FKNK challenges Simon Busuttil to a public debate

Hunters’ federation invites PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil for a public meeting in which FKNK could pose its questions to him.

PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil confronted by young hunter Jeremy Portelli.
PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil confronted by young hunter Jeremy Portelli.

Hunters' federation FKNK has invited the deputy leader of the Nationalist Party Simon Busuttil to a public debate to discuss the complaints brought forward by "the hurt young man".

In a statement, FKNK said the meeting would give the electorate the opportunity to analyse who "has always told the truth" and who was today "suffering the consequences brought by lies".

On Friday, Busuttil ended up in an uncomfortable argument with an angry hunter who confronted him with the PN letter sent to hunters and trappers in 2008.

The FKNK said that after the young hunter made an emotional intervention, it couldn't remain mum.

"Busuttil's replies to the justified question were dry and incorrect. The reply not only left the young hunter unsatisfied but confirmed that their promises had only a means to gather 'Yes' votes," FKNK said.

The federation said today Malta could be in a sorry situation "which Busuttil may not care about". It went on to complain that despite the reaching out campaign by the PN, Busuttil had never invited the FKNK for a meeting, despite it being a representative of the biggest organised sector in Malta.

It's useless to try to encourage a chicken to a debate because I am certain that he will not accept .
fenea, as usual in your haste to sanctify GonziPN, and its main protagonists, you got the matter under analysis messed up. Had your arguments not been mostly banal, I would discern a sprinkling of defence attorneyism. At best your debate is nothing than pure bar-room politics. The question being asked is not whether Malta should join the EU. The question is "Why did Simon and the PN have to resort to outright lies and misinformation in order to entice the hunters' lobby to vote YES to the EU?", and " Why are these same politicians, once that now they got their big fat snout into the free flowing EU gravy train, abandoned all hunters/trappers, with the excuse that it is the EU's fault, and not their own?". Moreover, one could easily apply this same style of misinformation to most sectors of Maltese society. One may very easily start off from the amount of money Malta received from the EU!
The FKNK are very optimistic. They know that Simon Bussullotti is a coward and would certainly refuse to accept their challenge. A case in point is when he was affronted by Franco Debono and preferred to stay in the "aquarium " of Where's Everybody when Franco was challenging him to come forward all evening long.
Luke Camilleri
.... Peppi Azzoparadi lesti l'Aquarium ha jmur jistahba hemm Simon Busuttil! Naraw xi repeat sejrin bhal meta Dr. Franco Debono kien stieden il-Simon Busuttil ghal dibattitu! Aktar minn Speedy GONZIales gera...
FKNK....Tkomplux titfaw melh fuq il ferita....tibqawx titmejlu bil kaccaturi u in nassaba....Emmintu lil Simon Busutill & Co. fir Referendum 2014. biex nidhlu fil U.E..kontu tafu ghalxiex dhaltu ghax ingdimtu u xorta ma tkellimtux car lil membri taghkom kif ghandhom jivvutaw fl`elezzjoni tal 2008..u kien bis sahha taghkom li Il PN seraq il gvern...Issa ghandkhom ic cans li titkellmu CAR U TOND..min tmejjel bikhom u mhux kliem li jinftehem doppju....bhal ma ghedtulhom " ghandkhom mohhkhom u uzawh "...
Simon Busuttil was one fo the protagonists who had assured bird hunters that their hobby was assured. Now i am not one in favour of bird hunting, but a promise is a promise, and i believe that if he wants to show that he has the guts of a possible Prime Minister-in-waiting (Gonzi will resign, nevertheless the result of the elections), Simon has to accept the debate with FKNK.
mhux hekk nibqaw. ma nidhlux fil EU minhabba il kaccaturi. tarax.
Xi tridu tiltaqghu taghmlu ma Simone! Jaqaw tiehdu gost min jitmejjel bikom.
il qawl malti jajtilgidiebghomru qasir bmin tried tithaq u tqarraq sur simon Bussutill veru wiccek qhadt