Update 2 | Abela told police officer matter was a civil, not criminal case [VIDEO]

Labour deputy leader says ‘secret’ recording unrelated to court hearing which alleged he put pressure on police not to prosecute activist.

Updated with Toni Abela statement at 12:38pm

Labour deputy leader for party affairs Toni Abela has denied having exerted any alleged pressure on a police officer, saying a secret recording of him making this allegation had been taken out of context.

In a press conference, Abela said a recording of him, heard telling members of the PL's Attard club that he asked a police officer, supposedly of a Labourite persuasion, not to press charges against a member of the Labour club, are not related to a criminal case.

Abela said the barman of the Attard club had reported a committee member to the police for having changed the locks to the club's bar, but that he had resolved to tell the police that the matter was a civil matter, and not a criminal case.

Abela also said the recording is unrelated to another incident, a brawl between a former PL member and a Labour councillor, in which the police proceeded with criminal charges.

It was in this particular case that Richard Vella, whom Abela suspended from the party, told a court last week that the Labour deputy leader could be heard in a recording telling the Attard committee that he had asked the police not to press charges over the brawl.

"This recording... has nothing to do with that incident. It is related to a complaint made by the Attard club's barman, which I felt was a civil matter and I went to the police to inform them that they should not issue charges," Abela said.

"I am responsible for the administration of these clubs. I insist that I have done my best to see that these party clubs are free of anything that can be damaging of their reputation."

Abela denied suggestions that he had "corrupted" a police officer. "Corruption involves taking material advantage. In no way did I put any pressure on a police officer - I told the police that the matter was a civil case and that they did not need to take criminal steps.

"I have nothing on my conscience... I know what I did, and I did not corrupt anyone."

Abela said his comments to the Attard club were made in such a manner for them to understand the gravity of their actions when making such complaints to the police. He also said that the release of the recording was meant to overshadow other serious matters.

Allegations and recording

In the recording, Abela is heard telling the Attard committee club that he had asked a police officer not to press charges.

The first mention of this 'secret recording' was made in court during the hearing on a fight that erupted in 2010 between Richard Vella, and a Labour local councillor John Bonnici.

It was Richard Vella himself, who in court had a statement read out by his lawyer Edward Gatt, who claimed that Abela told the Attard PL club committee that he had asked the police not to charge him, and that a recording had been made of the meeting. This is being denied by Abela, who says his comments in the recording concern another matter.

In the recording released on YouTube by 'kristianbuhagiar' - at first glance an unofficial Labour-critical YouTube account - Abela is clearly heard telling an unidentified audience that he had asked "a Labourite police officer" not to press charges because the case was about to be given prominence in the media.

The 35-second video was released on Monday, 11 February. In it, Abela is heard saying:

"We had to issue an apology so that you look good in the press... today we are being extra careful. Why do you think I went to the police station, and I found a Labourite to tell them... 'look, don't press charges for now'. Because the press was going to report the incident."

Last week, Abela denied having put pressure on a police officer not to press charges against the former party activist. "I was never called in for questioning by the police... who would have surely taken action had I put some pressure on a public official."

Abela also called into question the integrity of Vella, a former AFM officer who has been since suspended from the Labour party. "It is in our party's interest to see that our party clubs are run honestly and remain 'clean' places... this allegation is just an attempt to throw mud on me during the election."

In a statement earlier today, Nationalist whip David Agius - whose constituency is Attard - said that he confirmed what Vella had told the court during his hearing, namely that Agius himself was aware of the contents of this recording. "As for what was said in court, I confirm that on 15 October 2010, I was made aware of the content of the recording... afterwards, I identified Toni Abela as the person heard talking, and on 20 October 2010 I went to the Commissioner of Police to inform him of what I had heard and asked him to investigate the information that had reached me. I made a statement personally to the Commissioner of Police on this matter."

On his part, Labour leader Joseph Muscat said it appeared that it was Nationalist MP David Agius who supplied the recording to the Commissioner of Police, citing an earlier statement made by the PN whip during the day. "I think the fact that the Commissioner did not call Dr Abela to answer for this recording shows that he did not take it as seriously," Muscat said.

I was once passing through a street in Valletta after the election result of 2008 and heard Dr.Toni Abela agree with Dr.Pawlu Lia that when Labourites 'kissru kullmhemm' it was better cause they governed. Wish I had a recorder with me, even if ignorant labourites will never believe me.
Att.Dr.Simon BusuttiI Do you remember when a policman stopped a women for a driving offence in St Pauls Bay and at that time Eddie Fenech Adami was passing and he stopped and ordered the women SUQ GHAXX HAWN JIEN .Probabbly your answer would be that at the time you were not in the party.
Well it is very obvious then that we have a case of false evidence in court and hence the Police should investgiate the case immediately. There is no need for the Magistrate or the leader of a political party to ask the Commissioner of Police to investigate. Since from what Dr Toni Abela has said that the recording is not referring to the case in question, then there is a case of perjury ! We expect the police to take action !!
This must be the most childish excuse by the PN ever to demand a resignation. I am more surprised by the PN backed media (including the state TV) that parades PL representatives and normally bombarded with unfair questions by the supposedly unbiased journalist with what is an obviously pre-informed PN rep of what will be asked, and then the mother of all scandals main actors are nowhere to be seen in the media and the PN hide them well away from the public eye!!!. A serious institution that we are part of and we always brig to the fore (the EU), has made people resign because of “unambiguous circumstantial evidence” before being prosecuted. I guess that is a No Way in Malta, Some are there to serve the People but most are there to Serve Themselves
U issa fuq Toni Abela maratona u dawra durella ma Lou Bondi f'Bondi+ uuuuuuuf xi dwejjaq ta' programm
Nahseb li Bondi se ikollu bzonn jaghmel operazzjoni tal-ftuq daqs kemm tqanzah biex jispjegalna li din it-trivjalita bejn zewgt barmen tar-rahal ta Hat-Attard Laburisti.... hi importanti aktar mill-kommissions taz-zejt li min meta bdew ilahqu turnover ta 150 BILJUN ewro! Bkejt barmil dmugh nispa lil Bondi!
Nahseb li Bondi se ikollu bzonn jaghmel operazzjoni tal-ftuq daqs kemm tqanzah biex jispjegalna li din it-trivjalita bejn zewgt barmen tar-rahal ta Hat-Attard Laburisti.... hi importanti aktar mill-kommissions taz-zejt li min meta bdew ilahqu turnover ta 150 BILJUN ewro! Bkejt barmil dmugh nispa lil Bondi!
Luke Camilleri
Skansaluz INT , Sur David Agius mela Toni Abela ! Lanqas biex tikkopja ma MA INT KAPACI ! ----------------------------------------------------- Fik veru ezempju mhux ghalina imma anki ghal uliedek bl-agir tieghek waqt l'ezamijiet u waqt li tkun qieghed tara xi loghba fil ground! ----------------------------------------------------- Int trid titkaza???? Immissek tmur tinheba mhux tiprova titkaza! --------------------------------------------------- Mhux darba IMMA TLIET DARBIET inqbghad tikkopja INT TRID TITKAZA???
Dan il-kaz ta’ Toni Abela jidher li gie minfuh daqs ‘hot air balloon’specjalment mill-programmi ta’ Xandir Malta b’din tiehu post ir-rizenja tal-Papa fejn dan il-kaz jigi mtella fl-ewwel post ta’ l-News tal-lum b’cover ta’ izjed minn 8 minuti (prime time)ezzatt wara kwazi l-programm totali ta’ TVHEMM u t-tqanziha ta’ Marthese Portelli bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-prezentatur….u din…. wisq probabbli biex l-opinjoni pubblika tigi zvijjata minn dawk il-kazijiet l-ohra li huma bil-wisq akbar u izjed serji minn kaz semplici u minghajr sugu ghax apparti li gara (2) sentejn ijlu Toni Abela ghamel dak li seta biex jevita li jkun hemm aktar problemi mill-individwi li kienu fil-kwistjoni , hadd ghadu ma jaf x’kienu l-problemi li wasslu biex Toni Abela kecca lill dan l-inividwu li wara sentejn perrec recoding ta’ dak l-inkontru u sab refugju fi hdan il-PN. Illum anke fil-qrati ta’ Malta kemm jista’ jkun ikun hemm medjazzjoni biex kazijiet jigu solvuti ‘out of court’. Mhux kullhadd jaf li pressjonijiet jezistu kullimkien. Buzzieqa ohra tas-sapun.
This reminds me of something very similar. Quote "Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus killed. The governor again said to them, Which of the two do you want me to release to you? And they said, Barabbas."Unquote. Not that I am liking Toni Abela with Jesus but the fact is that the real rat is in the PNs house and they want us to believe that it is elsewhere. IPOKRITI U SRIEP. Dr Abela may God bless you.
@Maltese This is a tempest in a teapot. Just because the PN wants to turn it into a cause celebre won't make it so. Any reasonable person would argue that the oil procurement allegations scandal is a much more serious and sleazy affair than something that happened three years ago and that was forwarded to the Police Commissioner, by a Nationalist MP, who understandably took no action. When someone is drowning they'll clutch at any straw that floats by. Unfortunately for the PN, both the straw and the PN will be sinking to the bottom soon.
If Dr Abela is being asked by BONDI why does he not ask all the minjsters to resign over the bilion commisions scandal on oil which deprived households and businesses of the .just price on eletricity rates
If Dr Abela is being asked by BONDI why does he not ask all the minjsters to resign over the bilion commisions scandal on oil which deprived households and businesses of the .just price on eletricity rates
If Dr Abela is being asked by BONDI why does he not ask all the minjsters to resign over the bilion commisions scandal on oil which deprived households and businesses of the .just price on eletricity rates
Mela insejtuh lil EFA: Mexxi, suq hawn jien. Dak mhux indħil lill-Pulizija.
Mela insejtuh lil EFA: Mexxi, suq hawn jien. Dak mhux indħil lill-Pulizija.
Mela insejtuh lil EFA: Mexxi, suq hawn jien. Dak mhux indħil lill-Pulizija.
Lawrence Covin
@Maltese: I hope, for the sake of your PN that you are wrong! Should we, according to you, expect more graft and corruption galore if PN is re-elected, seeing what's surfacing in the oil scandal? Any answer to this one, 'Maltese'?
Paul Sammut
@Maltese. There is no notion of any pressure being exerted on anyone in the clip. What do you expect Dr Abela to do, go and seek a PN supporter? Let us not dramatise the issue as if it were a Zeppi il-Hafi case nor try be naive.
The fact that the police have had access to the tape for over 2 years and have not proceeded confirms Dr. Abela's version. In their panic after the worst scandal ever has come to light the PN propaganda guys are doing all in their power to distort the truth and sling mud. Nothing new here unfortunatly. So much so that we have a Maltese word for it: "Terinata".
Ms Dalli please note that in the recording Dr Abele does not say that he told the police officer NOT to press charges but TO DELAY to press charges. I think that makes a difference.
L-istess bhal ta Toni Zarb gejja din...bl-iskuzi...smajtu x'imkien tissemma l-kelma 'civili' jew 'kriminali' ...hallina Ton. Din mhux korruzzjoni....abbuz grass ta poter meta qieghed fl-oppozizzjoni ahseb u ara meta tkun fil-gvern. IRREZENJA jekk int ragel, kif tippretendi li inti! U l-Kummissarju tal Pulizija jrid jirrispondi jekk il-fatt li ha l-ebda passi, jigix li kien 'partecipi' quddiem il-ligi. Jekk inhu hekk, allura, il-Kummissarju u Dr Abela - id f'id!!
A more serious matter than this is David Agius' copying in exams while he was already an MP. It is pathetic how the PN is acting desperately, clinching to every straw they could find in their way before they drown in their own murky waters.
Methinks the PN is desperate to direct attention away from the oil scandals with which they are riddled. Not doing too well, I'm afraid. You will have to try harder boys!
This is really serious. Tony Abela is saying that the policeman is a Labourite and so he pressured him. Hope that Maltatoday investigates further. People like Tony Abela will do great harm to this country. So will the policeforce become like the one in the 80's? The past mirrors the future.
Paul Sammut
Well, what is so astounding with this clip. It sounds like a lawyer and a party deputy leader zelously performing his profession and duty respectively to protect a client. There is no 'faham miblul' or anything illegal or illicit. On the other hand it appears that the police found Honorable Agius's information puerile and nothing to go by.
Paul Sammut
Well, what is so astounding with this clip. It sounds like a lawyer and a party deputy leader zelously performing his profession and duty respectively to protect a client. There is no 'faham miblul' or anything illegal or illicit. On the other hand it appears that the police found Honorable Agius's information puerile and nothing to go by.
whats the news ? if there is any one pay tax for this ?
tistu tijduli xhemm hazin fiha din iggifieri issa avukat ma jistax jidefendi lil klijent tieghu ? ara veru in nazzjonalisti waslu veru f livel baxx hafna . steve
This is called scraping the bottom of the bucket. It is clear from the recording that Toni Abela never put pressure on the police not to press charges - he only tried to gain a little time for the party to prepare a PR position in anticipation of the media furore. As the party president, this is his job and he stuck his neck out. The media did report the incident, the police did press charges, the court case is in progress, the party took disciplinary action against the person involved, the person involved has been suspended from the party...what's the news?!
Since, according to David Agius, the case occurred on the 15 October 2010 and since he made a statement personally to the Commissionwer of Police on this matter, then it is extremely obvious that the statement made by David Agius was not borne out by the Police Investigation that must have ensued in the last 2 years. The GONZIPN clique cannot on the one hand make us believe that the Police are trusted with investigations of corruption to the extent that their caretaker cabinet accepted the Presidential pardon, while on the other hand try to discredit the police for not taking action in this alleged misconduct. DAVID AGIUS PLEASE DECIDE WHICH WAY TO TURN.
Dan il-whip David Agius li kien inqabad jikkopja darbtejn fl-ezamijiet ta' l-Universita? Jekk inhu hekk ara ma nafx x'wicc irid ikollok li tiskongri lil haddiehor meta inti ghandek daqshekk hazin z'tara wara dahrek. M'iniex nghid li Abela ghamel sewwa jekk ghamel xi pressjoni fuq xi hadd imma ma nippretendix mis-sur Agius li jghid lil Abela li ghamel xi haga hazina meta hu ghamel ukoll. U la gejna fuq din ta' l-ikkupjar xi granet ilu fil-Germanja kien hemm Ministru li rrezenja ghax inhakmet tikkopja u d-diploma taghha giet irtirata. Tas-sur Aguis ghal li jista jkun giet irtirata wkoll jew le. Li naf li ma rrezinjax minn deputat fuq dan l-iskandku imma naf ukoll li l-kultura tar-rizenji n-Nazzjonalisti ghalihom personali ma jafux xi tfisser imma ghal haddiehor huma stess jitolbuha. M'hemmx ghar minn xi hadd li jghajjar lil fahma sewda meta hu iswed ukoll.