The people of this country yearn for the time when you and your ilk will have to answer for their actions. Tick tock. Tick tock.
Well he would doubt would`nt he, he has a conflict of interest so critism from him is banal.
Tranter's opinion would be judged by his action or inaction when he had the full opportunity to contribute positively to Malta's Energy needs. And he blew it!
U mhux hekk ghandu jghid!!! Mela issa xbajt tidhaq bin-nies...mela issa m'hemmx konflitt ta' interess!! L-ewwel tkun fuq Bord ta' ghazla u wara li tispicca tahdem ma dawk li ntazzlu...tajjeb u se niehdok bis-serjeta dak li qieghed tghid...
Is this the same chairman who regaled us with the expensive,and dirty power station that is obsolete in Europe? There is something smelly, as to why dirty oil and not gas was chosen, and why we have to pay for the expensive fuel oil electricity bills. I,speak for myself. If electricity goes down,will I use the present expensive and heavy gas cylinder-gone up by 300%! to heat my home, to cook my meals? Of course not, and the price of cylinder gas would have to go down. For whose interest are we paying sky high electricity and dirty bills? Why is EneMalta spending 370 million on oil when it could have saved 150 million yearly by using gas? What is the mystery behind this 'immoral' decision?
coming from a person who was involved in the decision of heavy fuel oil power station debacle, a man who was in the thick of the dispute when he was in the employment of the firm who took over the construction works of this power station, a layman can only take his critism with a pinch of salt.
who is gullible enough to believe a single word by Alex Tranter when he was the Chairman of Enemalta that signed the deal for the BWSC Factory of Cancer and by so doing the same Enemalta signed a death warrant for so many people. Tranter then moved over to a subsidiary of the same company that got the tender for the BWSC Factory of Death. Why do these people not shut up - they have harmed the people of Malta more than enough.
Isabelle Borg
Look who's talking. The one and only who brought enemalta on it's knees. If there's someone who should keep his mouth shut on the subject is Mr. Knows it all Tranter.
who is gullible enough to believe a single word by Alex Tranter when he was the Chairman of Enemalta that signed the deal for the BWSC Factory of Cancer and signed a death warrant for so many people, only to move over to a subsidiary of the same company that got the tender for the BWSC Factory of Death. Why do these people not shut up - they have harmed the people of Malta more than enough.
Lawrence Covin
Is-sur Tranter xi tridu jghid? Dam jahsibha! Il-haddiema tal-powerstation jifhmu x'inhu jghid dan? 1)Ikun hemm bzonnhom jekk nixtru l-elettriku kollu minn barra? 2)L-elettriku ta' barra jaf joghola izda ma' ghandekx kontroll, ghax l-energy mix ikun batut minnhabba li l-powerstations prezenti jigu 'rundown' u jahdmu bi ftit nies. 3) F'kaz ta nuqqas ta' supply minn barra (ghal kwalsijasi raguni) Tranter jiggarantixxi li Malta tibqa tahdem? 4) Bil-proposta tieghu ikun hemm ghalfejn izzomm il-work-force prezenti fil-power station? 5) Inkludieh il-cost tal-lay-offs u tal-hlasijiet tal-qaghad fil-progett?
Just like the PN does not have the credentials to criticse Labour on energy, so does Trainter - it is a question of credibility! As the Maltese saying goes - l-ispizjar milli jkollu jtik!!
Zack Depasquale
Dawn it-tip ta persuni misshom jistahbew u mhux jidhru qalb in-nies u jippruvaw jaghtu l-opinjoni taghhom. Dan Tranter wiehed min dawk il-persuni li kellu tant zmien biex jaghmel xihaga u kull ma rnexxilu jaghmel kien li falla l-Enemalta. Kumbinazzjoni ukoll dan inghata job bhal siehbu Spiteri Gingell ma kuntrattur li nstab min fuq il-Yellow Pages. Gvern Laburista gdid ghandu jinvestiga dawn it-tip ta'nies tad-decizjonijiet hziena li hadu. Wasal iz-zmien li Malta tidhol il-ligi tal-Personal Liability u dawn li jithallsu bil-eluf jaghtu rendikont ta'ghemilhom, mhux jaghfgu kemm jifilhu u l-poplu jhallas mit-taxxi ghal izbalji taghhom.
U dan jista jghid mod iehor? Apparti li kulhadd jaf x'kulur hu, dan kien il-bniedem li wikkiena bil-BWSC, qatt ma ddikjara li kellu kunflitt ta'interess. Issa qieghed partner ma Zaren Vassallo u jrid jigi jghidilna x'jaqbel ghal poplu Malti. Il-parir tieghi hu biex ihallina kwieti u jmur jinheba ghax ghamel hsara bizzejjed.
Predictable reaction from an ultra blue GonziPN kiss-arse.