Party financing laws should make donations over €40,000 illegal - AD
Green party Alternattiva Demokratika pledges party financing law and stop to amnestities for construction developers.
The Green Party has committed itself to table motions on the financing of political parties and against amnesties to major construction developers, if elected to parliament.
Alternattiva Demokratika chairperson Michael Briguglio said that in parliament AD would make sure that financing of political parties is on the agenda.
"Big money is being spent in this electoral campaign, and the fund-raising campaigns of both PN and PL are an insult to people's intelligence, when both parties have close ties to big business," Briguglio said, a day after the PN raised over €500,000 in its fund-raising telethon and on the day that Labour would hold its own fundraiser.
"We are not surprised by the fact that both big parties are ready to give amnesties to big developers on building irregularities. Once again, it is clear that both PN and PL want MEPA to be subservient to big developers. In parliament, we will table a motion to prevent this from happening."
AD secretary-general Ralph Cassar said he expected the Nationalist and Labour parties to publish a detailed account of income and expenditure, including barters, for all their promotional material and equipment.
"At a reasonable time after the general elections, we will publish our campaign accounts, even if other parties do not publish theirs.
"AD believes in the introduction of strict rules on donations to political parties, coupled with the state financing of political parties. As regards the former, we believe that donations in excess of €5,000 should be declared by political parties and those over €40,000 should be made illegal. In the case of state financing of political parties, we suggested that the state should grant on an annual basis to all political parties €3 for every vote obtained on a national level, during a general or a European election."
Cassar said there should be a system of state financing for political parties.
"State financing provides transparency and can be coupled with strict regulations such as ensuring that political parties produce audited accounts on a regular basis. Political parties should present their accounts every year and these should be verified by an independent commission appointed by the Auditor General.
"The sum which each candidate can spend in a general election should be increased from €1,400 to €4,000. But this amount should include the expenditure made the party at a national level divided by the number of candidates presented. Any expenditure made by third parties to assist the candidate should also be included. The accounts presented by each candidate should be verified by a commission appointed by the Auditor General."