Gonzi blames ‘the 80s’ for low participation of women in labour market

Prime Minister says low participation of women over 40 in labour market down to 1980s educational system.

Malta boasts of an above average labour market participation of women aged between 20 and 29, however it was lagging behind in the over 40-age bracket, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said.

Speaking during a PN activity in Naxxar on Tuesday morning, Gonzi said that the country had witnessed "extraordinary results" in the past five years encouraging women to work.

He said that while the EU average for women aged 20 to 24 participating in the labour market was 46%, Malta's rate stood at 64%, while the EU average for women aged 25 to 29 was 66% compared to Malta's 75%.

Gonzi added that Malta's rate for women aged 30 to 35 per cent was at a par with the EU average of 66%. However, the PN leader pointed out that Malta's record regarding women aged 40 and older was way below the EU average and blamed this on the country's educational system in the 1980's which did not equip that generation with the required skills.

Yet, Gonzi noted that since then the educational system had registered impressive improvements and the increasing number of working women proved the success of the government's job creation efforts.

The PN leader also noted that Malta was closer to achieving gender equality in salaries than the majority of EU countries, although Gonzi stressed that efforts need to be stepped up.

In the 80's I was the sole bread winner and used to save also some money while bringing up 3 children. In 2013 my children has started their owb families, increased my salary and I can hardly make ends meet. Thats how you should look at the 80's and 2013 Sur Gonzi u bella kumpanija.
Ma naqbel xejn mal-Prim Ministru li l-kagun li n-nisa mhux qed jipparticipaw fid-dinja tax-xol hijja it-tmeninijiet. Issa diga ghaddew kwazi 35 sena u ghadda zmien bizzejjed biex kella tigi indirizzata din il-problema. Issa irridu insibu lis-skuza mhabba li din telghat fil-wicc mir-rapport ta’ Standard & Poors. Mhux kullhadd jaf li n-nisa inghataw hafna privileggi biex ma jahdmux u ghalhekk insibu hafna single mothers. U x’jabillom in-nisa li jahdmu wara li titnaqsilom il-bolla u t-taxxa. Hafna u hafna nisa jahdmu u jirregistraw u jpoggu. U xi nghajdu ghal problema tat-tfal, ser naslu li fi ftit zmien iehor li l-popolazzjoni tonqos u ma jkunx hemm haddiema bizzejjed biex jifdu l-pensjonijiet u dan ghaliex il-prezz gholi biex trabbi t-tfal. Kif tridom jizzewgu n-nisa u jrabbu t-tfal meta illum ma jaffordjawx li jixtru fejn joqghodu. Illum qed jispiccaw dawk id-djar kbar li mizzewgin friski kienu joqodu man nanna sa ma jsibu saqajom. Spiccaw is-social housing li kien jghati staffa minn fejn familja titlaq biex trabbi familja. Din il-problem tan-nisa fix-xol titranga biss meta jerga jinholoq is-social housing u c-child care centers b’xejn biex il-familji jkollom flus f-idejom biex ilahhqu mal-hajja u jkunu jistaw jippjanaw familja. Mhux qedin f’sitwazzjoni li l-maggoranza tal-pagi qed imorru biex jithallsu l-loans mil-banek.
Din bhal 20,000 job gdid? Min fejn qed igibhom l-istatistici? U hallina Prim mela dejjem fis-sakra!
Dr Gonzi should know better that there was no need for women to work in the 1980s. The salary was enough for a family of five. Housing was not a scourge as it is now as government used to help families by give away plots for nothing. The economy did not face any problems like we have now. Debts were non-existent even though interest rates were as high as 9%. What Gonzi should have also said, whilst mentioning the 1980s, is that if interest rates are 9% not 1% as they were then, Malta would have long been BANKRUPT.
And who is to blame for those 16 year olds who are finishing their secondary education without their basic skills?? Besides, how come the majority of PN MPs send their children either to private schools or church schools?? So much for their preaching of having the best government schools.
what an outright cheek. how can Gonzi blame even this on the situation in the 80s when his Party has been in power for 25 years. Gonzi expects Labour to deliver even before the PL assumes power, and he blames Labour for his failures over the last 25 years. GONZIPN are getting more incredible and incredulous as time goes on.
Dear Lawrence, you are the PL's best ally and campaigner - the Labour Blame Game once more! Clearly man you have absolutely nothing to say or to propose to this beleaguered country.
Malta still has a long ways to catch up with the "Equal work, Equal pay" status for women. And may I remind the PM or anybody else that one of the reasons that more women are joining the work market is mostly because they cannot afford the cost of living, the cost of utilities etc, because the man cannot bring enough pay to support the family. A lot of women go to work because they have to and not because they want to. A family cannot live on a man's paycheck alone and sustain a good living condition, unless the man makes enough money, and most do not. This is the real world.
Dear Dr. Gonzi, the PN has been in charge of education practically for the whole of the last 25 years. So women who are 45 years old today would have been 20 in 1987 and those who are 40 would have been 15 years old - plenty of time for continuing education to correct or remediate. Also, since the same education system in the 80s applied to men as well as women, how does this explain the discrepancy in employment rates? The same low participation rate is evidenced in Parliament and in his party's ranks at all levels. Yet his government was a strong opponent of the female quota propsoed by the EU, arguably the strongest weapon against the glass ceiling for women's salaries and careers.
Nahseb sur Prim Ministru sejjer zball ghax fl-'80's kien hawn skejjel fejn titghallem jiena nahseb li inti ridt tghid ta' qabel is-'70's ghax dak inhar ma kien hawn xejn zgur. Mhux hekk biss li l-gvern ta' dak iz-zmien l-edukazzjoni ghalih kienet sekondarja ghax min ried jitghallem kien irid ihallas, anke l-knisja hekk ridet li l-poplu ma jitghallimx edukazzjoni u jibqa njorant halli jbellghulu li jridu huma. Fi zmien Mintoff l-iskola giet obligatorja sa 14 il-sena u kienet ukoll B'XEJN GHAL KULLHADD kemm ghas-sinjur u kemm ghal fqir u ghalhekk illum hawn hafna li jiggradwaw ghax il-labour ghamel l-edukazzjoni b'xejn u min ma tghallimx ghax ma riedx hu. Anke llum tisthi tghid li hawn studenti fis-sekondarja li kwazi kwazi ma jafux jiktbu u jaqraw, dan illum ta' gvern li ilu 25 sena jahkem lil Malta. Hallina Dr. Gonzi m'hawnx iktar nisa jahdmu ghax int ma hadtx hsieb tiftah opportunitajiet ghalihom. Ara l-Labour diga haseb ghalihom ghax se jiftah centri B'XEJN ghal kullhadd ghat-tfal li l-genituri taghhom ikunu jridu jahdmu fulltime u inti ma ghamilt xejn. Issa forsi fil-programm tieghek tikkopja xi haga mill-issues ta' Joseph Muscat.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Just a comment from one of Malta's leading opinionists: "They blame Labour for the past, the present and now the future. In the process, however, they have not realised how ridiculous at least a substantial part of this strategy can be." - Lino Spiteri (The Times -21.01)
Tort tal-Lejber !!! As always when faced with facts that show his incompetence he blames it on the PL, now we are used to this brocken record. If he really want to go beck in time why don't we all remember who gave equal rights to women and who opposed it with all force because they said it will disrupt the family and that that the place of women is in the kitchen?? Let me think ... hoo yes the PN !!! Gonzi if you failed just admit it don't blame others for your gross incompetence !!
What a pitiful idiot instead of telling us what he has in mind for the coming 5 years he rumages through the past and come up with the most retarded of excuses.No wonder Katie Gonzi manages the finances at home.
Don`t agree, do you have an clear proof? has it the same weight as asthma not caused by powerstations` smoke?