Graziella Galea | From local council to house of parliament
Nationalist Party candidate Graziella Galea speaks to Illum about her past as a local council mayor take on party financing, and the PN’s Christian values.
Nationalist Party candidate Graziella Galea, daughter of PN veteran Censu Galea, speaks to Illum about what she has to give to the country, if elected to parliament.
She speaks about her experience as St Paul's Bay Mayor, and the alleged conflict of interest scandal that erupted last year in connection to a €400,000 tender which her council awarded to a company owned by her uncle.
Galea also speaks about her take on party financing, and while she concedes that "parties should be transparent in all they do and show," she insists that "she does not see the point of declaring donations."
He instead insists that parties should keep party donations confidential, be cause individuals should have the right to donate to the party they wish to without having to declare it openly.
Galea also speaks of the value that women have on the work place, and highlights the PN's recent proposals to provide free childcare, while also extending existing Club 3/16 services, and incentivising more women to return to work.
Read more in Sunday's issue of Illum.