Updated | Fenech confronts oil trader: ‘Sister-in-law gave me token of admiration’

Finance Minister confronts oil trader at police HQ • presents evidence that Intershore Fiduciary Services was implicated in ‘fraudulent activity’ when it served as front for Farrugia company Aikon Ltd.

Tonio Fenech presented an IT audit that Aikon's front company was accused of fraudulent activity by lawyer Manuel Mallia, a Labour candidate.
Tonio Fenech presented an IT audit that Aikon's front company was accused of fraudulent activity by lawyer Manuel Mallia, a Labour candidate.

Updated at 7:20pm with Labour statement

It was oil trader George Farrugia and his brother Raymond who gave finance minister Tonio Fenech an artisanal Maltese clock (tal-lira) that the trader's sister-in-law made as a gesture "of her admiration", the minister revealed today in a press conference.

Fenech today revealed he asked for a confrontation at the police headquarters with George Farrugia - who turned State's evidence on the allegations of kickbacks from Trafigura to an Enemalta consultant - over allegations made by Labour MPs that he had gifted the minister with a €5,000 artisanal clock upon assuming responsibility for Enemalta.

Fenech claimed he had once met Ray Farrugia at a social activity, who pointed out that his wife "admired me a lot and that she wished to gift me with this clock... the gift was made to me before I became responsible for Enemalta in 2010."

George Farrugia - according to Fenech's version - told the police he personally came over to the minister's house with his brother Raymond, but Fenech said he does not recall George Farrugia being at his house.

"The Commissioner of Police told me what had been recorded in the Farrugia deposition... it turns out Farrugia's sister-in-law is an amateur clockmaker who wanted to give me this token," Fenech said, confirming the gift but disputing the overstated value that Labour MP Evarist Bartolo tagged it at yesterday in a press conference.

"George Farrugia did not mention that this gift was €5,000. That's a lie. Bartolo and Chris Cardona lied," Fenech said. "It may have been worth hundreds perhaps..."

Fenech claimed he did not remember George Farrugia being at his house; but when asked how he could remember having recieved the gift before becoming minister for Enemalta, he said that he knows this because the meeting happened at his former residence at a Balzan apartment.

Fenech said he had now filed a police complaint for slander against Bartolo and Cardona, but that he would withdraw the complaint if the two MPs apologise for their statements. Fenech also denied having filed a police complaint against Farrugia, as incorrectly stated by the prime minister earlier in the day.

Intershore 'fraud'

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech today also accused fiduciary services company Intershore of being an accomplice in the alleged fraudulent activity carried out by Aikon Ltd, the trading company George Farrugia used over several years.

Intershore's directors include Labour financial controller and candidate Joe Cordina, and former PN candidate Martin Fenech.

Citing documents presented in a civil lawsuit instituted by Farrugia's brothers, Fenech said an IT audit into emails belonging to Farrugia, clearly implicated Intershore Fiduciary Services "as an accomplice to the fraudulent activity carried out by" Farrugia and his wife.

In 2010, George Farrugia was alleged of having siphoned off more than €6 million from his family's business Powerplan, according to a judicial protest filed by his brothers.

His brothers, of the John's Group of Companies, alleged that Farrugia had transferred revenues Powerplan made on the oil sales by Trafigura and Total, to his Aikon Ltd, which he owned. At the time however, Intershore served as the front for Aikon.

Their evidence included e-mails from George's wife, Katherine, in which it emerged that she would send payment instructions to the international traders through an unofficial Yahoo account.

Specifically, Fenech accused:

  • Labour's financial controller Joe Cordina, who is a director-shareholder in Intershore, of being "criminally responsible" for Aikon's activities;
  • Labour candidate David Farrugia Sacco - the lawyer for the Farrugia brothers - of having lied about the role of his own brother Steven Farrugia Sacco, an IT expert, in the IT audit that was carried out into the George Farrugia emails; SFS is said to have worked "in conjunction" with an independent IT expert appointed by Powerplan.
  • Labour candidate Manuel Mallia of having lied about his role as a legal counsel in the IT audit carried out by the Farrugia brothers, in which he accuses Cordina's Intershore of being an accomplice in Aikon's fraudulent activity;
  • That Intershore transferred ownership of Aikon back to George Farrugia in January 2011 at the time of the lawsuit instituted by Farrugia's brothers, of Powerplan.

The lawsuit was settled by the Farrugia brothers in an out-of-court settlement.

"Contrary to claims that Labour did not know of the connection between the party and the activities of Aikon, and that the story was published by the independent media, today we can clearly show that Labour's candidates were well aware of this case, and their involvement in it," Fenech said, adding on to his claims yesterday implicating Labour in the role of the publicisation of the Enemalta oil scandal.

"If there's a party implicated in this whole matter, it's Labour," Fenech said, pointing his finger at Joe Cordina, one of three director-shareholders of Intershore. Both Cordina and Fenech have denied the allegation.

Labour reaction

In a statement, Labour accused Tonio Fenech of "lying and contradicting himself".

"Two days ago Fenech said that anybody who accepted gifts from oil traders were part of the corruption at Enemalta. Yesterday Fenech said that he never received gifts from George Farrugia. Today he admitted that he did receive a gift from Farrugia: by his own reasoning, he is part of the corruption at Enemalta.

"Up until today morning, Fenech was saying that Farrugia never went to his house. Today, by his own declaration, Fenech declared that Farrugia did indeed go to his house. Fenech has lied, and cannot be credible."

Labour also accused Fenech of making mud-slinging allegations on the eve of the election. "We're not going to waste the public's time in ridiculous attacks. Labour is families and businesses and on a change in direction this country needs."

We have a new supplier of 'Arlogg tal-Lira' If I remember well there is only one bottega in Rabat and one in Valletta and they generally take a year or possibly two to make, sometimes even more. depending on the mechanism and the guilding works. Was this a second hand clock or was it ordered beforehand. If a second hand clock it could be worth more that €5000. Did colour match the curtains?
Adding to ex PN's advice: AND THEN SHUT IT TIGHT AND GO HIDE!
Mhux bilfors daqs kemm int sexy pfrofessur tac cwiec
Excellent comment A. Mizzi. No woman on this earth likes to stare at a clock that her husband received from one of his admirers. Or maybe she happens to be a very understanding woman? I could see it if the gift came from Ray Farrugia himself, but coming from his wife? NO No No No.
"Fenech claimed he had once met Ray Farrugia at a social activity, who pointed out that his wife "admired me a lot and that she wished to gift me with this clock.." What a bunch of bananas. A lot of women admire a lot of men but none that I know off would offer such a an expensive gift just because they admire someone. If you are right Mr Fenech, myself and a whole lot of other men envy you, because that would be the dream of any man to have a woman bestow such a gift because she admires someone that much. I am sure Mrs Ray Farrugia can attest to all that. Pull the other one please.
After all said and done! Considering the fact that I never, I mean never, and remember beyond any doubt that in all my life I never received any thing from anyone for free or as a gift. Can someone tell me where this fine lady live or her phone number, I am certain my wife will not mind if she be kind enough to send someone like me this special kind of clock. I understand this gentleman want to sell it to anyone for 5000e. I prefer to get it like him as a gift?
Dear Tonio, Some advice. Before even thinking about opening your mouth, do yourself a favour. DO YOUR HOMEWORK PROPERLY!!
@Ann: No politician on the PL side could have been involved in this scandal as the PL is in opposition. The PN billboard with BLUE GONZI promising work only for BLUE people was, is and will ever be the only guideline of the PN. So how can you say that all politicians are corrupt.? By not voting you are denying yourself and your family the right to choose our future, the future of all Maltese be it red, blue or green faced and not leaving out the Aikla crowd.
Some candidates deserve to be in Government, some deserve some respite on the opposition benches, some including the hilarious Tonio Fenech deserve to be UN elected. How can anyone vote for this sort of comedian is beyond me. I would not be able to show my face outside my double locked bedroom closet if I were him. Shame is too light a word to describe poor little demented Tonio.
ADMIRATION !!!for what ,the vat scandal,airmalta demise,enemalta's debt,montebello's and jerma's scandal,the list is endless for this non cuc malti!!!
nixtieq inkun naf din is-sister-in-law kienitx tmur l-iskola ta'Targa Gap School for Craftsmen, ghax hemm kont dahhalt il-gilding f'din l-iskola jien bil-permess tal-mibki surmast Joe Grima. Hemm konna nghamlu minn dawn l-arloggi tal-Lyre (mhux lira flus) ghax kien idoqq bhall lyre ta' Neruni u konna inbieghhom 350 lira Maltija. Ghalhekk is-somma ta'iktar minn 5000 euro hija daqsxejn esagerata.
Fabian Psaila
WOW, Tonio 's wife must surely be a rare woman, a "woman of substance"... especially having ssuch a STATE-OF-THE-ART time piece delivered to her husband from a female admirer! WOW and she must have nerves of steel LOOKING AT IT EVERY MORNING knowing it came from her husband's admirer!
fenea, don't you realise that it was your PN Government that was in power for practically the whole of the last 25 years!!! Why cannot you get it into your thick, blinkered head that your party was the ONLY political party that had the power to appoint Boards/CEOs/CFOs, and was the only authority that had the power to move or stop any legal and/or illegal activity. So now we want to become invisible till after the next elections, EH! Then it is back to the bad old ways.
Nice story invented. I wonder how come Tonio was not involved in Harry Potter story.
I invite the TV viewers that watch the declarations by AG and Antonio Fenech (sive Banderas) to close down the sound and just watch the faces. One can easily be misled if hears stories that have been rehearsed but it is not easy to cover up the expressions. The expressions on the faces of both these persons speak chapters especially when compared to expressions demonstrated by these same persons on other occasions.
Yesterday, I heared Minister Tonio Fenech say that he met the oil trader George Farrugia once at the Minister home when the Maltese clock was involved in all this story, and secondly when the Oil trader George Farrugia 'LOST A TENDER ON PURCHASES OF OIL', at the minister's offices. I ask an open question to Miister Tonio Fenech. Did you went to the police commisioner to report such abuse of George Farrugia, when He (GF), has another legal ways how to contest such loss of this tender? Is this legally correct, to speak to the bidder for such tender?
Sister-in-law must be one of various talents: "Three main artisants are involved in building the final product. The carpenter constructs the wooden case whilst the clock-maker develops the clock’s mechanism. The gilder-painter is then responsible for the whole production and the final touches of the clock". Why not give her a lathe and chisel and film her produce some of the applied carving or a plank, the necessary tools and show her rasping just the solid base of the clock. Enough time there to fill Xarabank, TVHemm and Bondi+. No sweating at investigative journalism just air-time and profit.
Din l-istorja qed tfakkarni fl-istorja ta' Louis Galea, li ha biċċa art għax iggustawh jinnamra!!! Tiftakruha?? He toninu ma hux ċuċ Malti ta, bħalna il-kumplament tal-poplu li nħalsu l-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma, u ħaddieħor jitja' il-miljuni ġo bhutu, almenu hekk jiħu magħtul iż-żmien. Jien naħseb li-ħafna paroli u kif dejjem ngħid jien 'kulħadd jibqa billi ħa forsi forsi taparsi jeħdulhom biċċa jew farka!!!!
This all sounds like a TV series in the making CSI Malta or Corrupted Minds :) so many twists and turns from both PN and PL ...i'm getting dizzy .. Roll on March 9th !!
@fenea: For the very simple reason that the only people involved in the oil corruption scandal were PN members and not PL. The PL has been framed by Tonio Fenech to get pressure off his back. In so doing the only good thing the PN did in terms of financial services is now being destroyed by the same Minister of Finance who, by his irresponsible and cowardly actions, has blamed all those involved in financial services of involvement in the oil scandal - which is of course untrue. He is destroying any semblance of Finanzi fis-Sod for any future Government - irresponsibly and callously.
another ballad to say in your election organised cofee mornings and discoes Tonio!!!!
... kos, tafu x'qed nghid? .... li avolja l-abbati tar-rahal qatt ma pprofessa ebda ammirazzjoni ghal mintoff, b'kumbinazjzoni bhalu ghandu l-manija, l-ossessjoni, il-kilba li ..... jakkwista xi haga b'xejn..... imma waqt li mintoff kien jakkwista xi haga b'xejn ghal malta u l-maltin, is-sur tonio mid-dehra iffissat biex jakkwista l-affarijiet b'xejn biex jixhethom dritt f'butu ... mar jara l-arsenal b'xejn ghax haduh il-hbieb .... irranga villa f'hal balzan u ipprova kemm felah biex ma jhallasx il-kontijiet kollha (ha nkunu generuzi mieghu (!!!!!) ..... ipprova jaghti palata fil-jerma hotel ... kellu segretarju jirranga r-returns tal-vat u wara jpoggi idu mimlija fil-but ..... ghandu n-nisa jammairawh ... mela veru jhobbhom l-affarijiet li jakkwista b'xejn is-sur tonio ..... bhal dak mintoff li tant ma jistax inizzlu, miskin ..... HAGA WAHDA BISS NAF NGHID .... LI D-DAMDIMA LI SE JAQLA' GONZIPN GHAD TRID TINKITEB FL-ISTORJA POLITIKA MALTIJA U GONZI U L-KLIKKA TIEGHU SE JINZLU FL-ISTORJA TA' MALTA BHALA KLIKKA ARROGANTI, MISKINA U KORROTTA ..... IMMA GIMGHATEJN OHRA MALTA TKUN HIELSA MINN DAN IL-HMIEG U IMBARAZZ ....
Reminds me of louis galea and the plot he was given at fawwara.
How can we trust any of the politicians from both sides when they are abusing of their entrusted posts? It is obvious that politicians are there to feather their pockets and couldn't care two hoots about their sense of duty towards the people and country. We are the fools who vote them to power....so I am not voting!
Admired you .....???? Do you seriously believe anyone believes you . ? Two wrong assumptions dear minister , you assume people are dumb and worst still you seriously believe that anyone admires you ...what a joke .
Ex Muzewista Tonio tiftakar fid-duttrina kienu jsaqsuna "Min jigdeb fejn imur?"
PN the party that has severe dimensia ,how can anybody believe them .What a shame they have brought this beautiful island to it's knees ,all of these precious gifts and commisions taken under the hard working people of malta and gozo noses ,we pay are taxes and the ministers forget about their bank accounts and gifts(bribes),maybe thats why we are considered a corrupt country in the eyes of the european statistics.(Hallas guze u hadt iehor igawdi).Who knows what else and who will be next in line to appear in this big oil scndal.
With all due respect to the Minister of Finance. The Maltese people are getting confused about all these allegations. Are they to presume that a trip to watch a football match in Europe on a private jet with business men interested in winning bids for the rights to control the gambling industry OR the private contractors who refurbished the ministers house for diligent advise on a business transaction OR the gift donation by a female admirer due to his sex appeal, good looks and total admiration are simply a co-incidence. Mr. Minister you have earned my NUMBER ONE VOTE for the greatest fairy tale of Maltese politics. How on God’s earth can you have the audacity to talk about past MLP administrations?
Joseph Pellicano
kemm jarawh sabih lil dan ir ragel, min ittih arlog, min jihdu safra bxejn, min issewilu id dar bxejn, min jigborlu il flus ghal kampanja eletorali, tidirlu il madona, gonzi jemnu baghjnejh maluqa,kwazi il ministri kolla warajh fit teliqa ghal vici kap, ghadni ma nistax nifem kief simon qelibilu lil tonio fit teliqa ghal vici kap bdawn il virtuit kolla.
• Labour candidate David Farrugia Sacco - the lawyer for the Farrugia brothers - of having lied about the role of his own brother Steven Farrugia Sacco, an IT expert, in the IT audit that was carried out into the George Farrugia emails; SFS is said to have worked "in conjunction" with an independent IT expert appointed by Powerplan.......SAVIOUR TISTA TGHIDILNA JEKK KENITX DIN IL PERSUNA LI GHADDIETLEK IL HARD DISK? U GHALIEX IPPRUVAJTU TIMPLIKAW BISS MEMBRI TAL PN U HALLEJTU BARRA LIL PL????????????
The more I read and listen to PN press conferences, the more I confirm that our poor country has been run by amateurish ministers. At long last the Hon. Minister's memory seems to be getting clearer and clearer day-by-day. For some reason or other it seems that LP have been right all along about this issue.
Poor thing! He did not recall George Farrugia coming to his house but only his brother. I think that our dear minister needs some urgent treatment for memory loss! What a silly story! It sounds less credible than Alice in Wonderland.
Storja afaxxinanti li qal Tonio Fenech ! Wara kollox dawn kollha membri tal-istess familja ta' GonziPN !
Counting other people's sins,does not make you a saint.We need to pass the Whistle blower act.
There are many people who admire me but I have yet to meet one who would willingly give me an arlogg tal-lira! Even if Minister Fenech does not resign for corruption, he should resign for a) lying, b) calling people liars and suing them/wasting the courts' time c) admitting his naivite in accepting such gifts for nothing d) crass stupidity. I'm also not sure about what the Ministers' Code of Ethics says about accepting/declaring gifts of this size from people in business. But then again, Minister Fenech is an expert at accepting 'ethical' unsolicited gifts like free trips on private jets, having work done on his house etc., without being obliged to resign.
Issa jrid jilghaba li huwa gustuz ukoll. Iftah fan club, Tonio. Semmieh x'ahna sbieh min jaf jarana. Mur inheba xbin. Shame on you Minister Fenech.
Luke Camilleri
Inkwetata is-seftura ...u mhux ghax ma hallsulhiex il-bolla......imma marret tfarfar l'Arlogg u ma sabithux! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=425622557522787&set=a.116533868431659.27986.100002251393942&type=1&theater
Extremely hilarious. That's what Tonio's comments are becoming .... absolutely hilarious!
Igor P. Shuvalov
Oh come-on!! How long are we going to hear such stupid excuses. Give us a break and go back discussing your political programmes.
TONIO FENECH IS FINISHED!! Dear God, help Malta get over this election ASAP, and please castigate LAWRENCE GONZI and all his advisors for making Malta suffer this hellishly long electioneering process of 1 year and three months.
Maybe the Honourable Minsiter Tonio Fenech, deems it opportune to give a breakdown of all the 'gifts' for appreciation/admiration he has ammassed, since he began so unselfishly sacrificing himself, to be of such sterling service to us all.
Mela jekk dan il-........ tant hu ammirevoli li taghtu arlogg ta' Eur5000, lil Brad Pitt, Raul Bova, George Clooney, Antonio Banderas etc x'ittihom, il-Big Ben jew? HALLUNA TRIDU.
Now he remembers!!!! The poor man......honestly, how can he possibly remember all the people who admire him ever so much. Give the man a break. When you are as steeped in integrity as he is, you are bound to be overwhelmed by public admiration and adulation.