Labour’s energy time-frames ‘unlikely’ but ‘not impossible’ – UK expert

UK energy expert Miles Seaman says Labour’s time-frames for the construction of its gas plant proposal are ‘unlikely but not impossible’.

Gas expert Miles Seaman said Labour's time-frame was
Gas expert Miles Seaman said Labour's time-frame was "very ambitious" but "not impossible" - photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday

An independent environmental safety experthas said the two-year time-frames that the Labour Party have pledged for the completion of a proposed LNG terminal are "very unlikely, but not impossible."

Miles A. Seaman was speaking during a press conference hosted by the Nationalist Party, during which Seaman said he was requested to give his insight by the Nationalist Party into Labour's proposals to construct a gas power plant.

In a measured and overall cautious statement considering several aspects of Labour's proposals, Seaman said that an LNG terminal in Malta would require the design and construction of the "safety case" for the LNG storage tanks.

He said the process for the design and construction of the safety cases alone for such a project requires would "typically take 9 to 12 months."

He said that such a timeframe would be required for the project to "reach the starting point "before the detailed design and implementation stage can be reached.

Seaman added that, taken into consideration with the fact that the LNG plant required by Malta, and the resulting complexity in terms of design and construction, "one can expect that a build of this sort would take certainly two to three years after one obtains permission."

Seaman said "the figure, quoted in the press, of two years, is very very ambitious."

At the same time, Seaman said "one cannot say it is impossible to do things."

Seaman also said that "there is no doubt that major hazards are an issue as far as LNG terminals are concerned." He added that "this has been the case ever since LNG terminals started to be built due to the storage of a very large amount of relatively volatile material."

He said that such gas is hazardous because the tanks contain large quantities of gas that can cause fires and explosions if it escapes. "The LNG terminal can affect area which are relatively distant from the installation itself, probably up to a kilometres or two away," he said.

However, Seaman was cautious. "Terminals of this sort can be built in the sense that there is no bar to building them. But they need to be designed so that the risks are mitigated in the situation one is talking about."

He also noted that in his experience, there is also a marine component that should be considered in the project, "because of the potential vulnerability of ships in their manoeuvres when actually delivering LNG."

He noted that the interesting element about Malta's proposal is that "they are at the very small end of LNG plants worldwide," which, Seaman said, "begs the question of the availability of ships to transport this material."

He added that this raises "the possibility, or rather difficulty of shipping part-load on larger tankers which has both safety and commercial implications."

Seaman also discussed the desirability of an LNG-type facility as opposed to a pipeline.

He noted that "from a safety point of view, there is less inherent risk from pipelines than there is from these large volumes of LNG being managed in this situation."

"There is a very clear win for pipelines over LNG," Seaman said. "That is not to say that LNG cannot be built safely. But it gets a lot more difficult."

He also pointed to the fact that the small size of the proposed plant will have an effect on its economic viability: "It will be somewhat more costly in capital terms than a very large LNG terminal which is typical of what is built elsewhere around the world."

Asked by the media to comment regarding the availablity of ships to transport LNG gas to Malta, Seaman said that Malta would require smaller ships than normal to transport the gas.

"Typically, LNG tankers carry 100,000 and more tonnes of LNG gas. Malta's requirement is around 20,000 tonnes. One would be looking for ships are capable of doing that."

He said that the situation is that those ships which are small enough to carry such a capacity would be likely to be tied up in contracts already.

"Given that there are a small number of ships, it is quite likely that how to provide those ships will be an issue."

At the same time, Seaman said that "I don't know the precise answer because I don't know it, but I am giving you an opinion," before going on to add that "It is probably a question of Malta having to build these ships."

Asked about the viability of Labour's proposed 10-year-long power purchasing agreement, Seaman prefaced his answer by saying that it falls out side his area of expertise.

"My knowledge of industry tells me that the market is a strong market driven by contracts. The likelihood is that, when a purchasing a 10-year-advance contact, you'd have to be building in significant price inflation."

He however noted that the gas market has recently been effectively disrupted by existence of FRAK gas in the US, meaning "a lot of gas is being produced there for domestic consumption."

This, he said, has reduced the amount of LNG being delivered at the moment, adding that, at the same time, as the LNG market moves on "resources become always more scarce, so buying long-term at fixed price contracts would be expensive."

Asked about the cost of incurred to the taxpayer by the commissioning of KPMG's report which Finance Minister Tonio Fenech unveiled on Monday, Fenech said that the report took five days to be drawn up, and that it cost €3,000.

Joseph Muscst Ahna Il-Floaters kolla warajk ghax qedin nemmnu lilek u ma nistawx nemmnu aktar lil lawrence Gonzi.
Please PN stop wasting your time trying to make fun of the PL proposal. At least we have a proposal that can be done. You are the only one trying to fight it and as long as you continue doing so you are making PN lose more votes. It's better to tell people any proposals if you have any because it seems you don't have any.
Please PN stop wasting your time trying to make fun of the PL proposal. At least we have a proposal that can be done. You are the only one trying to fight it and as long as you continue doing so you are making PN lose more votes. It's better to tell people any proposals if you have any because it seems you don't have any.
Mr Seaman was censored on Net News last night. During Net TV translation into Maltese of what he was saying, Net Tv left out that 'times frames were ambitious but not impossible'!
Miles Seaman BSc CEng CEnv MIChemE MEI Afterqualifyingacademicallyandindustriallyasachemicalengineer,Miles movedintoconsultancyandengineeringservices.Thiswasaccompaniedbyashift of discipline into management science, operational research and applied economics combined with a sustained interest in applied engineering. He was one of the founders of a company of specialist engineering consultants which became a leading international name in safety and technical risk assessment including many aspects of health and safety at work. He then moved to a large services organisation as Director, where he led the development of a full range of plant integrity services. This included holding directorships of major subsidiary companies offering such services as non-destructive testing, quality assurance certification and engineering inspection. Over the last ten years he has acted as an independent adviser to industry and government. As a member of the Safety, Health and Environment Policy Committee of the Institution of Chemical Engineers he assisted in developing the Institution’s position in these areas. He was founder Chairman of the Sustainability Subject Group of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and Chairman of the Engineering Forum for Energy. After reading this CV can we see what our Conrad did up to now as regards the building of LNG run Power Stations?
Instead of panicking, gonzipn should come up with a detailed and concrete proposal.
Ara x'gabu tal-PN. Dan nahseb ahjar gabu Austin Gatt biex jirranga l-Arriva. Dan jack of all trades. L-Ingilterra qabbduh jirranga r-rotot tal-linja. Araw din is-site bir-ritratt b'kollox.
Instead of panicking, gonzipn should come up with a detailed and concrete proposal.
Clearly a half baked panic response a la PN which provides many studies to cloud the issue, than chooses the one which gives the best commission. The reason for this person's sudden appearance and intervention must be to provide gunpowder for their candidates and supporters to "tit for tat" Labour's experts, without bothering to match specialities. Typical football club PN cat calls. I do not recall Labour saying it will be a breeze. Just that it is doable. Now let me clear, the plan is so logical and dovetails so well with the inter-connector and pipeline, that I would not mind it being completed in three years. It will always surpass anything produced by the PN whose history and record these past 14 years is very well known and recorded.
Instead of panicking, gonzipn should come up with a detailed and concrete proposal.
Instead of panicking, gonzipn should come up with a detailed and concrete proposal.
Paul Sammut
"Terminals of this sort can be built in the sense that there is no bar to building them. But they need to be designed so that the risks are mitigated in the situation one is talking about." Shouldn't that always be the case? Does GonziPN need Mr Seaman to illuminate us about this? We may be cwiec Maltin, but please, not that cwiec.
Rita Pizzuto
So Gonzi PN have found another stooge to do their dirty work for them. What kind of expert is he, to get himself involved in our election campaign and instead of trying to give answers gives doubts and hesitations. So according to him it is not safe, but it can be saf; the power station cannot be built in two years,. Of course it cannot be built in the timeframe set by the Labour Party if the task was given to GonziPN who took 17 years to build a hospital, 18 years to build a passenger terminal at Cirkewwa, three years or more to improve the road from Victoria in Gozo to Xlendi (it is still not finished. It takes the pm three years to improve a road of less than one kilometer, etc., etc. Examples are too numerous to mention. Finally it looks as if all the Seaman was talking about falls outside his expertise. So why venture to give an opinion if not getting paid to do it...else he may have some project up his sleeves and wants the PN to grant him concessions.....and there I rest my case.
Has Seaman been told about the more hazardous LPG tanks at Benghajsa? Can somebody please provide Seaman's CV? Why don't we have a direct debate between experts, that is, between Konrad Mizzi and this Miles Seaman?
Mr. Seaman's entry on LinkedIn lists him as an independent Environment professional. In the press conference, he commented on apart from Health & Safety (that are peripheral but linked to Environment), supply issues, ship design, pricing & commercial availability. He is also giving estimates on project delivery in a country that he does not seem to be familiar with. This is not the norm for consultants, who whould normally restrict themselves to commenting on their area of specialisation. I hope that this time the consultant, instead of being chosen from the Yellow Pages, was not chosen off LinkedIn!?
Mhux bilfors Mr Seaman jiddubita t-time frames. Jekk tal-PN qalulu li biex bnew sptar damu 17-il sena, biex bnew terminal ic-Cirkewwa damu daqshekk iehor,u biex aghmlu refurbishment tal-biccerija ta' Ghawdex damu iktar min 7 snin. X'jista jikkonkludi Mr Seaman. Dawn in-nies jaghmlu kollox b'pass ta nemlu. Il-PL diga qal li se jkun jwettaq politika gdida.....f'kollox, u ifmuha!
One simple question: Who is footing the bill for Mr Seaman's lightning visit? GonziPN/PN or us the taxpayers? No beating about the bush. A simply answer please.
Igor P. Shuvalov
All said and done - the reality is that the PN strategists have been caught with their pants down and thier election plans have been derailed as they are spending all the energy trying to belittle the PL Energy project. Meanwhile we have not heard a word about the Nationalist Project which would lead to a decrease in the energy tariffs.
Miles Seaman said "the figure, quoted in the press, of two years, is very very ambitious." "one cannot say it is impossible to do things." This is why Malta need NEW leadership. True leaders do deliver.
Floater2 try to google Konrad Mizzi and you won’t find any professional links to LNG run power stations. Your ridiculous comment shows that people like youare hopless cases to convince. He’s an expert and he was very prudent in his answers, no blinkers. At times I thought he was a Trojan Horse. His final prudent verdict was that it is near to impossible to build and sustain such a project without paying from the nose for unnecessary costs on a power station which we don’t really need immediately .The link between Malta and Sicily will relief us from the Marsa power station, which is the real culprit for our pollution. You cannot brush off this Doctor’s considered and unbiased opinion by saying “Halluna”.
Try Miles Seaman BSc CEng CEnv MIChemE MEI at
Apparently he is an expert in bus services as well:
Mela m'ghadux 'Alice in wonderland' gimmick, super gimmick ecc. U Lo Bondi qed jirrispetta l-propaganda ta GONZIPN jew lill- udjenza tal-PBS imhallsa mit-taxxi ta kulhadd.? Qisu imhallas minn GonziPN mhux mit-taxxi ta kulhadd! X'misthija ta xandir!
Jien smajt sewwa l-konferenza stampa tal-PN. Skantajt kif dan l-espert gie Malta f'nofs kampanja elettorali u ma kienx mistieden la mill-PN u l-anqas mill-Enemalta.Qal ukoll li hu espert tas-safety u mhux tal-energija. F'hafna kazi tgha ragun lil PL u meta gie biex ipatti l-obbligazzjonijiet talli ngib hawn beda jtemtem u jghid li ma kellux l-informazzjoni u figuri sewwa. Min-naha l-ohra hemm rapport serju tal-KEMA li huma veru esperti fl-energija u li kellhom l-informazzjoni kolla u qablu ma dak li qed jghid il-PL. Jien qed nemmen lil KEMA u lil Konrad Mizzi u ghalxejn jitqanzah Tonio Fenech. Nghidlu biss joqoghod attent ghax min jitqanzah hafna jaf x'jigrilu.
Apparently he is an expert in bus services as well:
Apparently he is an expert in bus services as well:
So according to Floater2 the internet makes you an expert in the field. I guess one can find you allover the internet so it makes you an expert floater. I hope you know what a floater is in slang English.
try they seem to have found somrthing
try they seem to have found somrthing
David Bongailas
"Unlikely but not impossible"..........according to Fenech and friends the time frames being proposed are "impossible" with no ifs or buts. The PN has turned into the pre-muscat Labour Party by not being able to stop shooting itself in the foot.
Expert? Try to google 'Miles Seaman' and all you will get is links to Linkedin or Facebook. I would guess if he was such a leading expert as the PN wants us to believe he would have been more in the news by a simple web search! Halluna!