Gonzi calls on Muscat to name the contractors funding PL's campaign

Anglu Farrugia revelations once again come under the lense at Ghaxaq event.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi continued to gain political mileage out of an interview by Anglu Farrugia in the Sunday Times, firing off a few more broadsides at the Opposition leader.

Gonzi once again challenged Muscat to reveal who the contractors close to the Labour Party are, after Farrugia denounced the party's growing ties with construction developers.

"I want to know who the contractors behind the PL's MEPA and power station proposals are. The electorate has to take these revelations into consideration. Labour admitted that meetings take place with discontented contractors. Where is all their money coming from?" Gonzi questioned.

"Anglu Farrugia realised what he was dealing with too late. We are lucky in that we still have five weeks in which to realise. The Farrugia interview should be an eye opener to everyone. Not content with merely carrying out a political assassination, Muscat added further insult to injury by contesting on Anglu Farrugia's district", Gonzi said.

Gonzi also called the PL's electoral programme a "work in progress," and accused the party of copying a chunk of the PN's own initiatives.

A number of the PN's candidates contesting on the fourth district spoke at the event.

Victor Scerri said that whilst the PN is concerned with creating 25,000 new jobs in the coming legislature, Joseph Muscat is more concerned with getting 25,000 likes on facebook.

Carm Mifsud Bonnici, who is no stranger to political ruthlessness, fired a broadside at Muscat's ruthless sacking of Anglu Farrugia.

Mario Rizzo Naudi appealed to both parties not to use patients as a political football.

"For all his supposed concern for cancer patients, Joe Muscat was nowhere to be seen this morning at the Rainbow ward," Rizzo Naudi said.

mhux kulhadd jaf li n-negozzjanti l-kbar izoqqu liz-zewgt partiti, halli jkunu fiz-zewg kampijiet u jserhu rashom?
Il-powerstations huma fil-verita fabbriki tal-cancer u asthma, u hafna aktar mard fit-trabi mhux mwielda, avvenament tal-arja u hamrija, mard respiratorju, u naf ghax jien tabib. Dr Calvanja ma qalx kattegorikament li ma humiex.
I would like to know the names of the politicians receiveing money from the powerstation scandal.
Can Gonzi nonsense tell us who is funding his campaign?
Come on Gonzi, you know the contractors that you have abondend and now deserted the PN. Are you afraid that now they cannot threaten the livelihood of the employees so that they will vote PN.
Meal nesa l-froga li ghamel Rizzo Naudi kemm dam supretendent ta l-isptar!
Dear Gonzi, minn kullimkien u ta' kull stat resqin lejn dan il-moviment. Kemm fqar, kemm sinjuri, kemm ħaddiema, kemm kuntratturi, kemm żgħażagħ, kemm anzjani, kemm nisa u anke rġiel. Kulħadd. U din il-ħaġa qed tkidd ħafna lil tal-PN.
to all PN apologists. Name those who raked in millions out of our backs thru kickbacks on oil Name those big guns who finance the PN propoganda machine
Dear Gonzipn. Dont be so naive. It's simple to know who these contractors are. Just have a look around you and you will see their void because they have joined the PL ranks. That is after having served you and your party for so many years and were instrumental for the successive PN electoral victories. Unfortunately now you have lost them, dear gonzipn and so please dont turn this matter in a sour grapes act..
Sur Prim Ministru, jekk taf xi haga fic-cert, id-dover tieghek huwa li ssemmi l-ismijiet ta' dawn il-kuntratturi, mill-bqija ma ghandekx dritt titkellem. Tinsiex li diga ghandek problema biex titwemmen wara il-gideb tal Brazil, Euro600, prezz taz-zejt, divorzju, rohs fil-kontijiet ecc..ecc.
Sur Prim Ministru, jekk taf xi haga fic-cert, id-dover tieghek huwa li ssemmi l-ismijiet ta' dawn il-kuntratturi, mill-bqija ma ghandekx dritt titkellem. Tinsiex li diga ghandek problema biex titwemmen wara il-gideb tal Brazil, Euro600, prezz taz-zejt, divorzju, rohs fil-kontijiet ecc..ecc.
why doesn't Gonzi come clean and publish the massive funds GONZIPN receive from Contractors, large businesses adhering to Club51 status, foreign companies who are given "funds" from the various Government institutions and parastatal bodies some of which are channelled back to the PN coffers. Why does't he come clean first and give the example.
Sur Prim Ministru, jekk jogghbok ieqaf ghaddi n-nies biz-zmien. Nista ninfurmak li jien kont wiehed milli hadt kuntrattur kbir jiltaqa ma Joseph Muscat li dejjem ivvota PN. Il-laqgha kienet wahda kordjali u hadd ma talab xejn u hadd ma offra xejn. Li gara kien li dan il-kuntrattur spjega li hu qatt ma jmissu bicca xoghol tal-Gvern ghax dan ix-xoghol kollu jmur ghand bniedem wiehed.
Sur Prim Ministru, jekk jogghbok ieqaf ghaddi n-nies biz-zmien. Nista ninfurmak li jien kont wiehed milli hadt kuntrattur kbir jiltaqa ma Joseph Muscat li dejjem ivvota PN. Il-laqgha kienet wahda kordjali u hadd ma talab xejn u hadd ma offra xejn. Li gara kien li dan il-kuntrattur spjega li hu qatt ma jmissu bicca xoghol tal-Gvern ghax dan ix-xoghol kollu jmur ghand bniedem wiehed.
dr gonzi jghidilna min huma l kuntratturi li jkunu jieklu mal kabinett tieghek, jew forsi kellek mieghek lil victor scerri ghalfejn ma saqsejtx wahda lilu. dr gonzi biex qed titkellem hekk jew illek 5 snin tejx holma u mhux qed tkun onest mal negozjanti li int u nies ta madwarek kissirtuhom. imma issa toqodx tilaq jew minalik ha tbezza
Priscilla Darmenia
Dr Gonzi, yours is a valid question asking Dr Muscat to give you details of what contractors donated to the PL. However it is also a valid question to know what contractors like Mr Vassallo gave the PN since you became prime minister. Please answer this question.
Ara jrid ikollok wiccie imcappas bil-**** biex titlob lil Joseph Muscat jghid min huma l-kuntratturi li jistghu qeghdin jghinu lil PL. L-ewwel haga li jrid jaghmel Gonzi huwa li minn fuq il-pedestal li jhobb jiccaccra fuq jghidilna min huma l-kuntratturi li ghenu lil PN tul dawn l-ahhar 8 snin imbaghad ma jdumx jistenna wisq biex Joseph jghidlu min huma minn nahha tal-Labour. Haga ohra jekk irid Gonzi jista jara l-fininzi tal-PL ghal il-PL dejjem qal x'dahhal u x'hareg u dan isir kull sena fil-konferenza generali. Ara intom Dr. Gonzi dan ma taghmluhx ghax ghandkom x'tahbu ghax hemm hafna u hafna kuntratturi li jippumjawlkom il-flus ghax dejjem hekk kontu u hekk tridu tmutu. Allura l-ewwel ghidilna int min huma l-kuntratturi li ghandek taht l-umbrella ghax inkella se tmut bil-piena tal-kurzita.
Joseph Pellicano
zaren vassalo, buffon.
wara dak kollu li qal fuq il kancer f'malta, beza jiffaccja li dr calvagna. tfih ta tajn u meta jigu ghar risposta skiet perfett.
While he is trying to shut up Malta Today with a libel as he doesn't like stuff about PN and contractors to come to light. The Bonaci brothers had really hit the nail on the head when they named that once popular series "Ipokriti"!