Attorney General, not Prime Minister, should have granted presidential pardon

‘Lawrence Gonzi must explain why Enemalta was taken away from Austin Gatt’s ministry’

Manuel Mallia (left) and Evarist Bartolo (right)
Manuel Mallia (left) and Evarist Bartolo (right)

The Enemalta fuel scandal returned to the top of Labour's agenda this evening with Labour MP Evarist Bartolo and candidate Manuel Mallia hosting a press conference in which they suggested that Austin Gatt may have had Enemalta removed from his responsibility in 2010 over suspicions tied to fuel procurement.

Dubbing it the "biggest scandal since Independence", Bartolo said Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi had to answer three questions related to the allegations of kickbacks paid for the supply of oil to Enemalta, namely:

  • whether Gonzi had met individuals who handed him documentation on allegations of kickbacks;
  • whether he asked the police to investigate;
  • and whether the removal of Austin Gatt as minister responsible for Enemalta was tied to suspicions related to fuel procurement.

"As minister, Gatt appointed a fuel advisory committee that was bereft of any resources. When the then chairman of Enemalta appointed two graduates for advice on the oil market and currency exchange, the chairman was asked to resign. It's no wonder then that this chairman felt the Enemalta board was simply a proxy for government," Bartolo said, as he repeatedly referred to Austin Gatt as "Minister A.G."

Raising more questions, Bartolo asked whether the terms of reference of the presidential pardon granted to George Farrugia had been the same as agreed by the Cabinet on Friday evening.

Manuel Mallia echoed Bartolo's comments, saying Gonzi was expected to answer for his endorsement of Austin Gatt's own denials in the case.

Gatt has denied meeting met oil trader George Farrugia, an agent for commodities firms Trafigura and Total, to discuss fuel procurement contracts. The denial comes in the wake of emails published by the Sunday Times showing that a Trafigura representative was aware of Farrugia's meeting with a minister dubbed by the appellations of 'A.G.' and 'Aust'.

Initially, Gatt sued MaltaToday for libel for saying that emails it had seen - including the one between Farrugia and the Trafigura rep - proved that such meetings did exist. 

Gatt has also been questioned by police on the allegations, which so far has implicated three owners of the bunkering company Island Bunker Oils, namely Tancred Tabone - formerly an Enemalta chairman - Anthony Cassar, and Francis Portelli. Another man, former MOBC chief and Enemalta consultant Frank Sammut, has been identified as the alleged recipient of 'commissions' from Trafigura. Sammut was employed at Island Bunker Oils after leaving MOBC in 2004.

"Nobody has contested the authenticity of these emails and invoices," Manuel Mallia said in the press conference.

"The police have acquired enough evidence to proceed in court, and it is strange that a pardon was requested at a point where the police already had enough evidence," Mallia said, referring to the presidential pardon for George Farrugia to turn State's witness.

"Politicians should not get involved in these cases. The Attorney General can grant a pardon, but instead Lawrence Gonzi went to the Cabinet to issue the pardon - that means a minister who could be involved would have heard why that person was requesting the pardon and what they know. Politically, the politician should explain what he knows and shoulder his responsibility."

HEMM IL KORRUZZJONI SUR P M hu dan mhux kas civili ta imma kas fejn insterqu miljuni ta Euros hu alla biss jaf kemm il poplu Mlati ghad irid ibati konsegwenti ta dan is serq kollu Baqghalkhom zejt iktar fwicckhom lanqas tafu tisthu minn hadd !!!!! B ghajnuna ta Peppi hu Bondi tridu li l poplu jemminkhom ??? Ma gbajtux titmejlu bil poplu li nispera issa taghllem hu mhux se ihallikhom iktar taghmlu li tridu
It is amazing how the PBS Board takes no action against the blatantly biased stance of Lou Bondi on the programme paid for by the people. And it will be equally amazing should a new incoming PL administration continues to tolerate the presence of Lou Bondi and his likes (such as the 'bozza tal-elf' Norman Vella) at the PBS. If so, 'Malta Taghna Lkoll' would be excluding those respectable and intelligent citizens that make up most of the Maltese population.
@il-mignun. Of course the people of Malta have the right to know who was behind the scandals. But to get the Police and the Attorney General to disclose their present findings to the same cabinet who was declared by the Prime Minister to be collectively responsible for the Energy mess the Country is in, and when Ministers in the same Cabinet may be involved in massive corruption was absolutely wrong. The Presidential Pardon after these disclosures could very easily be used to cover up the criminal and / or political responsibilities of the perpetrators and remove all evidence of such - it has been reported that hard-disks, and masses of schredded paper have been removed recently from Ministries.
The people deserve the truth. Unfortunately, having the people who we all suspect by now, make a deal with a known fraudster, is not likely to generate much truth - only more elaborate cover-ups and a few scape-goats. If there was a serious intent to investigate (sic), the police should have sealed off all Enemalta offices and computers and those of their past directors on day one.
@il_mignun. Oh yes you are so right in your argument. The thing is that this Presidential Pardon has been issued as a cover up for A.G. and / or Aust, who ever this may be. My feeling is that, at least, there are another one or two politicians involved. If so, "somebody" must have thought to cover these too.
A serious institution that we are part of and we always bring to the fore (the EU), has made people resign because of “unambiguous circumstantial evidence” before being prosecuted. I guess that does not apply in Maltese POLITICS, Some are there to serve the People but most are there to Serve Themselves
The Maltese political campaign is an absolute disgrace and some journalism especially on MTV where it is imperative one carries the torch for GonziPN is beyond belief. Anyone who watched Bondiplus this evening must be still locked up in their bathrooms throwing up. If listening to Clyde Puli explains political accountability does not make you puke, the fact that he gets elected to represent his constituents in the Maltese parliament is enough to make you feel ashamed to be within the electorate system that elects such hollow mentality. Everybody knows that Lou Bondi is nothing but a PN mouthpiece with as much journalistic accountability and balanced reporting as an ass around a water hole. Can someone explain to me why the case of Tony Abela over a PL Club where a lock was changed that probably cost less than 10 euros has the same substance on the front pages of Malta’s newspapers and a wasted half hour on that dreadful program of Bondiplus, as the case of commissions, collusion and fraud that in the last 5 years involved the purchase of over 2 billion euros within the Austin Gatt ministry?
Jekk GonziPN wasal biex ikkonkluda li l-commissions ta ta 150 BILJUN ewro mill-EneMalta (dejn ta 800miljun+) hu importanti u serju daqs inkwiet civili ta min biddel is-serratura jew le ta kazin ta PL f'rahal f.nofs Malta: allura mhux ta b'xejn li Malta 'is going to the dogs...and dogs'.... that bite and are desperate to continue munching their way into our carcass till they sip and suck the marrow from our bones!
Very very fishy, Dr. Gonzi's stand in this situation. I am convinced that Dr. Gonzi could have proceeded with more wisdom and not involve the same minister under investigation to advice Dr. Gonzi on the best course of action in this scandal, under whatever pretext. Standing by your team players is one thing but defending them tooth and nail against possible criminal wrongdoing against public interest is just not done, and surely sends the wrong message to the ordinary man in the street.
@ il-Mignun. Insa dan il-kaz. Ejja nghidu li jkun hemm kaz ta' korruzjoni fejn jista jkun implikat xi hadd minn naha tal-gvern. Tahseb li jkun sew jekk il-kompitu ta' min jaghti il-proklama u l-kundizzjonijiet tal-proklama ghandu jithalla f'idejn min ikun implikat? Ahna ilkoll rajna meta kien hemm il-kazi ta' korruzjoni ta' minorenni fi stituzzjonijiet tal-knisja madwar id-dinja, kemm l-awtoritajiet tal-knisja ippruvaw jahbu.
May I ask a direct question to Dr Mallia and Mr Bartolo? Irrispective who should have granted the Presidential pardon, do you or do you not agree that we, the citizens or as Mr Mintoff described us in 1998, les citroens (tal-patata barra) should know all those involved in the Trfigura kickbacks? I expect a simple answer, please""