‘We will simplify planning process in Gozo’ – Gonzi

Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi says government intends to simplify planning process in a bid to encourage further investment in Gozo.

Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi

Addressing a sizeable crowd in Xaghra, Gozo this evening, Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi said that should his government be confirmed in Office, it would be seeking to "simplify" the planning process for investment projects on the island, in a bid to encourage further investment.

He stressed that Gozo needed a 'fast-track' approach towards investment projects, hinting that five star hotels which needed to be developed, were a case in point.

Gonzi said that should such processes be fast-tracked, they would mean the creation of new jobs.

The Prime Minister said that among the projects a PN-led government was pursuing for Gozo was the completion of serious studies concerning the possibility of a tunnel between Malta and Gozo, and also a new fast ferry service which would transport passengers from Gozo to the Valletta's Grand Harbour.

While hitting out at Labour's track record in Gozo, which under Alfred Sant between 1996 and 1998 demoted the island to a Parliamentary Secretariat, Gonzi said that a PN-led government always gave a voice to Gozo at Cabinet level.

Il 'fast-track' li ghadu bzon Gozo li nehilsu minnek u shabek kemm jista jkun mallajr.
I think this is a little bit too late. I blame our Gozo MPs - whether PL or PN for situation. MEPA along with maltese officials in Malta proper would like to keep Gozo as it is and not approve needed tourist related projects in Gozo so that tourist stay in Malta. Gozitans should be outraged at this sitaution. They should also be outraged at our state of roads and how EU funds geared for Gozo are not coming to Gozo but are used for malta related projects. Those are the facts and we Gozitans should all be outraged by these situations. Time to wake up and demand what is rightfully ours.
Tejatrin...hekk trid tkompli tizvolgi l-kummiedja jew ghadkom ma xbajtux tiffangaw. L-isfortuna hi li hadd ma jitkellem u l-ebda gazzetta ma qed iggib il-hnizrijiet li ghamiltu u li qed tkomplu taghmlu waqt l-kampanja.
Can these ba**ers stop contradicting themselves. First they cry foul, when Labour declares that there does exist precedent for their 6 week speeded applications for whatever needs doing at Delimara. Then they advocate this self same fast process themselves for their own ends. Conclusion for any apolitical observer; if I do it, its OK, If you do it, its a mortal sin.
Illum qieghed tikellem hekk Sur Gonzi wara li l-MEPA zammet kull progett li kien gie propost mil privat ghal Ghawdex? Anke semplici Supermarket zammejtulu l-permess bl-iskuza ta l-ambjent.
Illum qieghed tikellem hekk Sur Gonzi wara li l-MEPA zammet kull progett li kien gie propost mil privat ghal Ghawdex? Anke semplici Supermarket zammejtulu l-permess bl-iskuza ta l-ambjent.
Stop taking people for a ride - you had 8 years to do something about this. The people want to eat, have a decent job and most of all some peace of mind, which you never manage to give, You tried by sending letters but you did exactly the opposite. Why should we trust you again? Bil-Malti nghidu "il-hanzir taqtalu dendu hanzin jibqa" u bl-ingliz "Once bitten twice shy"
Gonzi says: there is no need for a change in direction! I know he's tying this up with the financial situation vis a vis the rest of Europe. Subject to really finding out the true situation Malta is in, I don't think Muscat is saying he wants to change direction in this area!! By the same token Gonzi seems to want to change direction in everything else. Gozo planning is the latest. It was Sant's fault as he was in Govt for 22 months! It doesn't matter that Gonzi was there for 6 years or more and the Nationalists have been there for 22 years!!He seems to want to do lots of things. Why should he be believed given the record of his promises in the last election. It's clear: Maltese have to chose between two groups - one with no record and another with a bad one with respect to promises!!
Kulhadd se ikollu fast track ta 6 gimghat bhal ma kellu Zaren Vassallo fis-supermarket il-gdid? Ilni 3 snin nistenna ghal bicca permess gor-rahal!
Luke Camilleri
Kellu cans bizzejjed! Gonzi b'ARROGANZA jghid li Ghawdex taghhom... u Dr. Joseph Muscat b'UMILJAZZJONI jghid li Malta taghna ilkoll! B'liema dritt jigi dan Gonzi u jghid li GONZI TAL-PARTIT NAZZJONALISTA U b'dak it-ton ta' wahda tat-triq? Nazzjonalisti biss imorru Ghawdex? Nazzjonalisti biss jinvestghu f'Ghawdex? Bin-Nazzjonalisti biss izomm Ghawdex? Ghawdex taghna ilkolltal-Maltin, tal Ghawdxin u tat-turisti li ghandhom pjacir izuruna - GHAWDEX MHUX TA' GONZI BISS!