Gonzi brushes off Labour’s parliamentary reform, ‘MPs are not schoolchildren’

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi rubbishes Labour proposal to pay MPs according to attendance record.

MPs are no kids, says Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.
MPs are no kids, says Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi was less then impressed at a proposal by Opposition leader Joseph Muscat to pay MPs according to their attendance record in parliament, a practice employed inside the European Parliament where MEPs' per diem allowances are paid according to their attendance records in committee meetings.

"Attendance should not be the measure used to determine the salaries of MPs. Parliament is not a classroom," Gonzi told the press during a visit to IT company Computime, in Birkirkara.

Gonzi pointed out that MPs carry out other duties apart from attending parliamentary sittings such as meeting constituents, and added that MPs also do valuable work in parliamentary committees such as the social policy committee.

Gonzi failed to give a direct answer to questions from the press related to Labour's proposals for parliamentary reform, but the prime minister explained that MPs were part-timers: "Although we should consider a reform which would see MPs become full-timers, this was not the time for such a discussion because other current issues should take precedence."

Gonzi took exception at Labour's other proposals, retorting that the Nationalist government's own "concrete reforms" such as the introduction of Prime Minister's question time, and "space" for the Opposition to present its own proposals within parliament and have them deabted, were never taken up by Labour.

In a statement, the Labour Party reacted by saying that Gonzi's own reaction to its proposals meant that he "today rejected the need for more accountability for Members of Parliament."

"GonziPN's failure to agree to with Labour's proposal to pay MPs only for the Parliamentary sessions they attend shows just how out-of-touch he has become," the PL said.

Labour said it "would not have expected any better from a Prime Minister who gave himself and his Ministers a €500 weekly increase, then tried to keep it a secret. "

Labour added that the Maltese people "deserve better than this."

During his address, Gonzi stressted the importance of the ICT sector with regards to economic growth, job creation and education. He said a new PN government would expand scholarship schemes to post-doctoral studies, in order to encourage more students to advance their studies in highly-skilled sectors such as ICT.

He emphasised that the ICT sector is essential for Malta, adding that it has registered a growth of 3.2% over the past four years, and that it has absorbed graduates from University, MCAST, and even private training centers.

Gonzi also said that it is important to recognize that government schemes helped the ICT industry to prosper through workers' training schemes, which Gonzi said "are all the more essential in a fast-developing industries like ICT."

I disagree completely with the fact that you state that constituency work is not part of an MPs work. How do YOU expect an MP to represent the views of his constituents, of the people, if he is NOT in touch with the people? What you all are saying makes no sense. It does not add up! On the one hand you say that MPs represent the people and on the other hand you say that meeting the people and listening to their grievances is not part of an MPs work. Tajba din!
The way I see it, you go out for parliament hoping to be elected, who are you going out for, Surely its to represent the people of Malta. So obviously if there is a parliamentary sitting it is for something that concerns the people of Malta, Whom you got elected to represent. So If you dont turn up then you are not doing your job, you are not fulfilling the trust the people put in you to represent them, therefore if your not representing the people you should not be a) going out for election and b)not doing your duty to the people. So either stick to your normal job or go out for parliament and do your duty for the people. Sometimes you can not have your cake and eat it.
I think the comment of saying MPs are not schoolchildren, is very indicative of how little the PN really cares about the teaching profession in general. It makes perfect sense to have attendance records for MPs. I think that this should be extended to other professions where one even finds persons with 2 jobs, missing out from one job or persons who do not do any work but still get paid a considerable above average salary. This is commonplace with consultants, university professors, experts, directors,top management posts etc. etc. I think if these are controlled a lot of savings can be achieved. I do not agree with government funding post-doc research. This is a squandering of taxpayers money on persons who have given zero contribution to the local economic scenario. Also this is unfair, because there are other persons in industry who do much better research than some of these paper decorated morons!
Good thing they are not for: a)they would have missed half their lessons last year; b) half the class would have felt very unfairly treated by their Head boy; c) three of the class would have spent most of the time in the corridor or behind the blackboard facing the wall.
Proset Joseph Muscat. Din hija is-serjeta u mela jigi xi errsuna awtorevoli u titpretendi li ma thallasx taxxi, ma tobdix il-ligijiet tal-pajjiz, jisirqu kull ma isibu u ma jaghmlu xejn lanqas imorri l-parlament u jithalsu. Jien ghaliex dhalt kwarta tard inqatali 5 euros mill paga, hallija illi min jitlaq fis-2 ta wara nofs in-nhar min fuq il-post tax-xoghol ma jinqatalu xejn ghhaliex ikun xi bazuzlu. Dan id-Dipartiment huwa fit-triq ir-republika kwazi f'nofs it-triq. Gustizzja ghall-kulhadd, min fuq sa isfel.
Ghandu ragun Gonzi ixebahna ma klasi ta l-iskola ghax il parlament gabu qisu skola bil holidays li ha is sena li ghaddit , u btw. hawn xi hadd li jmur ix-xoghol [anke partime kif qal hu ] u ma jippancjax jew jiffirma meta jithol. U halina , il mohh korrot , korrot jahseb.
Din gdida! Mela li M.P. idur il-kostitwenti tieghu qisu qieghed fuq xoghol tal-Parlament. Dan minn meta? Ix-xoghol tal-Parlament huwa dak biss li M.P. jmur il-Parlament u jiehu parti fid-diskussjonijiet li jkun hemm. U mhux imur biss biex jivvota f'xi division. Ghandkom tkunu tafu li parti mix-xoghol tal0-Whip hu li meta jkun hemm division icempel lill-M.P. TAN-NAHA TIEGHU BIEX IFITTXU JMORRU L-pARLAMENT GHALIEX SE JKUN HEMM DIVISION. Fuq kollox dan in-nuqqas ta serjeta li M.P. ma jattendux laqghat tal-Parlament bddiet minn wara l-1987. Fi zmien il-Prim Ministru Mintoff ma kienx ikun hemm Membru Parlamentari wiehed nieqes. Fis-6.30 p.m. kollha akienu jku/nu prezenti u min ma kienx ikun hemm kien jaghti spjegazzjoni. Imma dak in-nhar il-Parlament kien Parlament serju mhux bhal-lum Kummiedja. Hekk sewwa, mela ghalfejn il-PM> nefaq 80 miljun biex jibni parlament gdid, biex imbaghad il-M.P. ma jattendux il-Parlament? Mela l-Parflament il-gebel? Il-Parflament huwa l-Membri Parlamentari u l-business tal-Kamra.Min ma joghgbux li jithallas tax-xoghol li jaghmel fil-Parlament ma johrogtx ghall-elezzjoni.
L accountant u l enginiera tal kumpanija taghna ghandhom il Palm reader biex ikunu jafu minn u x hin dahal. din hija serjeta IMMA il kelma serjeta ma taqax taht Gonzi PN.... u le zgur mhux tfal, €500 fil gimgha zieda !! thallas skola shiha. Jekk Dr.Gonzi ma toghgbux, jien li nhallas ghal PAGA taghhom naqbel maghha 100% u hekk u b hekk inkunu nafu jekk hux jmorru l Parlament ghal gid taghna!!!
What did you expect from this snake oil salesman? Responsibility, accountability, meritocracy and work ethic are anathema to the GonziPNisti. Nepotism, sleaze, friends of friends, connections, back scratching, heavy black smoke scenarios are what they admire most.
Joseph Sant
I like to be object and have my own thoughts on this issue. I think our MPs have no excuse to stay away from sittings of the House that are held in the evening. But what about morning sittings? Most MPs are part-timers unless they hold a Cabinet post so are they expected to miss work to attend morning sittings? I think some sort of balance has to be found. Accountability yes, but within reason. Unless of course we are heading for the full time MP model.
With GOnzi's same reasoning then neither workers who have to register everyday in and out of work otherwise they don't get paid...are not schoolchildren and therefore, with his same stupid reasoning, we all should stop registering in and out and do as we please. Gonci wants anarchy, corruption and state funds bugging.
School children do good, but when they misbehave they are reprimanded. But when adults and leaders for that matter, pocket 500 euros behind our back, what can we do if not vote them out?
sur gonzipn,school childern mhumiex imma it taf tajjeb li hemm min ifalli il parlament ghaliex ghandu 3 jobs,allura hekk sewwa sur prim minisru sa 9 ta marzu.sewwa jghidu li meta tkun ilek fil poter il hazin tibda tarah tajjeb...sahha u sliem gonzipn/600euros
I tend to agree with the prime minister...never heard of any school children stealing Euro500 weekly whilst availing themselves from so many OFF days
What is the use of building a new parlament if many parlamentarians would not attend or declare they have better things to do ? For the birds and tourists??
It is true,they are not school children. I agree with Gonzi, but they sure behave like children and he backs them up, ask Stephen. By the way don`t critise children they are more consciencious than most Parlamentarians!!!
Reuben Sciberras
Dear PM, most of you act like schoolchildren. Please stop playing politics, grow up and act like mature persons!!!!
Mario Pace
Should i laugh or should i CRY. So according to the PM, meeting constituents is part of the parlamentary work!! When members of parlament are taking part in other commitees, they are considering to be present. but not attending parlament to meet the constituents doesn't form part of parlamentary work.That can be done in another time. Or is he saying this because of a certain member of parlament?
Jien nahdem u barra milli nahdem full time ghandi wkoll part time. Jiena kuljum meta nidhol nippancja ghax jekk ma nippancjax nitqies bhala assenti. Mhux biss imma rrid nippancja wjill il-hin. Jekk m a nidholx fil-hin izommuli mill-paga. mAnke fil-Part Time job tieghi, meta nidhol niffirma. U n ithallas fuq il-firem tal-attendenza. Sewwa, m ela M>P> jidhol x'hin irid jew ma jidhol xejn u jithallas xorta wahda. Sewwa mela skont il-P.M. min jippancja meta jidhol ghax-xoghol u min jiffirma meta ajidhol fuq xoghol part time dak tifel tal-iskola. Se jdum ighid hmerijiet dan il-Prim Ministru?
MP's are not school children and Gonzi says they are part timers but I say pretty expensive part timers at Euro 20,000 per annum and some of them attending half or less of the parliamentary sittings. I am not a school boy but if I miss 20 minutes from work my salary is deducted by such time
Il-Parliamentary Assistants part-timers ukoll? Il-Membri Parlamentari le mhumiex tfal u ghalhekk nistenna li jaqdu dmirhom, l-ewwel wiehed kuginuh it-Tabib Stephen Spiteri li tant ma jattendix li ghandu xorti jiftakar fejn hu l-Parlament.
Most certainly they are not Mr Gonzi. You and your cabinet are no 'schoolchildren' after having connived behind everyone's back to award yourselves 600/500 Euro per week. As the Maltese say: Int u shabek zgur m'intom subghajkom f'halqkom!