[WATCH] Muscat knew of ‘white powder’ incident, PN reveals former barman’s complaint

Barman expelled by Labour over drugs incident complained with Muscat over fielding Attard club president for local councils.

Nationalist deputy leader Simon Busuttil, with secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier, and Media.Link head of news Nathaniel Agius.
Nationalist deputy leader Simon Busuttil, with secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier, and Media.Link head of news Nathaniel Agius.

Labour leader Joseph Muscat was aware of an incident in which 'white powder' - an allusion to an illegal substance - was brought inside a Labour Party club in 2009, leading to the expulsion of a barman, the PN has claimed today.

Nationalist secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier today revealed correspondence to Muscat, and which was acknowledged by a party media officer, in which the barman in question complained of having been expelled from the party over the incident by Labour deputy leader for party affairs Toni Abela.

In his letter to Muscat, the man claimed that on 7 June 2009, a group of youngsters had brought the alleged white powder inside the club during a "bout of celebration" but that he had not realised what was happening.

Instead it was a club committee member, whose son was in the club at the time, who blamed the barman for the incident. It would appear that the man was subsequently expelled from the party.

In February 2012, the same person wrote to Muscat again, complaining that no steps had been taken against the club's own president who was being fielded as a candidate for the local council elections. "He should not be accepted as candidate... you know the case well, because I wrote to you about it in 2009," the man was quoted by Borg Olivier as saying. "The only solution you gave me was meeting me and having a photograph taken of me."

Borg Olivier said the revelations have betrayed Muscat's knowledge of the case, contradicting his denials and those of Toni Abela, who said that the party leader was not aware of the matter, first revealed in the secret recording of Abela heard talking to Attard club committee members.

The club where the drugs incident took place however is not the Attard committee, and the PN has been adamant not to reveal the location of the incident.

Abela himself was revealed, in the recording speaking to Attard committee members, telling them he was informed of this particular incident after a club committee member had physically disposed of the "white powder" [described in Maltese as 'blokka bajda'].

The PN have accused Abela of failing to report the matter to the police, citing the selfsame recording in which Abela says there was "no evidence to report" - additionally, the Commissioner of Police last week informed Abela that there were no criminal steps to be taken on the matter or on the contents of the recording itself.

The recording was produced in court by Richard Vella, formerly the barman of Attard, who was charged over a brawl in which Labour local councillor John Bonnici is involved: Vella presented the recording to the court, alleging that Abela is heard telling Attard committee members that he sought out a police officer at the Birkirkara police station, to quash a police report on the matter because of unwelcome media attention.

On his part, Abela has told the press that he intervened with the police officer to wrest away a report filed by Vella against an Attard committee member who had changed the locks on the bar, because the matter was a civil case, and not of a criminal nature.

In the same recording, Abela goes on to tell the Attard committee of another incident, the 'white powder' incident, which took place in another Labour party club.

PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil said that he appealed to the public to reflect on the matter: "Now we have proof that Joseph Muscat's politics are based on convenience.

"The political responsibility rests with Muscat and Abela, who did not report the matter to the police.

"The man who could be prime minister has been caught lying... if there is something that parents should be worried about, it's drugs. We expect the Opposition leader to take action about such matters."

"....‘white powder’ incident, PN reveals...." so now it is white powder and bot a white block. Please give us a break since the barman in question and who is finding refuge with gonzipn got rid of all the evidence what could PL do. It is up to the barman to name the people he found in the kitchen cutting up the "white block". As regards white powder one should seek DCG's expertise as she is quite well versed in talcum powder and other sorts
Imma possibli beppe fenech adami jigi fuq tvam u jakkuza lil dr joseph muscat fuq droga meta missieru baqa maghruf ghal mahfriet presidenzjali fuq droga.....queroz u zeppi ta bla zarbun! Sodd off beppe u hallina kwieti! Billi tipprova thammeg lil haddiehor biex tghatti xturek xorta mhux ha nergghu nafdawk!!! Bye bye gonzi pn b'beppe b'kollox!!!!!!!!!
veru ta taċ-cajt dawn il-laburisti kemm jigdbu!!! Ara ta' gonzipn QATT ma gidbu f'dawn l-aħħar 25 sena, ma tarax!!! U min jigdeb imur l-infern. Niftakarhom jgħidu li min jigdeb imur San Anton, tiftakru? Issa le imma ta :}
@briffy@maltanet: What is indefensible is the corruption pivoting out of control under GONZIPN, now trying to hide this fact - albeit totally in vain - by throwing mud at honest citizens. I am afraid by your attitude you are throwing mud and making yourself complacent with the theft of millions of Euros of commissions on the heavy fuel oil that has been forced upon us by corrupt blue-eyed boys - money that could have saved all our people from the scourge of overburdening energy tariffs.
The GonziPN party machine has been confusing every single Maltese and Gozitan citizen from the start of what is clearly an orchestrated campaign. Firstly it was not clear to which club or which particular incident was being referred to.Releasing the tape in snippets on PN stmpathizing pages may have been expedient but also very confusing. This is probably deliberate since they do not have any ground to stand on. Then what was called a "white block" became "white powder" - the confusion has nothing to do with the Maltese or English language, these expressions are not one and the same thing.At the end of the day this mud-slinging is very rich, coming from the parth that gave a lovely proklama to convicted drug traffiker Queroz.
Talk about concrete proposals and stop wasting our time. You have nothing new to offer. People are sick of you and look forward to the day we take our country back!
One understands the usual diehard Labourites doing their best to defend the indefensible, casting doubts and throwing mud, but the fact remains that JM was caught lying, as proved by the letter sent to him and acknowledged by his office.
Lil Sia mon infakkru f'meta Eddie Fenech Adami kien gideb fuq Alfred Sant fl-ahhar gurnata qabel l-elezzjoni meta qal li Alfred Sant ma kienx halla lit-tifel tieghu jidhol l-universita'. Issa drajniha t-tattika tal-PN tat-tfigh tat-tajn. Hadd mhu qed jemminkom issa. Ahjar idduru dawra madwarkom ha taraw il-korruzzjoni li mdawrin biha. Gonzi kien gieghel lil John Dalli jirrezenja ghax qal li ma jistax ikollu ministru li jkun investigat. U Austin Gatt? Jaqbez ghalih. Min jiddefendi l-korruzzjoni jkun korrott.
Mountains out of mole hills were never created so easily and spuriously! Perhaps they were not needed as urgently as these times. If the PN believes that these titbits will sway the Maltese's attention away from the Multiple EURO millions snatched away from the mouths of Maltese workers/voters, they are in for a big surprise. Malta always knew that corruption was rampant within public procurement. However proving this state of affairs would always be tremendously difficult. BUT NOW???!!!!! With solid documents flying more densely than private aircraft flying to a football match????!!!!
Vera nies iddisprati! Of course parents should be worried about drugs seeing how the problem has exploded in the last years under the PN who can forget Queroz, Zeppi il Hafi, Del Negro ect! Don't worry Simon lest you get into another Krizi Emozzjonali bhal ma kellek waqt ir referendum tad divorzju. on the 9th March we will give oyu what you deserve!
What is GonxiPN trying to prove by this? Who can believe the disgruntled expelled barman? By the same measure, if i write to Simon Busuttil complaining that white powder is being used in a certain PN club, does this mean that Simon could be accused, with certaintly, of having known of the case? This is all rubbish to deflect the attention of public opinion from the more serious scandals in which top PN protagonists are involved and which will prove to be the GonziPN's last nails in its coffin.
"The man who cpuld be prime minister has benn caught lying". Ghandek tghid l-ispizzjar milli jkollu jtik. Il-prim ministru tieghu inqabad jigdeb mitt darba, wahda min ta l-ahhar tkun in-numru kbir ta impjegati mal=kumpanija fantazma Braziljana.
What are the PN seeking? Are they throwing their arms up in the air with horror as the common man in the street does or are they trying to uphold law and order? If it is the last case then should be the whole stroy at once before the public. Their attempt to hide the so-called location of this other club betrays their interest, as a governing party, in upholding law and order and shows that their only interest is political advantage. Shame on the Prime Minister for this. And this is one reason I want to see the elimination of Gonzi from politics. Using a case like this only for political purposes and not for ensuring law and order and the rule of law in the country is dishonourable beyond belief. And Simon Busuttil has only proved one thing: that he is a Nationalist partisan and not a principled leader in waiting. Is there no one to save this island that knows nothing but corruption and power?
whatever the PN alleges, a white powder is still a white powder without any Court Appointed expert to analyse it. It could be anything from chalk, to icing sugar, to talcum powder. Without analysis, it remains just that. And with the Police saying that they had investigated the case and found no evidence of what is being alleged, then this fact alone shows to what levels of depravity the PN is stooping to stain the reputation of honest citizens. Frame ups under the PN were and seem to still be a frequent tool to be used.
Seems like any other acknowledgement letter rather than clear evidence. Simon should start a dairy farm - he seems good at milking - unfortunately his short fingers seems only capable of getting to grips with the smaller udders.Unlike seasoned milkmaids he demonstrates a fear of sitting close to the fatter cows. Have you vetted all your candidates for links to drugs??
Simple Simon should know that we have been used to PN lies for the last 25 years and still hearing same lies because a leopard never changes its spots. Yes parents should be definitely worried about drugs but he should have his house cleaned first because, according to Franco Debono, there are even members of parliament who deal in them and this is the crux 0f the matter.
Dr simon, bhal ma l-leader tieghek kien jaf fuq ix-xiri taz-zejt u qed jilghabha tal-innocenti!!!!
Banal reasoning as always.
Why all this fuss? If there was some criminal negligence it is nothing compared to GonziPN's misdeeds.
Dr simon, bhal ma l-leader tieghek kien jaf fuq ix-xiri taz-zejt u qed jilghabha tal-innocenti!!!!
Simon tahseb li in nies tista tbellghalhom ir ross bil labra hu il hmieg hu ic cucati li tghejd se jitwemnu minn xi hadd ?? Intom meta tridu themmuh lil kummissarju tal puluzija?? tahseb li in nies mhux kollox jaqraw jew tant ghandek natura ta gideb go fik li tahseb li in nies jemmnu lilek biss
So even Joseph Muscat lies. This is a big discovery beacuse we always tought that he is pure he he. The silent majority should punish labour because we are already seeing what will happen if they are in government. People will break the law without being arraigned. After all you only need a labourite policeman to do so.
Simon, go and hide yourself ! Are these the arguments that you think you can convince voters with ? Why are you are trying to cover up for the gross irresponsibility of two ministers who were or still are responsible for the two sectors involved - the energy and the Vat / income-tax sectors ?!
Are you serious PAul Borg Olivier making a mountain out of a molehill. Or are you so ashamed from the Oil Scandal and the ministers implied that you are trying to clutch at the very last straw. Thank God there are only 17 days left to get rid of you lot. You bring shame to the party I used to love and gave years of voluntary work for.
Is this the strategy of the PN to try to win the election? It seems that the PN is really fixated on trying to blame the PL for everything possible. The PN has lost touch with reality and has no vision for the future, all it can do is come up with these stupid, dirty tactics!