PN government would improve quality of life

Justice Minister Chris Said says new PN government would improve the quality of life of all Maltese citizens.

A new PN government would improve the quality of life of all citizens and guarantee a safe and secure future, justice minister Chris Said said during the launch of its latest billboard themed 'A quality leap.'

"Our electoral programme will improve the quality of life of pensioners, widowers, disabled persons and their families," the minister said.

Said stressed that the PN electoral programme was based on four fundamental pillars jobs, health, education and projects which would ensure a better quality of life.

"Improving the people's quality of life depends on safe and secure finances and the outgoing Nationalist government has a record of a sound economic performance despite the financial international turmoil and we are able to keep the country on the same track," Said said. 

Focussing on the PN's proposals for the elderly, pensioners and disabled persons, Said explained that pensioners who receive a foreign services or treasury pension would benefit from an increase while it is also looking at increasing the number of pensioners who have kept their job, currently standing at 14,000 pension, by slashing by half the National Insurance payments for persons over 65 and reducing the rate by 5% for persons under 65.

A new PN government would also reduce taxes for elderly persons who had a carer at home and open more daycare centres and residences for the elderly, Said noted.

He added that parents of disabled persons would be able to enter into a trust agreement with the government about the care of their children after the parents' death, while community services and centres for disabled persons would be improved.

Stressing the importance of social security, Said pointed out that the current government had increased its expenditure in health, education and social security by €600 million in the last five years, "the same amount Labour would like to spend on a power station," Said quipped.


Onorevoli Dr Chris Said , il-bieraħ il-Prim Ministru waqt li kien qed jinawgura centru tal-anzjani Hal-Kirkop kien mistoqsi jekk hux ser jirranġa dik l-inġustizzja li ilhom ibghatu minnha dawk li għandhom pensjoni tat-tezor , jiġifieri l-ammont ta' din il-pensjoni ma jibqax jinqata mill-pensjoni tal-bolla . Taf x'kellu il-wiċċ li jirrispondi l-Onorevoli Prim Ministru , li dan ilu jsir minn zmien Mintoff . Allura jekk dan kien ħazin , hu ma kienx responsabbli li jirranġaħ ? Anzi kien hu stess li kien qal li din hija inġustizzja , mela x'zammu milli jirranġa din l-inġustizzja ? B'dan il-mod tridu tagħmlu kwalita' ta' ħajja aħjar ?
Lawrence Covin
Le, sinjur. Int trid it-tejjeb il-kwalita tal-hajja tieghek, mhux tieghi. Xejn personali, Chris, you're a nice guy, but your party stinks.
You had 8 years to do that, and all you did was increased utility bills, price of food and petrol, gave us 1.16 euros while you took 500/600 euros weekly, wenta against our wishes in the divorce issue, and you want us to trust you again? OMG you must be joking. I honest hope that you refrain from trying to continue taking us for a RIDE. It-trux huwa dak li ma irridx jisma, u hemm proverbju iehor, hanzir taqtalu denbu, hanzir jibqa. See you on the 9th March.
I would have believed Chris had he not come up with the Gozo/Malta faiytale (f)tunnel ludicrious idea. Chris is one of the good ones and should protect his credibility. He should have left these type of fairytales to the Queen of Gozo.
"Our electoral programme will improve the quality of life of pensioners, widowers, disabled persons and their families," the minister said.So Minister Said tell me. What were you doing in the last five years? Why did you wait all this time to improve our quality of life? I have been asking for you to maybe correct a wrong the government has made and help us property owners that lost their property to the government through requisition and confiscation be able to get their properties back, but you ignored all I had to say and dumped all that on one of your aids, who turned out to be a dud. All we want is to be able to get back what the government confiscated from our parents. "THE GOVERNMENT TAKETH AWAY AND THE GOVERNMENT MUST GIVETH BACK". Still awaiting your answer, your Aide has my email and particulars.
Is this an admittance that the quality of life under the present government is poor? And who is the copycat now? The PL have been talking about their plans for the disabled for months on end!