Doctor says results of his study ‘outdated’, shows no link between HFO and cancer rates

Consultant paediatric oncologist Victor Calvagna says his dissertation didn’t show a link with the fossil fuel used at the Delimara Power Station and cancer rates.

Labour leader Joseph Muscat has dubbed the Marsa and Delimara power stations 'factories of cancer and asthma' as he pledges to remove the use of HFO and introduce gas.
Labour leader Joseph Muscat has dubbed the Marsa and Delimara power stations 'factories of cancer and asthma' as he pledges to remove the use of HFO and introduce gas.

Consultant paediatric oncologist Victor Calvagna has denied his dissertation had shown a link behind the fossil fuel used at the Delimara Power Station (DPS) and cancer rates, after his study was cited by many as proof that the power stations as it is in the present time is a hazard to the public because it increases the risk of cancer.

"I categorically deny this conclusion and there is no way that one can extrapolate the findings in my dissertation to the DPS," Calvagna said in a statement he issued to the media.

"My dissertation does not show a link with the fossil fuel used at the DPS and cancer rates."

Calvagna said his study had focused on the rates of cancer in the vicinity of Magthab landfill and the Marsa Power Station (MPS), two sources of environmental pollution, and how those rates vary with increasing distance from them.

"The results of this study showed that there were no statistically significant changes in the rates of cancer as one moved away from the Maghtab landfill. The same can be said for the Marsa Power Station except for the rate of change of lung cancer cases," Calvagna said.

His study however showed there was a "statistically significant decrease in lung cancer cases" as one moved away from the power station in Marsa.

He explained that what happened at the power station in Marsa could not be attributed to the one in Delimara as the primary source of fossil fuel used to fire the turbines at the MPS from 1974 to 1995 was and not heavy fuel oil (HFO).

"To make matters worse the coal was stored in the open air at the Menqa wharf where it was exposed to the elements with the result that particulate matter was distributed by the prevailing wind to the immediate surroundings," Calvagna said.

 "If one had to conclude that the MPS was the sole cause of the excess of cancers seen in that area than, because of the long latency period associated with the development of these cancers - 20 to 40 years - one had to incriminate coal as the fossil fuel most likely to have resulted in this excess."

Calvagna added that one also had to keep in mind that the area around the MPS is heavily industrialised, vehicular traffic is high, and the incinerator from St Luke's Hospital was in use at the time.

"These are all sources of environmental pollution that together may raise the relative risk of a person living in that area to develop lung cancer. The situation in Delimara and neighbouring Marsaxlokk is completely different."

Calvagna said the populations of the inner harbour area and Marsaxlokk may also differ in their smoking history, deprivation status and occupational history: "All of these are important in influencing the relative risk of cancer."

Moreover, he adds, the chimneys of the MPS were of inadequate height and were prone to fumigate and downwash smoke onto neighbouring densely populated areas. "The chimneys at Delimara are of suitable height and help to reduce environmental pollution by dispersal into the atmosphere," he said, adding that the two power stations were incomparable.

He reminded that it was only in 2002 that electrostatic precipitators at the MPS were refurbished. Until done, they had been ineffective in removing particulate matter.   

"This was never the case at the DPS. The MPS was not equipped with systems to reduce the emission of sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, ozone and carbon monoxide as is the DPS."

Calvagna insisted that the results of his study were now outdated and do not apply to the present situation. Since joining the EU in 2004 Malta had to stringently comply with the Air Quality Standards Directive.

"As a result Enemalta has had to commission a system of continuous monitors of emission data from every chimney of both the Marsa and the Delimara Power plants. The emissions have to be below stipulated EU levels and the emissions from each chimney can be monitored real time by the public on the Enemalta website. In addition, at the time of the above study the MPS supplied 52% of the electricity demand of Malta, Now, with the new 144MW extension of the DPS, the MPS supplies only 20% of the islands electricity demand," he said. 

Meta kont żgħir, niftakar lin-nanna issajjar bil-kuċiniera tal-pitrolju, forsi min jiftakar min dawk il-ħodor. Niftakar ukoll dawk ta’ bi tlieta ġol-ħwienet li kienu jħallu il-misħun ghat-te’ ħalli mete jiġi klijent isibuħ lest ghal kemm iferrgħu. Ir-riħa li kienet toħroġ minhom kienet qawwija u kull ma kien fijhom naqra pitrolju. Meta qlibna ghal-gas, dawn l-irwejjaħ spiċċaw. Issa dan qed nagħmel paragun bejn naqra pitrolju u l-gas. Allura ta’ ċuċ Malti li jien, aħseb u ara bejn HFO u GAS. Jitkellmu kemm jitkellmu t-tobba, jien naħseb li min joqgħod fejn power station, ħa tagħmillu effett żgur. Heavy F.O. ismu mieghu, tqil, allura irid temperatura aktar biex jinħaraq, u naħseb fiħ aktar kimiċi mil-gas. Ħasra li din l-affari qlibnijha politikalment, jew ghal voti kollox tajjeb anke dawk l-affarijiet li jagħmlu l-ħsara lin-nies, u ghal vot kollox jgħaddi? Insomma ma tridtx tkun għaref biex tinduna li l-gas huwa iżjed nadif mil=HFO, anke tipparagunaħ ma naqra prtrolu tan-nanna !!!
Let us make it clear. What Dr Calvagna is saying is that his research was not designed to test whether there was a correlation between respiratory diseases and HFO. So that without a new research program no deductions can be made on whether there is relation between cancer and use of HFO. Perhaps it is time some medical research students did such a study especially given our recent past experiences of black dust and other inhalable particulate emissions which are known from foreign studies to have very negative health effects.
Grazzi tac-censura !!. Mid-dehra m'ghogobkomx il-kumment li ghaddejt dalghodu bl-Ingliz. Jaqaw qrast lil xihadd fil-laham il-haj ?.
Il-profs Brincat kien l-aktar wiehed li ta rendikont tal-power station kif inhi llum. Qal li l-pajjiz taghna hu zghir u jintlaqat kollu u t-tieni li r-rizultat tal-emissjonijiet li hemm illum narawhom 20-25 sena ohra. Allura minhabba li hemm dan it-Time Laps il-gvern ghandu jigi jaqa u jqum bhal ma qed jghamel gonzi ghaliex 20-25 sena ohra forsi ma jkunx hawn.?
There's no doubt, that this issue has turned into a political ball! Doctors sympathising with the PL will say that the power stations are a big concern to human health, and causes disease, such as asthma nd more fatally, cancer. While on the other hand, we will have doctors sympathising with GonziPN, who in turn will state that there's no links between the use of HFO in the power stations, and there's no proof that asthma and cancer are caused by the power satations run by HFO! Who knows, maybe in 10 years time we will know the truth, if the PL is elected and will shift from HFO to gas! Until then, we will be the hopeless spectators in this type of mind games, because expert and doctors clash for their own reasons! The truth, along with common sense, is so hard to prevail!
Lino Camilleri
Dan it tabib ma jafx x'inhu jghid. Jekk tridu tkunu tafu x'konnessjoni hemm fuq il cancer min fossil fuels fittxu u araw xqalu l-esperti barranin u mhux maltin. Sissa hawn Malta ghadu hadd ma qal xejn fuq lis smart meters li anke dawn huma perikoluzi ghas sahha specjalment jekk ikun hemm xi hadd marid bil cancer u ghandu minnhom gewwa daru.
If this is the case, than I would advice Dr. calvagna, as a Paediatric Oncologist, to hasten in performing another study to rest everybody's mind that there is no correlation between a higher incidence of Cancer and the use of Heavy fuel oil. Is it a fact that Heavy Fuel oil increases the risk of Skin Cancer, intra-uterine sterility during pregnancy, liver cancer and other complications? I note that he was very selective in his statements?
If the filters are actually used like intended, the Delimara power station might not be so dangerous (but where is all the dust that Polidano use to dump in the sea?). Unfortunately, you have to wait a generation before you can expect any kind of statistical correlation (as we can see in the case of Marsa). Meanwhile, our kids are inhaling the stuff. What should a "bona padre" do in that scenario? Risk the life of his family on the promise of a politician?
Can Doctor Calvagna explain if HFO is hazardous? Well, he can always refer to studies done from other researchers? What Dr Calvagna failed to mention to say is that we require to improve our environment very fast. After 2004 we have an new HFO power plant. The Maghtab and the Marsa Power Station and the Phase 1 power station at Delimara still operating. Car traffic increased and increased more due to the Arriva Fiasco. I encourage the Doc to start a new research. It will be more interesting.
Jekk qed nifhem sew dan li studju ta' Dr Calvagna hu outdated . Jekk dan huwa il kas , kif jista jgħid illum il ġurnata x'jirrizulta kieku kellu jagħmlu issa ? Jiena ħaġa waħda nista ngħid , li fil-familja tiegħi missieri miet bil-kanser , erbgħa miz-zijiet mietu bil-kanser u min jaf jekk hemmx xi ħaddieħor ukoll . Tgħid dawn kollha kumbinazzjonijiet jew fatti li ma jista jiċħadhom ħadd u l-ebda rapport ?
Bil-haqq dan fliema annu ghamilha it-tezi tieghu? Xi 20 sena ilu?
Noqghodu nilghabu bil-kliem: ghalhekk minghandu choice imur joqghod fejn power station! Mela ghalfejn tahsbu li nehhew it-tipjip minn gewwa, u secondary smoke kills as well? U ghal immoru ghat-test- tal-karozza biex din ma iddahhanx, u ghala l-Arriva GonziPN ftahru li dawn ma idahnux? Ghallura b'hekk nisthgu nghidu li l-power station m'ghadniex x'xtaqsam mal-cancer?
Tony vella u joseph1983 juru kemm is-sens kommun u esperjenza personali huma importanti ghal politici,tobba u studjuzi biex jirragunaw.
Tajjeb infakkru x'qal l-ispecjalista tal-Onkologija, Dr.Stephen Brincat, li l-effetti jimaturaw wara 40 sena u qal ukoll li l-kbir ghadu gej !!. Infakkar ukoll f'dak li qal Dr. Franco Debono meta Dr.Gonzi ried jerga' jdahhlu fil-klikka. Tiftakru x'kienet l-unika regola li kellu jimxi maghha biex jidhol lura fil-merhla Gonzjana:ATTAKKA KEMM TIFLAH LIL JOSEPH MUSCAT KULJUM . Sirt ma niehu xejn bi kbir meta nisma' certi stqarrijiet. Kemm hi tajba c-cejca !!.
Whom shall we trust Dr.Calvagna or Dr. Brincat? The latter contends that the DPS endangers the health of the whole island. Doea Dr. Calvagna want ua to believe that fossils fuels do not pollute? So HFO is not deleterious to health. Why didn't Dr. Calvagna show his studies before the building of the MPS. Up to now Dr. Calvagna is the only authoruty that contends that HFO is safe. What a very convient time to do it. Well I am very sorry but I believe Dr. Calvagna is talking hogwash as Dr. Brincat will attest. More so Dr.Calvagna is being irrisponsible. I awaiting his report on the lethal toxicity of gas.
Anette B Cassar
Nistaqsi: Il-Fuel uzat MPS huwa HFO bhal DPS. Jekk hemm hsara qed issir minn tal-Marsa mela mxux l-istess minn Delimara? Ghaliex gahdna ma tfejnihx MPS meta suppost?
Nghid lit-tabib jaghmluh issa l-istudju.Minn familja ta sitta li nghixu Fis south hamsa minna inbatu bil-hayfever.Li jien personali ikun hemm zmien fejn ikolli nirrokeri ghall ossignu.
Jiena ma nistax nifhem kif ċertu tobba jitkellmu . Mela jekk persuna tkun qiegħda viċin persuna oħra li tkun qieghda tpejjep , tkun esposta għall periklu li jikkawza it-tipjip fosthom il marda qerrieda tal-kanser, u Alla jbierek nies li jkunu esposti għall dak id-duħħan iswed li joħroġ miċ-ċmieni tal-power stations , dawn ma jkunu esposti għall ebda periklu.