Investment in sport has increased since 2008 - Puli

Investment in sporting activities and projects has not weakened, despite the unfavourable economic climate according to Clyde Puli, parliamentary secretary of sport.

Speaking at a press conference held this afternoon, the parliamentary secretary of sport Clyde Puli announced that €8 million had been allocated to the various sporting associations in Malta, with over 60 related sports related projects undertaken.

Puli said that the Maltese council for sports had been further bolstered, and programmes were underway to help athletes find a better balance between their training and work obligations.

A sports promotion unit is in place in order to foster a sports culture amongst youngsters. This involved an investment of €600,000 thousand.

A programme has also been put in place to encourage elderly persons to be more physically active

"The citizens on the move initiative has helped hundreds of senior citizens become more active by taking party in swimming and walking exercises," Puli said.

Puli also pledged that a multi-purpose motorsports track will be built in conjunction with the Malta motorsports federation.

What was interesting about Puli's presentation is what was left out, not what was included. For example that the motorsport track is being built because they have to vacate the land at ta' Qali to make way for Vassallo's new MFCC construction; that he muscled his way into the promotion of the White Rocks project (which was clearly land speculation) and now, after 5 years, has nothing to show for it but egg on his face; that there is no specific programme or ethics in sports after these 5 years have seen scandal after scandal tarnishing Malta's international image; playing fields all over Malta are left to fall into disrepair until they have to be entirely redone - a complete waste of resources etc., etc.,. Still, his press conference served one purpose at least - we know he has a brass neck!
I guess you must be referring to the huge success of the White Rocks project Clyde!
... jekk il-progress fl-isport f'malta inkejjluh b'kemm ihobbu jippozaw, jiffanfraw, ipacpcu fil-vojt, jiftahru u parlaw puli u l-helu l-iehor pippo psaila, kieku nirbhu xi hamsin midalja tad-deheb fl-olympic games ..... hares ftit lejn il-progetti fantazma tal-marsa u ta' pembroke ..... kif jghidu, afda progett f'idejn pippu, u tkun zgur li jharbtu u jfarrku u jgelled lil kulhadd ..... u hu minghalih xi factotum li ghandu abbiltajiet ta' xi manager gwapp ...... ghax darba malta rebhet loghba fi sqallija meta hu kien imexxi t-team nazzjonali .... kemm hu hazin tghix fil-passat .....